Formentera Port Police to have new electric vehicle

Formentera Port Police to have new electric vehicle


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has purchased a new vehicle for the Port Police at the port of La Savina. The vehicle in question is a fully electric Nissan Evalia Nv200, which was recently handed over to the officers at the port in Formentera. With the aim of promoting respect for the environment, the APB chose an AC synchronous electric vehicle model, with lithium-ion batteries that give it a range of between 80 and 120 km. This purchase marks another step forward in the APB's commitment to adapting the vehicles in the ports it manages to low-consumption models that are environmentally friendly. The new vehicle belonging to the Port Police in Formentera was purchased for €36,000.

The APB acknowledges the efforts of the workers on the Es Martell and Marina works with lunch at the port of Ibiza

The APB acknowledges the efforts of the workers on the Es Martell and Marina works with lunch at the port of Ibiza


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is organising a lunch this Friday to thank the workers for their effort on the Es Martell square and Levante dock works, on the Marina promenade at the port of Ibiza, after making it possible for the works to be completed on schedule. The celebration will consist of a paella served at lunchtime tomorrow in the newly opened Es Martell building, where 60 people are expected to attend. The guests are the workmen from the companies Acciona, Melchor Mascaró and other technical staff responsible for the technical management of the works. Acciona's efforts over the last six months to complete the building and prepare Es Martell square for use provided direct employment for 60 people, while the intervention by concession company Sovren Marina at the Levante dock in Ibiza provided direct employment for 45 people on average since 23 April, with peaks of up to 80 workers. It is worth noting that a large group of Muslim workers who worked on the project have declined the lunch invitation due to the fact that they are currently fasting during the day as part of Ramadan. Nevertheless, the APB and the various other companies involved recognise their effort and dedication all the same. The Es Martell lookout point will be opened to the public tomorrow at midday once the commissioning certificate has been signed and just before the thank you lunch.

The APB, in conjunction with the UIB, opens the exhibition 'An eye in the sky. 1939-1945. The strategic significance of Balearic Island Ports during World War II'

The APB, in conjunction with the UIB, opens the exhibition 'An eye in the sky. 1939-1945. The strategic significance of Balearic Island Ports during World War II'


The President of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), Joan Gual de Torrella and the chancellor of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), Llorenç Huguet, this morning opened the exhibition 'An eye in the sky. 1939-1945. The strategic significance of Balearic Island Ports during World War II', a collection of unseen aerial photographs of the island ports of general interest, showing that they became key surveillance points during World War II. Despite their non-belligerent stance, the island ports were very much noticed and observed by the intelligence services of the two fronts due to their geostrategic interest. A study by the Department of Geography at the UIB retrieved this photographic material taken between 1941 and 1945 by the British and American aerial surveillance reconnaissance services and, so as to extend it to Balearic society, this exhibition has been launched in conjunction with the APB. The President of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella, pointed out the framework partnership agreement between both entities, which is opening many diverse fronts such as economy, environment and geography. Moreover, he highlighted the fact that "events like this allow us to open the old APB headquarters as a cultural space and centre for exhibitions related to the ports" The chancellor of the UIB, Llorenç Huguet, thanked the APB for purchasing the material found by the Department of Geography and which is the focal point of this exhibition. "It is a very interesting exhibition for recovering visual heritage and which will tour all of the Balearic islands". Huguet stated that the planned production of a catalogue by Ediciones UIB for the exhibition will also be very useful, and will mean visitors can hold the graphic works in their hands. Cels García, Doctor and lecturer in the Department of Geography at the UIB, stated that with this exhibition "we retrieve vertical aerial pictures from 1941 and confirm that we were indeed monitored by both the Allied and Axis forces. We also show the beginning of a new science called photo interpretation. By observing these photographs, the British produced secret reports that were passed onto the high command and which helped in terms of decision-making”. García added that "it also highlights the role of women as they took on a big responsibility and played a key role in interpreting photographs. The role of women in the United Kingdom changed after World War II, showing that they could be much more than nurses and take on more scientific jobs". A travelling exhibition The exhibition, consisting of 16 panels with a large number of photographs and detailed explanatory texts, will tour the different ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands: Palma. APB headquarters, Moll vell, 3, from 29th May to 17th June 10am to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm Alcúdia. Estación Marítima [Harbour Station], from 21st June to 2nd July all day Mahon. Illa del Rei Hospital Foundation, from 6th to 29th July (for opening times and access please visit Ibiza. Club Náutico de Ibiza, from 4th to 29th August, 9am to 9pm. La Savina. Estación Marítima [Harbour Station], from 4th to 30th September all day.

The APB opens Es Martell square and the dock of the Port of Ibiza Marina to the public

The APB opens Es Martell square and the dock of the Port of Ibiza Marina to the public


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will tomorrow proceed to remove the fencing around the two works carried out on the Marina at the port of Ibiza over recent months. After signing the commissioning certificate for both infrastructures, the APB will, over the course of the day, open up the area of Es Martell square and the dock of the Marina at the port of Vila. The first works to be completed was that of Es Martell, where Acciona, the company awarded the contract, invested 1.4 million euros in the development and completion of the building over the 6 month duration of the works. The steps and the public lookout point found on the roof of the building will be opened up to the public on Friday 2 June when the finishing touches have been made to the works. The second of the works was carried out by concession company Sovren Marina in Ibiza, with the installation of new mooring lines at the Levante dock. Tomorrow the fencing will also be removed from around these works which began on 23 April and form part of the 3.5 million that this company will invest in the Port of Ibiza in 2017. Once summer is over, the interior of the building will be fitted out and the dolphin structures of the joined dock refurbished.

Dismissed claim for pecuniary liability filed by company that intended to build hotel at Port of Palma

Dismissed claim for pecuniary liability filed by company that intended to build hotel at Port of Palma


The Court for Contentious-Administrative Proceedings of the Superior Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands (TSJIB) has dismissed the appeal filed by the company Concesionaria Es Mollet S.L. against the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), confirming that any claims for pecuniary liability following a rejected proposal to construct a five-star hotel resort at the Port of Palma will not be admitted. On April 2014, the APB issued a call for tenders for the operation under concession arrangements of a building for commercial premises in the Mollet opposite dock area at the Port of Palma. Two companies submitted bids for the tender, which was later declared null by the APB Board of Directors after both proposals were rejected. The offer submitted by Concesionaria Es Mollet entailed building a five-star hotel for 84 guests, 24 parking spaces, a heated swimming pool and other hotel services. In March 2015, the Board of Directors rejected the bid after determining that the hotel proposal failed to meet the rules of the tender. Following this decision, Concesionaria Es Mollet filed for compensation totalling 420,000 euros for pecuniary loss, which was dismissed by the APB and now settled by the ruling issued by the TSJIB. According to the ruling, hotel activity is forbidden pursuant to article 72 of the Consolidated Text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy (TRLPEMM), except under exceptional circumstances, duly justified on grounds of the general interest and following the issuance of a report from State Ports and the Council of Ministers. In view of this, the ruling states that the bid failed to meet the conditions of use stipulated in current legislation and that it was justifiably rejected. There will be no further public tenders Last February, following the second call for public tender for the operation of two buildings in the Mollet opposite port for commercial premises, the APB Board of Directors agreed to abandon the process. With this initiative, in line with Palma City Council, the APB aims to promote the redevelopment of this area, streamlining its uses and abolishing any buildings that are not necessary for port activity. Rejecting this project will enable expansion of the Mollet opposite dock area and provide the port with spaces open to citizens, moving closer towards the ‘Port-City’ model sought by many cities of reference.

The president of State Ports visits the Port of Ibiza

The president of State Ports visits the Port of Ibiza


José Llorca, the president of State Ports, continues his visit of the Pityusic Islands. Llorca, who was accompanied by Joan Gual de Torrella, president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), got a first-hand insight into the reality of the port area of Ibiza. The visit took place due to the interest of the president of State Ports to see the issues that affect the ports of General Interest. During the visit, Llorca stated that the ports are at the service of the economic activity of the territory in which they are located, but that the economic model of the specific territory must be agreed to and determined by local, autonomous and state entities. "Our vocation is not to build a city. It is the local entities that must build it. However, we are committed to opening up the port in favour of such city." According to Llorca, Ibiza is an investment example that has freed up areas for citizens that were dedicated to loading work. As such, Ibiza is an example of a port opening up in favour of the city, allowing local residents to enjoy the areas that are now free of port activity. The Port of Ibiza has received over 160 million euros in investment over the last fifteen years. Furthermore, out of the five ports of General Interest managed by the APB, the Port of Ibiza is also the one undergoing the biggest remodelling. Llorca and Gual's visit comprised a look at the Port of Ibiza's facilities, particularly the Es Martell works and the concession area in which YSM Marinas de España is undertaking works in order to manage the mooring of super yachts in the Marina and Botafoch dock areas. On finishing their visit, José Llorca and Joan Gual de Torrella were met by Rafael Ruiz, the mayor of Ibiza.

State Ports pay visit to the Port of La Savina

State Ports pay visit to the Port of La Savina


The President of Puertos del Estado (State Ports), José Llorca, visited the Port of La Savina and the La Mola Lighthouse in Formentera today accompanied by representatives from the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) and Formentera Island Council. The trip was led by the President of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella, alongside the President of Formentera Island Council, Jaume Ferrer. Gual informed José Llorca about the comprehensive beautification project that will be put out to tender soon at the smallest of the ports managed by the APB. Gual also outlined some of the construction details of the new fishermen's guild, as well as the agreement reached with Formentera Island Council to convert the La Mola Lighthouse into a maritime ethnographic museum that will also host cultural events from the island's agenda. The President of Formentera Island Council, Jaume Ferrer, highlighted the importance of the visit paid by the State Ports President to the Port of La Savina to confirm that the lines of action that were previously agreed on with the APB are being implemented in line with the needs of the island of Formentera, and that the investments made by State Ports for this purpose are warranted. Meanwhile, José Llorca drew attention to the fact that La Savina was declared as a port of general interest thanks to the indispensable services it provides to the citizens, claiming that "Formentera would not be Formentera without its port". State Ports strives to establish contacts with local bodies at all ports of general interest in the hope of coming to an agreement on the future of its ports. This visit forms part of the program that draws to a close tomorrow with a trip to the Port of Ibiza to check the current state of this port and to find out about its future perspectives.

Ibiza's cruise tourism sector is coordinated to cope with the season

Ibiza's cruise tourism sector is coordinated to cope with the season


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB from the Spanish) and the Consell Insular d'Eivissa organised this morning at the headquarters of the Consell a meeting coordinating activities related to the cruise sector in order to prepare for this high season. All agents who are directly or indirectly related to the cruise sector in Ibiza, such as shipping agents, the Harbour Master, tour agencies, tour guides, carriers, traders, and security bodies such as the National Police and the Civil Guard, among other agents, were invited to attend. This coordination instrument aims to enable public administrations and companies to exchange information and points of view on aspects that require coordination and that affect the sector's sustainability while respecting the island's unique qualities. The President of the Consell, Vicent Torres, has considered this meeting to be important for Ibiza, because "it also wants to be a reference destination within the cruise sector". Tur has recognised the APB's investment effort and that the coordination among the agents involved is indispensable to providing a good service and giving a good impression "to tourists we're very interested in as opinion leaders for our island". Adapted infrastructure On the other hand, APB's president, Joan Gual de Torrella, has remarked that the product offered by Ibiza for cruise ships is very much liked, and proof of that is that shipping companies look for longer stops to take advantage of Ibizan nights. For Gual, investments carried out to welcome this market respond to the fact that Ibizan society committed at the time to this new product as an alternative to the tourist offer. According to Gual, the port of Ibiza's infrastructure is adapted to accommodate current cruise ship traffic, although he recognised that there are also some limits. "Docks are what they are", said Gual, who added that "perhaps there is already a ratio between the infrastructure’s capacity to receive more cruise ships and the territory's capacity to absorb them". According to forecasts for this season, the port of Ibiza will receive 340,000 passengers in 2017, representing 35% growth over 2016 and 191 stopovers, 28% over last year.

The Port of Mahon today inaugurates a new travel lift with a 150-tonne capacity

The Port of Mahon today inaugurates a new travel lift with a 150-tonne capacity


Today, The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) presented the new travel lift procured for its dry dock. This procurement addresses one of the commitments made by the APB in conjunction with the city councils of Mahon and Es Castell in the Port of Mahon's Plan of Action and represents a major boost in the growth of the repair and maintenance industry. The motorised crane, purchased by the APB for €400,000, will be used to lift and launch vessels of up to 150 tonnes and transport them to their dry docking spot. It weighs 58 tonnes and measures 10.4 metres in height under beam. The features of this travel lift accommodate requests submitted by users of the port, the maritime sector and local authorities, all of whom thought it necessary to equip the Port of Mahon's dry dock with this machinery to meet minimum requirements of the fleet stationed there and to facilitate access to an existing market that until now could not be catered for due to a lack of lifting equipment. The travel lift will be managed by the company Medsea Yacht Services S.L., established specifically for the purpose by Minorcan companies Pedro's Boat and Nautic Center. The President of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella, has announced that within a year they will issue a new call for tenders for the operation of the dry dock, incorporating a new open model that will allow all authorised companies working in the repair and maintenance sector to take part. New call for tenders The President of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella, said "this management model brings us into a new stage at the Port of Mahon, allowing us to take a significant step towards boosting competitiveness, breaking into the international market, enhancing participation from companies, and creating even more jobs for the local market in the process". The presentation this morning was attended by the Mayoress of Mahon, Conxa Juanola, the Mayor of Es Castell, Lluís Camps, representatives from the company in charge of operating the travel life, as well as representatives from business collectives and the maritime sector such as PINEMA, CAEB, the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca and ASMEN. The ports managed by the APB are benchmarks in terms of repair and maintenance services of vessels in the west of the Mediterranean. There have been 145,000 m2 of the port area allocated to this activity, half at the Port of Palma. They are able to offer comprehensive, modern and premium services to vessels measuring up to 120 metres in length. It is estimated that the sector will provide jobs to 2,300 qualified and multilingual professionals and will have an annual economic yield of 452 million euros.

The APB presents the second edition of the book ‘The Main Balearic Island Ports in the 21st Century’

The APB presents the second edition of the book ‘The Main Balearic Island Ports in the 21st Century’


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is presenting the second edition of its book on the history of the ports of general interest on the Balearic Islands, entitled The Main Balearic Island Ports in the 21st Century. This book expands on the information contained in the first edition published in 2001, focusing on the developments that have taken place at APB ports over the last 15 years. It is a well-documented tool for understanding the conditions of the main commercial ports in the Balearic region (Palma, Alcúdia, Ibiza, Mahon and La Savina), all of which are managed by the APB, how they have evolved over the last few decades and, above all, the important role they play in the social and economic development of the islands. In The Main Balearic Island Ports in the 21st Century, readers will find figures on overall traffic and the main activities at the 5 ports since 1980, financial figures, investments made and the current layout of the ports, as well as an analysis of recent evolution, the current situation and prospects for the future of each port. The information included shows that the port of Ibiza is the one that has changed the most in shape over the last decade, with significant investments made in infrastructures that were required for its economic growth, in light of the needs of society on Ibiza and the business and tourism activities generated on the island. In general terms, the book aims to show how, historically, commercial ports have always been decisive in the development of cities and how, even today, they continue to play this role. Furthermore, the activities that take place there are directly related to the public and their interests. Joan Alemany As was also the case for the first volume, the Doctor in Economics and expert in urban planning and port economics, Joan Alemany Llobera, was in charge of this second edition. After providing a summary of the main conclusions from his previous book in the first part, Alemany focuses on the evolution taking place in the first 15 years of the 21st century. The author analyses the main lines of activity at the ports in a comprehensive manner: passenger and cargo traffic, cruise ships and recreational boating. From the outset, he highlights how ports supply society with the products it needs on a daily basis with a consolidated road traffic system that has turned out to be a highly appropriate logistics model for the islands.

The APB organises International Event for Maritime Companies in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca

The APB organises International Event for Maritime Companies in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca


Coinciding with the launch of the Palma International Boat Show and capitalising on the fact that the city is set to become the hub of the international maritime industry, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca have organised a networking event for international nautical companies at the APB headquarters. The event known as Brokerage Event 2017 is intended to facilitate engagement between representatives from businesses in the marine sector for the purpose of securing international trading partners. Endorsed by the biggest European network of SMEs with international scope, Enterprise Europe Network, the forum is also intended to generate business, schedule meetings with companies and professionals, hold bilateral talks and offer attendees an insight into the latest trends in products and services in the maritime sector.

The APB displays the works from the 7th Painting and Photography Contest on Balearic Island lighthouses and ports in Sant Antoni de Portmany

The APB displays the works from the 7th Painting and Photography Contest on Balearic Island lighthouses and ports in Sant Antoni de Portmany


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will, as of tomorrow until 13th May, exhibit the winning art works and the works submitted by the participants in the Painting and Photography Contest in Ibiza and La Savina. The contest, now in its seventh edition, has a high level of convening power, with over 300 works entered from all of the islands. The challenge consisted of depicting one of the ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands or one of their lighthouses. The second prize in the watercolour category went to Arrivan al port, Eivissa by Josep Plaja, which stood out as one of the Ibiza-themed works of note. The works are divided into three categories: Watercolour, Other Painting Techniques and Photography. Out of those that entered last October, one hundred works were short-listed and exhibited in Palma at Christmas, with a warm welcome from the public. After its run in Menorca last March, the exhibition has arrived in Ibiza, its last port of call in the Balearic Islands. As of tomorrow, the twelve winning art pieces will be on display at the exhibition hall in the Ses Coves Blanques lighthouse, along with those that entered the contest in Ibiza. The exhibition will be open to the public from 25th April to 13th May, Tuesday to Saturday from 5pm to 9pm. Places with art For the seventh consecutive year, the APB has sponsored this competition dedicated to the lighthouses of the Balearic Islands and to the ports of general interest of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and La Savina, with the aim of capturing, by means of visual art, the popular interest that is aroused by places as ordinary and unique as ports and lighthouses.