Annual Report
This publication details the APB’s financial situation, the technical characteristics of its public ports and provides an overview of the institution’s activities.
Notice Boards
Link to the APB’s e-office which features the official notice boards on public information, human resources, public port land, and auctions, as well as other notices.
Sustainability Reports
This report sets out the actions carried out to create value for the APB’s stakeholders, in compliance with its commitment to transparent management.
Costumer Service
The APB has a communication channel for users to request information, make suggestions, and lodge complaints about its ports and lighthouses.
These provide a detailed picture about the traffic using the public ports of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and La Savina.
Financial Statements
Comprehensive information, including the audit report, of the most recent financial statements passed by the APB's Board of Directors, and given a favourable report by the Spanish National Audit Office.
To make a complaint or a suggestion, or request information, follow this link
You have entered the Website of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands. This is a virtual space that puts you within reach of all the services provided by the ports of general interest, which are: Alcudia, Ibiza, Mahon, Palma and La Savina...