Gual announces that the first stage of the La Savina Port Beautification Plan will begin in November

Gual announces that the first stage of the La Savina Port Beautification Plan will begin in November


Today, the president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), Joan Gual de Torrella, met with the President of Formentera Island Council, Jaume Ferrer at the Casa del Mar building at the La Savina Port. The meeting was also attended by advisor to the President and regional councillor for infrastructure, Rafael González, among other authorities, as well as technical staff from both administrations. Gual de Torrella announced that the first stage of the La Savina Port Beautification Plan will get underway in November, and these works will be complete before the start of the season. The first stage comprises the upgrade and improvement of the parking area located to the north of the La Savina Port, and will optimise the flow of passengers and vehicles that access the Harbour Station. Furthermore, the works also entail improving the roads and pedestrian zones in the service area of the port. The tender budget is €599,811 (excluding VAT). The president of the port authority also added that the improvement works of the fisherman's wharf as well as the sea wall upgrade and paving of the wharf will begin on the same dates. Two projects with a tender budget of €457,154 and €137,187, respectively. Meanwhile, Gual announced that November 2018 will see the start of the second stage of the port's beautification plan, which includes works on the promenade. The President of Formentera Island Council expressed his satisfaction that works on the port will begin in November and will be ready in time for the next season, as requested by the Council. Jaume Ferrer also thanked the APB for reaching an agreement with the Council with regard to the works to be carried out at the port, "in turn supporting the vision that both the institution and locals have of La Savina as well as our own island model".

The APB begins works on Sant Antoni and Ses Figuerasses docks at the Port of Mahon

The APB begins works on Sant Antoni and Ses Figuerasses docks at the Port of Mahon


This week, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) starts the upgrading and improvement works on the Sant Antoni and Ses Figuerasses docks at the Port of Mahon. The works at the Sant Antoni dock will entail reconstructing the old site with the aim of putting it to use as a public loading dock. A dry dock ramp for small boats will be built alongside this dock. Meanwhile, works to be carried out at Ses Figuerasses will consist of demolishing the remains of the current dock and building another with similar characteristics in an attempt to continue offering mooring services before its collapse. The works are expected to begin this week upon approval of the health and safety plan. The budget is €175,674.99 and the company awarded the contract is Antonio y Diego, S.A. Works are expected to be completed in 5 months and between 7 and 10 people have been employed directly.

The Port of Mahon restricts the manoeuvring conditions of large cruise ships

The Port of Mahon restricts the manoeuvring conditions of large cruise ships


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has now received the findings of the viability study on large ships accessing the Port of Mahon. The study, entrusted to the Jovellanos Centre and Engineering, Resources&ampDevelopment, S.L. (ENRED), builds on the preliminary analysis performed in 2016, which only considered the maximum length of ships that could operate at this port. This study –much more extensive than the first analysis– looks at other aspects, such as transversal power at bow and stern, draught or prevailing winds, which are also key considerations for safe manoeuvres. The findings of these studies confirm the maximum acceptable length for ships with or without azimuth thrusters, which allow propulsion to be controlled on multiple axes. In addition, the findings optimise the thresholds of required power for manoeuvring propellers (bow and stern), according to the length of the ship. This optimisation was made possible by refining analysis of the human factor, bringing pilots from the Port of Mahon onto the control bridge to perform the manoeuvres. Safe operation The ships considered in this study are over 220 metres long. It has been decided that these ships will access the port through the North channel (Isla del Rey), advancing to the turning basin and passing the jetties at the Naval Station. As such, this is the strategy that must be followed for the manoeuvres. The manoeuvres were successful under all simulated conditions, even with winds of 30 knots. However, it is recommended that in winds of over 20 knots, ships over 220 metres long should not perform the manoeuvre, due to the increased requirements. The study also confirmed that the mains problems posed by large cruise ships entering the Port of Mahon refer to geometry and available space, rather than the difficulties created by local wind conditions. Another key conclusion concerns the availability of azimuth thrusters, which allow longer ships to access the port thanks to their enhanced manoeuvrability. Powerful transversal propellers at the bow are essential for turning in such a tight space. Finally, the study recommends restricting the ships' draught to 8 metres. As for manoeuvres in night-time conditions, the study highlights the excellent signalling at the Port of Mahon, which allows for these manoeuvres to be performed with the same safety as during the day. It is recommended that captains of ships over 235 metres long without azimuth thrusters or over 245 metres long with azimuth thrusters, which are scheduled to operate at this port, first complete a simulation workshop (certified at an official centre) to accredit their knowledge of the specific characteristics of the roadstead.

The APB initiates the first stage of the Beautification Plan for the Port of la Savina and the repairs to the fishing quay

The APB initiates the first stage of the Beautification Plan for the Port of la Savina and the repairs to the fishing quay


In the forthcoming days, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will launch the first stage of the Port of la Savina Beautification Plan. It is a commitment that Joan Gual de Torrella, the president of the APB, acquired with the Council of Formentera at the start of this parliamentary term. The first stage comprises the upgrade and improvement of the parking area located to the north of the Port of la Savina, which will optimise the flow of passengers and vehicles that access the Harbour Station. Furthermore, the works also entail improving the roads and pedestrian zones in the service area of the port. The works consist of creating two parking sections (cars and lorries) on the same level and of reorganising the internal traffic, providing greater moveability. The tender budget is 599,811 euros (excluding VAT). The works are expected to commence in November and to take around five months, creating seven direct jobs. Improvement of the fisherman's wharf The works on the fisherman's wharf, comprising two different actions, will also begin shortly. Over the years, the APB has undertaken, either directly or through concession companies, different projects modifying the sea wall and the fisherman's wharf. These formed part of a Port of la Savina expansion project undertaken in December 1992, which sought to rearrange ship traffic and to create a new mooring line for smaller vessels. In recent years, damage has been detected in the sea wall and on the fisherman's wharf, corresponding to works carried out under an administrative concession granted in June 1993, which require urgent action. The APB has asked the concession company, Formentera Mar, to repair the damage. However, after receiving no response from the company, the APB has decided to carry out the works. Therefore, the sea wall upgrade and the paving of the wharf are expected to commence this forthcoming October with a contract budget of 137,187 euros, creating three direct jobs. Furthermore, the upgrading and improvement works on the fisherman's wharf are also set to start in October. These works have a contract budget of 457,154 euros and will last five months, creating five direct jobs.

The APB and the Council of Mahon agree to reduce the water supply to cruise ships

The APB and the Council of Mahon agree to reduce the water supply to cruise ships


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) and the Council of Mahon have decided to restrict the water supply given to cruise ships that arrive at the Port of Mahon. The water supply, which the ships use as provisions, will be cut by approximately 40%. 37 out of the 85 cruise ships that docked at the city in 2016 requested a water supply, equating to an average consumption of 112 tonnes. This year, 19 out of the 75 cruise ships that docked at the Port of Mahon prior to 20 September requested a water supply. In recent months, therefore, the APB has only supplied water to cruise ships that really needed it and it has limited the supply to 60 tonnes. The agreement forms part of a set of measures that the council is implementing in order to address the issue of water shortage and quality, which affects the municipality of Mahon and the entire island of Menorca. Furthermore, the agreement is a sign that the APB fully understands the issue.

The APB approves changes to the la Savina indoor car park project and opens disciplinary proceedings against Solvalgaray

The APB approves changes to the la Savina indoor car park project and opens disciplinary proceedings against Solvalgaray


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved this afternoon changes to the projected indoor car park at the port of la Savina, and at the same time opened disciplinary proceedings against Solvalgaray, the building contractors responsible for the construction of the edifice. At its meeting held today in Palma, the Board of Directors of this public institution acknowledged that the contractor had committed a breach in the construction of the building. Nevertheless, it considers that it is still in the general interest to open the new infrastructure to the public to address the present lack of parking space at the port. At the same time, the Board of Directors resolved to open disciplinary proceedings against the company for failure to fulfil the project. In that respect, the next step at this point will be to appoint a supervisor to evaluate the amount of the penalty, taking into account the financial detriment that such breach has had for the APB. Following the approval of the project awarded today, the new building can now be delivered and the car park opened to the public in the near future.

The APB turns down Formentera Mar’s requested extension of term

The APB turns down Formentera Mar’s requested extension of term


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has turned down the application made by Formentera Mar for an extension of its concession term at the Port of la Savina, which will thus conclude on 24th June 2018. Formentera Mar, which today manages about ninety mooring spaces at the Port of Formentera marina, had applied for a 10-year extension of its current concession plus a second concession of 17½ years. The Board of Directors has decided to turn down this application on the basis that it does not constitute a public port concession but rather a public utility management contract. Formentera Mar presented its request for an extension of the term of concession for its facilities in 2015, pursuant to transitional provision ten of the revised text of the State Ports and Merchant Navy Act introduced by Law 18/2014, which provides for the possibility of concessions in public domains being altered.

Freight traffic the first half of the year increases by 7% against 2016 figures

Freight traffic the first half of the year increases by 7% against 2016 figures


The freight traffic statistics for the ports of General Interest in the Balearic Islands state that 7.8 million tonnes passed through the 5 ports managed by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) in the first 6 months of 2017: 7% more than the same period of 2016. All ports have experienced an increase in volume except Mahon, which saw traffic drop by 10% in comparison with data from June 2016. It is especially worth highlighting the growth experienced by the Port of Alcudia, with an increase in traffic of 29% and, in particular, solid bulk cargo, which rose by 35%. The figures reported relating to the general goods traffic (referring to consumer goods) that passed through the 5 ports of General Interest in the Balearic Islands in the first half of the year indicate 6.2 million tonnes, 7% more than the same period in 2016. Alcudia increased by 23%, La Savina 11%, Ibiza 8% and Palma 6%. Mahon is yet again the only port that did not see any growth, showing a 15% reduction in its traffic volume with regards to 2016. Referring to solid bulk cargo only (coal, grain, salt and construction materials), we can see how Mahon and Alcudia increased their traffic volume by 58% and 35%, while Ibiza, La Savina and Palma saw a 43%, 33% and 27% reduction in these materials in comparison with the previous year. Lastly, the traffic volume of liquid bulk cargo (fuel) rose in the Port of Palma by 11%, Alcudia by 11% and Ibiza by 3%, whilst the Ports of Mahon and La Savina remained stable in relation to the traffic volume of the previous year. Passenger traffic also sees an increase Regular and cruise passenger traffic has also experienced a growth of 8% and 4% respectively. Along these lines, it is worth highlighting the cruise liner activity at the Port of Mahon, which rose by 120% with 52,888 passengers from January to June this year, and the 4% drop at the Port of Palma. Further statistical information

State Ports and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands agree to finance the construction of a pontoon jetty linking Cala Corb and Moll d'en Pons

State Ports and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands agree to finance the construction of a pontoon jetty linking Cala Corb and Moll d'en Pons


Jose Llorca, president of State Ports, and his counterpart in the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Joan Gual de Torrella, announced their agreement to finance a pedestrian jetty linking the sections of es Castell known as the Moll d'en Pons and Cala Corb. This new pontoon will enable these two areas of the Port of Mahon, currently separated by a cliff, to be connected over water and thus made accessible to pedestrians. The construction will be 420 metres long and 3 metres wide and will be kept separated from the cliff to prevent damage from possible land and stone slides and to preserve the cliff from the new structure. Furthermore, the jetty will provide berthing space for about a hundred mostly small boats up to 15 metres in length. The estimated cost is €2.5 million, split almost exactly 50/50 between the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, who will fund the project from its equity, and State Ports, who intends to make a direct contribution from the Inter-Ports Compensation Fund. The tender process to award the project is expected to be completed by the end of this year and actual construction to last about two years. Llorca pointed out that this is the first time the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands has received a contribution from the Inter-Ports Compensation Fund, which will be used to improve accessibility for citizens from Es Castell. Similarly, Lluis Camps, Mayor of the capital town of Minorca, expressed his satisfaction at this commitment to undertake what has been a longstanding demand to help develop the coastline and open access for Es Castell citizens to the sea. For Joan Gual, this project can be tied to the Port of Mahon Action Plan, which seeks to overturn the perception that the port is merely a passenger and goods traffic hub and embrace the idea of greater civic and tourist use of the area. “Mahon is slowly giving up its role as a cargo port that should not be interpreted as a weakness but rather as an opportunity to find other uses for the port, to provide alternative ways of enhancing economic recovery through the maritime world”.

The APB brings together local government, research centres and the private initiative in the 1st Innovation Session

The APB brings together local government, research centres and the private initiative in the 1st Innovation Session


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) held the first Innovation Session this morning in its headquarters at the Port of Palma. Under the title "Caminando Juntos Hacia el Puerto del Futuro" [Moving Together Towards the Port of the Future], the session brought together the islands' key stakeholders of economic development: the university, local authority, research centres and private companies. The event's opening committee had participation from the president of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol the president of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella the mayor of Palma, Antoni Noguera the dean of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), Llorenç Huguet, General Business Director of Baleària, Víctor Terricabras and the Director of Operations of Transmediterránea, Ramón Piñeiro. The president of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, expressed her desire to "encourage the private initiative to create business clusters and promote innovation, research and employee retention on the Balearic Islands". She also said that "our Government should help companies push these processes towards innovation". Meanwhile, the mayor of the city, Antoni Noguera, pointed out that the current wave of redevelopment and modernisation sweeping the city of Palma is undoubtedly connected to the evolution of the port as a unifying element of economic development. According to the mayor, it is crucial "to merge the public and private initiative to build a modern and equipped city that is designed to please its citizens". The president of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella, drew attention to the list of projects linked to the innovation of the public body. "Our aim is to continue moving towards innovation, which is why we have come to an agreement with the Secretary of State of Investigation, Development and Innovation to move the headquarters of the Oceanographic Centre of the Balearic Islands to the Muelle Viejo of Palma". Following the opening committee there was a series of talks on the transformation of the city model, or the innovative projects being implemented by the APB alongside other bodies and companies. The First Innovation Session came to a close with a round table discussion on the new challenges and opportunities that will need to be faced in forthcoming years to contribute to the economic growth of the Balearic Islands will also be debated at the event. Ramon Llull 2030 The initiative forms part of the project known as RamonLlull 2030, which is promoted by the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Chamber of Commerce, the Palma City Council, the Architect Association of the Balearic Islands (COAIB), Endesa and the APB. The project observes and analyses the evolution of the islands' economic model and concludes that the Balearic Islands need to undertake activities that complement the tourism activity, provide added value, contribute to deseasonalisation and, above all, that have zero impact whatsoever on the environment. The APB has long since participated on and undertaken research and innovation projects. The organising of this session reaffirms the commitment of this public organisation to the progress and to the economic and social future of the islands.

The APB set to take part in homage to Antoni Barceló this Sunday

The APB set to take part in homage to Antoni Barceló this Sunday


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is set to attend the events to be held this Sunday to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Antoni Barceló, Capità Toni, in the parish of Santa Creu of Palma. A mass service led by the Bishop of Mallorca, Sebastià Taltavull, will be held at 1pm. Afterwards, there will be the opening of the exhibition: Antoni Barceló i Pont de la Terra Capità Toni, which will be hosted by this parish in the old town of Palma to mark his birthday. The exhibition, promoted by the Rector of Santa Creu, Josep Jaume and a team made up of Miquel Deyà from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB, Jaume Ferrando (APB) and representatives from the Balearic Islands delegation of the Spanish Royal Naval League (RLNE), contains several objects and belongings that Capità Toni donated to this parish. President of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella, alongside guest authorities at the event, will place a laurel wreath at the base of the bust of Antoni Barceló. To mark this 300th anniversary, and to get involved in the tribute being paid this year to this distinguished figure, the APB presented the bust of the captain to the parish of Santa Creu in August, which was moved from its regular spot at the Port of Palma to its surroundings where it is displayed today. This bust, which weighs several tonnes, was also presented to the APB by the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca to commemorate the work of Antoni Barceló, who was appointed by Carlos III as Lieutenant-General of the Spanish Royal Armada. Aboard his boat Correo de Mallorca, Barceló fought against pirates and corsairs controlling this part of the Mediterranean, and was promoted in the military rank on account of his accomplishments at sea.

Publication of the 2016 financial statements of the APB in the Official State Gazette

Publication of the 2016 financial statements of the APB in the Official State Gazette


The Official State Gazette (BOE) has today published a resolution for the publication of the 2016 financial statements and the audit report of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB). The 2016 financial year ended with a positive result of 19.7 million euros. The figure is down 10.45% on the previous financial year, which registered a profit of over 22 million euros. Furthermore, turnover in 2016 was close to 69 million euros, practically the same as in 2015, maintaining zero long-term debt and the healthy financial situation of the entity. The financial statements were drawn up based on the entity's accounting records ending 31 December 2016, which were produced pursuant to current legal accounting provisions and on the instructions issued by State Ports. The documents show a true and fair image of the assets, financial situation and the financial results, as well as the accuracy of the movements incorporated into the cash flow statement. The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the APB in a session held on 28 June 2017. According to the audit report of the Regional Audit body of the Balearic Islands on the financial statements corresponding to the 2016 financial year: 'the financial statements express, in all significant aspects, a true and fair image of the assets and financial situation of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands as of 31 December 2016, as well as its results and cash flows corresponding to said end date, pursuant to the applicable regulatory framework on financial information and, particularly, the accounting principles and criteria set out in it.' The full document is available on