The APB will remove architectural barriers in Port Maó to improve accessibility
The Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) will begin, on Tuesday October 4th, several actions to improve accessibility and remove architectural barriers in the zone of public domain of the Port of Maó with the intention of integrating all citizens, especially those with reduced mobility, into the activities developed there.
In order to adapt the public spaces of the Port of Maó to the regulations of architectural barrier removal in the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, procedures will be undertaken during the next two months to modify and repaint pedestrian crossings. They will be fitted with ramps at points of level variation and will be marked with textured pavement to indicate their presence to blind people.
Also, tree surrounds will be eliminated to facilitate the transit of wheelchairs on the sidewalks, urban furniture that interferes with practicable routes will be dismantled, removed and relocated, and existing ramps and stairs will be adapted in cases where no alternative routes are available.
The works have a budget of one hundred and eleven thousand euros and have been awarded to the company, EHM S.L.
Another action to be carried out in order to facilitate the passage of pedestrians, particularly those with reduced mobility, is the extension of the sidewalk in the section between the ascent to Corea and the stairs of Port Maó. This will give greater scope to a stretch of about three hundred meters of sidewalk located in the final section of the Levante dock.
The existing sidewalk will be demolished and a wider one will be built. Also, new street furniture will be installed and integrated with the trees planted this last spring. The work will take two months and has been awarded the company, Antonio Gomila SA, for one hundred and two thousand euros.