The APB celebrates World Book Day with an exhibition of Balearic maritime documentary heritage
Comics will be handed out at the stall to raise awareness about the importance of the Islands' ports
The Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) is taking part in World Book Day on 23 April with a stand in front of its headquarters, following a suggestion from the archive staff. The aim is to make the Port Authority's bibliographic heritage accessible to everyone.
There will be a stand to showcase books on maritime subjects published by the APB. Also, comics called Las puertas del mar, “The Gates of the Sea” in English, explaining the importance of ports in the Islands, as well as magnets of the lighthouses of the Balearic Islands, will be handed out.
This year's new feature is that everyone who chooses to share photos or videos on social media at the APB photocall will win a book as a gift. All participants will receive a free gift from the port organisation with titles such as: A la llum del far. Testimoni dels darrers faroners balears (By the light of the lighthouse. Testimony of the last Balearic lighthouse keepers), Els fars de sa Dragonera (The lighthouses of Dragonera), Curiositats del Port de Palma de Mallorca (Interesting facts about the Port of Palma de Mallorca) and Els grans ports de les Balears al segle XXI (The major ports of the Balearics in the 21st century).
In addition, anyone who visits the stall located in Palma's Moll Vell will be able to view the five ports managed by the port organisation (Alcúdia, Eivissa, Maó, Palma and La Savina) through virtual reality glasses.