First contract agreed successfully through the APB's new electronic procurement system

First contract agreed successfully through the APB's new electronic procurement system


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has successfully completed the first electronic agreement through its procurement board. The port authority has put into operation the New Portal for Electronic Tender of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands. It will use this portal to process all its contractual proceedings, in accordance with the Law 9/2017, of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts. As of now, all the APB's contractual proceedings will be processed electronically from start to finish. For this, a tender module has been implemented which allows interaction with companies during the bidding process and has a contractual proceedings agent who internally looks after the entire cycle of these proceedings from start to finish. This cycle begins with the request for tender to the return of the guarantees, as well as any developments which arise in between. This new platform systematically integrates with all the services offered by the PLACSP (Platform for Public Sector Contracts). It also integrates with the rest of the applications used by the APB (Economic-Financial System, Content Manager, Electronic Signature Components, Signatures Folder, Electronic Communication and Notifications, Entry/Exit Records, Electronic Archives, etc.). The first electronic agreement of the procurement board was to hire ‘Technical assistance for works management, quality control, and environmental surveillance in varied and minor works of the APB’, with a tender budget of € 297,000. The following people participated in this opening: the head of the Management Area, Fernando Berenguer the head of Procurement and Management Control, Carlos Sánchez the head of Contractual Proceedings, Olga Peñalver the head of the Financial Department, Gabriel Cruelles and the State Lawyer, Ana Marín.

The project for new underground parking at the Port of Ibiza has been submitted

The project for new underground parking at the Port of Ibiza has been submitted


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has submitted the project for new underground parking at the Port of Ibiza. The new infrastructure will offer 700 parking spaces and will require an investment of 27 million euros. The parking facility, which will be located at the north bank of the Port of Ibiza to provide service to the port area, is part of the set of works that the APB and the Island Council of Ibiza agreed on at the beginning of the parliamentary term for the beautification of the Port of Ibiza. In order to make a decision on the future parking area, the APB studied three alternatives and finally settled on a single-storey model, covering a surface area of 18,272.55 m2, where there will be 691 parking spaces, 21 of which will be allocated to people with reduced mobility. The investment is estimated to reach €27,038,838.26, although this figure will be determined by the final design and the terms and conditions of the concession that will be granted by the APB for the works and future operation of this parking facility. The APB is currently processing a Delimitation of Port Spaces and Uses (DEUP) proposal that requires the approval of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport so that the locations of the new pending infrastructures are listed, including the new harbour station for traffic between Ibiza and Formentera, the new Fishermen's Guild Building, the future boat repair yard and this parking facility. Upon sealing the approval of this DEUP, the processing and bidding can get underway for each one of the works. Both the mayor and president of the APB have highlighted how important this parking area is in guaranteeing a necessary service at the Port of Ibiza, allowing not only local residents on the port's front line –whom will be allocated prime parking spaces– but also all other residents on the Pityusic Islands or tourists to park their car and take advantage of the other facilities on foot.

The APB restores the Llebeig Lighthouse on Sa Dragonera

The APB restores the Llebeig Lighthouse on Sa Dragonera


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has started the restoration work on the roof and the interior of the Llebeig Lighthouse on the island of Sa Dragonera, Mallorca. Replacement of the lighthouse’s lantern, which is currently in a bad condition, is also part of the work to undertake. The works were awarded to the company Obras y Pavimentos MAN for 387,300 euros (without VAT) and they are expected to last around six months. Furthermore, minor work on the Tramuntana Lighthouse, located in the north of the island, will also be undertaken. It will be carried out in accordance with the Natural Park and its requirements. The work entails restoring furniture that is to be used in a museum that will give an insight into the home of a lighthouse keeper. The lighthouse's lantern will be restored to improve its current appearance. This restoration project will give employment to around 12 people.

The APB launches an ideas competition for the redevelopment of the Contramuelle-Mollet area at the Port of Palma

The APB launches an ideas competition for the redevelopment of the Contramuelle-Mollet area at the Port of Palma


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved yesterday the launch of an ideas competition for the redevelopment of the Contramuelle-Mollet area at the Port of Palma. The aim of this competition is to select preliminary draft proposal for the redesign of the port area, following the dynamic initiative already underway by the APB to integrate the port into the city for the benefit of users, locals and tourists. The proposals are to focus on the Contramuelle-Mollet zone, particularly on the areas of Astilleros de Mallorca, the fishermen's wharfs, the fish market and the San Telmo gardens. The public areas occupied by the Real Club Náutico de Palma (RCNP) and the San Telmo Oratory will be outside the scope of action. The projects must redesign and establish the spaces, infrastructure and superstructures of the port area. The ultimate aim of the competition is to provide the foundations for reviewing the Use Plan (PUEP) and the Special Plan, transforming some zones into open spaces to achieve the sought-after increased connection to the sea and to establish places where required infrastructure could be located, such as the fish market and fishing services, among others. The proposals, which must be anonymous, are to be chosen through a panel of judges in a single non-binding phase. The authors will retain the intellectual property rights. However, the APB may use any of the ideas submitted in the undertaking of future actions relating to the competition without any obligation to form a contractual relationship with the contestants. The APB may favour the drawing up of a specific project in order to incorporate the ideas obtained in this competition into a call for tenders comprising one or several restricted processes in which the teams awarded in the competition will be invited to participate. Up for grabs in the competition is a first prize of €20,000, two second prizes of €10,000 and three third prizes of €5,000. Multidisciplinary competition The competition is open to all professional teams that include at least one architect and a civil engineer, who must be members of the corresponding associations and legally competent to draw up projects. Only one proposal may be submitted per team and individuals can only participate in one team. The proposals will be identified by means of a byword to ensure the anonymity of the contestants and a sealed opaque envelope will be used, on which the byword will be written and in which the identity of the authors with the corresponding signature will be found. The candidates will have two months to submit their work as from the closing of the registration period. The panel will be chaired by the President of the APB and the vice-president will be the mayor of the Palma City Council. Other members will include the director of the APB, the president of the Civil Engineering Association of the Balearic Islands (CICCP), the president of the Architects Association of the Balearic Islands (COAIB), an architect or engineer from the Mallorca Council, an architect or engineer from the Palma City Council, the head of the Planning and Sustainability Department of the APB, a representative of the Maritime Museum chosen by the Mallorca Council, a renowned architect chosen by the COAIB and a renowned civil engineer chosen by the CICCP. The judging panel will take into consideration the port-city integration of the area, the appropriateness of buildings, the urban and architectural suitability, environmental sustainability and innovation, and other factors. Port-city integration Among the main criteria that the panel will assess includes the location of the future Maritime Museum of Mallorca in the plot currently occupied by Astilleros de Mallorca, whose activity is expected to be moved elsewhere in the port, and the continuance of the current edge alignment of the docks, although some modifications may take place if duly justified. Furthermore, the fishing industry must continue in the same area of activity. As such, the market location, the fishermen's association, its offices and warehouses, and the drying lines, etc., will be maintained. The current arches on the facade of the building on the Fishermen's Wharf will also be preserved due to its emblematic image at the Port of Palma. Another requisite is that the proposals must work well with the Palma City Council's refurbishment project on the Seafront promenade and the RCNP's redevelopment project. Furthermore, the water surface area remaining from the activity schedule of the fishing fleet and that provided by the Maritime Museum will be earmarked for sailing and leisure. Additionally, redesigning the San Telmo gardens may also be considered. The rules and documentation related to the competition, as well as the registration dates, will be made public in the next few days through their publication in the Official State Gazette.

The APB to commence a period of reflection on the underground parking project at the Lonja dock

The APB to commence a period of reflection on the underground parking project at the Lonja dock


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is going to commence a period of reflection regarding the construction project of an unground car park at the Lonja dock at the Port of Palma. The period of reflection is to commence once the deadline for the submission of tenders for the works has passed. The Board of Directors of the APB, which met yesterday in an ordinary session, discussed the appropriateness of taking into consideration the opinions of citizen organisations regarding the car park construction in order to obtain consensus on the details, viability and suitability of the project. As such, it was decided that a period of reflection and consultation for the parties involved should commence, which will be coordinated by the APB. The aim is to listen to the opinions of the local authorities and citizen organisations on how to resolve the port-city integration matter, taking into consideration the current issue of parking, port-user access and pedestrianisation of the area. Two companies Meanwhile, the technical committee in charge of assessing the tenders submitted, continues to undertake formalities regarding the works, studying the tenders submitted by the companies Calima Park, SL and SABA Aparcamientos, S.A. Statements by the President, Joan Gual de Torrella




The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is taking part in the 52nd MedCruise General Assembly, which is taking place between 23rd-26th May in Valletta (Malta), where it is continuing its work to promote the ports of general interest on the Balearic Islands in the cruise market, with special emphasis on the Port of Mahon. Over these days, the delegation consisting of the President of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella and the port authority's Cruise Business Manager, Francisca Leal, had the opportunity to liaise with the main cruise lines in the world and exchange views with other member ports of the association. MedCruise is an association that aims to promote and improve ports in order to expand cruise traffic in the Mediterranean. The APB is a member of this organisation, which has around one hundred members virtually dating back to when it began several decades ago.

The protocol to build an innovative marine science and technology hub at the Old Harbour of Palma has been signed

The protocol to build an innovative marine science and technology hub at the Old Harbour of Palma has been signed


Today, together with the Office of the Vice-President of the Government and the General Secretariat of Science and Innovation of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Competitiveness, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands signed the protocol aimed at promoting the project to build the polo marino [marine hub] at the Old Harbour of the Port of Palma. This general protocol for action aims to establish a meeting place and collaboration between different public and private institutions and bodies with a view to promoting and furthering research activities, technological development and innovation in the marine and maritime sectors. The ceremony was also attended by the Mayor of Palma, Toni Noguera the general director of innovation, Pep Lluís Pons the director of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), Eduardo Balguerías the director of the Oceanographic Centre of the Balearic Islands (COB), Salud Deudero and the director of the Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB), Joaquim Tintorer. The signatory parties have established a framework of ongoing collaboration to provide the necessary support to the leading entities in the marine R&ampD&ampI sector, including SOCIB and COB, and in doing so bolster the sector's activity at the Port of Palma. The APB is expected to allocate the necessary space to facilitate the headquarters of SOCIB and COB at the Old Harbour of the Port of Palma. The two bodies, together with the IEO, have expressed their gratitude and positively welcome the signing of this protocol. Furthermore, in accordance with the signed protocol, special emphasis will be placed on areas of strategic interest for the Balearic Islands, such as marine science and the responsible management of the marine environment and coastline. Along the same lines, a further objective is to ensure that the entities based at the marine hub have contact with State ports with a view to enhancing their impact in society. In fact, the marine hub is expected to be the base for scientific-technical infrastructure to be used by the scientific and technological community both within Spain and abroad. In this regard, the president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Joan Gual de Torrella, said that "this commitment is in line with the resolution adopted by the APB's Board of Directors to harness the Old Harbour of the Port of Palma for port and maritime activities in the broadest sense of the term". The Mayor of Palma, Toni Noguera, who wanted to attend the signing ceremony in a bid to show the city's support for the maritime industry and the knowledge economy, pointed out that "the Old Harbour covers half the space used by Parc Bit yet generates double the amount of employment", which is testament to how significant this marine hub could be in creating wealth for the city. The Secretary-General for Science and Innovation, Juan María Vázquez, used the Port of Palma as an example for other port authorities, because "it is committed to utilising its port area for oceanographic and maritime research", an area in which Spain excels internationally. Meanwhile, the Vice-President and Minister for Innovation, Research and Tourism, Bel Busquets, said that "this government's strategy is based on diversifying the economic model, and a cornerstone of this strategy is undoubtedly the knowledge economy, marine science and technology. In addition, the knowledge that is created will be harnessed by decision-making bodies and within the business sector. She went on to say that "this project will create highly-skilled jobs, which will catapult us on to the international stage". The Polo Marino [Marine Hub] is an initiative driven by the Regional Department of Innovation, Research and Tourism with the backing of the APB and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. The project is part of the Smart Specialisation Strategy in the Balearic Islands (RIS3), which will incorporate marine science and technology as one of the strategic foundations for diversifying the economic model. With this in mind, the strategy meets European Union objectives in terms of innovation and technological development and may receive assistance from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Meanwhile, the commitment made by the APB supports its desire to open up the Port of Palma to science and, in particular, to the people, giving it an increasingly social use that is reflected in the commissioning of this marine hub.

The APB places a trap for the suspended carbon at the port of Alcudia as an environmental measure to control the air quality

The APB places a trap for the suspended carbon at the port of Alcudia as an environmental measure to control the air quality


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has installed a trap to reduce the impact of carbon and dust particle emissions in the facilities at the port of Alcudia, by means of the company Transportes Marítimos de Alcudia, responsible for unloading this solid fuel at the port in Mallorca. The works carried out entailed an investment of €294,115.83 incl. VAT and provided work for around ten people over five months. The project consisted of installing a 3-metre-high vinyl canvas along the 160 metres of the upper side of the seawall, placed on a mesh support that is also made of vinyl and which acts as a windbreak, along with a system of water sprayers and water fog applicators. This therefore reduces the suspended carbon in dust and helps improve the air quality. The APB saw this opportunity to improve the coal unloading service from the diagnosis it made when implementing the environmental management system at the ports of general interest on the Balearic Islands, and approached the concession company that recently carried it out. This initiative comes as a result of one of the APB's lines of strategy that refers to the implementation of an Environmental Management System that includes the protection of the marine environment and the environment in the port surroundings and promotes continuous improvement and proper environmental performance at all port facilities.

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) reaches an agreement with the Spanish Institute of Oceanography to build the headquarters of the Oceanographic Centre of the Balearic Islands in the Old Harbour at the port of Palma

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) reaches an agreement with the Spanish Institute of Oceanography to build the headquarters of the Oceanographic Centre of the Balearic Islands in the Old Harbour at the port of Palma


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) have approved an agreement between the port authority and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) for the construction of the headquarters of the Oceanographic Centre of the Balearic Islands in the Old Harbour of the port of Palma. The land at the chosen site is currently occupied by what was the Commissary of the Naval Sector, and has been in disuse for several years now. The agreement means that the IEO will occupy a public domain land of 1,868 square metres in the port area. They will use this space to build and then run the new headquarters of the Oceanographic Centre of the Balearic Islands over the next 35 years. The works on the new headquarters of the Oceanographic Centre of the Balearic Islands will be carried out by the IEO, in accordance with the building project, which must be approved by the APB. Meanwhile, the port authority will take care of the demolition of the old commissary. From the date the agreement is signed, which is still to be determined, a period of 9 months will be set for the IEO to submit the building project for the works. The execution of the works will last 3 years from the moment the APB approves the building project. This agreement will help the APB to continue to integrate the port with the city, continuing renovation work which has already begun on the Old Harbour. This has allowed this area of the port of Palma to be connected to the Antonio Maura de Palma avenue. The works are just one in a line of recent activities of general interest carried out by the Port Authority as it seeks to integrate the port into the city.

The 7th Meeting of the Tossa de Mar Lighthouse Keepers, Family and Friends comes to Mallorca

The 7th Meeting of the Tossa de Mar Lighthouse Keepers, Family and Friends comes to Mallorca


Between 28 and 30 April, the lighthouses of Cala Figuera, Cap Gros, Cap Blanc and Portopí have been visited during the 7th Meeting of Lighthouse Keepers, Family and Friends. This singular event, promoted by the Center d'Estudis Tossencs (Tossa de Mar, Catalonia), is now in its 7th year, and chose Mallorca for its 2018 edition. The idea of bringing together lighthouse keepers, their families and enthusiasts under the light of these coastal landmarks arose in 2012. Its aim was to learn about the role of the lighthouses in the 21st century, a time when their existence is at its most vulnerable, in order to highlight their great value and their magnificent history. Since then, these meetings have been held on an annual basis, visiting different lighthouses along the Mediterranean coast, such as the Columbretes Islands and Calella. On this occasion, Mallorca was the chosen destination. The poor weather last week prevented visits to the lighthouses of the Dragonera Island, Tamuntana and Llebeig. However, they were able to take in the lighthouses at Cala Figuera, in Calvià, Cap Gros, the port of Sóller, Cap Blanc, Llucmajor and Portopí, in the port of Palma. Some of those taking part in this pleasurable gathering, which puts the spotlight on the lighthouses and keepers, and their treasured maritime history, were relatives of keepers who served at some of these lighthouses.

The APB chooses Marina Asmen SL to operate the Poniente Dock moorings in the Port of Mahon

The APB chooses Marina Asmen SL to operate the Poniente Dock moorings in the Port of Mahon


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) today decided to choose the company Marina Asmen SL as the most advantageous tender in order to manage the moorings and repair shop at the Poniente Dock in the Port of Mahon by means of a temporary administrative authorisation lasting two years. Asmen’s proposal, which includes a budget of €140,590 for execution and an occupancy fee of €81,871, not including VAT, per year, was chosen as the most advantageous of the offers submitted in the public tender for management of this public domain area of the port. The chosen offer stood out in the overall assessment criteria as it offered the lowest prices among the tenders submitted. The APB recently finished construction work on 5 new piers equipped with water and electricity services at the Poniente Dock in order to provide 154 moorings for recreational vessels. 5 of these are for 15-metre-long boats, 49 for those that are 12 metres long, 22 for 10-metre-long boats and 78 moorings for boats up to 8 metres long.

The APB denies Marina Botafoch its request to extend the term and prolong its concession at the Port of Ibiza

The APB denies Marina Botafoch its request to extend the term and prolong its concession at the Port of Ibiza


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) rejected today the request filed by the company Puerto Deportivo Botafoch, SL to extend the term and prolong the administrative concession that Marina Botafoch has at the Port of Ibiza. The APB has deemed that the actions proposed by the applicant are not in the public interest, and this opinion is also shared by the other public administrations involved. Furthermore, it considers that the proposal is not in line with the planning scheme in place at the port, nor does it comply with the consolidated text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy (TRLPEMM) as regards term extensions and prolongation of concessions. In addition, it holds that the current concession operator has committed certain breaches, including unauthorised occupancy. Marina Botafoch submitted its request for extension of the term for its facilities pursuant to transitional provision ten introduced in Law 18/2014 and for an extraordinary prolongation in virtue of article 82. 2. C1 (strategic and relevant) of the TRLPEMM.