Balearic Islands’ general interest ports, accessible from a new App for smartphones

Balearic Islands’ general interest ports, accessible from a new App for smartphones


Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and la Savina ports are available in a new App for smartphones called Posidonia SmartPort from today on. This very new App will help to connect even more, the current port activity with citizens interested. This App can be downloaded from Google Play and Apple Store. Updated information of each port, facilities and port companies is shared through Posidonia SmartPort. Anyone, installing the application, can have a look at vessel’s movement, facilities’ location, port companies and contact info, Balearic Islands’ Port Authority news and weather forecast, among many other services. Posidonia SmartPort is a useful tool ports, even for port agents, visitors (such as cruise tourists) and for any company or citizen needing information about ports, thanks to the smartphone access in a swift, practical and easy way connection. All ports’ information is also available from, recently updated with new utilities

Palma’s Port offers a bike service to cruise passengers

Palma’s Port offers a bike service to cruise passengers


Cruise passengers arriving at Palma’s Port have access from today to a bike rental service and to a city tour. The company Port Bike Mallorca will be the service provider after winning a public tender opened by the Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB). Port Bike Mallorca rents bikes and electric vehicles and includes the helmet and the accident insurance in the service. Besides, the company offers tourists four different tours on electric bikes with the aim of discovering the city in a different and sustainable way. The tour is from 7 to 11 kilometres long and lasts 4 hours. The excursions allow tourists to visit Palma’s city centre, go shopping, walk up to Bellver Castle or, during summer season, swim in Portixol. Cruise passengers can book the bikes and the city tour directly on the boat, through the company’s website or at its offices in Maritime Station No.3 of Peraires dock. The awardee company conducts surveys among its clients in order to evaluate not only the rendered service but also the city.

Ibiza, one of Balearic Islands’ ports expected to grow the most in 2016

Ibiza, one of Balearic Islands’ ports expected to grow the most in 2016


Ibiza is one of cruise ships’ destination expected to grow the most in 2016. Expected increases are up to 17,5% in port calls, with 141 already confirmed stopovers and 26,57%related to passengers’ increase, reaching 241.000. Ibiza’s port reaches its second best registration since 2012. Related to differentiation strategy of Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) for islands’ ports, Ibiza is getting ready for large lengths. It is forecasted to come into operations before August the three berthing dolphins docks APB is currently building for large ship cruises’ to operate safety. Besides, Ibiza offers an unique product like long stays for the passengers to be able to enjoy Ibiza night and to take advantage of connection through ferry with Formentera island. APB informed about 2016 projections during Seatrade Cruise Global, taking place in Florida (USA), where Ibiza’s Island Council president, Mr. Vicent Torres and Ibiza’s Island Tourism Director have brought on. Mahon’s port also has a positive progression: 88 port calls in 2016 (3,5% increase) and 65.958 passengers are expected (11,1% increase). APB is promoting Mahon as “Boutique Port” of the Mediterranean, perfect for mid and small ship cruises. The same happens with Alcudia port (Mallorca), the one that has experienced a high growth in percentage terms over the recent times. This port is positioning in Mallorca as a up to 200 metres length ship cruises’ destination which, furthermore, repeat their stay. This 2016 a total of 17 port calls will be recorded (240% increase related to 2015) which brin 8.528 passengers to the island (525% increase). La Savina will receive 12,63% more passengers (1.733) compared to 2015 figures, but 66,67% less cruise ships (3 calls port). Lastly, Palma will receive 1,532.595 passengers in 519 ship cruises’ port calls and even there is a slight decrease related to 2015 figures (-10,99% in passengers), consolidates the rising trend related to past years. In APB overall managed ports, 768 port calls are already confirmed and will transport 1.850.000 passengers.

APB ports placed third in passengers in the Mediterranean and first in transit cruise passengers’

APB ports placed third in passengers in the Mediterranean and first in transit cruise passengers’


Ports of Balearic Islands’ Port Authority have risen by one point in the overall ranking in cruise passengers’ and have place third in the Mediterranean, behind Barcelona and Civitavecchia ports, with 1.996.533 passengers. MedCruise has introduced 2015 annual statistics this morning during the Seatrade Cruise Global, taking place by these days in Fort Lauderdale. Ports de Balears, spearheaded by Palma port, have risen from 4th to first position in transit cruise passengers’, among Mediterranean ports, even ahead of Civitavecchia, Barcelona and Naples. Palma Port has also risen from 4th to second position in the Mediterranean in number of registered port calls during 2015, behind of Civitavecchia and ahead of Barcelona with 788 ship cruises per years. Mr. Joan Gual de Torrella, APB president, heading Balearic Islands’ delegation at Seatrade Cruise Global, valuates the figures as a recognition of port authority’s work developed for many years and currently presided by him and specially focused on facilitating the implementation of cruise companies in our ports. However, according to president Gual’s declarations, APB objective has to be ensuring a more balanced distribution of the wealth generation by cruises at destination. “Our aim is not growing up for the pleasure of growing but to complement cruise tourism with the existing offer in the Balearic Islands, to contribute finding new business activities”, Gual remarked. In this regard, APB wants to position Palma’s port as an off-season destination at Seatrade Cruise Global and to increase stopovers as home port, because has fallen from 5th to 6th position of MedCruise classification. Regarding Ibiza’s port, APB wants this port to also be known as a destination for large cruise ships, now that facilities are ready, and also to offer Mahon, Alcudia and La Savina ports to specialised mid and small length ship cruises companies’ with itineraries for more exclusive passengers. MedCruise is the association of Mediterranean Ports and neighbouring seas that aims the growth of cruises’ industry in this area.

The five TUI ship cruises will be based in Palma in 2016

The five TUI ship cruises will be based in Palma in 2016


Palma will be the only port where the five TUI Cruises company ships’ (Mein Schiff 1,2,3,4 and 5) will call in 2016. Mein Schiff 5 is still being built at Turku shipyard (Finland) and will make its maiden voyage next July. The interest of the company in Balearic Islands’ ports has been growing over the years. Last Juny 2014, the brand new Mein Schiff 3 chose Palma’s port, arriving directly from Hamburg during its maiden voyage. During 2016, the five ship cruises of Tui Cruises company will be based in Palma. Next season, these five ship cruises will call up to 53 times in Balearic Islands’ ports altogether. 31 port calls will be in Palma, 20 in Ibiza and 2 in Mahon. Five ship cruises will arrive in Palma. The first one arriving at Palma’s port will be Mein Schiff 1, calling next April 30th from Civitavechia (Italy). The newly launched Mein Schiff 5, with a width of 295 metres, will call five times first stop-over will be next September 23th, coming from Valencia. Mein Schiff 3 will reach Ibiza port in its fiftheen forecasted port calls. With a 293 metres width, it will be one of the biggest cruise ships stopping in the island. First one will be next May 2nd coming from Barcelona and Palma as final destination. Mahon will be the port of the two stop overs of the 264 metres width cruise ship, Mein Schiff 1. There are between 1.900 and 2.600 passengers on board TUI Cruises (depending on the capacity of each ship cruise), German citizens with a big majority.

Cales Fonts’ refurbishment in Port of Maó is completed

Cales Fonts’ refurbishment in Port of Maó is completed


Comprehensive rehabilitation of Cales Fonts (Port of Maó) has been completed. The new road and cobbled terraces are already in service. The small marine port needed a refurbishment, basically in the floor. Pavement has been substituted by asphaltic agglomerate floor and the floor of terraces’ area has been cobbled. Some safety features have been place all along the walking area. Execution has been developed by awarded Construcciones Olives at EUR 146.000, a figure which represents a fall of EUR 34.000 over the bid price). Balearic Islands’ Port Authority have provided 20 street lights coming from the refurbishment to be installed in other parts of the municipality.

The ports of the Balearic Islands specialize for cruise ships depending on the destination

The ports of the Balearic Islands specialize for cruise ships depending on the destination


The Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) attends the Seatrade Cruise Global, the greatest cruise ship exhibition in the world, which is being celebrated until March 17th in Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA) with the certainty that the ports of the Balearic Islands have become a consolidated destination for cruise ships during their route along the Mediterranean, with almost 800 scheduled calls for this year which will transport almost 1,9 million passengers. Now the main aim of the Balearic Islands’ Port Authority is the specialization of the product, depending on the destination port, with the aim of making the Balearic Islands a competitive destination with other ports. In order to get this aim, institutions and consignee companies led by the APB are collaborating. A delegation led by the president of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella, with institutional representatives such as the president of Ibiza Council, Vicente Torres, or the Alcudia’s Tourism Councilor, Joan Gaspar Vallori, and consignee companies have travelled to Fort Lauderdale. The ports of the Balearic Islands are being promoted in the stand Ports of Spain of the State Ports. Specialization. Palma’s Port, for example, has facilities prepared to be a base port for cruise ships and for increasing the calls during low season, thanks, among other reasons, to its good communications and a hotel offer available throughout the year. The port can also host the largest cruise ships in the world today. Ibiza’s Port is also being adapted for large vessels. In August the three dolphins that are being built will be already active for large cruise ships and passenger ships to operate with safety. Besides, Ibiza offers a unique product like the long-term stays, so that passengers can enjoy Ibiza’s nights and make use of the communications, via ferry, to the island of Formentera. For its part, Mahon’s Port is positioning and promoting itself as a “port boutique” of the Mediterranean, together with other ports with similar features, such as Seté, Niza, Palamós or Porto Torres. The main aim is to attract medium and small luxury ships whose passengers want to discover the cultural and patrimonial offer of the hosting cities. Alcudia’s Port is being promoted along the same lines. This port features a modern passenger terminal which not only increases the calls, but also fosters loyalty among the vessels, which demonstrates the trust in the destination and service that the APB guarantees.

Maó is internationally promoted by APB as “boutique Port”

Maó is internationally promoted by APB as “boutique Port”


The special natural, geographical and historical features of this port are a great tourist attraction that APB is making known in international forums such as Seatrade Cruise Global, the most important cruises’ exhibition, that will take place in Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA) next March 14th – 16th 2016. Maó will be the new “boutique Port” of the Mediterranean, perfect for mid and small cruises able to adapt to port features’ whose passengers –high purchasing power tourists– look for small cities known for their culture, history and natural values. In this regard, APB spreads Maó Port, the city and hence also Menorca touristic attractions, with publications in professional journals such as “International Cruise and Ferry Review”, whose Spring/Summer edition includes “A boutique port”, an article which emphasizes “Mahon, one of the longest ports in the Mediterranean, is a great starting point for the visitors to discover Menorca island treasures’”. APB works together with other organisations, such as French Riviera Chamber of Commerce, Piombino and Elba Port Authority, North Sardinia Port Authority, Sète Port and Ports de la Generalitat for a bigger promotion of Maó and also to create a new Occidental Mediterranean boutique ports’ route. Together with Porto Torres (Sardinia), Nice (French Riviera), Porto Ferraio (Elba island), Palamos (Costa Brava) and Sète (South of France), Maó is part of an attractive touristic route with the aim of a common promotion, thus obtaining a wider diffusion. There are nearly hundred port cruise calls’ forecasted for 2016, bringing up to 79.000 passengers, around 34% more than 2015. Just a couple of days ago, the luxury Tere Moana, a 100 metres length cruise with a capacity up to 90 passengers, has requested six new port calls in Maó, forecasted for incoming October, November and December.

The APB unveils a new design and utilities for its website

The APB unveils a new design and utilities for its website


The website of the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) has a new design and utilities at the service of the users. The website inaugurates today a more visual design, new services and a direct access from the home page to the ports of general interest of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and La Savina. Everything is available in four languages: Spanish, Catalan, English and, for the first time, German. On the APB’s website users will find, on one hand, all the institutional information: from corporate information to documents such as the annual and sustainability report, the annual accounts or the evolution of the main traffic registers in the ports managed by the APB. On the other hand, users will be able to access the legal regulations governing the institution in the interests of transparency. Besides, each of the five ports has its own direct access to service information, to the facilities, business register, port services, plans and photographs. The website also offers the user the possibility to see the ships currently at port and to check the traffic statistics since 2006. Furthermore, the services to the surfer have been extended with the inclusion of all the information regarding the Balearic Islands’ lighthouses, navigation aids and oceanography. Now users may easily access the predictions, real-time data and historic data regarding swell, wind, currents and even salinity, water temperature, wind temperature or sea level, everything thanks to an application developed by State Ports and integrated in the website. Finally, the home page also offers access to the APB’s website, where users may complete different formalities and procedures in an easy, user-friendly and safe environment.




Maó's and Alcudia's ports are attracting the calls of luxury cruise ships, of medium and small size, which adapt to the port facilities and consider these cities a tourist attraction for passengers, even during low season. A prove of this new interest in smaller ports is the luxury ship Tere Moana, of the company Paul Gauguin Cruises, which has just confirmed 12 new calls for October, November and December to the Balearic Islands' Port Authority (APB): six in Alcudia and six more in Maó. The Tere Moana is a 100-metre-long cruise ship with a capacity for 90 passengers which is a regular at Palma's Port. However, this one will be its first call at Alcudia's and Maó's ports. The APB is precisely spreading in specialised media and forums, not only the characteristics of the ports and their services, but also the cities where they are located, with the aim of promoting their cultural, landscape and gastronomic attractions. With these new calls, the forecast for Alcudia will be of 17, and of 99 for Maó (last year this port received 85 calls). The ports of the Balearic Islands will receive a total of 800 calls in 2016. Alcudia's port is awakening the interest of cruise companies. Ships of up to 200 metres in length berth at this port and make the most of the new and modern passenger terminal. Statistics confirm the rise of calls, but also the fact that many of these ships are regular visitors, which highlights the loyalty of these ships to the destination and to the service offered by the APB. A ship berthed at Alcudia in 2008. The next one arrived in 2012. There were two calls in 2013 and 2015. Five in 2015 and 17 calls are scheduled in 2016. The first one to berth at Alcudia will be the Silver Cloud of Silversea, whose call is scheduled in April. It will be followed by others like the Seadream II, the Thomson Majesty (which will make four calls, the last ones in October, the Crystal Symphony of Crystal Cruises, and the MS Albatros of Phoenix Reisen, the Nautica of Oceania Cruises and the Tere Moana of Paul Gauguin Cruises.

APB will allow Savina’s passengers to disembark at es Martell of Ibiza port

APB will allow Savina’s passengers to disembark at es Martell of Ibiza port


Balearic Islands’ Port Authority has announced today that passengers travelling from la Savina port to Ibiza port will be allowed to make an stop over at es Martell, before culminating the call at the future Maritime Station, that will be located at commercial quays. APB pretends to respond the anxieties expressed by Formentera residents, willing to disembark closer to the city centre. Goods traffic with Formentera is also guaranteed and will be located at commercial quays, thus enabling the continuity of seafront promenade al along the port. APB will build a pier as a halt in es Martell, where only passengers’ ships coming from la Savina will be able to dock there. Shipping lines will have the chance to stop in that halt for passengers’ disembarkation. After that, commercial quays of Maritime Station will be the end of the route. The proposal came ahead this morning to Vicent Torres and Jaume Ferrer -Ibiza and Formentera Island Council’s Presidents- and Rafael Ruiz -Vila Mayor- by APB president, Mr. Joan Gual de Torrella in a meeting held in Ibiza city council.

Public exhibition of the DEUP proposal of Alcudia’s Port

Public exhibition of the DEUP proposal of Alcudia’s Port


The period has been open for lodging statements and observations regarding the delimitation of port spaces and uses proposal of Alcudia’s Port, approved by the Board of Directors of the Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) last 3dof February. The documentation is available at the websitewww.portsdebalears.comfor those interested, and at the offices of the APB in Palma (Moll Vell, 5) and at Alcudia’s Port (Moll de pescadors s/n) from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, Monday to Friday. The time limit for lodging statements is 45 days from the following day of the publication of the corresponding BOE (24thof February 2016). The proposals of delimitation of port spaces and uses are tools set out in Article 69 of the Consolidated Version of the Law of State Ports and Merchant Shipping, with the aim of managing the port space according to needs. Alcudia’s Port stands out for its combination of its marina for yachting and the need of goods provisioning for the island and the traffic between Minorca and some ports of the peninsula. Alcudia has two distinct areas: the berth for commercial traffic and the berth for small ships, which comprises the fishing dock and the marina. However, it is eminently an energy port. Coal is unloaded at its facilities in order to produce electric power, as well as butane and propane gas. Alcudia’s Port handles 1.5 million tons of goods every year and 250.000 passengers of regular lines. The arrival of 11 cruise ships is foreseen this 2016, the double than in 2015, which demonstrates the growing interest in this port and its possibilities for cruise tourism.