The APB shows the main lines of activity at the ports through a comic strip

The APB shows the main lines of activity at the ports through a comic strip


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) presents Las puertas del mar. A journey through the ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands. This is a book in comic format that gives you a brief entertaining and educational account of the key role played by the ports of Palma, Alcúdia, Maó, Eivissa and La Savina in the supply for the population, promotion of economic activity in their surroundings, and the historical development of the region. Coinciding with the 150th anniversary of the port organisation, the APB has just published this work developed by the Clúster de Cómics i Nous Mèdia de Mallorca, with illustrations by authors of recognised prestige in the world of comics, such as Linhart, Jaume Balaguer, Álex Fito, Canizales and Flavia Gargiulo. The texts are written by Verbigracia and Flavia Gargiulo. In the words of the President of the APB, Francesc Antich, it is “a tool that takes an educational tour of the ports in a fresh and light-hearted way”, and is also “a warning of their important role as an instrument that allows us to supply our islands with goods and give them connectivity”. The book is intended for all audiences and stresses the irreplaceable role of the ports of general interest as economic drivers and key elements for the supply of the Balearic Islands. It also focuses on publicising the main ships operating in our ports, with special attention to the regular ferries, and on giving visibility to the work of the most recognised port trades, activities and agents in the port community. It also reviews the history of port evolution, the distinguishing features of each of the five ports and their port-city relationship. Finally, the work carried out by the APB in the management of maritime signals and the commitment undertaken to implement technological advances to improve the service offered to users, and in the fight against climate change. Paper and digital format During the month of February, 15,000 copies in paper format were distributed free of charge to all APB staff, to educational centres in the Balearic Islands, to public libraries in the autonomous community and to a large group of representatives of the Balearic port community. The book has been produced with paper from responsible sources, the inks used to print the book are ecological and of vegetable origin, and the use of plastics has been avoided in the packaging of the copies. It is available to everyone in digital format at and contains detailed maps of the ports and educational fact sheets for children.

150th anniversary Port-city
The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands and Port de Barcelona share experiences in environmental and port innovation projects

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands and Port de Barcelona share experiences in environmental and port innovation projects


The president of Port de Barcelona, Damià Calvet, and part of his management team were in the port of Palma today on a working visit to the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, where they held several meetings with the president Francesc Antich and technicians from the general interest ports of the islands. At today’s session, they shared experiences in environmental concerns and port innovation. On Friday, the meeting is scheduled to take place in Barcelona, where they will continue exchanging knowledge, this time on energy transition projects and the use of alternative fuels in ports. Damià Calvet signed the book of honour and received a plaque from Francesc Antich to commemorate the visit, which coincides with the 150th anniversary of the Balearic port organisation. At today’s meeting, both working teams shared their own projects that may be of interest to the other port authority. The teams from the Balearic Islands presented the initiatives carried out to create nautical innovation nodes for the circular economy or the participation of the port in the Marine Pole of the New Levante District of Palma. Port de Barcelona then detailed its innovation policy and the procedures for bringing innovation to the port community, as well as making proposals for collaboration in the Mediterranean Corridor or in the Ports 4.0 capital fund promoted by Puertos del Estado. In terms of the environment, joint projects and initiatives related to emissions, dumping, waste, consumption, as well as the implementation of the environmental policy and strategy, were proposed. Visit to the port of Palma The two delegations then toured the port of Palma to get a closer and more detailed look at the large-scale nautical facilities, the boat repair and maintenance industry, as well as the moorings used for nautical charters and pleasure boats. The tour continued through the different terminals for cruise ship traffic, fuel unloading, solid bulk traffic and regular ferry lines, ending with a visit to the fishermen’s wharf.

Technology and innovation
The president of Puertos del Estado visits the port of Palma

The president of Puertos del Estado visits the port of Palma


The president of Puertos del Estado, Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena, made an institutional visit to the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) this morning, accompanied by its president, Francesc Antich and his management team, as part of the round of contacts he is making with the managers of the ports of general interest of the State Port System. After signing the APB’s book of honour, Rodríguez Dapena received a commemorative mosaic from Antich to mark the visit, which coincides with the 150th anniversary of the APB. They then toured the port of Palma, visiting the new medium and low voltage electricity supply infrastructure that enables berthed ferries to reduce gas emissions and noise generated by their engines during stopovers and disembarkation and embarkation operations. A technological advance that the president of Puertos del Estado has described as innovative and which the president of the APB considers part of “the commitment assumed by the ports in their fight against climate change”. After meeting with the APB management committee, with whom he learned first-hand about the projects and challenges affecting the ports of Palma, Alcudia, Maó, Eivissa and La Savina, he held a meeting with some of the main port operators on the islands. Environment, sustainability and island uniqueness Among the topics discussed was the identification of the APB’s strategic plan with the guidelines and general terms of the Strategic Framework of the Spanish port system, both of which are expected to be approved in 2022. Among the central themes of the presentation were the application of sustainable management and ecological transition policies, as well as the transformation of port terminals to be powered exclusively by renewable energies. The need to adapt structures and human resources to the unique management of five ports on four islands, the organisation of regular passenger and goods transport lines, the opportunity to promote more sustainable cruise tourism, the situation of the nautical sector and the boat repair and maintenance industry, as well as the future developments of the port of Palma, were other aspects dealt with by the technicians of the APB and the port community of the Balearic Islands.

150th anniversary Environment and CSR Port-city Technology and innovation Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
Eivissa Town Council and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands review investments made in the port of Eivissa, which will amount to 8.8 million euros by 2022, and give a boost to the port's Special Plan

Eivissa Town Council and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands review investments made in the port of Eivissa, which will amount to 8.8 million euros by 2022, and give a boost to the port's Special Plan


The mayor of Eivissa, Rafa Ruiz, and the first deputy mayor, Elena López, met this morning with the president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Francesc Antich, the director of APB, Jorge Nasarre, and the director of APB in Eivissa, Ignacio Revilla. During the meeting they reviewed the investments which will amount to 8.8 million euros by 2022 that the port authority is making in the port of Eivissa, and that would give a boost to the port's Special Plan. One of the works that will begin shortly is the adaptation of the environment of the Ribera docks road. It connects the maritime station of Formentera, with the beginning of the promenade where works will be carried out to improve the pedestrian space with the addition of a two-way bike lane, connecting to the current bike lane of the port platforms and to the one currently under construction in Bartomeu de Roselló avenue. The project also includes the elimination of architectural barriers, installation of benches, improvement of tree planting and lighting in the area. Another project already underway consists of improving the surroundings of the APB building in Eivissa. Both works are valued at 1.4 million euros. The mayor of Eivissa, Rafa Ruiz, expressed his gratitude for the proximity and continued work of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands with the Eivissa Town Council, “there are several works which will soon begin and which mean continuing with the integration of the port into the city and turning it into a real space for the citizens to enjoy. We are a town with a port, which is a very dynamic and active space, and we must continue with this strategic work of general interest". For his part, the president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Francesc Antich, emphasised that for a port of general interest such as Eivissa, the good predisposition and coordination between the two administrations is fundamental because it allows the necessary works and the improvement of the service to be carried out quickly. At the moment, work to improve the port-ciutat connection, as well as other major improvements to the port services are being carried out". Special Plan On the other hand, and in relation to the Special Plan for the port of Eivissa, both administrations are currently finalising the document. The idea is to bring the Special Plan for the port of Eivissa to the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands for approval shortly, after which it must be given initial approval by the plenary session of Eivissa Town Council. The most important work currently underway in the port of Ibiza is the Botafoc Maritime Station, with a budget of 13.5 million euros, which is scheduled to be completed in July 2022. On the other hand, the work to refurbish and improve the exterior of the Botafoc dock will resume in March 2022, with a budget of 942,000 euros, and should be carried out in months with good weather conditions. The port body also plans to start work shortly to improve the paving of the Botafoc roundabouts and urbanise the section of the storm tank on the Ribera quay, extending the promenade.

Transport and infrastructure Port-city
 The APB starts the works of adaptation of the environment and the façade of the APB offices in Eivissa

The APB starts the works of adaptation of the environment and the façade of the APB offices in Eivissa


This Monday, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has started the works of adaptation of the environment and the façade of the main office building of the APB in Eivissa, located in the access to the North docks. The area is currently lacking in terms of lighting, landscaping, parking and signs of ageing. This project also aims to improve the pedestrian space around the building and will create a bicycle lane on each side of the road. The area will be illuminated by LED lighting, while the landscaped area will include an automatic watering system. In terms of accessibility, two 5 m long ramps will be built attached to the façade and the emergency exits will be regularised. Finally, linear pergolas made of galvanised steel will be installed. The intervention has been awarded to the company TECOPSA for 525,000 euros and a duration of six months.

Transport and infrastructure
Visits to the exhibition of maritime signals at the Portopí lighthouse in the port of Palma are resumed

Visits to the exhibition of maritime signals at the Portopí lighthouse in the port of Palma are resumed


The president and director of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), Francesc Antich and Jorge Nasarre, visited the recently reopened exhibition of maritime signals at the Portopí lighthouse. Both followed the explanations of the guides, who accompanied them throughout the tour. After a few months of preparation, the exhibition has some interesting new features, such as the restored lantern of the Llebeig lighthouse, which can be seen at the entrance to the exhibition, and a video showing details of the restoration and replacement of this same lantern. The reopening of the space coincides with the 150th anniversary of the APB, a year of celebration and projection into the future that aims to raise the public’s awareness of the port areas. Visits to the lighthouse The Portopí lighthouse is located in a restricted access area, so visits require booking. Free visits can be arranged from Wednesday to Friday from 10 am to 3 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am to 3 pm through this link or at / 662 418 163. In 2004, the APB opened the doors of the Portopí lighthouse to the public, one of the most characteristic constructions in the port of Palma, a symbol of the city and of the history of maritime communications in the Balearic Islands. That year the Portopí lighthouse was converted into a cultural space to permanently house the exhibition of maritime signals that shows visitors the fascinating world of lighthouses. The exhibition occupies the space of the former lighthouse keeper's two-storey house and introduces visitors to the world of maritime signalling, familiarising them with the specific terminology. There is also a collection of optics from 2nd to 6th order, different rotating machines and an explanation of the evolution of maritime lighting along the Balearic coastal areas. Finally, the exhibition invites us to travel back in time to learn about the living conditions of the old lighthouse keepers and their families living in extremely isolated places.

150th anniversary Port-city
Georgina Gamundí: “Drawing brings me closer to situations, people and places that I hardly knew”

Georgina Gamundí: “Drawing brings me closer to situations, people and places that I hardly knew”


2022 será un año de aniversarios: el 150 de la creación de la Junta Portuaria y el 30 de la Autoridad Portuaria de Illes Balears tal y como la denominamos hoy. Y un año tan singular merecía un calendario igualmente especial. Esto surge de la creatividad de Georgina Gamundi, quien ha plasmado en imágenes 12 lugares vinculados al mar. La Felicitación de Navidad del organismo es también obra suya y representa los aparatos de iluminación de los faros de las Islas Baleares. Georgina Gamundí (Pollença 1989) es licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Barcelona y se formó en la Escuela de Artes de Granada. Escultora, dibujante y profesora de arte, ha centrado su trabajo en el estudio y observación de la figura humana. Se define a sí misma como una “dibujante urbana” o artista callejera cuyas obras se destacan a través de un contraste de blanco y negro, así como un toque de color. ¿Conocías el mundo portuario? ¿Te ha sorprendido algún aspecto? No, a pesar de tener el mar tan cerca, no me era familiar. Como siempre, dibujar me acerca a situaciones, personas y lugares que ella probablemente no conocía” El hecho de que hago mis dibujos en el lugar para buscar puntos de vista hace que pueda ver tanto los lugares más remotos como los más espectaculares. al mismo tiempo. Ha sido interesante todo el bullicio de los muelles, saber qué se mueve y qué pasa según la hora del día en uno u otro muelle. Moverse por las islas para dibujar faros desconocidos fue estimulante (además de disfrutar de muchas puestas de sol). El resultado son 12 ilustraciones de los puertos y faros baleares. ¿Estás satisfecho? Cuando se hace, siempre hay cosas que mejorar. Pero sí, creo que el resultado es coherente. You are also the author of the APB Christmas card, which you have entitled "Guardians of overseas". It is important to allow the "chance" factor to be incorporated into your work. In fact, this same "chance" meant that I found myself at just the right moment at the Portopí lighthouse to meet the person who cleans it and who let me go inside. The lantern exhibition was a real surprise! That's where the illustration on the Christmas card came from. Do you have a routine when you start working? Doing a sketch on the spot and, depending on the situation, the original and everything. I like to draw on the spot. What are your artistic references? I could name a lot. But for this project I thought of none other than the engravings of Archduke Ludwig Salvator. His work shows his mastery and the perfect lines he uses to depict the vegetation, the coast, the Serra, the sea... such a part of our tradition. During the quarantine you began a project to document this time of confinement graphically. How did the idea come about? Realmente no sucedió... simplemente sucedió. Era una época en la que dibujaba mucho por la calle, cuando iba a tomar algo, si iba a un concierto, de paseo... Cuando estábamos confinados, todo eso paró y llegó el turno de la ambiente más íntimo. Hacía un dibujo todos los días y lo subía a las redes. No soy muy aficionado a las redes, pero creo que enganché a bastantes personas. Entonces presenté el Diari de la Quarantena , que no era más que mi cuaderno de bocetos, al concurso Art Jove y fue uno de los trabajos ganadores.

Port-city 150th anniversary
In 2022, APB is celebrating 150 years of history

In 2022, APB is celebrating 150 years of history


Throughout this year, the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Board of Works for the Port of Palma (the organisation that gave rise to the APB) and the 30th anniversary of the APB as we know it today. A wide range of activities will take place during this year of celebration and looking ahead to the future. From publications and exhibitions to conferences and spectacular cultural events, the five ports will host an extensive programme of activities for residents to enjoy as the year unfolds. The aim of the anniversary celebrations is to simultaneously commemorate and strengthen the port authority’s spirit of service towards the port community and society in general. Although its nomenclature and competencies may have varied over the years, the authority has always aimed to respond as effectively as possible to the challenges that are faced by the ports on a daily basis, and to improve and modernise the port services and facilities in order to make the flow of goods and passengers easier and more fluid. Ancient ports The five ports that currently comprise the APB can all trace their history back hundreds of years. Throughout much of their existence they were managed by a variety of local bodies and it was not until the 19th century that they came under the auspices of the Ministry of Development, at first directly and later through dedicated agencies. The Port of Palma was one of the first to have its own management body. 1872 saw the creation of the Board of Works for the Port of Palma, which – despite changing its name to the Board of Works and Services for the Port of Palma (1928), the Port of Palma Board (1968) and the Board of State-Owned Balearic Islands Ports (1990) – remained in existence until 1992. In contrast, the ports of Alcudia, Mahon, Eivissa and La Savina remained under the direct control of the Ministry until 1928, when the various subordinate groups of the Central Ports Board were created. From then on, and up until 1988, they were managed by the Ports Groups or Administrative Committees, which were gradually absorbed into the Ports Groups for the Balearic Islands over time. Initially, there was one Administrative Committee for Mahon, another for Ibiza, and a Ports Group formed by the ports of Mallorca and Cabrera. However, after 1956 (with a brief interval between 1962 and 1963, when separate services were re-established for each island, with the exception of Palma, which had its own board), the ports all came under a single service: the Ports Group for the Balearic Islands. In any case, however, these Ports Groups were not independent bodies, but services that depended on a separate central body based in Madrid. In accordance with the Royal Decree of 1988, the ports of Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and La Savina were brought within the remit of the Port of Palma Board, resulting in the dissolution of the Ports Group for the Balearic Islands. The inclusion of these ports required the organisation to change its name: thus, by virtue of the Royal Decree of 9 March 1990, it became known as the Board of State-Owned Balearic Islands Ports. The State-Owned Ports and Merchant Navy Act of November 1992, which still governs the network of state-owned ports today, represented a major shift in port legislation. Ports became publicly owned bodies that were managed in accordance with private law. As a term of common reference for all of the ports, the Act introduced the international term “Port Authority”. This body is linked to the Ministry of Development via the Public Agency for State-Owned Ports, which is responsible for implementing the government’s ports policy and for coordinating and monitoring the efficiency of the port system. This system is comprised of 28 port authorities, which oversee 44 ports that are of national interest.

Environment and CSR 150th anniversary
The proposal of Puertos y Litorales Sostenibles has been selected as the best offer for the operation of the small craft dock in the port of La Savina

The proposal of Puertos y Litorales Sostenibles has been selected as the best offer for the operation of the small craft dock in the port of La Savina


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, in ordinary session on 22 December 2021, has selected the best offer in the tender for the operation of the small craft dock in the port of La Savina, which was awarded to the company Puertos y Litorales Sostenibles, S.L. Six bids had been submitted for the operating tender. The occupancy fee set out in the tender documents was 154,000 euros however, the winning bidder proposed an improved occupancy and activity fee of 830,000 euros. This covers both the body of water and the land. The permit will have a duration of one year - extendable up to three years - from the date it is granted. The operation consists of 12,510 square metres, with 412.3 metres of mooring line, a ground floor building of 1,066 square metres made up of premises and arcades, plus 330 square metres of uncovered terraces. The licence holder will manage the whole complex and the commercial premises will be made available to third parties. The occupancy permit will allow the mooring of 91 pleasure boats, from 8 to 24 metres in length.

Socio-economic development
Tests begin on the on-shore power connection system for ferries in the port of Palma

Tests begin on the on-shore power connection system for ferries in the port of Palma


Yesterday, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) carried out tests on a medium and low voltage electrical infrastructure in the port of Palma for the electrical connection of ships to land. The Balearia ferry Eleanor Roosevelt was respoinsible for collaborating in the technical tests prior to commissioning. This installation will enable ferries that dock at the Paraires quay to use the on-shore power grid while they are moored at the port in order to reduce the emission of gases and noise generated by them during waiting, disembarkation and embarkation operations. This technique is known ascold ironing. The installation will be prepared to connect to the electricity grid, although not simultaneously, a ferry-type vessel with a maximum power demand of 1,600 kW (medium voltage) and another fast ferry-type vessel with 800 kW (low voltage). For the electrical connection to land, the system has 275 metres of medium voltage underground lines, a transformation centre and a frequency elevating substation in the service area of the port of Palma. Reducing emissions When in port, ships use their auxiliary engines to produce electricity during loading, unloading and mooring operations. Although the amount of emissions produced during the berthing phase is less than during the maritime traffic phase itself, in this case the pollutants emitted directly affect the air quality of the population centres near the port, as well as the port itself. The use of electrical energy from the national grid means a reduction in the emissions produced by the ship, given that the emission factor per MWh of the grid’s generators is much lower than that of the ship's auxiliary engines.

Environment and CSR Next Generation UE Technology and innovation Transport and infrastructure
Im Hafen von Palma wurde eine Sprengstoffübung durchgeführt

Im Hafen von Palma wurde eine Sprengstoffübung durchgeführt


Die Hafenbehörde der Balearen (APB) organisierte gestern eine Übung zur Aufspürung eines Sprengsatzes, der neben einem Dieseltransport im Handelshafen von Palma platziert wurde. Während der Übung wurden der Schutzplan für den Hafen von Palma (PPP), der Interne Notfallplan (PEI) und der Interne Maritime Plan (PIM) aktiviert. Das Ziel der Übung ist die gleichzeitige Aktivierung der genannten Pläne, die Schulung der Feuerwehrleute von Palma in der Brandbekämpfung auf Freizeitbooten sowie die Überprüfung der Risiken im Hafen und der Notfallmaßnahmen und -verfahren. Koordinierte Übung An der Übung waren die Guardia Civil (Hundedienst und TEDAX), die Feuerwehr von Palma, Grimaldi Logística, die Generaldirektion für Notfälle der balearischen Regierung, die Regierungsdelegation, die Hafenpolizei, die Lotsen von Palma und die Zivilschutzmitarbeiter der APB beteiligt. Nach einem fiktiven Bombenwarnanruf bei einer Reederei wurden der Hundedienst und TEDAX der Guardia Civil aktiviert, die zwei Sprengsätze entdeckten, die an einem 30-Tonnen-Dieseltank im Handelshafen von Palma befestigt waren. Einer der Sprengsätze explodierte, ohne dass es Verletzte gab, und verursachte ein Austritt auf den Boden, ins Meer und einen Brand. Die Feuerwehr von Palma griff daraufhin ein, kontrollierte das Feuer und den ausgelaufenen Dieselkraftstoff am Boden und deckte den Bereich mit Schwerschaum ab. Sobald das Gebiet als sicher eingestuft wurde, kamen die Notfallteams von der APB zum Einsatz, die sich aus Zivilschutzmitarbeitern und der Lotsenvereinigung des Hafens von Palma zusammensetzten, die unter realen Umständen für die Verlegung der Barriere gegen Verschmutzung am Ende der Handelsdocks zuständig wären. Nach Abschluss der Übung wurde mit allen Teilnehmern ein Debreafing durchgeführt, um die Schlussfolgerungen und den Bericht über Verbesserungen zu erstellen.

Technology and innovation Environment and CSR
The Spanish Association of Civil Engineers awards the project to improve the environment around the Port of El Molinar

The Spanish Association of Civil Engineers awards the project to improve the environment around the Port of El Molinar


The Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) has received a special mention from the National Albert Serratosa City and Territory Award for its project to improve the Port-City environment and operations of the El Molinar Port in the Port of Palma. The award, granted by the Spanish Association of Civil Engineers and the Caminos Foundation, aims to publicise and raise awareness of city and territory projects whose design, planning and implementation contribute to the sustainable development of their surroundings. The awards ceremony, which took place yesterday in Madrid, was attended by Antoni Ginard, the head of the Planning and Infrastructure Department, and Víctor Darder, the head of the Infrastructure Development Department. Improvement project Efforts to improve the port-city relationship have been focused on maintaining the character of the "little port" and integrating it into the El Molinar neighbourhood and the promenade around it by removing the fences that separated, isolated and impeded interaction between the port and local residents. In regard to operational improvements, the size of the vessels it can accommodate has been restricted, and work has been undertaken to better shelter the marina, which has also improved wave conditions at the entry to the port. The contract to carry out the work was awarded to ACSA, Obras e Infraestructuras and provided employment for 20 people. Temporary joint venture Mc Valnera and Junquera Arquitectes managed the participatory process, overall concept and preliminary project, E3 Solinteg drew up the construction project, and TYPSA provided its technical assistance to the project managers.
