Prize-winners of 6th APB painting and photography contest
Palma de Mallorca
Winners and honorific mentions of 6th Painting and Photography of Palma, Alcudia, Mahón, Ibiza and La Savina ports and lighthouses’ contest, organised by APB and Fine Arts Circle of Palma, have been chosen. Over a hundred works have been submitted, divided in three categories: watercolour, other painting techniques and photography. 70 works have been chosen to be exhibited from December 4th to January 8th at Centre d’Història I Cultura Militar, Sant Miquel street (Palma). This exhibition will perambulate the other Islands. Winners of this 6th APB contest have been: Watercolour: FISRT PRIZE: “Varats al far de la Riba” Anieszka Midera. EUR 2.500. SECOND PRIZE: “Far des Moscarter-Ibiza” Josep Plaja López. EUR 1.250. THIRD PRIZE: “Desembarcament a La Savina” Xavier G. Puiggrós. EUR 625 Honorific mention: “El Clipper stad Amsterdam en el Port d’Eivissa”. José Francisco Rams Lluch. Other painting techniques: FIRST PRIZE: “Far de la Creu Sóller” Josep Plaja López. EUR 2.500 SECOND PRIZE: “Reflexes daurats al Portitxol” Josep Suari Casabella. EUR 1.250 THIRD PRIZE: “Grilletes barco de salvamento marítimo” Agnies Midera. EUR 625 Honorific mention: “Faro de Penjats-Ibiza” Miguel Ángel Guerreiro Photography: FISRT PRIZE: “Turris Faraone” Miguel Morey Colomina. EUR 1.000 SECOND PRIZE: “Sa farola a les vuit” Lucas Toledo. EUR 500 THIRD PRIZE: “Luces que orientan” Miguel Ángel López Vico. EUR 375 Honorific Mention: “Resplandor en la tempestad” Xavier Durán I Herrera. APB sponsors this contest dedicated to Balearic Islands’ lighthouses and general interest ports of Palma, Alcudia, Mahón, Ibiza and la Savina for the sixth consecutive year to contribute to a better knowledge trough plastic arts.