APB cooperates with Mallorca’s Food pantry

APB cooperates with Mallorca’s Food pantry


Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) has signed a collaboration agreement with Mallorca’s Food pantry today with the aim to help this entity to achieve its social goals. The agreement has been signed over a period of one year, renewable for successive annual periods if both parties agree. APB will collaborate with Mallorca’s Food pantry, training volunteers coming out among APB workers, to let them participate by helping this social entity to outreach their activities. APB will also create a partner network within the port community thus involving not only APB direct workers but also shipping lines, consignees and users in general. Agreement has been signed by APB President, Mr. Joan Gual de Torrella and Mr. José Falcó, president of Mallorca’s Food pantry Foundation. The role of food pantries is to reach with food to the most depressed levels of society. Message transmitted through Mallorca’s Food pantry is “WE NEED YOUR LEFTOVER FOOD”, because “there’s always a high demand in food, and infant food is urgently needed”, the company affirm. Volunteers are needed Mallorca’s Foos pantry has requested APB’s collaboration to appeal for volunteers to accomplish with the annual food collect to be held next November 27th and 28th. Those interested in collaborating may contact directly with Banco de Alimentos, to fix availability to participate in awareness and information campaign at Mallorca’s supermarkets, focused on their customers. APB will pass their workers the possibility to collaborate with this charitable campaign.

APB organizes a one-day workshop about quality of public services

APB organizes a one-day workshop about quality of public services


A one-day workshop about quality of public services has been done at APB headquarters this morning with the purpose to know practical situations about public services’ quality standards. APB holds Institutional Forum of Balearic Islands’ Quality Public Sector coordination, whose primary objectives are on year 2020, target date to consolidate plans for improvements, simplification, efficiency and openness of all Administrations in their services to citizens, called and known as agenda Administration 2020, with an European scope, state and even regional. Present at the event was Mr. Jorge Martín, APB Quality and Innovation Manager and during the workshop, methodology and some practical examples application have been pooled by Jesús Bello and José Manuel Raposo, Strategic coordinator of Administración 2020 and Quality Projects coordinator respectively, both belonging to IECISA (Informática El Corte Inglés). Working day has also served as a way to formalize the signature of accession as members to Quality Forum of companies IECISA and IBERMUTUAMUR and also Antonio Comas and Fernando Monar designation’s as Emeriti Members.

A new articulated grouper buoy signposts deep scant zones at Maó port channel

A new articulated grouper buoy signposts deep scant zones at Maó port channel


A new articulated grouper buoy signposts deep scant zones at Maó port channel, near Lazaretto Island thus increasing vessels’ security in this area, mainly during adverse weather conditions. This buoy has been installed by Almarin enterprise, as an answer to Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) request and as per a contract’s budget of EUR 40.000. Articulated grouper buoy are designed as a tube which, through an articulation, it is connected to a dead head. The tube remains vertical thanks to a submerged float that generates a permanent impulse on the surface. Result is similar to a fixed beacon because pipe hardly moves, demarcating grid references in a very accurate way. New buoy has a focal plane up to 5,5 metres and it is coloured in green with a central red band, as per IALA recommendation (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities), marking this way channel division. It is designed with steps to easy lantern access and also has a radar reflector and a mark stopper.

Works to convert Muelle de Poniente (Maó) into a walkway have started

Works to convert Muelle de Poniente (Maó) into a walkway have started


Improvement works to convert Muelle de Poniente in a boulevard, thus gaining useful space for pedestrian and reactivating area economy, have started. This has been possible thanks to the port spaces’ reorganisation done by Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB). Once goods traffic has been moved to Cós Nou, with the temporary maritime station already finished and Ro-Ro ramp of the dock removed, a space for trucks arriving with regular shipping service is no longer required. That’s why APB decided to gain space for the city, redistributing the current parking –parallel to the pavement– and extending the sidewalk where stores are located. Final result will be a new boulevard for pedestrian with cobbled pavement, new street furniture and more palms distributed all along the walkway, thus reactivating area economic activity and facilitating the passage for pedestrian. The works have been awarded to Construcciones Olives at € 397.000 (a figure which represents a fall of EUR 87.000 over the bid price. Execution time will be two months. APB will apply a bonus to the concessions while works are being executed and locals cannot run the terraces.

APB starts Cales Fonts complete rehabilitation (Port of Maó)

APB starts Cales Fonts complete rehabilitation (Port of Maó)


After the end of the touristic season, complete rehabilitation of Cales Fonts has started with a view to improve this small marine port. Some punctual interventions have been done but a complete rehabilitation is needed thus far. Road surface will be substituted by asphaltic agglomerate floor and terraces’ zone floor will be cobbled. Some safety features will be placed all along the walking area. Thanks to APB and Es Castell city council collaboration, Balearic Islands’ Port Authority will provide 20 street lights coming from the refurbishment to be installed in other parts of the municipality. APB has awarded Construcciones Olives at EUR 146.000 (a figure which represents a fall of EUR 34.000 over the bid price). Execution time will be two months.

Large cruise ships docking works start in Ibiza port

Large cruise ships docking works start in Ibiza port


In order to improve cruises’ traffic capacity and docking manoeuvre in Ibiza port, south pier extension works started this week at Botafoc docks. Adopted solution has been the construction of three dolphin docks that will allow extending docking length until 328 and 375, in both sides of the jetty thus allowing two vessels up to 335 meters in length in one side and 290 meters in length in the other side to dock simultaneously. Port operations will improve with this started works, because vessels currently coincide with oil tankers while defueling in Botafoc dock and current docking have a limited capacity to receive big length cruises when facing adverse weather conditions. The project also includes building a dolphin dock and two double reinforced concrete docks really much bigger, supported on 2 metres in diameter piles. This structural design will let the optimization of the quantities of steel and cast concrete to be used and will also redound in an optimization of the cost and execution time. From sustainable environment point of view, it’s a fitting solution because facilitate water port renovation. TBA Copcisa-Olives has been awarded the project worth 3,8 million euro and an execution period of 5 months, when budget add up to 6,5 million euro.

The tender for the dry dock at the Port of Maó is not awarded

The tender for the dry dock at the Port of Maó is not awarded


The Technical Committee responsible for deciding on the tender to manage the Cós Nou dry dock area at the Port of Maó has ruled that the tender should not be awarded, given that the only bid submitted does not comply with the relevant terms and conditions or guarantee the levels of quality that the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) requires for this public service at the Port of Maó. This proposal will be put to the vote by the APB’s Board of Directors, at the request of the Port Authority Chairman, Joan Gual de Torrella, at the next board meeting, which is scheduled to be held this week in Palma. Gual de Torrella has already asked the port authority’s technical experts to look for a solution that is acceptable to all involved so that the boat repair and maintenance services repeatedly requested by the Minorca marine industry can be offered at the Port of Maó in the near future.

Cruise tourism generates 290 million euros every year in the Balearic Islands

Cruise tourism generates 290 million euros every year in the Balearic Islands


Cruise tourism generates an estimate income of 290 million euros every year in the Balearic Islands, including direct, indirect and derived income, contributing to the economy of the Islands with 146.46 million euros of gross value added and creating 2.879 jobs, of which 1.867 would be direct jobs. These are data of 2011 (updated with data of the GDP of December 2013) from a study led by the department of Economy and Business of the Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands (CAEB) in collaboration with the Port Authority of Balearic Islands (APB) and the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) and which underscores the important contribution of the harbours in the development of the cities and in the revitalization of the economic activity and the creation of jobs. In 2011 the volume of cruise passengers was of 1,6 million. It is estimated that with a global average stay of 1.49 days per tourist, a direct annual expenditure of 180.33 million euros is generated, which represents an average annual expenditure per passenger of 112.09 euros. In Majorca the average expenditure is higher than in the rest of islands, as a third part of the cruises depart from or arrive at Majorca. By sectors, the greatest part of the expenditure done by cruise tourists goes to the commercial sector: 99.60 million euros, that is, a 55.3%. The rest of the expenditure is divided between travel agencies, bars and restaurants, road transport or accommodation for extra stay. In October, only in Palma, more than 90 cruises will have called at Palma harbour. During the next low season –between November and March- similar numbers are expected, which are slightly higher than those registered during the same period last year. Farewell in Palma to the cruise Island Escape. Palma farewells today the cruise Island Escape, of the company Island Cruises. With 427 calls, it is the second cruise with the most calls at Palma since its first visit on the 19th of March 2002. Today it has done its last call at the Majorcan harbour before being broken up. The president of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella, has paid tribute to the cruise and its crew, to which he has given a photo of the Island Escape with the Bellver Castle at the background. This way Gual has expressed the gratitude of the APB to “a symbol of fidelity to Palma’s harbour which has extraordinarily contributed with the consolidation of the Balearic Islands as one of the main cruise destinations of the world”. Economic Impact of the State Harbours in the Balearic Islands

A workshop on Maó’s Port organised by Cercle d’Economia de Menorca

A workshop on Maó’s Port organised by Cercle d’Economia de Menorca


Cercle d´Economia de Menorca celebrates next Saturday October 24th session entitled “Un plan estratégico para el puerto de Maó” (“An strategic plan for Maó Port”), with the participation of Joan Gual de Torrella, president of Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB). The event will take place in Club Marítim de Maó between 9.30 and 14h. APB President will participate in a round table at 12.30h together with Ricard Pié Ninot (architect, Professor of Urban planning at UPC (Escuela de Arquitectura del Vallès) and Director of Instituto de Habitat Turismo y Territorio), Jesús López (Murcia municipal architect, former Architecture Chief and Refurbishment of Cartagena City Council), Joan Alemany (Professor of University of Barcelona and organiser of III international course of Historic Ports last 2003 in Maó) and the Major Conxa Juanola, municipal president of the port.

Maó Port Police seized hundred meters illegal fishing nets.

Maó Port Police seized hundred meters illegal fishing nets.


Mahon Port Police has seized hundred meters of illegal fishing nets after intercepting two sneaky fishermen in port inland waters. Police got a call reporting a possible violation. Port Police turned up with a Ports de Balears’ boat, given that it is an illegal but also an activity that may endanger navigation in the area. Alleged infringers admitted the facts, once warned about the danger of their acts and marked the spot where the nets were set. Events took place last October 19th and, despite bad weather conditions, Port Police got nets on board and safely return to port.

Retired APB workers set up an Association

Retired APB workers set up an Association


Retired APB workers (Balearic Islands’ Port Authority) want to keep their linking with the company, so they have constituted an association consequently, made up of at least hundred partners. There are only two retired workers’ associations of port authorities currently: Balearic Islands and the pioneering association in Tarragona. Pedro Bonet is the first president of this brand-new association and Pep Durán is its vice-president, although both recall this association is an idea of Miquel Serra and Tomeu Garau, deceased colleagues in APB. Pedro was the lighthouse keeper of Portopí during 20 years –the last person living inside– and also the lighthouse coordinator. “All notes labelled in Portopí lighthouse museum until 1998 were made by me”. Pep was Port Police and “Alfa” also, this is to say, Chief of Section of Port Police during 38 years. He was also member of the Board of Directors of APB for two years, being the legal representative of the workforce. “I like to say port was like a big orchard with agriculturists, where everyone does his job. we did a bit of everything”. Over the years everything has changed. “When I was Guardhouse Chief, Olga Peñalver –first woman becoming Port Police– began”. And also with Pedro, the first woman – Margalida Frontera– as lighthouse technician. After decades of experiences, they wanted to keep their linking with APB. With this new association they’ll participate in company activities and also stay in touch with other colleagues. They go on field trips every three months, visiting a lighthouse of the island “We have gone around all the lighthouses yet”. Pep Durán and Pedro Bonet at APB headquarters.

MSC Cruises celebrates call number 100 of MSC Preziosa in Palma de Mallorca Port

MSC Cruises celebrates call number 100 of MSC Preziosa in Palma de Mallorca Port


MSC Cruises celebrates call number 100 this season in Palma with MSC Preziosa cruise’s arrival. A ship call is done every Wednesday with the cruise ship coming from Cagliari (Italy). MSC Cruises will break the record of ship calls in Palma de Mallorca Port done with the same company and in the same season, surpassing 120 visits. Joan Gual de Torrella, president of Balearic Island’s Port Authority (APB), celebrated the continuity and reliance of the Italian shipping line who “is demonstrating the satisfaction caused by the fact of having a destination such as Balearic Islands for their customers”. As for Emiliano González, General Manager of MSC Cruises, declared “Celebrating our call number 100 in Palma de Mallorca is a matter of pride and reflects the interest of MSC Cruises in Mallorca Island and Mediterranean, where our ship cruises sail the whole year. Palma de Mallorca has been consolidated as one of the most appreciated destination by our customers in Western Mediterranean Sea”. MSC Cruises commitment with Balearic Islands’ capital is reflected by the fact that within the whole year 2015, nine of the twelve ship cruises will call in Palma de Mallorca -MSC Splendida, MSC Prezio-sa, MSC Magnifica, MSC Sinfonia, MSC Armonia, MSC Fantasia, MSC Musica, MSC Divina y MSC Opera. MSC Preziosa, with a displacement of 139.072 tons, was built in 2013 and is 333 m length, with a capacity up to 3.502 passengers and 1.388 staff on board. Average speed is 18kn. This flagship has won the “Best Mediterranean Ship Cruise” prize, given by “Premios Excellence de Cruceros” in a ceremony in Palma de Mallorca last March 2015. MSC Cruises is characterised by the huge invest in quality services. Its Palma de Mallorca stop-over is part of a Mediterranean eight-days-route with calls in Valencia, Marseilles, Genoa and Civitavecchia. Shipping agent is Trascoma Baleares, member of Verlio Group.