The Cofradía de Pescadores de Maó (Maó Fishermen’s Guild) will occupy the plot of land next to the Casa del Mar and use it for net repairs and drying area

The Cofradía de Pescadores de Maó (Maó Fishermen’s Guild) will occupy the plot of land next to the Casa del Mar and use it for net repairs and drying area


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) agreed, in its last ordinary meeting, to directly grant an administrative concession to the Maó Fishermen’s Guild for the operation of the facilities for fishing activities located in the Poniente quay area of the port of Maó. The Cofradía proposes to use the areas and facilities intended mainly for professional fishing for additional services such as a net drying area, a storage area for boxes, tools, gear and effects, storerooms and premises, cold rooms, control room, and the provision of premises to a third party for the development of commercial fishing and the management of the building. They propose to build a pergola on the net drying area, with an investment budget of 158,000euros for the works and installations. The viability plan for the concession is for a period of 15years.

Port-city Socio-economic development
The APB demands important environmental measures in the new concession of the Lonja dock in the port of Palma

The APB demands important environmental measures in the new concession of the Lonja dock in the port of Palma


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has approved the specifications and clauses that will govern the public tender for the management of mooring places for charter boats at the Lonja dock in the port of Palma, which incorporates important mandatory environmental measures. The purpose of this tender is to select the most advantageous solution for the granting of an administrative concession for the management and operation of mooring places for charter boats with a total surface area of 18,288.60 square metres of port public domain. Of these, 16,721.9 square metres correspond to the water mirror and 1,566.6 to land. It includes two fixed pontoons, anchoring trains, mooring elements -bollards- and the existing service turrets. The specifications include important environmental improvements that the bidder must comply with, such as the obligatory selective removal of rubbish by installing the necessary containers (clean point). These containers must be monitored and must report the weight to the APB by means of an API. With this data, the licensee will provide the APB with information every six months on compliance with the removal of the different types of waste. The basic project to be submitted by the bidders must be designed to minimise possible negative environmental effects from the beginning of its conception, including the selection of materials, optimisation of energy efficiency and resources, waste management, emission control and sustainable management. Therefore, in the case of interventions that require construction or demolition works, sustainable certification must be obtained for the whole cycle of the work, which will be carried out with low-impact materials. Moreover, at least 70% of construction and demolition waste should be recycled. In addition, materials that facilitate the development of marine communities and the enhancement of biodiversity, such as regenerative facing boards to encourage the growth of flora and fauna in the area of operation, should be proposed in various areas. Energy saving measures The proposal for the installation of systems that minimise water consumption will also be assessed, such as automatic diffusers-blasters at the end of hoses for cleaning boats and also those for the collection, accumulation and/or generation of fresh water (mini-salinators, rainwater accumulators, etc.) that enable water consumption to be reduced. A study of the facility’s lighting will also be mandatory, with proposals for intervention, where appropriate, so that all areas of the facility are adequately and sufficiently illuminated, using technologies that optimise energy consumption. Whenever possible, solar panels will be installed on the car park pergolas for the production of renewable energy for consumption in the concession itself, and a sufficient number of connectors for electric boats will be guaranteed. Exclusive for charters The facilities covered by this tender will only provide service to Spanish vessels on list 6, as defined in Royal Decree 1027/1989, of 28 July, on flagging, registration of vessels and maritime registry, and to foreign vessels listed in the registration document as "commercial yachts", i.e. in any case to charter vessels, and the service may not be provided to any other registered in a different category. The maximum duration of the concession will be ten years, according to investment needs. The annual amount of the occupancy rate will be 269,339.53euros. In accordance with Articles 187 and 188 of the State Ports Law, the activity fee will be 4% of the turnover.

Environment and CSR Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
The APB celebrates International Archives Day by bringing to light the first Annual Report of the Board of Palma

The APB celebrates International Archives Day by bringing to light the first Annual Report of the Board of Palma


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) brings to light the first Annual Report of the Board of the Port of Palma, a compilation of large-scale projects such as the construction of the Extension of the Old Dock and La Lonja dock in the Port of Palma, which is the main theme of the exhibition. The exhibition will be open to the public from Thursday 8th to Friday 9th of June at the Institutional Headquarters of the APB (Old Dock, 3). This report can be seen together with other exceptional elements such as the project for the installation of the emblematic Menorcan lighthouse of Punta Nati, or a monograph on the gardens of La Cuarentena, which is based on a unique document that will also be exhibited. The exhibition also includes other original projects for port works, period manuscripts and photographs. All these documents have been catalogued by the APB Archive, which continues its mission to bring a small part of its documentary heritage closer to society. International Archives Day Due to its uniqueness, the APB Archive is a true ark of knowledge. Its documentary heritage provides information on engineering, social changes, urban and port development, meteorology, economics, history, etc. All this outlines a map of the social, economic and cultural development of the cities. Ports are the most important pillars of an archipelago, and its city shapers. On the occasion of International Archives Day, on the 9th of June, the APB Archive is opening this exhibition, which will be located at the APB’s Institutional Headquarters on Palma’s Old Dock no. 3, from 9 am to 7 pm on Thursday 8th of June and from 9 am to 2 pm on Friday 9th.

The Botafoc Maritime Station will start functioning next Tuesday, 6 June

The Botafoc Maritime Station will start functioning next Tuesday, 6 June


The Botafoc Maritime Station in the port of Eivissa will start functioning next Tuesday, 6 June, and will be fully operational to receive vessels entering or leaving Eivissa by sea. The first passengers to make use of the new facilities those from Baleària’s Eleanor Rosselvet ferry, which is scheduled to arrive at 7:15 p.m. from the port of Denia, bound for Barcelona. The president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Jaume Colom, values the construction of this infrastructure as “the ultimate work that we have been doing at the APB in the area of Port-Ciutat integration over the last twenty years” and which improves the use of the facilities for passengers, “who will be able to enjoy both the station and the magnificent views over Dalt Vila”. Agreed project The APB awarded the construction works for the new maritime station in April 2019 to the Comsa-MAB joint venture, for a budget of 16,330,960.06euros. The new building, which follows the tradition of Ibizan architecture using straight lines, and white and reddish-toned standstone, will offer all the services to meet the needs of passengers, with priority being given to compliance with safety and accessibility measures. It offers users spacious lounges and public areas that will allow for separate boarding and disembarkation. On the other hand, the Botafoc MS has all the amenities to guarantee the comfort of its passengers. It can also serve up to six ships at the same time. The new maritime station is located between the North and South pontoons of the Botafoc docks and is 30 metres away from the sea. It has an area of 6,580metres between the two floors and the mezzanine. The ground floor houses the pre-boarding services and security controls, while the mezzanine floor has offices. The upper floor is designed as a walkable roof that provides access to the gangways to board and disembark passengers. The final project for the new maritime station is based on the winning project of a competition for ideas that was judged by the Eivissa City Council, the Balearic Association of Maritime Activities Employers (APEAM), the Association of Architects, the Association of Civil Engineers of the Balearic Islands and the APB. Finally, the project tendered by the APB received a favourable report from the Urban Planning Department of the Eivissa City Council. This infrastructure completes the objective set out in the Infrastructure Master Plan for the port of Eivissa, which establishes the transfer to the Botafoc quays of the port operations that were most annoying for the city, such as the embarkation and disembarkation of goods and regular line passengers, resulting in the decongestion of the Llevant quay, now converted into the Marina promenade. de la Marina.

Port-city Transport and infrastructure
The APB’s Board of Directors approves the declaration of its commitment to the development of gender equality policies

The APB’s Board of Directors approves the declaration of its commitment to the development of gender equality policies


Yesterday, the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved the declaration of the APB’s commitment to the development of gender equality policies, which focuses on the importance and obligation to guarantee the real equality of women and men in organisational environments. Therefore, a Negotiating Committee has already been set up to work on the development of a document that will be instrumental in improving the working environment and optimising the capabilities and potential of the entire workforce. A plan that involves maintaining the conditions of effective equality of treatment and opportunities between women and men, strengthening it and, in turn, eliminating any type of discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, age or disability. Specifically in the field of employment, the main initiatives propose actions that favour women’s access to and promotion in employment and to improve the reconciliation of personal, work and family life. The Plan will be subject to negotiation and agreement with the legal representation of public employees and its compliance will be evaluated on an annual basis. It thus complies with the amendment of Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of 30 October, approving the revised text of the Basic Statute of the Public Employee Act, which urges public administrations, as employers and responsible for the implementation of public policies, to implement and promote the necessary actions in terms of organisation of their staff in order to comply with the gender equality principle. It also serves as a model and example to other public and private organisations, as well as to society as a whole. 1st Equality Plan On 6 July 2011, the APB, a body that forms part of Puertos del Estado and depends on MITMA, adhered to the 1st Equality Plan and the Protocol for the prevention and treatment of cases of Sexual and Gender-based Harassment of the Port Authorities. A step further has now been taken and work has already begun on the development of the 1st Equality Plan specific to this entity, which will give special coverage to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5, 8 and 10, as they specifically address the goal of achieving gender equality, within the framework of global respect for human rights and as integrated, inseparable elements and guarantors of the balance of the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.

Environment and CSR
The rehabilitation of the Botafoc dock begins

The rehabilitation of the Botafoc dock begins


The rehabilitation of the protective elements of the Botafoc dock foundations, at the port of Eivissa, has begun. In the past few years, some damage to the main mantle of the dock bank had been detected and confirmed by the underwater inspections carried out as part of the APB’s five-yearly inspection programme. The objective of the project is the work carried out on the three sections of the dock (base, trunk and head) so that it is resistant to the current maritime climate, which may have changed since the original one was carried out. In the base section, the work consists of repositioning the 6-tonne blocks located at the current bank coping. 1.5 tonnes of rockfill will be dumped on this base to give continuity to the slope of the filter formed by the previous blocks. Finally, on top of the previous materials, a two-layer mantle made of 20-tonne blocks will be built on the slope. In the trunk and head section, repositioning of the current 3-tonne pieces is planned, on top of which a main mantle will be placed, which will be made of 20-tonne blocks. Due to the characteristics of the work and the volume of the pieces to be handled, it will be carried out by sea, with blocks manufactured on the mainland and transported by boat to the port of Eivissa, which will avoid affecting traffic and port operations on land. The contract was awarded to the joint venture between FCC Construcción and Vías y Obras Públicas (VOPSA) for 10,094,515 euros. The execution period is 28 months. Botafoc Dock The Botafoc dock, 515 metres long and with a maximum draught of 20 metres, has a submerged bank of cubic concrete blocks, formed by 12 concrete caissons. The crown wall with a waveguard is 7 metres above sea level. It is connected to the town by a 1,200metre-long road. This has increased safety, because the unloading of oil products can now be carried out at a greater distance than before the dock was built. This also allows large cruise ships to dock there.

Transport and infrastructure
The INEOS Britannia team will extend its stay in Mallorca to prepare for the America’s Cup sailing competition

The INEOS Britannia team will extend its stay in Mallorca to prepare for the America’s Cup sailing competition


The INEOS Britannia team, which is finalising its preparations in Palma for the 37th edition of the America’s Cup in 2024 in Barcelona, will extend its stay in Mallorca for three more years to prepare for future editions of the competition, as its leaders have told the Minister for the Economic Model, Tourism, Employment, Iago Negueruela, during a meeting held today in Palma. At the same time, the meeting, which was also attended by the Director General of Tourism, Isabel Vidal, and the President of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), Jaume Colom, served to make progress on a protocol of intentions aimed at Mallorca becoming the permanent headquarters of Ineos Britannia in the future to prepare for the America’s Cup. During the meeting, the members of INEOS Britannia expressed their intention for Palma to become its permanent headquarters and praised the “magnificent port infrastructures, the port’s smooth connections with the main cities in Europe and the conditions offered by its bay throughout the year”. In addition, as a result of this commitment to Mallorca, they also expressed their willingness to open avenues of collaboration in training for staff linked to the maritime industry, which will further strengthen ties with the UK, and continue to focus on nautical training, as well as on the relationship with technology companies in Mallorca. After the meeting, Negueruela highlighted the interest shown by the team to extend their stay in Palma, which will serve to “continue to support nautical training and a complement to recreational boating” in the Balearic Islands. During the meeting, Jaume Colom for the APB showed his willingness to continue in the port of Palma as no details were presented of any location that might be compatible with the reorganisation of port activities planned for the coming years. INEOS’ CEO, Sir Ben Ainslie, declared that “Palma has been a great sailing training base for INEOS Britannia since we arrived on the island last summer. We have built strong relationships and feel the strong support of the local community”. “The possibility of establishing a sailing headquarters in Palma presents a great opportunity and we look forward to continuing to provide a platform that can increase jobs across the island,” he added. The INEOS Britannia team includes Mallorcans Miguel Sánchez Cuenca (physicist and meteorologist) and Elvira Llabrés (computer engineer).

Technology and innovation Socio-economic development
Work on the Formentor lighthouse road has been completed

Work on the Formentor lighthouse road has been completed


Today, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) completed the work on the structural reinforcement of the earth retaining wall on the access road to the Formentor lighthouse. The access road to the lighthouse will be opened tomorrow to all traffic and people not involved in the work. On 22 June 2022, with the reinforcement work partially completed, the road was partially opened for reasons of public interest and the start of the tourist season. Last November, the road was once again closed to vehicle traffic in order to complete the lining of the retaining wall with a dry stone wall.

Port-city Transport and infrastructure
The OASIS project will transform the ports of Palma and Eivissa into active agents in the regeneration of biodiversity and the fight against climate change

The OASIS project will transform the ports of Palma and Eivissa into active agents in the regeneration of biodiversity and the fight against climate change


Transforming ports into agents of environmental regeneration and the fight against climate change is the objective of the OASIS project, developed by the Spanish company Ocean Ecostructures and which the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will implement in the general interest ports of Eivissa and soon in Palma. This innovative technology makes it possible to transform grey marine infrastructures into blue oases, regenerating biodiversity and recovering the capacity of the seas to absorb CO2. Thus, thanks to a calcium carbonate or mineral coating attached to the quays or breakwaters - known as LifeSkin - a biofauna will be generated that will reduce CO2 by compensation. OASIS has been selected to receive a grant of 566,000 euros in the form of a commercial project under the Ports 4.0 plan to promote entrepreneurship for innovation in the port sector. Initially, 40 units will be installed in the port of Barcelona and 15 in the ports of Palma and Eivissa. The APB, as a facilitating agent, will provide the facilities and equipment to install the necessary units for the project in the agreed areas and collaborate in its execution, participating in the results obtained. We wil work with different location profiles (depths, turbidity levels and quality, currents...) and with different types of substrates (material, texture and shape). This will enable us to identify the best solutions for each type of environment, resulting in a segmentation of ports and design profiles. Environmental regeneration It has been demonstrated that this calcium carbonate cover is the optimum substrate for the repopulation of specific species, such as sponges, cystoseira, posidonia or gorgonians, among others, as well as a refuge for other species, and even a breeding area. It thus becomes a first-rate environmental regeneration tool whose versatility allows it to be applied to any marine infrastructure.

Environment and CSR Technology and innovation
Sailing and windsurfing in the Balearic Islands will have their own space for general and technical training

Sailing and windsurfing in the Balearic Islands will have their own space for general and technical training


Sailing and windsurfing in the Balearic Islands will have their own space for general and technical training. The Regional Ministry of Social Affairs and Sports and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) have reached an agreement to set up a specific space in the port of es Molinar, in Palma. Until now, the Sailing and Windsurfing technical training programme of the CTEIB was carried out in spaces and facilities provided by the sports clubs. This is a response to a former claim to have its own public technical training facility. The space will be leased by the APB, while the Regional Ministry of Social Affairs and Sports will assume the construction and management of the new centre, through the Foundation for Balearic Sports, with an estimated cost of 486,000 euros. Today the president of the APB, Jaume Colom, the councillor of Social Affairs and Sports, Fina Santiago, the general director of Sports, Carles Gonyalons, the president of the Balearic Islands Sailing Federation, Catalina Darder, and the president of the Spanish Sailing Federation, José Javier Sanz, visited the space where the new facilities will be located. The technical directors of the Sailing and Windsurfing technical training programmes were also present. The president of the APB, Jaume Colom, has approved the signing of this agreement, which ensures that citizens have access to the sea and basic sports and, at the same time, that the Balearic Islands continue to be a pioneer in sailing. For his part, Santiago pointed out that the absence of this public space was one of the objectives of his Ministry, especially after the privatisation of the Calanova area. He also thanked both the federation for its involvement as the driving force behind this project and the APB for assuming the need and generosity of leasing the space, which will be managed by agreement with a 15-year lease, he added. The space where the new facilities will be located is Caló d’en Rigo. Already part of the project for the remodelling of the space that the APB carried out in 2021 was the installation of a sailing school of 511 square metres, taking advantage of a new stretch of breakwater with a deck, which is currently a raised walkway accessed by a ramp and stairs. Project The planned project includes an office for the CTEIB Sailing and Windsurfing programmes, a room for coaches, a classroom, changing rooms, gymnasium, boat storage facilities and workshop. Each of the rooms can be accessed directly from the outside, but the office, the coaches’ room and the classroom are connected internally. The boat storage facilities and the workshop are also connected internally. Promoting sports The aim of these new facilities is to continue promoting the training of technically-skilled athletes. However, other activities of the Balearic Sailing Federation and other federations related to the maritime environment will also be carried out in this space, such as the monitoring of young sporting talent. It is worth remembering that the Balearic sailing and windsurfing athletes are currently achieving great results. One example is the bronze medal of the sailor Joan Cardona in the last Olympic Games in Tokyo, 2020. Cardona, in fact, is one of the athletes who has completed the CTEIB’s technical training programme.

Environment and CSR Port-city Technology and innovation Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
The Portocolom lighthouse will become part of the Balearic Islands Research Station Network

The Portocolom lighthouse will become part of the Balearic Islands Research Station Network


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has approved the text of the agreement for the management of spaces and facilities at the Portocolom lighthouse in Mallorca, between the Conselleria de Fons Europeus, Universitat i Cultura (Ministry of European Funds, University and Culture) of the Government of the Balearic Islands and the APB. Under this agreement, and pending the signature of the two bodies, the APB is assigning part of these premises to the Regional Department for scientific research equipment to be incorporated into the Balearic Islands Research Station Network (XEIIB). The spaces and facilities covered by this agreement have a built-up surface area of 475.3 square metres, of which 412.4 square metres corresponds to the main building on the ground floor and first floor, and 62.9 square metres to the auxiliary building (warehouse). The agreement will be valid for five years, which can be extended if neither of the parties states otherwise. The general objective of this network is to promote, facilitate and enhance research on the natural, terrestrial and marine resources of the Balearic Islands through a series of centres distributed across the archipelago for the decentralisation of such research. On the other hand, the APB intends to give value to a heritage that is not currently necessary for the maintenance of the maritime signal and that, with this agreement, will once again be useful for research on the environment in order to fulfil the commitments acquired in the environmental policy of this public body. As part of this agreement, open days will be held to show different groups the research activity carried out in the former lighthouse keeper's quarters, when information on the history of the lighthouse itself will be presented and distributed. Research Station As a research station, the key benefit of maintaining a continuous sampling and research activity along the coastline is obtaining a better knowledge of the ecosystems, the changes they undergo, the detection of their causes and possible solutions. This knowledge will make it possible to establish a baseline for detecting possible changes and to draw up models of development scenarios and future uses, in order to set up management policies that guarantee the environmental quality of the islands. Specifically, the station will carry out an inventory and integrated study of biodiversity, both marine and terrestrial, control of seabird populations, phenology of flowering and fruiting of plant species used as indicators of the effects of an increase in environmental temperature, a visual census of coastal fish and control of posidonia meadows, among others.

Environment and CSR Port-city Technology and innovation
The proposal submitted by the company Calima la Savina S.L. Was chosen as the most advantageous solution for managing the cafeteria of the Maritime Station of Formentera in the port of Eivissa

The proposal submitted by the company Calima la Savina S.L. Was chosen as the most advantageous solution for managing the cafeteria of the Maritime Station of Formentera in the port of Eivissa


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) resolved, this Wednesday 29 March in an ordinary session, to choose the proposal submitted by the company Calima la Savina S.L. as the most advantageous in the tender for the exploitation under administrative concession of the cafeteria of the Maritime Station of Formentera in the port of Eivissa. This hospitality area is 211 square metres inside and has 163.8square metres of terraces. This concession will involve the provision of removable elements such as tables, chairs, displays or umbrellas, and no fixed infrastructure or masonry works are permitted. The entire premises shall also be equipped with a free WiFi system. The cafeteria/bar service will cover all stopovers of vessels docking at the Ribera Poniente quay, specifically half an hour before the first stopover of the day and never before the last one. The duration of the concession will be five years, extendable up to a maximum of seven and a half years, with an annual occupancy fee of 16,948.30 euros and an activity fee of 4% of turnover, in accordance with Articles 187 and 188 of the State Ports Act. In addition, and at the bidder's proposal, an increase in the rates of 195,049.70 euros is established. On the other hand, the bidding company will make an investment of 254,735euros, destined to replace all the installations and the false ceiling of the premises, among others. In terms of energy efficiency and waste management, Calima La Savina has proposed the installation of a mini eco-park (green point), intelligent litter bins and sunshades that will allow mobile devices to be charged via USB using solar panels.

Port-city Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development