10,000 cruise passengers in the Port of Palma in one day

10,000 cruise passengers in the Port of Palma in one day


The Port of Palma recorded, on July 17, a record of 10,000 cruise passengers in one day, accommodating three megacruiseships and another medium in size at its docks. The four ships were Costa Magica, with 101,350 tonnes and 272 metres MSC Orchestra, with 92,409 tonnes and 293 metres Arcadia, with 83,000 tonnes and 285 metres and Thomsom Destiny, with 37,773 tonnes and 214 metres. The Port of Palma is expected, in 2008, to beat the historic record of 500 stopovers in the same year.

Visit to the works of the new maritime station and the port of Alcudia

Visit to the works of the new maritime station and the port of Alcudia


The chairman of the Port Authority of Balears (PAB), Francesc Triay, visited today the construction site of the new Alcudia ferry terminal, which will gradually enter into service starting in the month of September. With this new infrastructure, the Port Authority of Balears concludes a series of improvements which will double the passenger traffic and general merchandise in the port and making it the base for the maritime connections between Majorca, Menorca and Barcelona. With a budget of more than thirteen million euros, the new terminal, with its elevated walkways for embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, will be able to serve up to 300,000 passengers a year and four vessels simultaneously. It is being built on an area of 3600 m², has three floors and will have luggage facilities, offices, a cafeteria and a restaurant, among other things. The visit was attended by the mayor of Alcúdia, Miquel Ferrer, who was accompanied by the rest of his government team. Ferrer said that the new facility will enhance, "without a doubt" the economy of the port and the Majorcan location. With this construction the PAB will be entering into the final stretch of their thirty-four million euro investment of recent years in the port of Alcudia. Among the highlighted events are the extension of 30,000 square meters of the Poniente dock, the dredging of the commercial area, the stabilization of the Ribera and Adosado docks, as well as urban upgrading of the promenade and surrounding area.

Jury set up for competition for Cos Nou Ferry Terminal

Jury set up for competition for Cos Nou Ferry Terminal


This morning, the president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (PAB), Francesc Triay, presided over the establishment of the jury to decide on the winners of the preliminary plans for the ferry terminal of Cos Nou in the port of Mahon. Once they were summoned to the old Trasmediterrenea building in the port of Palma and the jury was set up, members of the tribunal initiated the opening of the submitted bids, the admission of the work and the ensuing deliberations. A period of fifteen days was determined to prepare the decision of the jury. The members of the jury who attended the meeting included the chairman of the PAB, Francesc Triay and the mayor of Mahon, Vicenç Tur, as president and vice president of the jury Matías Angel Mateos, director of the PAB, Jorge Martin and Jorge Nasarre, also representing the PAB Ricardo Collado, representing the College of Civil Engineers Jesus Cardona, on behalf of the Official College of Architects of the Balearic Islands Santiago de Udaeta, representing the Insular Council of Menorca Elisenda Boet, representing the City Council of Mahon Canalis Oscar and Angel Charro Matias, on behalf of the Govern de les Illes Balears Antoni Cladera ,Civil Engineer, designated by the contestants and Jaume Ferrando, as secretary of the PAB, who has a voice in discussions, but no vote. The architect appointed by the contestants, Manuel Ruizsánchez Capelastegui, excused his absence from the meeting.

First Informative Meeting with the Media

First Informative Meeting with the Media


The PAB organized this week the First Informative Meeting on Ports, Shipping and Logistics with the Media for the local press in the port of Palma. The motive for organizing this event was to publicize the role of the major ports of the Balearic Islands, day by day, in the economic and social development of our community. During three sessions various statements were distributed which addressed the running of operations in the port: management and facilities aids to navigation: lighthouses and maritime transport the port of Palma: order and usage cruise ship traffic: economic and environmental impact and went on to the responsibilities of the technical personnel of the Port Authority and the president of the Provincial BusinessAssociation of Marine Activities of the Balearic Islands, Apeam

The Port of Palma prepares for the christening of AIDAluna

The Port of Palma prepares for the christening of AIDAluna


The president of the Port Authority of theBalearic Islands (PAB), Francesc Triay, gave a press conference to cover the events that have been organized by the cruise company AIDA Cruises for the christening ceremony of the cruise ship AIDAluna, to be held next weekend in the Port of Palma. On Saturday, April 4, at nine in the evening, the chief authorities of the islands will be received on board by the heads of AIDA Cruises and Carnival Corporation before the commencement of the ceremony. The patroness of AIDAluna, German top model Franziska Knupp, will perform the christening of the ship. After this, fireworks will be launched from the port which will be visible from the entire seafront promenade of Palma. The following day, the PAB will present the traditional plaque to the commander of AIDAluna. Triay stressed that this event highlights the importance of the Port of Palma as a destination for cruise ships in the Mediterranean and promotes the Balearic Islands in the cruise tourism sector in Europe. Also appearing before the press were, the Minister of Tourism of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Miquel Nadal, the Councilor for Economy and Tourism of the Consell of Majorca, Maria Isabel Oliver, and the Deputy of Tourism, Juana Maria Borrás

The PAB awarded at Seatrade Cruise Shipping Miami

The PAB awarded at Seatrade Cruise Shipping Miami


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (PAB) has returned from Seatrade Cruise Shipping Miami, the world's largest international trade fair for cruise ships, with an award from the Dream World Cruise Destination Magazine which recognizes the Port of Palma for being the best port operations base for cruise ships. A delegation, headed by the chairman of the PAB, Francesc Triay, participated in the annual meeting of the international cruise ship tourism industry, by representing the Balearic Islands in the promotional programme that Ports of the State organizes every year in this U.S. city. The Balearic delegation perceived an attitude of confidence on the part of the world’s major cruise companies, which have demonstrated that they are capable of continuing to grow at a healthy pace and are competent in the face of the economic crisis. The chairman of the PAB was accompanied in Miami by the director, Matthew Angel, the sales manager, Matthew Ginard and the chief of the ports of Ibiza and La Savina, Joaquín Jiménez. Also forming part of the delegation in Miami were the president of the Provincial Business Association of Maritime Activities in the Balearic Islands (Apeam), Miquel Puigserver, the president of the Business Association of Travel Agencies in the Balearic Islands, Pedro Iriondo and the major shipping agents for cruise ships on the islands.

Bidding starts for dock work at Botafoc

Bidding starts for dock work at Botafoc


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (PAB) has initiated the proceedings for tenders for the construction of the esplanade and commercial docks in the shelter of the Botafoc dock in the port of Ibiza, with a budget of approximately ninety four million euros and a maximum period of execution of thirty months. This afternoon the open tender was announced by the BOE, which sets the foundations which must be met by the contestants. Yesterday, Wednesday, the information was sent to the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). The deadline for submission of tenders is 18 May 2009 and May 27 will mark opening of the submitted bids. Project is reducedFollowing the agreement reached between the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Consell and the City Council of Ibiza, the PAB will initiate the expansion and reform of the port with the beginning of the work on the docks of Botafoc. As reported by the chairman of the PAB, Francesc Triay, at a press conference held on February 3rd in Ibiza, the initial draft of 85.000m ² has been reduced by 10.000m ². This makes a total of 63.000m ² of constructed esplanade and two wharves of 6.000m ², resulting in an overall gain of 75.000m ² of newly won sea surface. Similarly, the chairman of the PAB outlined other key agreements making possible an institutional pact, for example, that half of the filling material used in the construction of the esplanade will come from outside the island the rejection of the construction of the tunnel access under Plana Island the unfounded affect on the natural space of Ses Feixes de Talamanca and the introduction of strict environmental and archaeological controls, in accordance with the Environmental Impact Statement issued by the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine. If the anticipated schedule is met, the work will be awarded in the month of August, and in October, labour will begin.

Three million euros in construction work in the port of Palma

Three million euros in construction work in the port of Palma


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (PAB) has recently taken on a number of building projects in the port of Palma, for a total of three million euros. This includes the construction of a Duque de Alba on the platform of the western dock (Dique del Oeste) for docking of ships exceeding 130 meters in length. The increasing size of vessels arriving at the port of Palma has prompted the need for the installation of this fixed point mooring, 65 meters from the pier. This mooring can berth vessels of up to 200 meters, on the western alignment of the platform attached to the Dique del Oeste. The installation of the Duque de Alba has been given a budget of more than 795,000 euros.Besides this, seven other projects have been accepted, including a new tent for passenger services on the western (Poniente) docks improvement of the air conditioning installations of Passenger Terminal 2 and a new roof on Passenger Termainal 3, on the Paraires piers the paving of the road of Dique del Oeste and the upgrading of the Can Barbara bridge, as well as, the qualification of logistics lodgings and the improvement of the pavement and illumination of the interior road of the naval base of Portopí.

Agreement to begin the expansion and reform of the Port of Ibiza

Agreement to begin the expansion and reform of the Port of Ibiza


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (PAB) has reached an agreement with the Govern de les Illes Balears, the Council and the Town Council of Ibiza to start the expansion and reform of the port of Ibiza, with the initiation of construction work on the docks of Botafoc. The president of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, Francesc Antich, the president of the Council of Ibiza, Xicu Tarrés, Mayor, Lurdes Costa and the chairman of the PAB, Francesc Triay, announced today during an appearance at City Hall Ibiza, the consensus reached after a reduction of 10,000 meters in the area initially proposed for the project of esplanade and commercial docks within the shelter of Botafoc.The chairman of the PAB also exposed other key agreements included in the pact, like the fact that half of the filling material to be used in the construction of the esplanade will come from outside the island. Triay also recalled other aspects previously agreed to with priority, like the rejection of the construction of an access tunnel under the Isla Plana, the null affect on the natural space of Ses Feixes of Talamanca and the introduction of strict environmental and archaeological site controls. .The work will require an initial financial injection of 81 million euros. The process has already commenced with the transmission of the draft to the State Ports. Subsequently its tender will be issued in the Official Gazette and in the OJEU, and it is estimated that in the month of August it could be awarded. If this deadline is met, construction could start in October. Integral Reformation The construction of Botafoc docks is the first phase of a series of actions that will reform the entire current structure of the port. The next step will be to build the new passenger terminals in Botafoc and Formentera, and reshape the promenade, with a total planned investment of over126 million.

The number of cruise passengers increase by 8% in 2008

The number of cruise passengers increase by 8% in 2008


In 2008 The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (PAB) experienced an 8% growth in the number of cruise passengers from 2007. There was also an increase of 1% in the number of stopovers. However, freight traffic declined by 8% and regular passenger traffic by 10%. In total, 1,315,933 cruise passengers made landfall over the past year at the ports of the PAB: 1,131,147 in the port of Palma (8% increase), 103,574 in the port of Mahon (+14%) and 79,210 in the port of Ibiza (-1%). Regarding the number of cruise ships, the port of Palma recorded a total of 496 stopovers throughout 2008, a 5% increase from 2007. By contrast, the port of Ibiza decreased by 11% the number of stopovers and Mahon by 2% from the previous year.Less cargo2008 was characterized by a general decline in cargo traffic in the ports of the PAB, with the exception of the Port of Alcudia which secured an increase of 3% over 2007, with a total movement of 1,872,212 tons. Thus, from January to December 2008, 13,224,725 tons of cargo moved through all ports of the PAB, 8% less than in 2007. The port of Palma lost 9%, representing nearly eight hundred thousand tons less than the previous year (8,196,284 tons), Mahon 10% (1,175,720 tons), La Savina 11% (198,229 ) and finally the port of Ibiza15% (1,782,280 tons). With regard to regular passenger traffic, 4,101,598 passengers passed through the ports of the PAB, 10% less than in 2007. The port of Palma had the steepest decline. It recorded a total of 859,435 passengers, signifying a fall of 18%, followed by the port of Ibiza, with a drop of 11% (1,773,192), Alcudia 8% (148,395) and La Savina with a 4% reduction (1,138,988). By contrast, the port of Mahon recorded the only positive numbers presented in this sector with an increase of 4%, representing 181,588 passengers.

Port Police have new uniforms

Port Police have new uniforms


Today at the Port of Palma, the PAB presented new uniforms to the Port Authority Police, the same day that they entered in force in the five ports that it manages: Palma, Alcudia, Ibiza, Mahon and La Savina. The chairman of the PAB, Francesc Triay, was the person in charge presenting the new uniforms to the press, in a ceremony held this morning at the headquarters of the PAB in the port of Palma. He was accompanied by the director of the Port Association, Angel Matias, the chief of the Division of Services and Police, Jose Maria Felipe and the head of the Human Resources Division, Joan Ginard. The move to change the uniforms of the officers of the Port Police was motivated by the wish to modernize the image of the PAB, as well as to fulfil the request of the Ports of the State to differentiate the figure of the Port Police from the rest of security forces operating in the area of port domain. Members of the Port Police will also, as of today, carry a new individual credential that verifies them as Agents of the Port Administration. Altogether, in the ports of the PAB, there are approximately 140 agents, a number that increases to about 180 in high season with the addition of temporary employees. The presence of female officers is about 13 per cent. The Port of Palma has 79 agents of the PAB, Ibiza 27, Mahon 21, Alcudia 6 and Savina 9

The APB plans to invest over 45 million euros in 2009

The APB plans to invest over 45 million euros in 2009


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (PAB) approved today, at its last meeting of the year, the Business Plan for 2009. The plan envisages an investment of more than forty-five million euros in five major ports managed by the PAB in the Balearic archipelago. Among the items detailed in the meeting was the 4.8 million euros destined for the construction of the new maritime station at the Port of Alcudia, which is expected to become operational next summer.The Port of Palma has a budget of 18.1 million euros for work to be carried out in 2009. This includes the expansion of the Poniente Docks for ships of great length, with a budget of twelve million euros, accompanied by an allocation of 1.1 million euros for dredging in the area. Over three million euros will be invested in the division of expropriation and land acquisition of the Port of Mahon with an endowment of one million euros for the dredging of the area near the Naval Station and Cos Nou. Meanwhile, in the Port of Ibiza, an initial investment of 3.7 billion euros is anticipated for the construction of the esplanade and commercial piers sheltered by the Botafoc dock.As for general investment, an allocation of eight million euros has been approved for the installation of public information systems, Wi-Fi networks and video-conference rooms in all ports of the APB.