Palma City Council and the PAB start the dia-logue to define together the future of the seasi-de façade
26/08/2015The leaders of the area of Model of City, Urbanism and Decent Housing and of the Port Authority of Balearic Islands have held the first business meeting, in which they have analysed the main current issues affecting both administrations. The meeting, celebrated in the headquarters of the PAB, was attended by Antoni Noguera, deputy mayor of the Model of City, accompanied by the manager of Urbanism Joan Riera and the director of urbanism Biel Horrach. Joan Gual de Torrella and Antoni Noguera have agreed in this meeting to start the construction of work and permanent dialogue spaces in order to make headway in the projects affecting both parts. In fact, Noguera has highlighted the good predisposition of the president of the Port Authority to open communication and coordination channels, and he has positively valued the meeting. Specifically, the attendants have analysed the future of the Seaside Promenade, have set up a second meeting in September and have planned the procedures to cede the ownership to Palma City Council. Antoni Noguera has explained that “it is a long administrative process, but in the short and medium term we could carry out exceptional projects that would help draw the future of the seaside façade. We have agreed on drawing together a more inhabitable, kinder city open to the sea and to the pedestrians”. Some of these aforementioned projects include the Aigua Dolça, a city space that the area of Model of City wants to recover for neighbours, and the connection of the neighbourhood to the sea, as well as the rearrangement of mobility in the seaside area (through the reduction of traffic lanes or the creation of more bike lanes, etc). “Everything with the objective of developing projects that will make the Seaside Promenade a great lineal civic axis, open to the citizens and to the sea”. Coordination and consensus Likewise, both the representatives of the Model of City as of the PAB have agreed to resume the mee-tings of the Coordination Commission between both administrations, an already existing dialogue space that is to be promoted periodically in order to advance and work together. In this line, the Commission will allow an agreed and optimal solution for the city in the writing of the Director Plan of the Harbour and the revision of the PGOU. Regarding the expansion project of the Molinar’s harbour, both Gual de Torrella and Noguera consider the first and the second project presented by the owners disproportionate. Noguera reminds that “The City Council has the firm commitment to refurbishing and rearranging the club, whenever it is compatible with the parameters and the maintenance of the current dimensions. Both administrations are interested in combining this objective with the continuity of the Sea Club with social vocation”. Finally, the need to find an agreed solution for the present and future of the beach club of S’Avançada of San Carlos bunker has been considered. “Palma City Council and the Port Authority will work together to find a solution within the framework of the modifications established by the Ministry of Culture, in order to guarantee the protection of the patrimonial value of the surroundings of the bunker”. In the following days both administrations will hold new meetings to address this issue..