The APB will allocate 2 million euros   for the maintenance of lighthouses, beacons and buoys of all Balearic Islands

The APB will allocate 2 million euros for the maintenance of lighthouses, beacons and buoys of all Balearic Islands


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has put to tender a two-year contract that can be extended for another two years for the maintenance of the lighthouses, beacons and buoys it manages on the Balearic Islands. The invitation to tender was published in the Official State Gazette on 16 December 2017 and the deadline for proposals is fixed for 2 February 2018 at 14:00. This contract for the maintenance of civil works is designed for the upkeep of all sailing assistance elements: lighthouses, buildings, coastal and port beacons, and buoys around the islands belonging to the APB. The aim is to guarantee the strong presence, visibility and proper functioning of these valuable elements, improving potential shortcomings and preventing their deterioration. The tendering process of the contract, which is valued at €1,911,682.69, has been rolled out over 3 lots consisting of: Mallorca, Cabrera and Dragonera (Lot 1), Ibiza and Formentera (Lot 2) and Menorca (Lot 3). The awarded company will be responsible for paving and coating floors, locksmith services and metal structural work, painting, maintaining and repairing equipment and floating platforms, as well as garden and park maintenance services.

The concession extension for the management of mooring points on the Pantalán de la Cuarentena dock at the Port of Palma has been turned down

The concession extension for the management of mooring points on the Pantalán de la Cuarentena dock at the Port of Palma has been turned down


Yesterday, in a meeting held at its Palma office, the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) rejected the term extension and the additional prolongation requested regarding the administrative concession of public port domain for the "management of recreational boat mooring points at the Pantalán de la Cuarentena dock at the Port of Palma". The holder of the concession is Tanit Ibiza Port, S.A. The company had requested a term extension of 3 years and 6 months under the provisions established in the Tenth Transitional Provision of the consolidated text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy, and an additional prolongation of 6 years and 3 months requested under Article 82.2.b) of said text. Both requests were turned down as the Board of Directors of the Port Authority deemed that there was no justification whatsoever for substituting the current floating dock attached to the main dock on the promenade side for a fixed reinforced-concrete one, as the boats that currently use it have no need for a fixed dock.

Parking at the Port of Palma can now be paid for using mobile phones

Parking at the Port of Palma can now be paid for using mobile phones


The mobile payment service for the car parks of the APB at the Port of Palma has today come into operation. Users will be able to pay through the application of the payment platform called Telpark, available for smartphones, on which the port area can be found. The launch of this system responds to a petition made by Palma City Council to integrate the port area into the limited parking area of the city, which already uses this new payment method. Users can easily pay using their mobile phones by following a few simple steps. - Install the app - Select the city (geolocation) - Choose the rate, selecting the area - Enter the parking duration - Make the payment Furthermore, the system allows users to receive alerts notifying them when their parking time is about to or has run out. Fines cannot currently be annulled on mobile devices and they need to be processed in the usual way. However, it is envisaged that this process will be available via telematic means in the near future. Furthermore, the agents of the APB who control the regulated car park have tablets and an application that lets them check, through registration plates, that vehicles that have paid through Telpark and that do not have a ticket on the dashboard have paid correctly.

The APB purchases a new 100% electric vehicle for the Port Police at the Port of Palma

The APB purchases a new 100% electric vehicle for the Port Police at the Port of Palma


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has recently purchased a new vehicle for the fleet of the Port of Palma. The vehicle is a 100% electric NISSAN E-NV200 EVALIA, which will be used for services relating to the Port Police. This vehicle replaces a Citroen Xsara Picasso, which was in poor condition, and it reflects the Port Authority's commitment to renewable energy and the environment. The APB plans to gradually update its fleet with electric vehicles. When choosing the model, the uniformity of the car with the rest of the APB vehicles was taken into consideration, as well as its adaptability to the requirements of a vehicle used for police purposes, such as the size of the boot for portable signalling, extinguishers, resuscitation equipment, life jackets and other basic tools. The vehicle also includes the corresponding police DGT optical-audible signalling kit. Nissan. It costs €29,586 plus VAT.

The APB presents the project of the new Marine Terminal for traffic between Ibiza and Formentera

The APB presents the project of the new Marine Terminal for traffic between Ibiza and Formentera


The president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), Joan Gual de Torrella, presented the project of the marine terminal for traffic between Ibiza and Formentera during the annual meeting held today by the Navigation and Port Council of the Port of Ibiza, during which he also discussed other important issues with the port community. This project defines the port spaces designated for commercial uses of marine traffic between islands, the future boat repair yard and the fishing area in line with the Delimitation of Port Spaces and Uses proposal (DEUP), which is currently under consideration by State Ports. Joan Gual de Torrella drew attention to the agreement reached with the City Council of Ibiza during his presentation of this project, which "complies with the commitment made at the beginning of the parliamentary term to leave the port's front line open to the public". In this regard, the mayor of Ibiza, Rafa Ruiz, has reassured that the actions that were agreed on between the port and the city at the beginning of his term of office are being finalised and geared toward their implementation. The project of the new Marine Terminal also entails the integration of three essential actions: the construction of a single-storey underground parking lot for 691 spaces and with an initial budget estimated at 18 million euros the refurbishment of the sports dock promoted by the Club Naútico de Ibiza and the pedestrianisation of the port section of Avenida de Santa Eulària, where the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment is currently carrying out works to improve the sanitation and drainage of the city. New Harbour Station The construction of the underground parking will also entail the relocation of the fishermen's guild building to the new fishing area, as well as the fitting out of a new yard at the commercial quays. There are plans to build the new Harbour Station of Formentera on top of this parking lot, where more than two million passengers will pass through each year. The ground-floor infrastructure will be equipped with all of the services necessary for passengers and access points, both for road traffic and pedestrians to guarantee their comfort and safety. The harbour station will be made up of three separate modular blocks: one where the ticket desk areas, offices and services for passengers will be held another with a cafe service and a third, smaller in size, for ancillary uses including tourist information or similar. The rest of the development will stay open to the public and will be equipped with green spaces and canopy structures to create shaded areas. The budget for this work is 4.4 million euros. Meanwhile, three piers and a loading ramp are planned for the sea area for boats and ships transporting freight and passengers between Ibiza and the Port of La Savina with a budget of 5 million euros. The terminal juggles the separation of port traffic –embarking and disembarking of vehicles– with the traffic of supply vehicles and public services including taxis and buses.

The APB improves the condition of the roof covering Harbour Station No. 1 at the Port of Palma

The APB improves the condition of the roof covering Harbour Station No. 1 at the Port of Palma


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has finished the improvement and refurbishment work on Harbour Station No. 1 at the Port of Palma. This development drive addresses the need to provide a solution to the waterproofing problems at the facilities which was leading to water leaking in and the formation of drops on the ceiling. All of this led to certain discomfort for the users of the Harbour Station. As a result, the APB has sealed all of the roof and the gutter with a reinforced polyurethane sealing system, in addition to replacing the whole of the false ceiling on the first floor. Taking advantage of these improvements, the APB has also taken steps to improve the lighting and the air conditioning ducts, and repair and seal the joinery on both floors, replacing some sections of it on the first floor. Users can now enjoy a more comfortable and accessible building as a result. Harbour Station No. 1 is also now more resistant and stronger. This work has been carried out by the company DRAGADOS S.A., with an allocated budget of €188,588 and has used on average 6 workers over the 8 months the work has taken.

The APB adapts direct management berths at the Port of Palma

The APB adapts direct management berths at the Port of Palma


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has launched an adaptation and improvement plan regarding anchorage for the direct management berths in several areas of Portitxol, San Magín and Ca’n Barbarà at the Port of Palma. With an investment of 351,711 euros and a four-month execution period, the works will provide berth users with a renovated and up-to-date infrastructure for their boats. In the Portitxol area, prior to starting the works, the floor area was cleaned in order to guarantee suitable progress of the works. The works, which will be entirely undertaken on the docks and dock pontoons of direct management of the APB at the Port of Palma, will comprise the adaptation of mooring elements: changing dee shackles in bad condition, improving anchorages, and the changing of chains and guide ropes, etc. Owners may see their boats provisionally relocated to another berth indicated by the APB during the period planned for each improvement. The works are to be completed within four months and will give direct jobs to eight people.

The APB commits to complying with the Law on the Reuse of Public Sector Information (RISP)

The APB commits to complying with the Law on the Reuse of Public Sector Information (RISP)


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has made public its open data system. With this initiative, the organisation commits to complying with Law 37/2007 on the Reuse of Public Sector Information (RISP) that affects all public administrations. The first step was to draw up a RISP Plan regarding the reuse of information and, subsequently, to publish an open data catalogue that contains the official data set of the APB, allowing any interested party to access it. This data set is represented through standard and reusable formats. The information is available on the APB website in the Open Date section, as well as on the Spanish government's website ( In the open data section, we will find information relating to port activity (statistics, ships in the port, etc.), corporate data (annual report, job offers, etc.) and commercial activity (rates, tariffs and bids, etc.), among other aspects. This process finalised with the first data load. It is a live process that will continue to be updated as new data, statistics and publishable public information are registered. The accessibility of this information may contribute to economic growth and to the creation of new jobs, as well as providing a more transparent element and greater democratic involvement.

The port of Ibiza has a new border post

The port of Ibiza has a new border post


The Immigration and Border Police have new offices for border control at the Port of Ibiza now that the The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has materialised their request to install and adapt the existing port facilities to current police requirements “in order to carry out border management in a proper and effective manner”, as National Police Chief Inspector Luis Alfonso Fernandez put it. In the mid-2015 Schengen self-assessment process of Spain’s external borders, it was concluded that the Port of Ibiza lacked sufficient police facilities and thus the necessary infrastructure to effectively perform proper border management. Another factor the APB took into consideration when undertaking this facility was the increase in the number of vessels calling at the island from countries not belonging to the Schengen Area, accompanied by a steady increase in the number of travellers. Therefore, it decided to refurbish the border post at the Port of Ibiza and declare it a Schengen external border. Waiting for the new Passenger Terminal The police station is currently housed at the provisional Botafoc Marine Terminal, pending the construction of the new Maritime Passenger Terminal. There are currently four National Police officers stationed there: one sub-inspector, two First Class officers and one constable, who now have all the necessary equipment for their work at their disposal. The main duties carried out by the border post include monitoring and control of vessels, passengers and crew-members from third countries, visas and stamping of passports, physical control of recreational vessels arriving at the island from third countries, and being present at loading and off-loading operations of coastal vessels, among others.

The APB participates in the SAMOA project, which provides oceanographic and meteorological information on each port

The APB participates in the SAMOA project, which provides oceanographic and meteorological information on each port


SAMOA (Meteorological and Oceanographic Support System of the Port Authority) is the name given to the project launched by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB). The favourable advancement of the project has been confirmed by the innovation department of the port body. The project, which has been co-funded by the port authorities and State Ports, aims to provide the ports with personalised consultation and operating systems regarding oceanographic and meteorological information. The main aim of the project is to make personalised ocean-meteorological information available to each port authority that is adapted to the needs of each one. Knowing the climate situation helps, in the infrastructure design stage of a port, to better establish its parameters, determine the execution plans and to ensure the safety of future facilities, among other aspects. Furthermore, having measurements and forecasts available in real-time ensures safety during the construction stage. Finally, in the operating stage, the data from the SAMOA project optimise the functioning of the facility, its security and the pilotage service. Additionally, the SAMOA project incorporates the data obtained from PORTUS (Coastal Observatory of State Ports) –which comprises 25 buoys, 39 tide gauges, 20 weather stations and 8 HF radars–, and additional data provided by partners of the SOCIB (Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System) and AEMET (State Meteorology Agency). A made-to-measure project for each port authority This system, which will be managed by the administrator of each port, will allow users to access a real-time summary of the measuring stations available at each port, forecasts of the ocean-meteorological situation and users, if interested, can register and receive more specific reports or set up an alert system. There are a total of 18 port authorities participating in the project led by State Ports, which is now in operation. SAMOA can be accessed through the following link: In view of the significant welcome that this project has received among different users of the port authorities, State Port has initiated the formalities of undertaking a new agreement with said public organisations that want to implement SAMOA II. This new project will have, among other modules, a forecast system based on the climatic conditions and a progress system regarding discharges that may accidentally take place in the port. As such, containment systems, which minimise the effects of such discharges, can be coordinated more effectively. The APB has already told State Ports of its intention to participate in this second project.

New Christmas lights for the Port of Mahon

New Christmas lights for the Port of Mahon


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is to renew the Christmas lights at the Port of Mahon this year. An initiative that comes in addition to the recent contract awarded for the maintenance of landscaped areas at the port and which will revamp the port area's image this Christmas. First and foremost, this change entails expanding the surface area where the lights are to be placed. What's more, the tree, which will be moved to Plaza Rochina, has been completely replaced by one that is 12 metres tall. Lights will also be placed in the areas surrounding the Levante and Poniente docks and the cruise port terminal in order to ensure the areas have the same amount of light and offering Mahon locals the chance to go for a pleasant Christmas stroll beside the sea. The investment made by the port authority for these new and improved Christmas lights amounts to €15,000.

Parks and gardens maintenance contract at the Port of Mahon awarded

Parks and gardens maintenance contract at the Port of Mahon awarded


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has awarded the contract for garden maintenance services at the Port of Mahon to the company Servia Servicios Integrales S.L.U. The scope of this contract covers the entire port from the De la Mola Fortress to San Felipe Castle. This garden maintenance service contract came into force on 23rd October and will run until 23rd October, 2021. The budgeted contract allocation is 360,000 Euros and will provide direct employment for 5 people and 5 auxiliary companies.