The APB will agree on the design of Botafoc maritime station
The Balearic Islands' Port Authority (APB) will agree on the design of the future Botafoc maritime station at Ibiza's Port, in collaboration with a technical committee formed by the city council, the business association of maritime activities APEAM and the professional associations of architects and engineers of roads, canals and ports. This was agreed at the tender of the technical assistance contract for the wording of the basic project and of the construction project of the building, published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), in its edition of the 19th of March.
This technical committee will participate in the election of the best proposal. Then, the APB will commission the construction project of the maritime station to the tender's winner. The project will include the improvements designed by the technical committee, with the aim of getting an agreement in the design of the maritime station, not only regarding its integration in the port and in Ibiza, but also regarding those aspects related to the needs of the passengers, the ships and other companies providing services.
Once the wording of the construction project of Botafoc maritime station finishes, the APB will open a tender process for the construction works and for the station's indirect management.
The base tender budget for technical assistance is of 230.000 euros (taxes included) and the deadline for the presentation of offers is the 20th of April 2016.