The tender specifications for the management of the Botafoc moorings in the port of Eivissa have been approved

The tender specifications for the management of the Botafoc moorings in the port of Eivissa have been approved


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has agreed at today’s meeting to approve the tender specifications and clauses that will govern the public tender for the management of mooring places and commercial premises at Botafoc, in the port of Eivissa. The purpose of this tender is to select the most advantageous solution for the granting of an administrative concession for the management and operation of a plot of 97,706 square metres, of which 43,279 square metres correspond to areas of land, on which 16 buildings are built for commercial use and an area for mooring and repairing boats, and the rest to a water body, where mooring services are provided for 432 boats distributed over five pontoons. The duration of the concession will be 18 months, renewable up to a maximum of 9 months. The annual amount of the occupancy fee will be 2,432,378.32 euros and the activity fee is established as 4% of the turnover.

Socio-economic development
The strong economic performance of the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) will allow more than 18 million euros in bonuses to be applied to goods and passengers

The strong economic performance of the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) will allow more than 18 million euros in bonuses to be applied to goods and passengers


The president of the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB), Francesc Antich, presented the economic state of the organisation today at a press conference with regard to the figures of the 2021 report, which recorded income of around 85 million euros and expenses of 56 million euros, resulting in a positive margin of 28.8 million euros for the port authority. From 2019, one of the busiest years for the ports in history, we can see that income amounted to 89 million euros and expenditure to 62 million euros. In contrast, in 2020, at the height of the pandemic, income fell to 66.7 million and expenditure remained at 54.8 million. All signs point to a recovery, though not yet fully achieved, of pre-pandemic activity. In terms of figures by lines of business, the outstanding nature of the ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands in the port system is evident, with shipping representing 69% of income (58.1 million), followed by 12% of general merchandise (10.1 million) and 7% of passengers (6.3 million). In addition to this exceptional nature, the management of the maritime stations is characterised by limited space, works, management and maintenance. Furthermore, the large percentages of income from the nautical sector in the Balearic Islands makes it easier to make heavy investments while at the same time significantly subsidising regular transport, which is why the APB is applying the maximum allowed by law in terms of subsidies for regular transport and applying reduction coefficients that place the APB at the forefront of the State in this area. All this adds up to more than 18 million euros that the APB is no longer collecting in fees, to which special bonuses will be added in 2022, as in the case of the port of Maó, where an additional 40% bonus will be given to vessels and, in addition, from 1 April to 30 June 2022, 80% of the final tax quota will be deducted from the vessel's fee, which means 2.2 million euros for lines with the mainland. Commitment to the territory All this revenue, according to Antich, “has a direct impact on the economy and employment in the region”. Indeed, according to a study carried out in 2017, which will soon be updated, shipping and shipping agents accounted for half of the turnover of maritime activities and employment. According to the same study, “maintenance and repair activities, nautical sports and nautical charters were the second largest source of activity and employment in ports, accounting for more than 30%”. Therefore, directly, indirectly and induced, port activity represents a contribution of 2,500 million euros to the Balearic economy and 17,000 jobs. As such, in addition to fulfilling the general interest of guaranteeing the maritime transport of goods and the mobility of passengers, the ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands are also an important focus of the economy. Furthermore, the Balearic ports are unique in that practically everything that is collected is reinvested in the ports of general interest and lighthouses that they manage, in short, in the territory. In 2021, these investments amounted to 27.9 million euros, almost the same as in 2020. In 2021, 13.7 million tonnes were shipped in the five ports, 10.2% more than in the previous year. Looking at the first quarter of 2022, we can confirm a moderate post-pandemic recovery. In terms of passengers, the figures for 2019 have not yet been regained, but in 2021 this was already 37.1% more than the previous year and there was a general increase across all ports. Business up, staff down Antich pointed out a contradictory development in recent years. While in the last 15 years turnover has increased from 59.8 million euros to 84.8 million euros (a 42% increase), the number of employees has decreased by 12.5%. At the same time, these years have seen an increase in management complexity, more environmental requirements and more budgetary control, meaning that, in order to cope with the large volume of business, more training, better trained people and more organisation are needed. Thus, in the words of the president of the APB, “we find ourselves at a time of particular difficulty, and we urgently need a workforce and structure appropriate to the challenges we are facing”. You can watch the press conference here

Environment and CSR Port-city Technology and innovation Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
The new call schedule for the Eivissa - la Savina line comes into force

The new call schedule for the Eivissa - la Savina line comes into force


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has approved the ordinance establishing the organisation and assignment of berths in the ports of Eivissa and La Savina. This is the first time that a call schedule for the regular Eivissa - la Savina line has been drawn up, and the new safety criteria established for this traffic in the service area of both ports. This new schedule means that the ships on this regular line will carry out manoeuvres one at a time in the Restricted Navigation Zones defined close to the berths assigned to this line in each of its ports. This new measure improves port traffic safety and avoids the waiting times that occurred last season. The application of these new criteria in the call schedule for the regular Eivissa - la Savina line, the busiest in the country, has been achieved through the collaboration of the shipping companies operating on this line, the Ibiza and Formentera Maritime Captaincy, the Ibiza Pilots’ Corporation and Salvamento Marítimo, and supported by the Balearic Government and the Formentera Council. Since July 2021, they have been working together with APB technicians to implement these and other measures to improve the service and safety of this strategic regular line for the Pine Islands. On 8 April 2022, this new schedule began a test phase, and once the new ordinance comes into force it will be implemented according to a compulsory procedure that must be complied with within the deadlines set by that ordinance.

Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
The APB will adapt the toilets at maritime stations 2 and 5 of the port of Palma for ostomates

The APB will adapt the toilets at maritime stations 2 and 5 of the port of Palma for ostomates


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will renovate the equipment and infrastructures in the toilets of maritime stations 2 and 5 at the port of Palma. In addition, in order to improve accessibility and quality of life for ostomates, it intends to adapt two toilets for them in the port facilities. The APB has proposed that all port facilities should gradually have adapted toilets. Although there is no specific regulation on the adaptation or necessary requirements of these facilities, the APB is relying on the recommendations of the Balearic Association of Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis and Ostomy Patients (ABACCO). This is a group of around 4,000 people in the Balearic Islands, out of the140,000 there are throughout Spain, which increase by around 13,000 every year. Yolanda Fernández, president of ABACCO, values the initiative very positively, since having an adapted toilet “means peace of mind and alleviates the anguish of ostomates, who will be able to empty their pouches without the risk of leaks or accidents”. In many cases, the lack of such infrastructure “prevents patients from even leaving the house”. These needs become even more vital in a transport environment like a port, where people have to stay for some time before or after a long journey. For years, the association has been working closely with the public administration, proposing NLP, giving visibility to the pathologies that lead to ostomies and signing agreements with local councils and other administrations. As for the toilets, the association proposes to locate them in accessible places, that privacy is guaranteed and that they should have washbasins so that the device can be replaced hygienically, as well as a table or support area for the ostomates to prepare the material they need. In addition, a toilet at the level of the abdomen, a water point with a hygienic shower for washing the pouch and a mirror at a suitable height and size for changing it are required. Complete refurbishment The toilets to be refurbished present different problems due to deterioration from use and the absence of essential accessories, such as baby changing tables and other items. The tender budget amounts to 498,070 euros. The work will take 3 months to complete. The deadline for receiving bids is 1 April 2022. Interested parties may submit their applications through the APB e-Tendering Portal.

Transport and infrastructure Environment and CSR
The cruise pier in the port of Maó will have a new children’s playground

The cruise pier in the port of Maó will have a new children’s playground


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will install a children’s playground on the cruise ship quay in the port of Maó. It will be enclosed by fences and will have a safety floor. It will have a marine theme, including a Santa Maria ship, whale and fish shaped piers, a fortress tower and four activity panels. It is aimed at encouraging port-city interaction through social activities for all, at the same time as being compatible with port activity, both for local residents and port users. Architectural barriers The work also includes the elimination of architectural barriers on pavements. Therefore, the pavements around the APB buildings in Maó will be remodelled in order to eliminate an existing step that extends the entire length of their central axis, in Moll de Ponent and Moll de Llevant streets. This is in line with the APB’s CSR policy, which includes the progressive elimination of architectural barriers to make them a safe place to suit the abilities of all users of the port’s infrastructures. The tender budget amounts to 464,380 euros. The work will last 3 months. The deadline for receiving bids is 6 April 2022. Interested parties may submit their applications through the APB e-Tendering Portal.

Transport and infrastructure Environment and CSR
APB begins adjusting the landscaping in the Ribera and Botafoc quays

APB begins adjusting the landscaping in the Ribera and Botafoc quays


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will replace 5,281 plants on the Ribera and Botafoc quays of the port of Eivissa. The lack of water, the salt winds and the average temperatures of the port area mean that the plant species must be resistant and adapted to the Mediterranean climate of the seashore, so low-maintenance perennial plants that provide different textures and colours throughout most of the year can always be found. At the same time, medium maintenance gardening criteria will be standardised in the Ribera quay area, as well as the choice of suitable seasonal plants that will provide an ornamental image throughout each season of the year, including important events such as Christmas, and that will increase the amount of flowers during the peak tourist season. Thanks to this intervention, particular focus will be given to garden maintenance as a result of the works carried out on the Ribera quay and areas devoid of plants will be adapted. The budget amounts to 79,000 euros and will employ eight people. A maximum period of one year has been set for this from the start of the work, which will begin tomorrow, Tuesday,15 March. Within one month, all planting will have been completed, while the following three months will be devoted to monitoring how the plants are faring. Seasonal plants will be supplied for the rest of the year.

Transport and infrastructure
Antonia Salas, the first administrative officer of the Port Council

Antonia Salas, the first administrative officer of the Port Council


Throughout history, many women have fought for a prominent place in a world that seemed to be dominated by men. Many improvements and customs have changed over the years thanks to their efforts which, in one way or another, have marked a before and after. For some of them, history has reserved an outstanding place for great contributions. Others have made their mark in a more anonymous but equally definitive way. This is the case of Antonia Salas Gilet, the first woman to occupy an administrative post on what was then known as the Board of the Port of Palma, the initial institution of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands. Coinciding with Women's Day, we talked about this exceptional woman with her daughter, Gabriela Tous, also a former worker at the Port of Palma. Gabriela remembers the family atmosphere among the workers, the parties with the rest of the Public Works employees, life in the port... In 1965, they moved to the Vell quay to live, a period that she remembers as being a wonderful time. It was 1940. A young Antonia was working in the family business, Casa Gilet, as a typing teacher. Her work was already well known: Her writings stood out for their neatness and clarity. Even more so: In 1933, she had achieved the maximum number of keystrokes in the 2nd Typing Competition in Palma de Mallorca. As was customary at that time, the Port Board asked Casa Gilet for a clerk to work on a specific project. Shortly afterwards, she became indispensable and was offered a permanent position. Thus, in January 1945, at a time when the only women hired in the administrations worked as cleaners, Antonia became the first career civil servant of the Port Board and probably one of the first in Spain, as far as she knew. In fact, it would take another 20 years for the second woman to join the Port Board as an administrator. And what about her mother? “She was brave, ahead of her time, a pioneer in many respects,” recalls Gabriela. Her relationship with her male colleagues was splendid, so much so that Gabriela remembers them as a big family, like her uncles: “My mother always felt good in this atmosphere”. Those were difficult times for a working woman, and even more so for balancing professional and private lives: There was no provision for pregnancy leave, and women were discharged a few days after giving birth, having to return to their jobs. In 1980, the year in which she retired, she was recognised for her 40 years of dedication to the public administration. But surely Antonia Salas’ greatest satisfaction was how proud of her family felt and still feel today. A woman who stood up to stereotypes and broke down barriers to excel in her profession. And, most importantly, she blazed a trail.

The APB and Palma Council revalidate the agreement for fire protection and fire fighting, rescue and public safety for the port of Palma

The APB and Palma Council revalidate the agreement for fire protection and fire fighting, rescue and public safety for the port of Palma


Further strengthening of cooperation between the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) and Palma Council, through the signing of an agreement on fire protection and fire fighting, rescue and public safety in the port of Palma. The aim of the agreement is to increase the technical collaboration of the APB and the Bombers I Bomberes de (Palma Fire Brigade) in order to raise safety levels in the port area of Palma and to make the most of the resources and means available. The president of the APB, Francesc Antich, and the mayor of Palma, José Hila, formalised the new agreement, in a ceremony in which the director of the APB, Jorge Nasarre the head of the APB’s Safety and Protection Division, Josep Aubareda the councillor for Public Safety, Joana M. Adrover the general director of the area, Gloria Nieto and the coordinator of the Fire Department, Àlex Bergas, also took part. The president of the APB, Francesc Antich, highlighted “the opportunity to benefit from an agreement that has been working very well for over 20 years”, and valued the continuity of the agreement between the institutions to ensure “an optimal level of safety in the port area and optimisation of public resources”. Furthermore, the mayor of Palma, José Hila, said that the reissue of this collaboration “confirms the good work carried out” between the two administrations, which “has achieved such good results” in the past. Hila stressed that one of the fundamental aspects of this agreement is to carry out training and drills in the event of an emergency, such as “the manoeuvre carried out a few weeks ago” in which corporals and fire-fighters took part in a scenario involving a fire in a gas tank “which became more complicated every minute”. “In the end, this type of collaboration results in a better public service,” he said. Therefore, the APB will provide the staff of the Palma Fire Brigade with material and a specific training programme for urban, industrial and port emergencies, with a budget of 90,000 euros for the next 4 years. The new agreement also includes a command vehicle for the Palma Fire Brigade, with a budget of approximately 80,000 euros. Internal Emergency Plan (IEP) The port of Palma has an Interior Emergency Plan (IEP) drawn up by the APB, which considers the Palma Fire Brigade as an intervention group that provides emergency assistance, extinguishing fires on land and on boats, intervening in civil protection operations, evacuation tasks, land rescue operations and participating in drills, among others. The first cooperation agreement dates back to 2001. The last one was signed in 2012 and ended on 1 October 2021. The new agreement establishes that the APB will finance training, specific means and a command vehicle for the Palma Fire Brigade, in exchange for the commitment to attend to emergencies occurring in the port, as an integral part of its Internal Emergency Plan, under the direction of the APB.

Technology and innovation Port-city Environment and CSR
APB staff and their families participate in the collection of plastic waste on Can Pere Antoni beach in Palma

APB staff and their families participate in the collection of plastic waste on Can Pere Antoni beach in Palma


Today, a group of volunteers took part in a day of awareness-raising and coastal clean-up at Can Pere Antoni beach in Palma. This is an initiative organised by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) and Ports IB, which under the slogan “In the sea, leave no trace behind you”, aims to raise public awareness of the serious environmental problem represented by waste left in the natural environment and its impact on the flora and fauna. From 26 February to 1 March, family workshops with talks and waste characterisation campaigns are being offered at different ports on the islands by the LIBERA project. Created in 2017 by the NGO SEO/BirdLife in alliance with Ecoembes, this project is intended to raise awareness and mobilise citizens to keep the natural environment free of waste. This weekend events already took place in Sant Antoni de Portmany, La Savina and Ciutadella, while today they are scheduled in Palma and tomorrow Portocristo. The aim is to involve all citizens and explain the role that everyone has to play in preventing pollution and protecting the natural environments of the Balearic Islands.

Environment and CSR 150th anniversary
The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands and Ports IB join forces to raise awareness of waste left in natural environment on the occasion of Balearic Islands Day

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands and Ports IB join forces to raise awareness of waste left in natural environment on the occasion of Balearic Islands Day


On the occasion of the Balearic Islands Day and with the slogan “In the sea leave no trace behind you”, Ports de les Illes Balears and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands have joined forces this year to raise awareness among the citizens of all the islands of the serious environmental problem of waste left in the natural environment and its impact on flora and fauna. For this reason, between 26 February and 1 March, family workshops with talks and waste characterisation campaigns will be offered by the LIBERA project in different ports of the Balearic Islands. Created in 2017 by the NGO SEO/BirdLife in alliance with Ecoembes, this project is intended to raise awareness and mobilise citizens to keep the natural environment free of waste. The aim is to involve all citizens and explain the role that everyone has to play in preventing pollution and protecting the natural environments of the Balearic Islands. The following events have been scheduled: On Saturday, 26 February, there will be two events: one at the maritime station of the port of Sant Antoni de Portmany and the other at the port of La Savina Sunday, 27 February, in the old port of Ciutadella in front of the Ports de les Illes Balears offices Monday 28, at the institutional headquarters of the APB in the port of Palma Tuesday, 1 March, in Portocristo Two family sessions will be held in each port at 11:30 am and 12:30 pm. Those interested in participating can register using this form.

Environment and CSR
The APB puts out a tender for a nautical-sports marina and another for larger mooring spaces in the port of Maó

The APB puts out a tender for a nautical-sports marina and another for larger mooring spaces in the port of Maó


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has agreed today in a session held in Palma to put out to tender two authorizations to manage recreational nautical moorings in the port of Maó. One is aimed primarily at promoting water sports and another for larger mooring spaces. To do this, it will split into two the untitled space that the Trapsayates company currently occupies, for which an eviction notice has been served. Firstly, it has been agreed to put out to tender the management of a nautical-sports facility for 165boats, eight to fifteen metres long, between the area known as sa Punta des Rellotge and es Gatassus, on the Levante quay of the port of Maó. In this facility, special attention will be paid to the promotion and teaching of the sport. The space, with an area of 19,167squaremetres of water and 698squaremetres of land, has four floating and occasionally piloted pontoons. It also includes an esplanade and a quay beside it, intended for the mooring of light boats for training, sports, and non-profit-making educational, social and cultural activities. The duration of the authorisation will be two years, with the possibility of extending it for a maximum of three years. The annual occupancy rate for improvement will be 160,862.00euros. Larger mooring spaces The second tender to be launched on the Levante quay of the port of Maó comprises 32metres of quay line and a pontoon (also floating and occasionally piloted) located at the Punta de Cala Figuera. In this case, the authorisation will be for two years - extendable up to a maximum of three years - of an area of 22,188squaremetres of water to provide services to around 30vessels of up to 60metres in length. The annual occupancy rate for improvement will be 192,706.00euros.

Socio-economic development Transport and infrastructure
The management of moorings and premises in the Poniente dock of the port of La Savina, which includes rearrangement of space, is put out to tender

The management of moorings and premises in the Poniente dock of the port of La Savina, which includes rearrangement of space, is put out to tender


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) agreed today in a session held in Palma to approve the specifications and clauses that will govern the public tender for the management of mooring places and premises in the inner western dock of the port of La Savina. The tender is for a one-year administrative authorisation, with the possibility of extending it for a maximum period of three years. The tender conditions establish the management of a total surface area of 13,408 square metres, of which 9,183 square metres correspond to water and the rest to land. It also includes the management of three buildings for commercial activities, as well as a fuel supply station for pleasure boats. The annual amount of the occupancy rate for improvement will be 507,786.90euros. Rearrangement of the space In the same session, it was agreed to relocate the embarkation and disembarkation of passenger from the excursion boats to the vicinity of the maritime station. Specifically in a space that is currently part of the concession granted at the time to the company Marina de Formentera SA, which ends on 27 May. Thus, the new authorisation to be put out to tender will exclude this area of the port, but instead will include the area of water that will be free in the Pantalán dock and Ribera dock with the transfer of the excursion boats. This space is intended for the management of moorings of up to six metres in length, which in high season - and at the request of the Consell Insular de Formentera - could be used for nautical charter boats. This rearrangement of the space is compatible with the current planning instruments of the port of La Savina and with the new Special Plan - which is currently being processed - as well as with the current layout of the recently built promenade at the port. Prior to these agreements and in the same session, the Board of Directors of the APB denied the request for the extension of the concession for three and a half years submitted by Marina de Formentera, SA for this public port space, enabling its redevelopment and the tender for a new authorisation for the management of moorings.

Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development