Ocibar will keep managing the moorings of Poniente dock in Ibiza
The Balearic Islands' Port Authority (APB) has chosen the firm Ocibar, S.A. as the most favourable solution for the management of the moorings of Poniente dock at Ibiza's Port. Hence Ocibar S.A. will hold the license for two more years, with the possibility of extending the period for one more year. The granting was approved by the Board of Directors of the APB on the 29th of June and published today in the Spanish Official State Gazette (BOE). The next step is to make the procedure prior to the definitive awarding of the license.
Six offers were presented at this public tender, of which the one presented by OCIBAR S.A. was considered the most favourable solution by the APB. This offer complies with the requirement of keeping the current number of moorings (73) shorter than 15 metres, which are currently distributed in two floating pontoons, and at affordable prices for social sailing.
OCIBAR S.A. will manage a total of 20.099 square metres of water surface at Ibiza's Port. The budget for the execution of the contract is of 1.157.383,26€ (VAT included), while the annual tax amounts to 1.877.607,75€.