The port of Savina has a new building for the fisherman’s association of Formentera

The port of Savina has a new building for the fisherman’s association of Formentera


The Fishermen's Association of Formentera will have a new building in the port of La Savina paid for by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB). The work ended this January and a formal request has already been received from the Fishermen's Association to occupy and equip the property. It should be noted that the new location is closer to the fishing pier and to the area for spreading and repairing nets to facilitate the fishermen’s work. The project has also been approved by the Consell de Formentera and the APB. At a cost of €1,040,910, the new building is triangular in shape and consists of a ground floor and a walkable roof with a pergola. It consists of a private area (ground floor premises for the fishermen's association and technical premises) and a public area, which is the roof that can be accessed by pedestrians. Access is along a ramp to a true vantage point for visitors and residents. The building faces the sea, creating an emblematic object in the port of La Savina with two functions: to create highly functional equipment and provide the population with a public space for meeting up. Promenade One of the objectives of this project is to give continuity to the entire perimeter of the port and to integrate the new building as a promenade. This urban landmark will therefore be able to convert the land area of the port into part of the urban fabric of La Savina.

Over one thousand people visited the Maritime Signals exhibition at Portopí Lighthouse in 2020

Over one thousand people visited the Maritime Signals exhibition at Portopí Lighthouse in 2020


1,030 people visited the Maritime Signals exhibition at Portopí Lighthouse in 2020. Despite the health alert situation, which has forced the lighthouse to close for four months (from March to July), a significant number of visits to it and to the exhibition have been registered. It is one of the oldest operating lighthouses in the world, the second oldest in Spain, behind the Tower of Hercules in La Coruña and the third in the world after the Genova Lantern Lighthouse. The Portopí Lighthouse is located in a restricted access area, so you must book in advance. There are free visits from Wednesdays to Fridays from 10:00 to 15:00 and 16:00 to 19:00 and on Saturdays, from 10:00 to 15:00, using this link or sending an email to / 650 438 205. All this information and much more can be found on the website Virtual visit Another way to obtain more detailed information on this visit is through the website This virtual space allows you to go through all the rooms found in the exhibition of Maritime Signals at the Portopí Lighthouse and go up to the lantern, where you will find the only reverb optics, with mirrors instead of lenses, located in Spanish lighthouses at present.

APB opens a tender for improving the energy efficiency of public lighting at the port of Palma

APB opens a tender for improving the energy efficiency of public lighting at the port of Palma


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) opens a tender for improving the energy efficiency of public lighting at the port of Palma, Portixol and Molinar. This improvement project, which is in the open tender phase, has an initial budget of three million euros and an expected duration of 11 months from the official start of the works. The deadline for receiving offers is 25 January 2021. Interested parties may submit their applications through the APB Electronic Bidding Portal. The proposal provides for replacement of the type of lamps used - sodium vapour, halogen, metal halide, etc. - by other more efficient technologies such as LEDs that reduce pollution levels. In the port, restricted access areas are combined with spaces open to the public such as pedestrian walkways, double-lane and single-lane roads, bicycle lanes, loading and/or passenger docks, parking lots, etc. that require different levels of lighting to ensure their safe usage. This intervention also seeks to reduce the costs of electricity consumption by improving energy efficiency and optimising the design of lighting networks managed directly by the APB, together with the use of more efficient technologies such as lighting fixtures with LED lamps, the implementation of regulation equipment and the use of remote management systems in switchboards to adapt lighting to environmental conditions. Reduction of CO2 emissions This improvement in energy efficiency also aims to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases, in compliance with European guidelines and current trends towards sustainability. This project establishes the path to be followed for other ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands in terms of energy-efficient public lighting. In fact, work has already begun in Maó and La Savina, while in Alcúdia and Eivissa, a tender will soon be opened.

A mobile application funded by the APB will improve the marine hazard alert system

A mobile application funded by the APB will improve the marine hazard alert system


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), in collaboration with the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), has launched a trial version of the Signals XXI mobile application, aimed at improving the marine hazard alert system and sending alerts through the mobile phone to those skippers whose course, speed and draught indicate to the platform an imminent risk of collision or incorrect anchoring. These hazards are previously geolocated and reproduced in barometric planes or in 3D in the alert system. Much of the information has been collected using marine robots equipped with navigation sensors and optical and acoustic devices. The platform will also contain information on the community of sailors, professionals or authorities, enabling the triggering of hazard alerts never given before, such as for drifting obstacles. The developers have worked for two years on its creation, and another year of tests, improvements and introduction of information is planned thanks to the collaboration of the port community itself. Presence of Neptune grass (Posidonia oceanica) Signals XXI has also implemented an alert software in potentially critical areas due to the presence of posidonia meadows in zone II of the APB ports (Palma, Alcúdia, Maó, Eivissa and La Savina). The App is available for both iOS and Android.

Decision to sign the management agreement for the seaside promenade of Palma

Decision to sign the management agreement for the seaside promenade of Palma


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has agreed to approve the agreement with the Palma City Council for the management of the Gabriel Roca promenade, once the modifications indicated by the Ministry of Finance have been introduced and the mandatory authorization has been obtained for signing. The Board of Directors has also empowered the APB president to sign the agreement. Once the Palma City Council has signed it, the document will be sent to the Puertos del Estado Public Body. The next step will be to publish it in the state Electronic Registration of Organs and Public Sector Cooperation (REOICO) and in the Official State Gazette, mandatory procedures for its entry into force. This will enable bidding for the remodelling of the promenade to be given free rein in the first quarter of 2021 and at the beginning of the works at the end of the same year. Budget of 43 million euros The agreement regulates and establishes the commitments that both parties assume. Therefore, the agreement establishes that the APB will be responsible for the remodelling and improvement of the promenade and the City Council for the maintenance of the space. The construction project for the works, prepared by the JAMLET-TYPSA joint venture, considers working on 169,010 square metres of the promenade of Palma and has an estimated budget of 43 million euros. This intervention pursues a variety of objectives, among them the improvement of public transport and sustainable means of transport as opposed to the private vehicle, pacification of road traffic, improvement of the transversal permeability between the port and the city, unification of residual spaces to generate free spaces linked to the promenade and enhancement of different uses and activities along it.

The terms and conditions governing the tender for the management of a storage and distribution centre at the port of Alcúdia were approved

The terms and conditions governing the tender for the management of a storage and distribution centre at the port of Alcúdia were approved


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved the terms and conditions that will govern the public tender for the management of a centre for cement distribution and storage in silos for the commissioning of the seawall at the port of Alcúdia. Services will include pneumatic loading and unloading of cement through pipes from the ship to the silos and its storage and distribution, as well as other optional services to be proposed by the bidder related to the previous ones. The aim of this tender is to consolidate the important role played by the port of Alcúdia in the handling of solid bulks by developing a logistics terminal within the port for use as a cement reception, storage and distribution centre. The bidder may also choose to offer a cement bagging service. The entire logistics operation must contemplate the measures with the most eco-friendly measures out of those that are technologically feasible. The annual occupancy rate to be improved by the bidder corresponds to €158,785.50 excluding VAT and will remain in force for a maximum of 18 years, from the date it is granted. Operations will depend on the granting of a licence for the public area of the port to use the existing facilities, with a total area of 890 m2, including the plot where the two silos and the underground pipelines are located.

Flavia Gargiulo: “It was very easy to visualise the buildings and monuments I like best in the five ports”

Flavia Gargiulo: “It was very easy to visualise the buildings and monuments I like best in the five ports”


Flavia Gargiulo lives in Majorca, and studied History of Art at the UIB and illustration at the Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears. Her career focused mainly on editorial illustration, for children and adults, advertising and animation funds. All these branches allowed her to develop a narrative style, strongly influenced by the love of details, of small stories and real and imaginary perspectives. How does an art historian end up in illustration? I don’t have a degree in History of Art. I attended part of the degree but didn’t graduate. I left it long before that because in a practical class I discovered that I really liked painting and doing things with my hands, more than studying the work of others. Although I don’t think the subjects are so unrelated. The illustrator needs to have a lot of cultural background to find the solutions required for each project. After all, image is a language with very old codes that must be understood. Your work clearly shows that illustration isn’t just for children. That's right, our work focuses first of all on children's illustration, but it can also be found in any field and for any audience. It is now a very good time for illustration due to the importance of image in our society, so our works range from the illustration of children's books to scientific dissemination, mural painting, any form of advertising, etc. The possibilities are huge. How did you propose the order of the APB Christmas postcard? What did you notice about each port? Sometimes there is luck and good feeling about an assignment. This is one of these. Raimond told me that, for a while now, he has wanted to try a "skyline" profile that would connect the 5 ports of the APB and since he was also in the coordination team of an illustrated book that we are also preparing for the APB, it was very easy to visualize the buildings and monuments that I had liked the most while compiling the book. Raimond also passed on his preferences to me and… voilà! I looked for a very limited and unrealistic colour range to try and create an image that looked as if all those buildings were in the same place. Detail is important... For better and for worse. Too much attention to detail is like too much salt, but just the right amount gives you a lot of information and it is up to you to choose. I think the use of details says a lot about the illustrator. You have another pending project, a children's book that shows the activity in our ports and how important it is. What can you tell us about this assignment? It was one of the important projects we completed this year. Next year will see the light in print, if all goes well. And we must say that this project involved immersion in another world from which we were totally alien. We have had to learn a lot and it has been very interesting. It has also been tiring, but all long projects are. Especially from one of my roles: coordination. Luckily we did it as a team! With Port Authority: Raimond, Alfonsa and Ricardo. And with the Cluster de Còmic i Nous Mèdia group: Juan Roig is the graphic designer whom we help to coordinate the content, the design and the team of illustrators: Álex Fito, Harold Canizales, Jaume Balaguer, Francisco Linhart and me too. In short, it has been a choral work. We refer to it briefly as a comic, but it’s a children's book that explains ports of general interest, which includes comics, computer graphics, illustrated maps and many descriptive illustrations of ports and related topics such as fauna and flora of ports, what ports are for, a very detailed section on lighthouses, a cross-sectional view of a ferry, etc. And that’s all we’ll reveal for now. During this time you have been able to enter the port world. What has surprised you the most? I have always been struck by how things work and the groups of people behind this. And the port, which was a great unknown for me, has impressed me a lot with its clockwork performance, its choreography. Well, I was also very surprised by the amount of things constituting a port, such as those of general interest.

New 20-day deadline for submitting offers for the management of small and medium-length moorings in the port of Eivissa

New 20-day deadline for submitting offers for the management of small and medium-length moorings in the port of Eivissa


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) held an extraordinary meeting in which it agreed to extend the deadline for submitting bids for the management of small and medium-length moorings in the port of Eivissa by 20 days. During the meeting, the two appeals for replacement filed by the Doce Millas Basic Sports Club and the Ibiza Nautical Club, against the approval of the tender documents, were resolved. The first appeal filed by the Doce Millas Basic Sports Club was partially estimated, so the APB Board of Directors agreed to make public in the tender documents the information on resident vessels currently in the area of the tender, as well as the seniority of employees hired by the Club Náutico Ibiza, without prejudice to the fact that the subrogation of employed personnel is not contemplated in the specifications. Consequently, it was agreed to extend the deadline for submitting bids by 20 days, following publication in the BOIB (Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands). On the other hand, the appeal filed by the Club Náutico Ibiza was rejected as a whole. Social nature The tender documents for a license to occupy this space in the port of Eivissa provide for the management of the current moorings, as well as the social building, vessel repair and maintenance area and the nautical sports area. Priority will be given to the reduced rates offered to users of the moorings when evaluating the most advantageous bid.

The APB participates in the first green hydrogen project in a Mediterranean country

The APB participates in the first green hydrogen project in a Mediterranean country


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will be converting the No. 4 Passenger Terminal in the Port of Palma into a building with almost zero energy consumption, in which all the energy used (solar and geothermal) will be generated in the terminal itself and will be complemented with green hydrogen. Hence, once fully converted, the building will be powered solely by renewable energy. The investment initially planned by the Port Authority to convert the terminal will be supplemented by an additional €800,000 from the EU (Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) which has chosen to finance the initiative through the Green Hysland project. Specifically, €1 million of the €10 million that the European Commission has granted to the project has been allocated to use green hydrogen as a fuel in the terminal. The agreement with the consortium members is expected to be signed in December, thus marking the start of the project. Green Hysland will be the first strategic project in southern Europe and will create a green hydrogen ecosystem in the Balearic Islands. Thus, it will generate, distribute and use at least 300 tonnes of renewable hydrogen per year in Majorca, produced using solar energy. Majorca is ideally placed to develop the first renewable hydrogen hub in southern Europe, thus becoming the first European example of a green hydrogen-based island economy. The project will also include carrying out studies and developing business models to replicate the project on other islands inside and outside the European Union. Multiple applications Green hydrogen will have multiple applications on the island, prioritising the direct consumption of renewable hydrogen, for example, in the supply of fuel to bus and rental vehicle fleets, the generation of heat and power for commercial and public buildings, the supply of ancillary energy to ferries and port operations and the construction of a refuelling station. This project will help to ensure that Port Authority terminals are powered exclusively by renewable energy and will also serve to launch studies to enable ships berthed in port to use green hydrogen during their calls. The European project is coordinated by Enagás and supported by Acciona, Cemex and Redexis as part of a plan to reindustrialise the land used by Cemex in Lloseta. In view of the economic recession caused by the COVID-19 crisis in the tourism sector, this initiative will make a substantial contribution to boosting the diversification of Majorca's regional economy and creating new employment opportunities in the fields of green hydrogen and renewable energies. The Green Hysland project is scheduled to run from 2021 to 2025. GREEN HYSLAND project consortium Green Hysland is an association made up of the following organisations: Acciona, the municipality of Ameland, AMHYD, Aragon Hydrogen Foundation, AREAM Madeira, the Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH2), Balearia, CEA, the National Hydrogen Centre (CNH2), Cotenaval, DAFNI, EMEC, EMT Palma, Enagás, Energy Cooperatives Ireland, Enercy, Fedarene, Gasnam, H2 Chile, HyCologne, HyEnergy Transstore, the Balearic Islands Energy Agency, the municipality of Lloseta, New Energy Coalition, NUI Galway, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Redexis, the University of the Balearic Islands and the University of La Laguna (Tenerife).

The APB (Port Authority of the Balearic Islands) approves the terms and conditions of the public tender for the management of moorings in the docks for smaller vessels at the port of La Savina

The APB (Port Authority of the Balearic Islands) approves the terms and conditions of the public tender for the management of moorings in the docks for smaller vessels at the port of La Savina


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved the terms and conditions of the public tender for the development of the moorings in the docks for smaller vessels at the port of La Savina. Under this tender, the most advantageous solution will be chosen for the granting of an administrative authorization for the development of a total area of 12,510 square metres, comprising 412 metres of berthing line, service building A with uncovered surfaces plus an associated gas deposit area, Control Tower building (ground floor and first floor), and adjacent toilet building in the public area of the fishing dock at the port of La Savina. The annual occupancy rate to be improved by the bidder corresponds to €153,254.06 plus VAT. The duration of the authorization will be one year following the granting of same, extendable to a maximum of three, from year to year.

The terms and conditions governing the tender for the management of moorings at the d’en Reynés dry dock in the port of Maó were approved

The terms and conditions governing the tender for the management of moorings at the d’en Reynés dry dock in the port of Maó were approved


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved the terms and conditions that will govern the public tender for the management of moorings at the de'n Reynés dry dock in the Levante quay at the port of Maó. The purpose of this tender is to grant a temporary authorization for the management of a total area of 11,000 square metres of water and 247 metres of berthing line. The APB will choose the most advantageous solution to grant the successful bidder an administrative authorization for the development of this area for a period of two years, where the latter will manage about 48 moorings between eight and thirty metres long. The development will consist of the management of moorings for recreational vessels, water and electricity supply, telephone and data transmission, as well as other services to be proposed by the bidder. The annual occupancy rate to be improved by the bidder corresponds to €106,309.05 excluding VAT. The duration of the authorization will be two years, following the granting of same, with the possibility of a one-year extension.

Open call for tender for the construction of the Molinar de Levante marina building

Open call for tender for the construction of the Molinar de Levante marina building


The Balearic Port Authority (APB) opened the call for tender for the construction of the Molinar de Levante marina on Monday, which will end on 14 December. After the contract is awarded, the work will last 12 months with an initial budget of €1,145,185. The project is aimed at refurbishing the historic building of the Molinar de Levante marina in the city of Palma, taking into account the urban planning conditions of Palma’s Special Port Plan, the cultural interest of the building based on its history and its construction type, and equipping it with the functional conditions necessary for the general restoration of the ground floor and facilities for the members of the maritime club on the first floor. This work will be carried out within the general framework for remodelling Molinar port (Project for the Improvement of the Port-City Environment and operations at Molinar port), which involves reinforcing the maritime security equipment, creating a new sailing school facility, redeveloping the port in general with new spaces for public use and lengthening the promenade. Building built in 1927 The original building was built in 1927 and designed by the architect, Carles Garau. It has a square design with two floors, a tower and terraces. Its construction is regionalist with a Mares stone structure and timber roof truss. Over the years, different extensions have been made to the main section on the ground floor. These extensions made for restoration purposes consist of different construction methods not related to each other or to the original building.