A new articulated grouper buoy signposts deep scant zones at Maó port channel
A new articulated grouper buoy signposts deep scant zones at Maó port channel, near Lazaretto Island thus increasing vessels’ security in this area, mainly during adverse weather conditions. This buoy has been installed by Almarin enterprise, as an answer to Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) request and as per a contract’s budget of EUR 40.000. Articulated grouper buoy are designed as a tube which, through an articulation, it is connected to a dead head. The tube remains vertical thanks to a submerged float that generates a permanent impulse on the surface. Result is similar to a fixed beacon because pipe hardly moves, demarcating grid references in a very accurate way. New buoy has a focal plane up to 5,5 metres and it is coloured in green with a central red band, as per IALA recommendation (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities), marking this way channel division. It is designed with steps to easy lantern access and also has a radar reflector and a mark stopper.