La APB habilita una zona de aparcamiento adicional en el puerto de Eivissa durante la temporada baja

La APB habilita una zona de aparcamiento adicional en el puerto de Eivissa durante la temporada baja


As the low season arrives, the port's operational needs are fewer, so from tomorrow, 22 November, until 15 March, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), in collaboration with Eivissa Town Council, will set up an additional parking area on Avda. Santa Eulàlia in Eivissa, next to the Ribera Poniente quay and opposite the Formentera Maritime Station and the Club Náutico Ibiza yacht club. As in previous years, this area that is made available to citizens to solve the problem of finding parking in the city centre during the winter.

The work on Palma’s Seafront Promenade begins

The work on Palma’s Seafront Promenade begins


As planned, the works for the remodelling of Palma's promenade began this Friday, 18 November, one month after the signing of the contract with the joint venture between the Mallorcan companies Melchor Mascaró, Vopsa, Urbient and Aglomsa, and the day after the pre-construction review document was signed. Once the planning meetings of the agents involved in the work terminated, the first signs and barriers were installed late in the morning in the Paraires area. The remodelling work will consist of three phases, plus an initial preparation phase. This phase 0, which is the one that started today and will last until the beginning of 2023, will involve the preliminary actions necessary to start the works, such as accesses to fords, removal of some curbs, signalling and installation of barriers and temporary relocation of bus stops and traffic lights. Parking spaces will not be affected until after the Christmas holidays. Palma’s new Seafront Promenade starts with a new image that symbolises a new space in the city near the sea, giving people a better quality of life, fresh vegetation and a more pleasant environment. The APB has launched an information management plan to keep users, neighbours, businessmen and society in general informed about the development of the works and future actions that may affect them through the web portal Information on the project, as well as notices of public interest as the works progress, will be published on the digital platform launched today

Today and tomorrow the APB is hosting the 5th Technical Conference on Port Archives

Today and tomorrow the APB is hosting the 5th Technical Conference on Port Archives


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is hosting the 5th Technical Conference on Port Archives, entitled 'The archive, a time capsule', starting today. For two days, experts in port archiving and researchers will present their points of view on the general characteristics and strategic dimension of the documentary collections of port archives. First of all, the director of the Arxiu del Regne de Mallorca, Ricard Urgell, will review the existing documentation on the port of the city of Palma between the 15th and 18th centuries. Later, the archive of the Port Authority of Huelva will be presented as a research model and the documentary heritage of the MITMA general archive. The conference will include two round tables. The first, this Thursday, will deal with the historical archives of the Spanish port system in the 21st century. The following day will offer a practical vision of electronic administration and archiving through the cases of the port authorities of Ferrol, Cartagena and the Balearic Islands. Other presentations will look at the port documentation housed in the National Historical Archive, the model of cooperation between institutions of the Balearic Islands Historical Archives Platform and artificial intelligence as a mechanism to facilitate the dissemination of documentary archives.

150th anniversary Port-city
The improvement of energy efficiency of the lighting in the port of Alcúdia will reduce energy consumption by 50%

The improvement of energy efficiency of the lighting in the port of Alcúdia will reduce energy consumption by 50%


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will improve the lighting installations in the port of Alcúdia in order to reduce energy consumption and its associated cost by half the current consumption. The actions resulting from the analysis of the lighting in the different premises and areas will entail fundamental changes in the equipment and operation of the entire system, aimed at providing all areas of the port with uniform lighting values. The main action, which began this November, consists of the creation of new lighting points and the replacement of most of the lighting of the 739 current points with more efficient LEDs, resulting in an energy saving of 50%. In addition, the management of the lighting point control panels will be renewed and unified, and a remote management and point-to-point control system will be set up for the entire lighting installation in the port area. Work is currently continuing with the construction of new electrical conduits in the areas where new lighting will be installed and the replacement of the necessary supports to standardise their typology, with heights ranging from 3 to 20 metres. Savings of 50% The current energy consumption of the port is estimated at 838,016 kWh/year. With the changes proposed, the new project will reduce this by more than half. The company awarded the contract is ELECNOR, SERVICIOS Y PROYECTOS, S.A., with a budget of €809,043.34, and a completion period of 5 months. This investment is expected to create 20 direct jobs. Different areas coexist in the port, such as those with exclusive access for port activity and public spaces, areas used by light and heavy vehicles or pedestrians, and goods transport sectors. In all of them, the Regulation on Energy Efficiency in Exterior Lighting Installations and the Guide to Energy Management in Ports will be complied with.

Environment and CSR Port-city Technology and innovation
Work on the Formentor lighthouse road to resume on 14 November

Work on the Formentor lighthouse road to resume on 14 November


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will resume work on the structural reinforcement of the earth retaining wall on the access road to the Formentor lighthouse on 14 November. From that day onwards, and in coordination with the different administrations, access to the lighthouse will be closed to all traffic and persons not involved in the works, at the car park at the Cape Formentor viewpoint. The works are scheduled to be completed on 23 January 2023. On 22 June 2022, with the reinforcement work partially completed, the road was partially opened for reasons of public interest and the start of the tourist season. Now the lining of the retaining wall will be completed with a dry stone wall to be built before the summer. Notice boards will soon be installed at the roundabout at the Formentor beach car park.

Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
Work on Palma’s new promenade will begin on 18 November

Work on Palma’s new promenade will begin on 18 November


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) today informed the stakeholders affected by the remodelling of Palma’s new seafront promenade that work will begin on Friday 18 November. It has also provided details of the construction work and the different phases scheduled during the 20 months that it will last. The aim of this entire project is to achieve a consolidated and safe infrastructure that involves less inconvenience and allows for more efficient and effective performance of the works. These will begin one month after the signing of the contract with the joint venture between the Mallorcan companies Melchor Mascaró, Vopsa, Urbient and Aglomsa, and the day after the signing of the document verifying readiness for construction, which indicates when the work on the project begins. The remodelling work will consist of three phases, plus an initial preparation phase. Phase 0, which will last until the beginning of 2023, will involve the preliminary actions necessary to start the works, such as access to fords, removal of some kerbs, signposting and placement of barriers. Parking spaces will not be affected until after the Christmas holidays. Four traffic lanes With regard to traffic, four lanes (two in each direction) will be maintained along the entire route and throughout the works, and before starting, specific remodelling of the current pavement on the sea side must be carried out to convert it into a carriageway. Therefore, the first phase will be on the land side, without initially affecting the terraces of any businesses. It will entail widening the pavement in order to maintain the pedestrian route and accessibility to the premises. The next phase will be on the sea side, so the traffic lanes will be moved to the already remodelled section of the land area. Continuous communication Stakeholders, who met today at the APB’s institutional headquarters, were also informed of the implementation of an information management plan to keep users, residents, businessmen and society in general informed of the development of the works and future actions that may affect them. These will include the creation of a microsite or digital platform where information on the project will be published, as well as notices of public interest as the works progress. Meetings will also be held with stakeholders and the public will be informed through social networks, the media and other forms of communication.

Port-city Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
The European Union will subsidise 40% of the investment in Cold Ironing in the ports of Palma, Alcúdia, Eivissa and Maó

The European Union will subsidise 40% of the investment in Cold Ironing in the ports of Palma, Alcúdia, Eivissa and Maó


The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda has provisionally approved the subsidy for the Programme to Support Sustainable and Digital Transport on a competitive basis, financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU, awarded to the port authorities of the Balearic Islands and Barcelona for the implementation of electric land connection systems for ships. This technique, known as cold ironing, is an alternative for ships to turn off their engines and consequently eliminate the noise and their polluting impact while they are moored in port. The commissioning of these facilities in the Balearic Islands is planned for the second half of 2024 and will involve an investment of 12.3 million euros, 40% of which will be financed by the European Union. It will be specifically implemented in the ports of Palma (Paraires and Commercial docks), Alcúdia (Ponent docks), Eivissa (Botafoc docks) and Maó (Cós Nou). The first cold ironing system was installed by the APB at the Paraires quay in the port of Palma, and is prepared to connect to the electricity grid, although not simultaneously, a ferry-type vessel with a maximum power demand of 1,600 kW (medium voltage) and another fast ferry-type vessel with a demand of 800 kW (low voltage). For the on-shore electrical connection, the system has 275 metres of medium voltage underground lines, a transformation centre and a frequency elevating substation in the service area of the port of Palma. Support for institutions In this respect, the support of the local institutions has been unanimous: town councils, island councils and the Government of the Balearic Islands have signed a letter of endorsement that accompanies the initiative, with the conviction that climate neutrality and the will of the ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands to be as respectful as possible of the environment is a common objective. When in port, ships use their auxiliary engines to produce electricity during loading, unloading and mooring operations. Although the amount of emissions produced during the mooring phase is less than during the maritime traffic phase itself, in this case the pollutants emitted directly affect the air quality of the population centres near the port, as well as the port itself. The use of electrical energy from the national grid means a reduction in the emissions produced by the ship, as the emission factor per MWh of the grid’s generators is much lower than that of the ship's auxiliary engines.

Environment and CSR Next Generation UE Technology and innovation Transport and infrastructure
The climate change adaptation plan for the ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands was submitted

The climate change adaptation plan for the ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands was submitted


The rise in sea level as a result of climate change may leave some port infrastructures inoperative, such as docks and piers, as well as affect the stability of some docks due to the impact of more frequent storms that cause larger waves. These are some of the conclusions of a study prepared by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and commissioned by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), which presents a plan for adaptation to climate change for ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands, as well as a proposal for measures and adaptation paths to prevent possible risks. Antoni Ginard, head of Planning and Infrastructures of the APB has stressed the willingness of the public body to adapt infrastructures while working to mitigate climate change: 'We must adapt in time to ensure that the ports can continue to fulfil their primary mission, which is the supply of goods and passenger transport'. UPC professors Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla and Joan Pau Sierra presented the adaptation plan for the five ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands and the marinas of Portitxol and es Molinar, in Palma. Two climate scenarios have been considered in the study, one moderate and the other pessimistic. The first assumes that people will increase their awareness of the effects of climate change and active international policies will be adopted in order to reduce emissions. This is the most plausible scenario if some international agreements, such as the Paris Agreement (2015), are implemented. The worst-case scenario may occur if some of the major emitting countries do not adopt aggressive climate change mitigation policies or if actions that accelerate climate change continue. At the same time, these scenarios have been compared with two time variables, one in the short-medium term (2026-2045) and the other in the long term (2081-2100). Conclusions In this context, in the second period up to 2100, it is clear that the problems of inoperability of quays and jetties will increase, as the rise in sea level will be between 50 centimetres and 1 metre, depending on the scenario at that time. It will therefore be necessary to raise the level of some quays, replace fixed jetties with floating ones and increase the frequency of dredging in ports. The docks for pleasure boats will be the most affected in this case, especially the Portitxol (Palma) dock, where the entire breakwater will have to be modified. The rise in sea level, together with the increase in the magnitude of the waves, could also cause damage to the dikes, either displacing the breakwater blocks or compromising the stability of some of them. To do this, different solutions are proposed depending on the type of breakwater, such as the construction of breakwaters, reinforcement of the banks or changing the type and weight of the breakwater blocks. Together with the study of the degree of exposure and level of vulnerability of the ports and the proposal for action in the port infrastructures, a Risk Atlas and a Climate Alert plan have been drawn up for each of the ports studied. Climate adaptation pathways have also been developed, determining the points of no return so that the APB can take decisions that are ahead of the impacts of climate change and ensure that the port infrastructures can continue to be fully operational at all times.

Environment and CSR Port-city Transport and infrastructure
The effects of climate change could leave inoperative some docks or piers of the ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands

The effects of climate change could leave inoperative some docks or piers of the ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands


The rise in sea level as a result of climate change may leave some port infrastructures inoperative, such as docks and piers, as well as affect the stability of some docks due to the impact of more frequent storms that cause larger waves. These are some of the conclusions of a study prepared by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and commissioned by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), which presents a plan for adaptation to climate change for ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands, as well as a proposal for measures and adaptation paths to prevent possible risks. The study concludes that the rise in sea level will produce a reduction in the freeboard of the docks and piers where vessels are moored or some services provided to them are located, sometimes to the point of no longer being operational or flooding the mooring structure that is below the waterline. The rise in sea level, together with the increase in the magnitude of the waves, could also cause damage to the dikes, either displacing the breakwater blocks or compromising the stability of some of them. Two climate scenarios have been considered in the study, one moderate and the other pessimistic. The first assumes that people will increase their awareness of the effects of climate change and active international policies will be adopted in order to reduce emissions. This is the most plausible scenario if some international agreements, such as the Paris Agreement (2015), are implemented. The worst-case scenario may occur if some of the major emitting countries do not adopt aggressive climate change mitigation policies or if actions that accelerate climate change continue. At the same time, these scenarios have been compared with two time variables, one in the short-medium term (2026-2045) and the other in the long term (2081-2100). Climate adaptation pathways The study on adaptation to the effects of climate change drafted by the UPC is recognised for its innovation, since it is the first time that a plan involving adaptation pathways of infrastructures in the port areas has been carried out. This required previously determining the degree of exposure and level of vulnerability of the five ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands (Palma, Alcúdia, Maó, Eivissa and La Savina), plus the marinas of es Molinar and es Portitxol, in Palma. Firstly, a proposal for action in port infrastructures had to be made, in order to adapt them to the effects that will occur in the short, medium and long term. Secondly, a Risk Atlas and a Climate Alert Plan have been drawn up for each of the ports studied, and climate adaptation paths developed, determining the points of no return so that the APB can make decisions that anticipate the impacts of climate change and ensure that port infrastructures can continue to be fully operational at all times.

Environment and CSR Port-city Transport and infrastructure
The APB increases by more than 56 thousand square metres the area dedicated to the repair and maintenance of vessels in the port of Palma

The APB increases by more than 56 thousand square metres the area dedicated to the repair and maintenance of vessels in the port of Palma


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved yesterday, in an ordinary session, a modification of the concession of the technical area for the repair and maintenance of vessels located in the commercial docks of the port of Palma, managed by the Port’s Technical Services (STP), extending its surface area by more than 56,000 square metres, so that the companies in this sector could have more space in which to offer their services. Thus, an additional public domain area of 56,626 square metres, of which 31,993 correspond to land and 24,632 correspond to water, is added to the existing area. In this technical area (open dry dock), more than 400 companies authorised by the APB and 2,000 workers carry out their activities and will benefit from this extension of the surface area. At the same time, a major investment will be made in order to reduce the environmental impact and to comply with the relevant sustainability criteria, so an extension of the concession period of just over two years has been granted to the manager of the open slipway. Consequently, the new end date of the concession will be 31 December 2027. At the same Board meeting, it was agreed to process the application for project competition for a new concession in the adjacent area located in the southwest of the commercial docks, with a total area of 120,000 square metres of land and water, submitted by the company Astilleros de Mallorca.

Environment and CSR Technology and innovation Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
Lluc Julià: “Rephotography serves to expose the landscape we have spoiled and to reclaim what we have been able to preserve”

Lluc Julià: “Rephotography serves to expose the landscape we have spoiled and to reclaim what we have been able to preserve”


Lluc Julià Fàbregues (Barcelona, 1969) is a graphic designer specialising in editorial content. Since 2003 she has been capturing the change experienced in the islands over the last century through rephotographs, a technique that consists of repeating a photograph of the same site, with a time lag between images, documenting the past and present of a specific area. To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the APB, a collection of rephotographs of the ports and lighthouses of the past and present has been commissioned to go down in history. How did the idea of these rephotographs come about? The idea came from the book Voyage en Inde, a book of rephotography by the Italian Antonio Martinelli based on engravings of Hindu temples from the period of British rule in India. I thought it was a great way to illustrate the state of the heritage of a particular place and space. Later I came across Die Balearen, the work of Archduke Ludwig Salvator of Austria, and thought it was a perfect opportunity for me to use rephotography. Not knowing to what extent the engravings are true to life made me unsure at the beginning. However, I soon realised that the archduke's encyclopaedic philosophy reveals the few artistic licences he allowed himself, such as, in some cases, minor modifications of scale and perspective or the addition of a trivial element. Another aspect I value in this project is giving visibility to the archduke's work beyond his character. What do you look for to make such careful compositions? Once you have located the exact place from where the original image was taken, which is not always possible, we must consider three essential elements: perspective, framing and the time of day. We cannot always count on all three, but the closer you get, the better the result. How do you go about locating the spaces? First of all, I try to locate them from home using Google Maps. This is a first filter that allows me to see possibilities and discard impossible or very complicated rephotographs. At this point it is also important to determine whether the original image is taken in the morning or at dusk, so that I can go at a time when the light is as close as possible to that of the original. With this preliminary task you can tackle the fieldwork with a lot of work done and a better chance of success. However, I have had to go to most of the locations more than once, either because of a mistake with the perspective, with the time of day or because of bad weather, which also happens quite often... You started to rephotograph the islands on the basis of the Die Balearen engravings and now based on old photographs for the APB. What has surprised you most about what you have learned? There are many aspects that you already expect when you compare the present and the future, such as urban growth. On the other hand, what has surprised me most is how the vegetation has gained ground. Both the archduke's engravings and the old photos show bare islands with practically no vegetation. I haven’t been able to capture many of the landscapes of Die Balearen because the vegetation has prevented me from accessing the exact spot or has completely blocked my view. In general, have the landscapes improved or worsened? These projects serve to expose the landscape that we have spoiled and to reclaim what we have been able to preserve. This can also be applied to architectural heritage. What motivates me about photography is being able to create tools to raise awareness, in an attractive, understandable and even playful way, of the impact the human footprint has on the environment itself, especially on the natural and cultural heritage of the Balearic Islands. A place that moves you. I couldn't pinpoint a specific place from those I have rephotographed that particularly moves me. What I can describe is an exciting moment: When I find the exact place from where the original image was taken and I think of the person who was there 100 years ago or more, capturing it from the same place. This kind of project is made possible by technology. Will electronic devices replace paper? Are you an ebook or a book person? Technology helps a lot in this type of project and it is admirable how such an incredible work of art as Die Balearen could be done with the technical means of the time. There is no doubt that today's technology gives us the opportunity to reveal our work to a lot of people with very little effort. I personally believe that electronic devices and paper are complementary to one another. In many ways mobiles have replaced paper, but I don't think they will make it disappear. I read both ebooks and physical books, but I prefer the latter. I am a graphic designer specialising in editorial and content design and I like to have a well-edited book in my hands. In this case, for example, the ebook has many limitations.

150th anniversary Port-city
The exhibition 'Ports d’un temps' (Ports of a time) shows port life through old photographs

The exhibition 'Ports d’un temps' (Ports of a time) shows port life through old photographs


From 14 October to 5 January, the institutional headquarters of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will be hosting the exhibition Ports d’un temps (Ports of a time), jointly organised by Fotos Antiguas de Mallorca (FAM) and the APB, as part of the celebration of the institution’s 150th anniversary. The intention is to look into the past to take us on an emotional journey to many places in the ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands. The journey unfolds through the eyes of the protagonists who lived through those times and who left a great cultural legacy so that we can enjoy those moments today. Along this journey we will be able to visit emblematic neighbourhoods like the Jonquet, the Old Quay, Dalt Vila, etc. We will also be able to learn about the customs and habits of the people who lived there and who in some way are the precursors of today’s society. This exhibition has obtained photographs from the Historical Archive of the APB and the photographic collection provided by FAM, which is made up of four photographers who were the protagonists of this journey: Bartolomé Reus Bordoy, Antonio Llodrá, Melchor Guardia and the Sastre Palmer family. EXHIBITION OPENING HOURS Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: From 10:00 to 15:00 Friday: From 14:00 to 19:00 Sunday: From 11:00 to 14:00

150th anniversary Port-city