The importance of the proper treatment of wastes into the sea
Palma de Mallorca
An objective of APB regarding environmental protection is reducing wastes into the sea produced by vessels. Marine contamination caused by human use of the sea causes marine ecosystem alterations, thus returning to us in the shape of food contamination, coastal and marine alteration…etc. 11,3 million litres of oil residues were collected from vessels, 752.000 sewage litres and forty-thousand garbage cubic meters in 2014 as per the Sustainability report. APB dispose of a “Waste reception and handling plan coming from vessels from Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and la Savina ports”, available to all users. The role of the Hazardous Waste Manager at Palma and Alcúdia ports was deployed last 2014. Besides that, Port Police have, among other functions, the environmental monitoring. Companies with ISO 14.001 already set up benefit from a bonus. Typical rubbish generated in ports is: 1.- Bilge water, sludge, used oil… 2.- Sewerage: from bathrooms, kitchens and washing machines 3.- Rubbish: food scraps, domestic leftovers, operational scrap, plastics, ashes, used kitchen oil, animal carcasses. 4.- Substances which seriously pollute atmosphere, such as wastes from cleaning tailpipes Fishing, recreational and sport boats also have a collection of waste points generated by them: •Oily wastes, 400 and 100 litres tanks in every port. •For waste water, Naviera Balear takes care of it on its facilities located at Palma’s Port (12 metres-long ships and beyond need to contact them –at least- with a minimum of 24 hours). •Solid residues, collected by municipal waste collection •Hazardous waste, at maintenance and repair installations. Customer service SAC Ports de Balears 971228487/ atcliente@portsdebalears.com Twitter @PortsdeBalears