The APB enables the online creation of meteorological and ocean alerts for its ports through SAMOA
The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has made the Environmental Scorecard (CMA) available to the public, a service that it launched through the SAMOA project (Meteorological and Oceanographic Support System of the Port Authority). It is a free platform where ocean-meteorological information (wind and waves) can be displayed in both real time and as three-day forecasts.
In order to access the Environmental Scorecard, users need to register through the Weather Forecast service at www.portsdebalears.com. Once in the application, users can request the basic mode to access the real-time modules, forecasts and measuring station reports for the ports of general interest in the Balearic archipelago. On the other hand, you can also request a more comprehensive mode to access all modules regarding the selected ports (Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and La Savina).
Another key service on the application is the creation of alerts to keep users updated on a daily basis regarding the forecasts at the ports managed by the APB. All you need to do is go to the “Alerts” tab and configure the alerts with your chosen parameters—forecasts for waves and sea level, time series and maps.
Users can select a port and a point on which they wish to receive information. A list will then be displayed below to configure the alerts available, which they can receive in two ways: via SMS on their mobile phone or by email.
Given the success and how well received the SAMOA project has been, State Ports is now launching the SAMOA 2 project. The APB has already signed an agreement with State Ports to be able to check the agitation and current forecast in the inner area of the Port of Palma and the application Oil Spill to predict the trajectory of oil spills in all of its ports. In addition, for Alcudia a very high resolution atmospheric model and another pollutant dispersion model will be used.
SAMOA is a project that is co-funded by the port authorities and State Ports and which aims to provide the ports with personalised consultation and operating systems regarding oceanographic and meteorological information.
There are a total of 18 port authorities participating in the project run by State Ports. Its main aim is to make personalised ocean-meteorological information available to each port authority which is adapted to their needs. The service consists of different modules (improved instruments and new forecasting systems), which are accompanied by value-added systems to allow for better operation.
Create your weather alerts at www.portsdebalears.com.