The Club Náutico de Ibiza will manage the facility it currently occupies until the resolution of the tender
This was agreed yesterday by the Board of Directors of the APB
The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) agreed yesterday in an ordinary meeting to extend the authorisation granted on 5 May 2021 to the Club Náutico de Ibiza for the management of the facility it currently occupies, until the resolution of the tender or, where appropriate, until 8 March 2023 at the latest.
On 6 June, the terms and conditions of the tender were agreed for the management of a nautical facility for small and medium sized yachts in the port of Eivissa, consisting of a total area of 29,309 square metres (22,596 square metres of water and 6,713 square metres of land), which focused particularly on the promotion and teaching of the sport that is a benchmark of social responsibility in the maritime sector.