The APB puts out to tender the management of mooring points for sport boats during the high season in Moll d’en Pons i na Quefeis at the Port of Mahon

The APB puts out to tender the management of mooring points for sport boats during the high season in Moll d’en Pons i na Quefeis at the Port of Mahon


The Port Authority of the Balearic Island (APB) has put out to tender the management of mooring points for sport boats in the area of Moll d’en Pons i na Quefeis at the Port of Mahon. The aim of the tender is to grant an administrative concession to operate during the high season a water surface area of 17,508 m2 that belongs to the port. The new area will have a walkway that will connect Moll d’en Pons i na Quefeis by means of the cliff front. The tender announcement is to be published today in the Official State Gazette (BOE), commencing the process of choosing the most favourable bid and the subsequent granting of said concession. The operating term will be for a maximum of fifteen years. The occupancy fee is 16,550.13 euros and the activity fee is 4% of the successful bidder's estimated turnover.

The APB is to accept a proposal by the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club to submit a new project in order to continue its concession

The APB is to accept a proposal by the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club to submit a new project in order to continue its concession


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is to accept a proposal by the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club to present a project in order to continue operating at the Port of Palma. Joan Gual de Torrella, president of the APB, this evening informed members of the maritime club in a meeting held at the Port of Palma that the project they intend to put forward should meet certain indispensable requirements. These include respecting current mooring numbers and sizes, and giving continuity to the seafront promenade. This new concession could last for a maximum of 50 years. Gual de Torrella has asked the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club to work closely with the authority from today onwards to reach an agreement as regards the new project. As such, the APB seeks to meet the social demand of the club in two aspects: guaranteeing the continuity of the economical mooring plots and the club's sporting activity. The current concession of the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club comes to an end in March 2018.

The APB calls meeting between members of the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club to report on the future of the concession

The APB calls meeting between members of the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club to report on the future of the concession


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has convened a meeting between members of the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club to lay out the future details of its concession at the Port of Palma. During the meeting, the president of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella, will inform members of the current status of the concession and will outline the steps to follow to safeguard their activity. According to Gual, "the Maritime Club's withdrawal of the expansion project opens up a new opportunity that must be seized in order to work together". The president of the public body also expressed his desire to meet with all affected members in order to present the APB's plans. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 22 February at 19:30 in the APB conference room at Moll Vell no. 19 at the Port of Palma. Molinar de Levante Maritime Club members wishing to attend the meeting are reminded that they are required to bring accreditative documentation including their DNI and membership card.

Remodelling works get underway on La Savina Harbour Station to enhance service to users and transport companies

Remodelling works get underway on La Savina Harbour Station to enhance service to users and transport companies


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has begun refurbishing the interior of the Formentera Harbour Station building. The project meets the demand of different transport companies to be able to offer their services to users. This initiative will entail remodelling the ticket desk area and toilets, avoiding having to alter the built area, or the used surface area, since the building for the La Savina Harbour Station is currently found in good condition. This reform involves changing the distribution of various rooms, in turn improving current facilities to allow the port to offer a better quality service to its users and enhance the building's space for transport companies. Works will include replacing flooring and false ceilings, in turn expanding the ticket desk area on the ground floor. The company that was awarded the contract is Ferrovial. The works are to be completed within four months as per the construction plan with a one-year warranty period. The project will provide direct employment to up to 6 people and the total budget is €77.033.

Government delegate, Maria Salom, pays visit to Port Authority of the Balearic Islands

Government delegate, Maria Salom, pays visit to Port Authority of the Balearic Islands


Maria Salom, government delegate in the Balearic Islands, visited the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands' (APB) headquarters at the Port of Palma this morning. After being welcomed by the president, Joan Gual de Torrella, Salom and her entourage were given a guided tour around the facilities at the APB's headquarters to witness how the different departments work and observe the day-to-day activities of the public body. The government delegate was particularly keen to see the APB Control Centre. Gual de Torrella also provided an overview of the current state of each one of our ports.

The APB installs an innovative mooring monitoring system at Botafoch Marina to prevent collisions with docks and to prolong life span

The APB installs an innovative mooring monitoring system at Botafoch Marina to prevent collisions with docks and to prolong life span


The APB has installed a new mooring monitoring system at the Botafoch docks at the Port of Ibiza, primarily intended to control the speed at which the vessels are docked. This application aims to extend the life span of docks and in turn save on the cost of works for subsequent repair. The increased size of cruise ships in recent years, in addition to the fact that the Botafoch docks were initially designed to facilitate service to vessels shorter in length, has driven the APB to back this system, in turn dodging the difficulty and high cost that would be involved in building or adapting new docks to meet these needs. The technological application is based on the installation of laser scanning sensors at each one of the docks connected via fibre optics. The devices receive information from a weather station and two wave and tide sensors installed in the same port area. All data are transmitted and processed to be used by the shipmasters. This entire process can be monitored through a smartphone screen that displays the manoeuvre in real-time. The system provides accurate data including the distance between the vessel and the dock, the approach speed, the vessel's angle of inclination, etc. It also discloses metocean data before and during docking, allowing the captain to anticipate the manoeuvre before arriving at the dock. Among other features the application offers reports from each session, which are sent to the APB, the pilots and shipmasters so that manoeuvres can be managed at all times. The APB currently advises shipping companies to use this system, but it is expected to become an obligatory requirement once the APB's Board of Directors stipulates a speed limit for mooring at these docks.

APB rejects processing of the tender for development of two buildings in the Contramuelle-Mollet of the Port of Palma

APB rejects processing of the tender for development of two buildings in the Contramuelle-Mollet of the Port of Palma


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) yesterday approved the proposal to withdraw from processing the public tender for the development of two buildings in the Contramuelle-Mollet [the Mollet opposite dock area] of the Port of Palma. The buildings in question are no. 2-4 and no. 6, which were going to be given to the successful bidder in order to manage commercial premises. With this initiative, in line with Palma City Council, the APB aims to promote the redevelopment of this area, streamlining its uses and dispensing of any buildings that are not necessary for port activity. Rejecting this project will enable expansion of the Mollet opposite dock area and provide the port with spaces open to citizens, moving closer towards the ‘Port-City’ model sought by many cities of reference.

The Port of Palma organises gas leak safety drill

The Port of Palma organises gas leak safety drill


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), in partnership with Red Cross and Trasmediterranea, organised a hydrochloric gas safety drill at the Port of Palma today. A major unit comprising emergency services and security forces was deployed to the commercial docks this morning. The drill involved a dummy hydrochloride gas leak from a tank on a platform being transported by Trasmediterranea's boat Tenacia to its destination at the Port of Palma at 8 am. The gas leak poisoned passengers and crew due to inhalation. The Port of Palma's control centre was immediately notified of the events and the port's Internal Emergency Plan (PEI) was automatically activated. Besides the APB and the Directorate-General of Emergencies, the Government Delegation of the Balearic Islands, Red Cross, Trasmediterranea, the Guardia Civil, the Fire Service of Palma, and the Local, National and Port Police all participated in the drill. After assessing the situation, the evacuation procedure was triggered and passengers with visible signs of poisoning by gas inhalation were rescued. Second year students from the Red Cross Vocational Training of Emergency Medical Technicians performed the enactment and, under the guidance of specialist staff, assessed the theoretical-practical training of participants. Initiatives of this sort reinforce the APB's commitment to safety and the smooth implementation of the Internal Emergency Plan at each port of general interest on the islands.

The APB to invest 42 million euros in 2017

The APB to invest 42 million euros in 2017


The Business Plan approved by the APB Board of Directors in their last meeting in December outlines an investment of 42.3 million euros for 5 ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands. 16.3 million euros of this sum will be pumped into various infrastructure projects and improvement works of the Port of Palma, including the extension and restructuring works of marine terminal No. 6 and the new developments of the Western docks. Both actions are aimed at improving ground handling services and the activity of passengers on cruise ships docking at the island. The Port of Ibiza is set to receive an investment of 5.1 million euros. 1.5 million euros will be allocated to completing the works of Es Martell. A portion of this budget also covers the initial works of the Botafoc harbour station, as well as the development of projects such as the future restructuring of the port. At the Port of Mahon, which will be granted an investment of 4.8 million euros, it is worth highlighting the work carried out by APB at the Cós Nou dock. The collection of wastewater for subsequent drainage and purification will minimise the environmental impact of this dirty water on the sea. Another portion of 1.6 million euros will be spent on reinforcing structures that sustain the cruise ship dock. A total of 400,000 euros will be allocated to the landscaping project at the Port of La Savina, which entails restoring the current promenade and building a new fish market, due to get underway in later financial years. No new infrastructure is set to be built in Alcúdia in 2017. The budget apportioned to this port will be used to foster projects to be implemented in coming years. What is left of the budget will be poured into general and minor investments distributed throughout the port area.

The APB takes part in Ibiza's Three Kings Parade with a large sailing boat

The APB takes part in Ibiza's Three Kings Parade with a large sailing boat


Ibiza, 4 January 2017. Everything is ready to welcome the Three Wise Men, or Magi from the East, in Ibiza. The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) did not want to miss this long-awaited event and will take part in the parade with a float in the shape of a sailing boat. With this boat, the APB pays tribute to the intrepid merchants and sailors of the islands who sailed through Mediterranean waters in the 16th and 17th centuries on board ships very similar to this one. Also on board will be the royal pages, essential figures for the Kings in order to carry out the arduous task of giving out presents to the people of Vila. Having expressly travelled from Palma, where it took part in the last two editions of the Three Kings Parade in the city, it is expected that the float will remain in the Pityusic Islands for another few years. The Three Wise Men from the East will arrive at the other APB ports by sea. Arrival will be at the following times: * Port of Palma at 6pm. * Port of Alcúdia at 6pm. * Port of Mahon at 7pm. * Port of La Savina at 4.30pm.

The ports managed by APB record 14.6 million tonnes of freight in 2016

The ports managed by APB record 14.6 million tonnes of freight in 2016


The freight traffic statistics for the ports of General Interest in the Balearic Islands state that 14.6 million tonnes passed through the 5 ports managed by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) in 2016. All ports saw an increase in the volume of traffic except for Mahon, which experienced a 4% decrease in relation to 2015. Alcudia and Ibiza experienced the biggest growth with 18% more traffic than the year before, with the Ports of Palma and La Savina increasing by 8% and 9% respectively. The figures reported relating to the general goods traffic (referring to consumer goods) that passed through the 5 ports of General Interest in the Balearic Islands in 2016 indicate 11.5 million tonnes, 10% more than in 2015. Alcudia increased by 18%, Ibiza 13%, La Savina 11% and Palma 9%. Mahon is yet again the only port that did not see any growth, showing a 5% reduction in its traffic volume with regards to 2015. Referring to solid bulk cargo only (coal, grain, salt and construction materials), we can see how Ibiza, Palma and Alcudia increased their traffic volume by 145%, 29% and 21%, while Mahon and La Savina saw a 38% and 14% reduction in these materials in comparison to the previous year. Lastly, the traffic volume of liquid bulk cargo (fuel) rose in the Port of Ibiza (33%) and Mahon (4%) but saw a decline in the Ports of Palma (5%) and Alcudia (14%). Further statistical information

APB maintains discounts on sea passenger and freight fees in 2017

APB maintains discounts on sea passenger and freight fees in 2017


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has decided to maintain the system of reductions and bonuses of its port fees for regular passenger and freight traffic in 2017 as a way of keeping maritime transport through the port more economical and thus minimising the costs of insularity. The APB calculates that its income in 2017 will be reduced by about 16 million euros as a result of applying these bonuses and reductions to its fees. Last December, the APB Board of Directors approved the Port Authority’s Business Plan, which once again includes the same reduction that has been applied in recent years of 30 percent of the passenger port fee and 10 percent of freight fees at the five state ports under its management, in order to provide an incentive to the islands’ economy. In addition, it should be remembered that the APB already applies at its ports the maximum island discounts permitted by law to its fees for maritime services with other ports located outside the archipelago, specifically, 40% on ship and goods fees and, 45% for passenger traffic, and 60% on vehicles under transport. In this regard, the reductions are even greater on inter-island sea routes, where a reduction of 75% in ship fees and 80% in fees paid for goods, passenger and vehicle traffic is applied.