The presence of coal in the port of Alcúdia is reduced

The presence of coal in the port of Alcúdia is reduced


After years of decreasing traffic in the port of Alcúdia, in 2021 coal is no longer among the goods embarked and/or disembarked in the port. This confirms the trend to decarbonise energy production in the Balearic Islands, endorsed by the Balearic Islands Climate Change Law, which proposes that by 2050 all the energy produced in the archipelago should come from clean sources. Decarbonisation in the Balearic Islands is combined with the massive development of renewable and storage technologies to make the most of renewable generation and facilitate the introduction of technological innovations in the existing fleet and modernisation of older facilities. The port facilities are an example of this process, opting for non-emitting sources such as hydrogen in Maritime Station No. 4 of the port of Palma, which will become the first building of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands with almost zero energy consumption. Progressive decline A gradual decline in coal imports through the port of Alcúdia has been registered in recent years. In 2018, the volume of goods exceeded one million tonnes, but in 2019, it fell to 718,378. The following year, it fell to 95,170 tonnes. In 2018 for example, 128 vessels were involved in this task, in comparison with 89 in 2019, and 11 in 2020. The lack of demand for coal in Mallorca is mainly associated with the progressive reconversion of the Es Murterar thermal power station in Alcúdia. At the end of 2019, coal-fired groups 1 and 2 - the oldest - stopped operating and the other two reduced their operation to 1,500 hours per year. In August 2021, a further step towards decarbonisation was taken, limiting the hours of operation to 500, which is equivalent to 20 days a year. Therefore, in two years coal has gone from generating 50% of electricity to less than 5%.

Environment and CSR Technology and innovation
The Trimak motor-tricycles: 40 years at the service of the lighthouses in Eivissa and Formentera

The Trimak motor-tricycles: 40 years at the service of the lighthouses in Eivissa and Formentera


At the beginning of the 70s, three Trimak motorcycle-type tricycles were delivered to the Pityuses to transport the acetylene gas accumulators used to power the lights of the Tagomago, Conillera and the recently opened Barbaría lighthouses. Although they continued to perform reasonably well, they were eventually replaced in 2013 by two new Piaggios, which means they had a useful life of more than 40 years. Equipped with a two-stroke LEW engine, pedal starter and open cargo box, they were fitted with mounted wooden supports that were fastened between crossbars screwed to the box to house four gas accumulators of about 50 kg each, and a bench, which was also made of wood and rested on the box to transport personnel. They were highly reliable vehicles, always used during the day, and neither their tyres nor batteries were ever replaced. The main enemy for their structure was the marine saltpetre, which is why it was common for their exhaust pipes to rust and snap, especially on the vehicles that served the Conillera and Tagomago lighthouses. In 1996, the lighthouses were converted to solar power, and from that moment on, they were only used to transport technicians and occasionally batteries and maintenance materials. Tagomago and Conillera Tagomago’s Trimak, which is still on the island today, was predominantly used to transport the accumulators from the pier to the lighthouse along what was then the only 1,200-metre paved road on the island. The situation was similar in Conillera. In more than 40 years of service, the vehicles only did 6,000 kilometres because the roads they travelled were only around a kilometre long. Formentera Another of the vehicles was assigned to the La Mola lighthouse to service the recently built Barbaría lighthouse. A garage was built to store it at La Mola, but the technicians in charge at the time, Antonio Ferrández and Jaime Ribas, found it wasn’t powerful enough to cope with the long climb up La Mola hill, so they chose to use their own vehicles for the service instead. Later, it was transferred to the port of Eivissa, stored in a warehouse and never used again. This probably explains why it’s the best-preserved of the three vehicles today.

Transport and infrastructure
The APB begins work to improve the security of the controlled area in the Port of Eivissa with new fencing and access gates

The APB begins work to improve the security of the controlled area in the Port of Eivissa with new fencing and access gates


Work to replace the access gates and fencing around the controlled area in the Port of Eivissa has begun and is expected to last for two months and cost 300,000 euros. The work has been awarded to the company ISLASFALTO and consists of replacing more than 800 m of high-security, 2.50-metre high fencing and four gates (two sliding and two revolving). The project aims to reinforce security for both users and workers by replacing the current enclosure, which has accumulated damage and vulnerabilities over time, with tamper-proof and hard-to-climb elements. The disassembly and removal will be carried out sequentially so as not to interfere with port operations.

Transport and infrastructure Port-city
The port of Eivissa reduces the consumption of its water supply system by 50%

The port of Eivissa reduces the consumption of its water supply system by 50%


During the first half of 2021 the port of Eivissa reduced the consumption of its water supply system by 50% compared with the same period in 2020, saving the equivalent of 26,000 cubic metres of water. These are the first positive results of its RIM (Smart Measurement Network) system, which displays consumption in real time and minimises the losses caused by any potential incidents in the water supply network. This project forms part of the policy of improving the performance of the drinking water network established by the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB), which started in 2016 with a pilot project in the port of Palma (Majorca). The RIM system measures remotely the consumption of water by operating concessions and nautical facilities, together with the supplying of water to ships, among other functions. Once a day the network collects the hourly values from the 61 meters and at the same time classifies the various different meters in terms of their use (APB own consumption, local users, nautical users, industrial users, cruise-ships and irrigation). The information thus provided is extremely useful when taking decisions about operational processes. Detecting leakages The aim of current investment is to achieve an efficient management system and to reduce water leakages in the Port of Eivissa’s water supply network. This is accompanied by the constant maintenance of the network, with urgent malfunctions being repaired in under two hours, and non-urgent problems being dealt with within two working days. In addition, the constant analysis of the network makes it possible to detect anomalies in the meter readings and potential excessive levels of consumption. In many cases, these irregularities are the result of leakages and breakdowns in the transport and distribution network, which are identified, located and repaired (if possible) as quickly as possible.

Environment and CSR Technology and innovation
The APB earmarks 97,000 euros for the disinfection of the maritime stations of the port of Palma

The APB earmarks 97,000 euros for the disinfection of the maritime stations of the port of Palma


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will allocate 97,000 euros to the disinfection of the six maritime stations of the port of Palma. As passenger traffic resumes, especially cruise ship traffic, and within the framework of the restrictions imposed by the health situation caused by the pandemic, this contract will guarantee that the maritime stations of the port of Palma are in a perfect state of cleanliness, meeting the safety and health standards of its visitors, employees, and general users of the port. The actions will consist of 214 aerial disinfections over a period of six months by cold fogging in common areas, on surfaces likely to be touched such as benches, handrails, knobs, counters, toilets and lifts. These works will be planned according to the weekly schedules of vessel arrivals and departures. The work, which will take an estimated 90 to 150 minutes, will not interfere with the operation of the port and will preferably be carried out at night, using extraction installations for air renewal. This contract, which is currently in the open tendering phase, has an initial budget of 97,000 euros and is expected to last for six months from the date the service is contracted. The deadline for receiving bids is 17 August 2021. Interested parties may submit their applications through theAPB's e-tendering portal.

Transport and infrastructure
The recovery of port traffic: 6.5 million tonnes moved in the first half of the year in the Balearic Islands

The recovery of port traffic: 6.5 million tonnes moved in the first half of the year in the Balearic Islands


The five ports of general interest in the Balearics handled 6.5 million tonnes in the first half of the year, an increase of 10% over the same period in 2020. While still far from the 8.4 million of the first half of 2019 (pre-pandemic), signs of recovery of port traffic are already beginning to be noticed. In terms of the type of goods, general merchandise (consumer goods) will increase by 12% in this half year (from 5.2 million tonnes to 5.8 million tonnes in 2021). On the other hand, liquid bulks (primarily fuels) are down -9% compared to the first half of 2020, and solid bulks (cement, aggregates, etc.) are down -5%, from 673,000 tonnes in the same period of 2020 to 515,000 tonnes in 2021. The ports of La Savina and Alcúdia have seen the greatest recovery in their traffic, with an increase of 34% and 32%, respectively, in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2020. Meanwhile, Eivissa grew by 10% and Palma and Maó by 7%. Passenger traffic Lastly, passenger traffic is expected to grow by 43% overall, from 1.1 million in the first half of 2020 to 1.6 million in 2021. This recovery is especially visible in La Savina (+109%), Alcúdia (+77%) and Eivissa (+72%), while in Maó the increase is more modest (+27%). In contrast, the port of Palma has seen the number of passengers passing through its terminals fall by -29%, as a result of a 15% increase in regular shipping lines and a -98% drop in the number of cruise passengers. You can check all relevant statistics here.

Socio-economic development Transport and infrastructure
The APB recognises the positive environmental practices of its concessionaires in the port of Eivissa

The APB recognises the positive environmental practices of its concessionaires in the port of Eivissa


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is encouraging its concessionaires to implement projects aimed at protecting the environment and combating climate change through agreements for the adoption of good environmental practices, with a 15% rebate on the business activity tax payable by the concessionaire. Three concessions in the port of Eivissa have joined the programme this year with a private investment of around €100,000 for 2021 and 2022. The first to sign up, Tanit Ibiza Port, the company that manages Varadero Ibiza, signed its best practices agreement with the APB in 2016, and in 2021 it has renewed its environmental improvement proposal until the end of the concession period. Its commitment is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by 1% and to reduce its dependence on non-renewable energy sources by installing photovoltaic panels in its facilities so that electricity consumption in the office area comes exclusively from renewable sources, all for an amount of 3,647 euros. Ocibar, the company that manages the Botafoc Ibiza nautical facility, will invest a total of 37,200 euros to reduce its carbon footprint, promote the circular economy through a project to transform organic material from the restaurants in its concession into compost and install an artificial reef in its waters for the planting of posidonia, through the Nereidas project for the regeneration of marine biodiversity, which was one of the projects selected in the PUERTOS 4.0 programme of Puertos del Estado (Ports of the State). Finally, Serveis Marítims Port Eivissa (SerMar), concessionaire of Marina Ibiza, has undertaken to participate in and promote environmental awareness campaigns among its clients and associates, promoting the reduction of water consumption, waste generation and electricity. By installing solar panel and using electric vehicles, it also aims to reduce its carbon footprint by 1%. The total amount invested by SerMar will ascend to 66,976 euros. A highlight of the agreement is the implementation of an innovative project (CICERO), which was also selected in the PORTS 4.0 programme, that aims to implement a natural purification system in one of the docks of this concession in order to improve the quality of its waters. In addition, these last two concessions, through the agreement with the Port Authority, will install marine litter bins, will have machinery for cleaning, will control the quality of the water and will organise seabed cleaning days. Good practice agreement The APB Board of Directors agreed on 28 of July to approve the collaboration agreements with Ocibar and SerMar on good environmental practices in order to regulate access to business activity tax rebates. The law states that all those holders of a concession or authorisation who carry out certain type of port activities, including nautical sports activities, can sign an agreement on good environmental practices, for which they will receive a 15% rebate on the business activity rate.

Environment and CSR
The invitation to tender is issued for the fuel supply facilities in the port of La Savina

The invitation to tender is issued for the fuel supply facilities in the port of La Savina


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands has agreed to issue an invitation to tender for the operation of the fuel supply facilities on the commercial quay in the port of La Savina. The annual amount of the occupation fee will be EUR 34,241, which may be increased by bidders. The operating licence will have a duration of 8 years, and will cover the provision to all kinds of vessels of petrol and of diesel fuel (categories A and B). The facility has a surface area of 333 square metres and includes two service booths, two filling posts, pumping equipment and supply channels. It also has a 375-square-metre underground area occupied by electrical installations, supply pipes and four storage tanks.

Transport and infrastructure
An invitation to tender is issued for the management of the Fish Market on the Contramuelle-Mollet quay in the port of Palma

An invitation to tender is issued for the management of the Fish Market on the Contramuelle-Mollet quay in the port of Palma


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), in an ordinary meeting on 28 July 2021, agreed to authorise the technical specifications and terms and conditions that will govern the invitation to tender issued for the operation of the Fish Market on the Contramuelle-Mollet quay in the port of Palma. The operating licence will have a duration of five years and the annual amount of the occupation fee will be EUR 24,269. The APB ascribes to the licence holder a minimum annual turnover of EUR 10 million. These facilities will be used to sell or auction fresh fish caught by the fleets of the port of Palma and the other ports on the island of Majorca, and boxes and packaging will be supplied, together with other services that the licence holder may propose. The total surface area dedicated to this activity will be 1,898.8 square metres, divided between two buildings. The first of these, with an area of 1,748 square metres, consists of a ground floor containing the auction rooms, fish cleaning rooms, a box store, a service area and toilets. The first floor contains a waiting room and offices, and the second floor contains various rooms and additional areas. Finally, an adjoining building contains a storage area of 152 square metres for tools and equipment.

Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development
The APB is introducing new docking authorisation criteria for shipping companies in the ports of La Savina and Eivissa

The APB is introducing new docking authorisation criteria for shipping companies in the ports of La Savina and Eivissa


The Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) has announced new requirements for mooring allocations in the ports of La Savina and Eivissa. The condition establishes two restricted navigation zones for commercial vessels, in which simultaneous manoeuvres are prohibited. The measure will come into force tomorrow (Tuesday). The decision, taken by the APB in accordance with its jurisdiction over the port traffic (both maritime and land) at multipurpose ports in the Balearic Islands, is intended to guarantee the safety of these operations. The areas affected by the restrictions are the outer dock of La Savina port, where commercial vessels operate, and the area where the boats from Formentera dock and set sail in the port of Eivissa. In both areas, the speed limit of six knots will be maintained, and exit manoeuvres will take priority over entry manoeuvres. In addition, shipping companies are urged to comply with the scheduled entry and exit times, prioritising safety. The affected shipping companies have already been informed of the new requirements and must submit their rescheduled stopovers to the APB within 7 business days. Once the proposals have been submitted, the APB will analyse the requests and draw up the new definitive schedule. Local Port Control The APB has reinforced the technical and human resources allocated to manage, coordinate and control maritime port traffic in the ports of Eivissa and La Savina through a new technical assistance contract for the provision of the service (Local Port Control), which has been awarded to the Eivissa Port Pilots Corporation and began on the 15th of July. The new system is the result of consensus between the harbourmaster of Eivissa and Formentera, representatives from Maritime Rescue, the Eivissa Port Pilots Corporation and the APB itself, who, over the course of several meetings, analysed the different technical alternatives for improving the safety of maritime port traffic in the Pityusic Islands.

Transport and infrastructure
Ibiza and Palma become the first ports in Spain to use a water cleaning robot in their concessions

Ibiza and Palma become the first ports in Spain to use a water cleaning robot in their concessions


The IPM and IMG Group marinas to pioneer the use of the new device in Spain, Marina Ibiza and Marina Port de Mallorca, are committed to caring for and preserving the environment and constantly looking for ways to improve and raise awareness among their customers. Both companies operate concessions in the multi-purpose ports of Palma and Ibiza. At the same time, and for the first time in Spain, the two marinas launched a revolutionary robot vacuum cleaner that travels across the surface of the water, collecting floating waste, microplastics and hydrocarbons while analysing the water quality. The device, named 'Geneseas', can be programmed through an app to clean the entire water surface area of the port in automatic mode or be manually operated with a remote control to capture up to 140 litres of floating debris. In addition to having a conventional electrical charging system, the robot has been fitted with solar panels to allow for charging via a renewable energy source. It performs two primary tasks. Firstly, it uses a suction system with a recyclable filter made from natural fibres to safely removes microplastics, macroplastics and hydrocarbons from the water. Secondly, it monitors the water quality to keep an eye on its physical-chemical parameters, testing for pH, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, Redox and other data. All these parameters are recorded in real-time, traced by the integrated GPS, and converted to data for straightforward analysis with the app. By investing in the water cleaning robot Marina Ibiza and Marina Port de Mallorca add another measure to their environmental programmes and efforts to preserve the marine environment. The device, which is not only revolutionary for its ability to clean the water remotely but because it also serves as a valuable tool for real-time water quality analysis, undoubtedly represents a huge step forward for their efforts to protect the Balearic flora and fauna.

Environment and CSR Technology and innovation
The APB has contributed to the publishing of a book entitled Descubriendo a D. Pedro Garau y Cañellas, Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Discovering Mr Pedro Garau y Cañellas, Civil Engineer)

The APB has contributed to the publishing of a book entitled Descubriendo a D. Pedro Garau y Cañellas, Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Discovering Mr Pedro Garau y Cañellas, Civil Engineer)


Yesterday, the Professional Association of Civil Engineers (ICCP) presented a volume dedicated to engineer Pere Garau, the man behind the Sóller Railway project and several other outstanding initiatives. The event was attended by the president and the chairman of the Balearic Islands branch of the Professional Association of Civil Engineers, Miguel Ángel Carrillo and Juan Antonio Esteban the Director-General for Mobility and Land Transport for the Balearic Islands' government, Jaume Mateu the deputy mayor of Sóller, Carles Darder the Cs representative in Parliament, Marc Pérez-Ribas and the head of Infrastructures for the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB), Antoni Ginard. Pere Garau is one of the great engineers of the early twentieth century. In addition to the project and construction of the Palma-Sóller railway, he was also responsible for a re-modelling project for Palma’s port. Between 1912 and 1919, he was the head engineer for the Board of the Port of Palma, drawing up, in 1913, a "General project for the expansion, defence, improvement of services and cleaning of Palma Port", which, for the first time, included a counter dock on a right angle to close the port at the seawall, leaving a mouth that gave access to completely calm moorings. Also for the first time, the plans included a road that reclaimed land from the sea from the mouth of the la Riera stream to the place known as “S’Aigua dolça”, a distant precursor of the future promenade. Although the project was never approved, it laid the foundations for the future construction of the promenade, which took more than 40 years to complete. The book The book, entitled Descubriendo a D.Pedro Garau y Cañellas, Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, has been made possible thanks to contributions from the Balearic Island Port Authority and Garau Ingenieros. Its 146 pages are structured around an introduction articles by the Chairman, Mr Juan Antonio Esteban the former Chairman, Mr Miquel Àngel Llauger the members of the Governing Board of the Balearic Islands Branch of the ICCP, Mr Antonio Ginard, Ms Sara Lobato, and Mr Luis Matarín an interview with Mr Miguel Payeras, a researcher on the life of Mr Pedro Garau, and the publication of two interviews with Mr Carlos Garau and Mr Pedro Portau Salas, the great-grandson and great-great-grandson of Mr Pedro Garau. Lastly, it features a digitised and transcribed version of the Sóller Railway Project. The book can be downloaded in Spanish and Catalan from the following links: Libro Pedro Garau_CAST Llibre Pedro Garau_CAT