The APB commences its Strategic Plan
The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) commences the drawing up of its Strategic Plan. The aim is for the plan to be a useful tool for the functionality of the port body, while also being a tool for transparency that explains the APB's projects to different social agents, seeking dialogue and collaboration with each one of them in order to offer a better service.
To draw up the Strategic Plan, the APB has engaged the services of a joint venture that comprises Teirlog Ingeniería and Estrada Port Consulting. The work is expected to last approximately 15 months and the Plan will be valid for 10 years.
During those 15 months, a participatory process will be launched in order to bring together and listen to the input of the whole port community and stakeholders regarding the ports of general interest and the lighthouses on the Balearic Islands. The idea of the public participation arose from the desire to achieve more efficient and competitive ports, and that their lines of activity –freight and passenger traffic, recreational boating and the cruise market– are in keeping with the needs of users and with the sustainable growth of the environment.