Firefighters from the Consell Insular de Menorca and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands take part in a terrorist attack drill inside a ship docked in the port of Maó

Firefighters from the Consell Insular de Menorca and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands take part in a terrorist attack drill inside a ship docked in the port of Maó


This morning, firefighters from the Consell Insular de Menorca (CIME) and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) took part in a simulated terrorist attack on board a ship in the port of Maó belonging to the Trasmed shipping company, which was docked at the Cós Nou docks. In the drill, they had to extinguish a fire in the holds of the ferry caused by a bomb explosion and evacuate two injured people who required urgent medical assistance. In addition to the Fire Brigade, APB and Trasmed security officers, the Civil Guard, Emergencies 112, Port Police, port pilots, the Harbour Master’s Office and the Government Delegation took part in the drill. The drill began at half past nine in the morning and lasted two hours. It simulated a passenger on board the Ciudad de Barcelona entering a restricted area of the hull without authorisation during the journey. Once in port, an explosion occurred inside a vehicle in the garage, injuring the crew. The APB activated the various plans established for both civil protection and the fight against terrorism, proceeding first to cordon off the area and evacuate both passengers and crew. Once the firefighters had accessed the ship to take charge of the fire and the injured, a package suspected of containing a second explosive device was located. The Civil Police then identified the person who had entered the restricted area of the ship and who appeared to be the owner of the suspicious package. Suddenly, the owner of the package pulls out a gun and takes a person hostage. At this point, hostage-taking procedures are activated in the port. Fire brigade agreement This drill is part of the third agreement signed between the CIME and the APB on prevention, fire extinguishing, rescue and civil protection, for which the Fire Brigade receives training and an annual financial contribution of 55,000 euros to become the APB’s own intervention team for emergencies in the port of Maó.

Transport and infrastructure
The Plastic-Free Menorca Alliance finances the installation of a filtered water fountain in the port of Maó to reduce the use of plastic bottles

The Plastic-Free Menorca Alliance finances the installation of a filtered water fountain in the port of Maó to reduce the use of plastic bottles


Since yesterday, visitors strolling through the port of Maó will be able to refill their water bottles thanks to the installation of a filtered water fountain financed by Menorca Preservation, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) and the Cleanwave Foundation. The filtered water fountain has been installed on the Levante quay and will become part of the network of refill points promoted by the Cleanwave Movement, an initiative of the Cleanwave Foundation, offering free access to drinking water to people in the area so they can refill their bottles and thus avoid buying single-use plastic ones. Currently, this network has more than 60 public fountains installed in the Balearic Islands and can be found through its free app. Thanks to additional funding, Menorca Preservation will work to expand this network in Menorca through the Menorca Sin Plástico Alliance. The initiative stems from the identification of the use of plastic bottles as an important element of pollution within the “Action Plan for the reduction of plastic pollution in Menorca 2030“ developed by the Plastic-Free Menorca Alliance in 2021 together with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In view of this, the Action Plan proposed the installation of filtered drinking water fountains at the busiest tourist spots in order to reduce the use of bottled water on the island. The Cleanwave Foundation estimates that since 2017, through the installation of these fountains, they have managed to avoid the use of more than 3,300,000 plastic bottles (0.5l). In addition, according to data from the Cleanwave Foundation, it is estimated that in the Balearic Islands 1.5 million single-use plastic bottles are used daily, twice as many as in the rest of Spain. They also calculate that 92% of the waste on the beaches of the Mediterranean islands is plastic, 40% of which corresponds to single-use plastic bottles, and that, specifically, more than 8 million tonnes of plastic bottles end up in the sea each year. The APB is collaborating in the project and has taken charge of the installation and maintenance of the fountain. According to the delegate of the port of Maó, Vicent Fullana, “the commitment of the APB to the reduction of plastic is actually being put into practice, as you can see from the elimination of single-use plastics at the five ports of general interest that it manages, through an internal instruction in force since October 2020. It is no longer just a reduction of waste, but a change in company culture, which we are now also passing on to port users”.

Environment and CSR Port-city
From the sea to the city: Gravity Wave creates street furniture made from recycled fishing nets for Palma harbour

From the sea to the city: Gravity Wave creates street furniture made from recycled fishing nets for Palma harbour


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands and the Gravity Wave association have a clear objective: to live in a world with plastic-free seas. In this quest they have joined forces under the PLASTIC FREE OCEANS movement to restore the health of the oceans. In the first phase of the campaign, 10,000kg of plastic have been removed from the sea. Now, they have proposed to close the loop in the circular economy, giving a second life to these fishing nets that have been collected and transformed into urban furniture for different Spanish coastal cities such as Calpe and, mainly, Palma. Specifically, 10 benches and 10 litter bins have been delivered, 8 of each in Palma. These items have been on display to the public since 21 March, following an opening ceremony attended by the director of the APB, Jorge Nasarre the CEO of Gravity Wave, Julen Rodríguez Miriam Arístegui, from Alcat Alianzas Estratégicas y Partnerships and Domingo Bonnín, president of the Cofradía de Pescadores de San Pedro de Palma (San Pedro de Palma Fishermen's Guild). The aim of this event was to highlight World Water Day and the importance of caring for water, especially the oceans. Gravity Wave Gravity Wave is a social, circular economy and environmentally conscious company, driven to solve one of humanity's greatest challenges: plastic pollution of seas and oceans. They clean plastic from the seabed and transform it into valuable, long-lasting products through a circular economy process. They also prevent the plastic that is still generated from ending up back in the water. That is why they work together with fishermen, people, companies and organisations through the movement #PlasticFreeOceans.

Environment and CSR Port-city Transport and infrastructure
The president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Francesc Antich Oliver, submits his resignation due to health issues

The president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Francesc Antich Oliver, submits his resignation due to health issues


The president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), Francesc Antich, today formally asked the president of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, to accept his resignation from the post due to health issues that prevent him from continuing with his commitment at the head of the port authority, and to pass this request on to the Governing Council. Francesc Antich submitted his resignation this morning through the registry of the autonomous administration, which will come into effect at the end of November. Francesc Antich Oliver was appointed president of the APB on 26 September 2020 by a ministerial order published in the Official State Gazette, following his appointment to the post by the Governing Council of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands. Antich has been President of the Government of the Balearic Islands in two legislatures (1999-2003 and 2007-2011). From 2011 to 2019 he was a Spanish senator appointed by the Parliament of the Balearic Islands and in 2019 commissioner of the Government of the Balearic Islands in Madrid. Before becoming president of the APB, he was an attorney for the Municipal Housing and Neighbourhood Rehabilitation Board of the Palma City Council.

The APB brings its 150th anniversary to a close with an institutional event at the Port Centre

The APB brings its 150th anniversary to a close with an institutional event at the Port Centre


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has brought to a close a year of commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the body that gave rise to the APB, the Port of Palma Board of Works, with an institutional event attended by representatives of civil society, the port community and political authorities. Among them were the president of the Government, Francina Armengol the president of Puertos del Estado, Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena, the delegate of the Government, Aina Calvo and the president of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands, Vicenç Thomàs, and others. Also present were the members of the APB's Board of Directors and former presidents, directors and secretaries of the institution. The event combined videos on the past, present and future of the APB with speeches by the leading authorities. Jaume Colom, president of the APB, took the opportunity to highlight the role of the people who have made possible "a modern development of our ports, which has had a direct impact on the economic growth of our islands over the last century". People, most of them "anonymous, proud and jealous of their daily work", he added. "Men and women whose daily activities, whether more extensive or more specific, make the complex operations of the ports so essential and vital in the islands for the supply and transport of citizens". The most moving moment of the event was the tribute to former presidents, directors and secretaries of the APB, represented by Rafael Soler and Pere Bonet. The former is the longest living director, while Bonet is the last lighthouse keeper of the Portopí lighthouse in the port of Palma. On behalf of all those present, they were presented with the first two issues of the lithographs produced by the artist Marta Ruiz Anguera for the occasion, which will be given to the workers of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands. After the speeches by Rodríguez Dapena and Francina Armengol, the commemorative plaque that will be displayed at the entrance to the recently inaugurated institutional headquarters was unveiled. The person in charge of doing the honours was María del Carmen Vico, the institution's youngest employee, as a symbol of the succession of generations and the public commitment to society that the APB has assumed since its foundation. The wording on the plaque is dedicated to the men and women who have made the port their public service mission, preserving the legacy of their predecessors and passing it on to future generations. 'De tot cor’ The theme 'De tot cor', on loan from the Mallorcan artist Tomeu Penya, has been the motto of the 150th anniversary of the public body. The event ended with a brief performance by Tomeu Penya playing the guitar, as a final token of gratitude and a vision of the future. 150 years of history A wide range of different activities have marked a year of celebration and projection towards the future. From publications, exhibitions to congresses and cultural shows, the five ports have hosted the scheduled events. The aim of these anniversaries is to remember as well as to strengthen the spirit of service of the port authority towards the port community and society in general. A mission with different names and competencies over time, which seeks to respond more effectively to the daily challenges that arise in the port area, adapting and modernising the port facilities and services in order to improve the fluidity and comfort of goods and passenger traffic.

150th anniversary History Port-city
The APB and the Palma City Council will set up three park-and-ride car parks with capacity for more than one thousand vehicles at the Seafront Promenade and the frequency of the EMT bus service will be increased

The APB and the Palma City Council will set up three park-and-ride car parks with capacity for more than one thousand vehicles at the Seafront Promenade and the frequency of the EMT bus service will be increased


Representatives of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) and Palma City Council met today with the stakeholders involved in the remodelling of the new Promenade to raise various mobility-related issues. The meeting was attended by the councillor for Infrastructures and Accessibility, Angélica Pastor, and the head of Planning and Infrastructures of the APB, Antoni Ginard. Cort explained that two plots of land have been identified in the area that will be used as temporary park-and-ride lots with a capacity for 950 vehicles. The APB will also gradually remove the parking spaces to adapt to the new proposed sites and 108 parking spaces will be maintained on the seaward side throughout phase 1 of the works (end of 2023) and phase 2 (first half of 2024). This will enable 92 parking spaces to be maintained, plus 9 parking spaces for loading and unloading and 7 for people with reduced mobility. A first park-and-ride area will be set up in Federico García Lorca Street with a capacity for about 150 parking spaces. Palma City Council is carrying out a series of improvements so that it can become operational at the beginning of 2023. The site will be cleaned, lighting will be installed, railings will be fixed, the slope will be levelled off, the land will be adapted and the parking spaces will be organised. The car park at Les Golondrinas quay, with a capacity for 80 vehicles, will also be opened to the public. In addition, there will be a 30,000 square metre site next to CLH with a capacity for 800 parking spaces. The administrative procedures will now be launched to enable it to be used as a temporary deterrent parking area for access to the city's Western zone. The work to be carried out includes the installation of the water collection network, as well as lighting and paving, among others. The existing trees will be maintained. It is expected to be operational in the first quarter of 2023. This car park will be connected to line 1 of the EMT, which will increase its frequency, and which currently connects the area to the city centre. At the same time, the APB will maintain the parking areas in the middle of the Promenade during the first quarter of the year, while the deterrent park-and-ride facility is being set up. The parking areas are actually located at Pl. Mediterránea, Marina Puerto de Mallorca, Aigo Dolça and Auditórium. In addition to the new car parks to be set up, there are others in the area, such as the Marquès de la Sènia municipal, the Estación Marítima and the Joan Miró 55 car parks, among others. Furthermore, the s'Aigo Dolça car park, with a capacity for 117 vehicles, will be operational from 2024. Once the works on the new Promenade have been completed, four Bicipalma public bicycle dock stations will be installed. Four traffic lanes As for traffic, four lanes (two in each direction) will be maintained along the entire route and practically throughout the entire construction period, as has been the case until now. In addition, specific work is currently being carried out on the existing pavement on the sea side to convert it into a roadway. A pedestrian promenade The promenade project is defined as "a promenade for pedestrians". Therefore, the pedestrian area will be increased from 29.5 to 39.7%, and the pavements in the area furthest from the sea, which are now between 2.5 and 5 metres wide, will then be 5 to 10 metres wide. This will guarantee that terraces, green areas, parking, bus stops, containers, etc. can all be used without encroaching on the pedestrian precinct. The departments of Infrastructures, Mobility and City Model, Decent Housing and Sustainability have been coordinated in order to carry out the actions in both areas.

Port-city Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
Jaume Colom Adrover takes office as president of the APB

Jaume Colom Adrover takes office as president of the APB


The order of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda has been published today in the Official State Gazette (BOE) appointing Jaume Colom Adrover as the new president of the Port Authority (APB), replacing Francesc Antich Oliver. In accordance with the provisions of Article 31.1 of the revised text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy (TRLPEMM), the president of the Port Authority will be appointed by the competent body of the Autonomous Community. Once the Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda has been notified, it will be published in the corresponding Official Gazette and in the Official State Gazette. Professional career Born in Sóller in 1960 and graduated in Law from the Universitat de les Illes Balears in 1983, Colom was until now the secretary general of the Balearic Ministry for the economic model, tourism and employment, a position he has held since 2019. Previously, he also served as secretary general of the Ministry of Labour, Trade and Industry from 2017 to 2019. The new president of the Port Authority had already been part of the Board of Directors of this entity for six years, coinciding with his time as chief of staff of the delegate of the Spanish Government in the Balearic Islands (2004 to 2011). Colom was councillor of the Town Council of Sóller from 1987 to 2003, both in the opposition and in the government team director-general of Public Administration of the Government of the Balearic Islands, from 1999 to 2003 elected councillor of the Consell de Mallorca, from 2011 to 2015 technical secretary of the Department of Land Planning and Infrastructures of the Council of Mallorca, between 2015 and 2016, and technical secretary of the Department of Culture, Heritage and Sports of this same institution from 2016 to 2017.

Estrella Rental Houses will manage the bar-restaurant of the Maritime Station of the port of Alcúdia

Estrella Rental Houses will manage the bar-restaurant of the Maritime Station of the port of Alcúdia


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has agreed in ordinary session to choose the company Estrella Rental Houses as the most advantageous solution in the public tender called for the management of a bar-cafeteria-restaurant in the maritime station of the port of Alcúdia. This company will then operate two premises integrated in the building, on two floors, with a surface area of 109 square metres, one of 49 square metres on the ground floor for a bar-cafeteria and the other of 60 square metres on the mezzanine floor for a restaurant. Estrella Rental Houses will propose the arrangement and installation of furniture, such as tables and chairs, which can be used indifferently by both terminal users, regardless of whether or not they have ordered anything or spent any money in the bar-restaurant-cafeteria, and by the concessionaire's customers. As stated in the tender specifications, the company awarded the contract will pay particular attention to the planning of the services and their schedules according to the stopovers of passenger ships, so that the establishment must remain open during the embarkation of passengers. The annual amount of the occupation fee will be EUR 14,470. The company awarded the contract has offered an annual improvement of EUR 1,000, in addition to the 4% of turnover required in the tender specifications. The authorisation will be valid for ten years.

Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
Pruning and felling of trees on Palma's Maritime Promenade begins, and more than 70 of them will be replanted

Pruning and felling of trees on Palma's Maritime Promenade begins, and more than 70 of them will be replanted


The signposting and preparation for the scheduled pruning and felling of some trees on Palma’s Maritime Promenade has begun this morning. This first clearing phase will last until 30 December and mainly affects the median line in front of the Balearic Oceanographic Centre. Subsequently, from 2 to 5 January 2023, a new phase will be started that involves reserving space for further felling in the area in front of the Gran Melià Victoria. More trees, palm trees and gardens As the proposal presented by the Martínez Lapeña-Torres Arquitectes architectural study explains, around 70 of the felled trees are expected to be replanted. As a result, the promenade will have three times as many trees and twice as many palm trees and flowerbeds (increasing from 9.7 to 20% in an area of 36,487 square metres). This will result in a total of 1,820 new trees, including 512 palm trees, 69 replanted specimens and 20 new species.

Port-city Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
The President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Mayor of Palma and the APB visit the construction site to see the progress on Palma’s seafront promenade

The President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Mayor of Palma and the APB visit the construction site to see the progress on Palma’s seafront promenade


The President of the Government, Francina Armengol, and the Mayor of Palma, José Hila, today visited the remodelling work on Palma’s new promenade, accompanied by the President of the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB), Jaume Colom, and the head of Planning and Infrastructures of the APB, Antoni Ginard. The latter explained to those present the phases into which the intervention will be divided and different mobility-related issues. Also present were the councillors for Infrastructures and Accessibility, Angélica Pastor, and for the City Model, Decent Housing and Sustainability, Neus Truyol, and the councillor for Culture and Social Welfare, Antoni Noguera. Those present were able to see the four information panels that have been placed in the area, next to the Oceanographic Centre of the Balearic Islands, where a synopsis of the project is given, including aspects such as the space set aside for pedestrians, the incorporation of more trees and flowerbeds, the connections with the adjacent neighbourhoods, the children’s play areas and the widening of the pavements. The scope of the project is 3.5kilometres and 183,670m2 will be remodelled. The budget for completion of the project is around 38 million euros, excluding VAT, and the work is expected to last 20 months. “It is a very exciting, very transforming project, which designs the new Palma that we are building. This space has always been a barrier between the city and the sea, a motorway, which will now become a green promenade where we can stroll along and enjoy our city. It is also the city’s seafront, one of the most important spaces, which will be transformed and will give Palma a more modern image”, explained Hila. The mayor affirmed that “the new seafront promenade is the future of the city, a space where pedestrians will be the protagonists”. During the visit, the president of the Government, Francina Armengol, thanked the Palma City Council and the APB for their work. “In politics we are there to plan for a better future, and it is thanks to this collaboration between Palma City Council and the APB that we have been able to make this commitment to transforming the city a reality. It will also accompanied by another emblematic commitment, the Palma tram, which we will begin now in 2023”. Francina Armengol described the project as “magnificent”, not only from an aesthetic point of view and in terms of prioritising pedestrians and green spaces, but also from an economic perspective. “In this emblematic area of Palma there are all kinds of shops and businesses that will be greatly enhanced”, concluded the chief Executive. The APB’s head of infrastructures, Antoni Ginard, explained the state of the work. The remodelling work consists of three phases, plus an initial preparation phase. During phase 0, which began on 18 November 2022 and is currently underway, the preparations necessary to start the work will be carried out, such as access to fords, removal of some kerbs, signage and placement of barriers, and the provisional relocation of bus stops and traffic lights. A pedestrian promenade The promenade project is defined as “a promenade for pedestrians”. Therefore, the pedestrian area will be increased from 29.5 to 39.7%, and the pavements in the area furthest from the sea, which are now between 2.5 and 5 metres wide, will then be 5 to 10 metres wide. This will guarantee that terraces, green areas, parking, bus stops, containers, etc. can all be used without encroaching on the pedestrian precinct. The resulting proposal is a promenade with two lanes in each direction, 64,300 square metres of asphalt and 35% of surface area for vehicles, as opposed to the current 3-4 lanes in each direction, 107,000 square metres of asphalt and 58.5% of surface area for vehicles. It is important to remember that more than two years ago, one lane of traffic was reduced and the two traffic lanes of the project are now operational. The separate cycle lane is maintained. In this context, the management of public transport also undergoes changes: lines and stops are maintained, improving space and waiting conditions with new bus shelters. The bicycle lane doubles its presence on the promenade (from 2 to 5%), with five new parking points and a length of 3.5km. A green promenade The project, drawn up by the architects Elías Torres and José Antonio Martínez Lapeña, triples the number of trees and doubles the number of palm trees and the surface area of flowerbeds (from 9.7 to 20%). There will be 1,820 new trees, 512 palm trees, 69 transplanted specimens and 20 new species. Accessible furniture, children’s play areas, containers and other services and infrastructures will also be integrated. Monuments, sculptures and sundials along the promenade have also been marked, preserved or relocated. One of the most outstanding works is the restructuring of the road junction in the area of Paraires, which will make room for the urban and landscape integration of the new Club de Mar, on which work is still underway. Meanwhile, in the area of Sa Riera, pedestrian circulation will be prioritised at the junction with Avenida Argentina, with much wider pavements and a new system of accessible ramps. Therefore, in addition to solving one of the black spots on the Maritime Promenade, the continuity with the neighbouring square of Sant Elm will be improved. The same applies to the Plaza de Santo Domingo de la Calzada. The pedestrian area will be jointed together in this space by eliminating the service lane and building a children’s play area. The connection with the neighbourhood of Es Jonquet will also be improved. Parking bays Starting next week, the parking spaces will be gradually removed and 108 parking spaces will be maintained on the seaward side throughout phase 1 of the works (until the end of 2023) and throughout phase 2 (until the end of the first half of 2024). This will enable 92 parking spaces to be maintained, plus 9 parking spaces for loading and unloading and 7 for people with reduced mobility. The APB will be responsible for opening the Golondrinas quay car park to the public, with capacity for 80 vehicles. In addition to all this, two plots of land will be set aside by Cort as temporary park-and-ride lots with a capacity of up to 950 vehicles, if necessary. A first site has been set aside in calle Federico García Lorca with a capacity for some 130 parking spaces. The Palma Town Hall has carried out a series of improvements: the site has been cleared, lighting has been installed, railings have been fixed, the unevenness has been corrected, the land has been prepared and the spaces have been arranged. In addition, a 30,000 square metre site next to CLH will be available. Work is already underway to open it up, including the installation of the water collection network, lighting and paving, among others. The existing trees will be maintained. It is expected to be operational in the first quarter of 2023. This car park will be connected to line 1 of the EMT, which will increase its frequency, and which currently connects the area to the city centre. At the same time, the APB will maintain the parking areas in the middle of the Promenade during the first quarter of the year, while the Ponent deterrent park-and-ride facility is being set up. The parking areas are actually located at Pl. Mediterráneo, Marina Puerto de Mallorca, Aigo Dolça and Auditórium. Once the works on the new Promenade have been completed, four Bicipalma public bicycle dock stations will be installed. Four traffic lanes As for traffic, four lanes (two in each direction) will be maintained along the entire route and practically throughout the entire construction period, as has been the case until now. In addition, specific work is currently being carried out on the existing pavement on the sea side to convert it into a roadway. Information to residents, businesses, hotels, marinas and other stakeholders The APB has launched an information management plan to keep users, neighbours, businessmen and society in general informed about the development of the works and future actions that may affect them through the web portal Information on the project, as well as notices of public interest as the works progress, will be published on the digital platform.

Port-city Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
The ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands moved almost 15.5 million tonnes of goods in 2022, 12% more than in 2021.

The ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands moved almost 15.5 million tonnes of goods in 2022, 12% more than in 2021.


According to thetraffic statisticsof the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), during the past financial year of 2022, 15,429,553 tonnes of goods passed through the ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands, resulting in an increase in traffic of 12% with respect to 2021. The increase in goods traffic points to a recovery after the health situation and mobility limitations and is applicable to all ports, with 13% in the port of Palma, 16% in the port of Maó, 1% in the port of Alcúdia, 15% in the port of Eivissa and 21% in the port of La Savina. In terms of general goods (consumer goods), almost 14 million tonnes were registered in total in 2022, up 10% on 2021, with 8,641,953 tonnes corresponding to the port of Palma (+10%) 2,963,337 to the port of Eivissa (+13%), 373,165 to the port of La Savina (+21%) and 534,065 to the port of Maó (+16%). An exception is the port of Alcúdia, where there has been a slight decrease of 1% in general goods compared to 2021, from 998,212 tonnes to 986,824 tonnes. As for liquid bulk (basically fuels), the total in the Balearic Islands experienced an increase of 39%, especially in Palma with an increase of 47%, followed by the ports of Eivissa (+31%), Maó (+16%) and Alcúdia (+17%) The increase in the volume of solid bulk cargo (coal, cereals, salt, construction materials, etc.) is overall more timid (7%), and is even negative in Palma (-7%). Eivissa, on the other hand, stands out from the rest with an increase of 60%. The rest of the ports: Maó, +14% and Alcúdia, +7%. 45% more passengers It is undoubtedly in passenger traffic figures that the progressive recovery after the pandemic can be seen. Therefore, if we analyse the number of passengers in the five ports, throughout 2022 there were 8.8 million, 45% more than in 2021, of which 7 million correspond to regular lines (+24%), and 1.7 million to cruises (+401%). By ports, the number of passengers increased mainly in Palma, with 112% more, Maó with 70%, Eivissa with 34%, Alcúdia with 21% and La Savina with 19%. For more information, see our "Statistics" section at

Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
The APB has responded to the different requests made by the stakeholders of the Palma seafront remodelling works

The APB has responded to the different requests made by the stakeholders of the Palma seafront remodelling works


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has responded to the different requests made by the stakeholders of the Palma seafront remodelling works at the last two meetings held on 31 January and 9 February. Therefore, all requests that complied with the necessary safety measures in each case have been incorporated into the remodelling work phases. Consequently, a car park for forty parking spaces in front of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography has already opened, where a new bus stop will also be installed. A new car park has been created in the centre of the parterre in front of the Auditorium and for the time being, in phase I, the parking areas in Plaza Mediterráneo will be maintained. Furthermore, three loading and unloading points will be created on the promenade during phase I, at the Hotel Costa Azul, in front of Can Barbarà and in the Auditorium area. The bus parking area in front of the Golondrinas quay will also increase its capacity during this construction phase, going from herringbone to perpendicular parking. More signs will be installed at strategic points, such as the access to Calle Pedrera, which will also be open to customers frequenting the shops in the area, and parking bans will be enforced at the entrances to the garages and at the roundabout next to the Auditorium. Another of the requests made during the meetings was the increase in the number of waste containers in different areas of the Paseo Marítimo, which has been passed on to Palma City Council to be dealt with by Emaya. All these actions will be reinforced by press releases, radio and television broadcasts, maps available in hotels and shops and announcements in fenced-off areas.

Port-city Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development