The APB and Formentera Island Council sign agreement for the transfer of La Mola lighthouse for cultural and museum activities

The APB and Formentera Island Council sign agreement for the transfer of La Mola lighthouse for cultural and museum activities


The President of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Joan Gual de Torrella, and the President of Formentera Island Council, Jaume Ferrer, today signed the agreement to transfer the auxiliary facilities and outdoor areas of the La Mola lighthouse in order to foster the creation and development of a program of cultural and museum-related activities. La Mola lighthouse is a public domain affiliated to the APB. With this signature, Formentera Island Council agrees that this new use will not have an impact on its day or night maritime signalling activity, and also guarantees that the lighthouse will be properly maintained. Cultural activities that will be available in the La Mola lighthouse include a visitors' centre on the lighthouses in Formentera, a museum collection and small-scale models that could be placed in the lighthouse's courtyard.

The APB approves its Environmental Management Policy

The APB approves its Environmental Management Policy


The APB Board of Directors has approved the Environmental Policy of the public body. As the management body of the five ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands (Alcudia, Palma, Mahon, Ibiza and La Savina), the APB aims to focus its course of action on the concept of "Green Port", in other words, promoting the sustainability and protection of the public domain of the port, its surroundings and heritage, biodiversity and ecosystems, within the scope of its activities and its capacity for control in accordance with its responsibilities and competencies. Aware of this reality and responsive to it, the APB has approved its Environmental Policy in which all agents of the Port Community pertaining to the ports it manages are included in these sustainable management responsibilities, so as to properly preserve and protect natural resources and the environment. In all of its action, this policy aims to reduce the impact on the environment and reach a harmonious balance between progress and respect for nature. By following this protocol of action, workers agree to, amongst other things, protect the heritage and resources available, the marine environment and the environment of the port surroundings, and also establish communication channels and dialogue among all stakeholders and contribute to promoting environmental training and education among the staff of the institution, among other aspects. The approval of this regulation is a step closer to the ISO 14001 certification which the APB aims to achieve in the coming months.

Good forecast for cruise ship tourism in the last quarter of 2016

Good forecast for cruise ship tourism in the last quarter of 2016


The cruise ship tourism season is extending and end-of-year business is expected to be better than the previous year, contributing to a deseasonalisation of tourism in the Balearic Islands. As such, if we analyse all of the ports managed by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) between the period of 1 October and 31 December 2016, the Port of Alcúdia is the port that has grown the most, with a total of 3 stopovers compared with none in the same period last year. The Port of Eivissa follows closely behind with a total of 21 stopovers compared with 19 last year. The Port of Mahon envisages 22 stopovers, the same as in 2015. The Port of Palma is the only port that sees a reduction in stopovers with regard to 2015, with 126 in this last quarter compared with 138 in the same period last year. Further statistical information.

The APB awards the OHL-VOPSA Joint Venture a contract to extend and restructure marine terminal no.6 of the Port of Palma

The APB awards the OHL-VOPSA Joint Venture a contract to extend and restructure marine terminal no.6 of the Port of Palma


The extension and restructuring works of marine terminal no.6 of the Port of Palma have been awarded to UTE Terminal Marítima Nº 6, a joint venture comprising Obrascón Huarte Laín S.A., and Vías y Obras Públicas S.A., for 12 million euros. The project includes extending the marine terminal from the current 2,500 m2 to a surface area of around 10,000 m2. It will be located on the esplanade, annexed to the docks in a similar way to the current one. The increase in cruise ship traffic has highlighted the fact that the mooring line of the Western docks is insufficient to provide a quality service to cruise ships starting or finishing their journey at the Port of Palma. This increase and the volume of passengers that use the infrastructure have led the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) to launch this project. The extension will allow the port to welcome and provide port-based services to tourist cruise ships of over 300 m in length, guaranteeing the Port of Palma's quality service. Furthermore, to maximise the safety conditions of loading and unloading, the APB is considering reorganising the uses of the esplanade annexed to this particular dock. The works are expected to be completed in a period of 18 months.

The APB has awarded IDP the contract to draft the new marine terminal project for traffic between Ibiza and Formentera

The APB has awarded IDP the contract to draft the new marine terminal project for traffic between Ibiza and Formentera


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands has awarded the company IDP, Ingeniería y Arquitectura Iberia, S.L.U. the contract to draft the basic plan and construction project of the marine terminal for traffic between Ibiza and Formentera, located at the port of Ibiza and worth €103,585.16. The project for the new terminal includes the construction of the harbour station itself as well as its adjoining areas designed for both port and port-city uses. IDP will be responsible for offering technical support to the design of a public space where services for the connection between the ports of Ibiza and La Savina will be generated. The services include access controls for the boarding and disembarkation of passengers, ticket desks and offices, waiting rooms and green spaces with children's play areas.

The APB anticipates a 34% increase in cruise ship stopovers at the port of Ibiza in 2017

The APB anticipates a 34% increase in cruise ship stopovers at the port of Ibiza in 2017


The port of Ibiza will witness the biggest growth of cruise ship stopovers in 2017 out of all ports on the Balearic Islands, with 34.5% more than in 2016. This is confirmed by cruise ship traffic forecasts for the coming season, estimating an influx of more than 32,000 passengers. The 120 stopovers registered at the port of the largest Pityusic Island will rise to 139 in 2016. A figure that will shoot up to 187 in 2017. This equates to 48 stopovers and close to 74,000 passengers more than those registered in the current financial year. The commissioning of the new piled dolphins at the Botafoc docks, as well as the confidence shown by the main cruise ship companies, boost Ibiza's appeal as a top destination in the western Mediterranean.

APB workers carry out maintenance on navigational guidance system between Ibiza and Formentera

APB workers carry out maintenance on navigational guidance system between Ibiza and Formentera


Navigational Guidance System technicians from the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) have taken advantage of the spell of good weather over the last couple of days to conduct maintenance of the maritime signals located between Ibiza and Formentera. The works, located at the Bajo d'en Pou marker, consisted of repairing the anchorage system of the metal column attached to the concrete foundation and the refinishing of the lower part of the column. Thanks to this maintenance activity, the maritime signalling is now prepared for seafarers over the cold months. Photo: @jmperpinya1

The APB invites tenders for the structural improvement works on “the Wall” of the Port of Ibiza

The APB invites tenders for the structural improvement works on “the Wall” of the Port of Ibiza


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has invited tenders for the structural improvement works on the 'muelle adosado', dock joined to the counterdike of the Port of Ibiza. The project entails repairing the heel and the metal structure of this dock joined to the counterdike known as “el Muro" [the Wall]. Due to intensive use and in particular the aggressive environment they withstand due to the effect of the sea, concrete docks often show corrosion, leading to erosion, breakage and even in some cases loss of the section with the reinforcement in view. This is what has happened at the joined dock, with the edges of both the dock and the heel corroding over the years it has been in operation. With the aim of maintaining the quality of the facilities at the Port of Ibiza, the APB will improve the state of the joined dock by rectifying these flaws. In this way, it will be possible to maintain the level of safety present in the facilities of the whole port area while also improving the image of the port as a whole and, therefore, the quality of the services provided. The works are to be carried out within two months with an investment of €115,585.

The APB awards Acciona the refurbishment and improvement works on the opposite dock of the Port of Ibiza

The APB awards Acciona the refurbishment and improvement works on the opposite dock of the Port of Ibiza


The APB has awarded Acciona Infraestructuras the contract for the refurbishment and improvement works on the Es Martell building at the Port of Ibiza. This project consists of completing the building and the landscaping and urban development of the Port's opposite dock area. The first part of this project, entailing the demolition of the old disused harbour station and the construction of the current building, was awarded to the company Corsán Corviam, SA in October 2014, however the contract was terminated by APB in July 2016 due to the company's inability to continue the works. With this new award, the works on the Es Martell building, which currently only has its framework, will be completed and the urban environment of the area improved. The works have a budget of 1.8 million euros and are to be carried out within 6 months.

The APB awaits Environmental Impact Statement from the Ministry of the Environment for Molinar expansion

The APB awaits Environmental Impact Statement from the Ministry of the Environment for Molinar expansion


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is awaiting the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) from the Ministry of the Environment with regards to the project to expand the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club. If confirmed that the contents of this report are already in the hands of the maritime club, as various media have reported today, this would entail a data leak. Once the APB has the environmental impact statement, it will be included in the file along with the other documents submitted in the application for extending the concession period. The EIS is another step in this administrative process however it is not a decisive factor if it favours the extension. Next, the APB will assess all of the reports and arguments submitted and take this decision regarding the extension of the concession to its Board of Directors. The Molinar Maritime Club submitted the application to extend the period of its concession in 2014. This process is part of the possibility of modifying concessions in the public domain under the tenth transitional provision of the consolidated text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy, introduced by Law 18/2014. Its concession ends in March 2018.

The APB installs new walkway at Port of Maó

The APB installs new walkway at Port of Maó


The new walkway currently being installed by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands at the Port of Maó will be ready for operation on 15 November. This infrastructure will facilitate the direct boarding and disembarkation of passengers from boats docked at the temporary Cós Nou harbour station. It comprises a hybrid fixed and mobile walkway (finger) with a 20-year life span that will allow passengers to board the vessel directly from the dock without having to pass through the cargo hold, which is the routine currently in place. Following its launch it will therefore enhance safety, service quality and passenger comfort. It is a versatile walkway that allows the height of the elevated gantry to be adjusted to the gangways of each type of vessel. This makes it compatible with ferries, cruise ships and vessels with very diverse features, covering a height above the dock surface of between 2 and 14.5 metres. The APB has invested 1.1 million on this project that was awarded to Talleres Milán S.A.

APB and Puertos del Estado take part in the National ATPYC Congress

APB and Puertos del Estado take part in the National ATPYC Congress


Palma is playing host to the 6th National Congress of the Technical Association of Ports and Coasts (ATPYC), which was officially opened this morning by José Llorca, president of Puertos del Estado (State Ports), alongside the president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Joan Gual de Torrella the ports and airports general director of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Xavier Ramis as well the president of the ATPYC, Francisco Esteban. From today until the congress closes on 21 October, Hotel Melía Palace Atenea will be the Spanish-based hub of innovation in engineering, consultancy and construction of port and coastal works. This edition, running under the title "Planning and Management of Ports and Coasts", will touch on aspects including the integration of ports in global transport chains, the management of a public port and coastal domain, sustainability and other topical issues relevant to Palma, as well as the incorporation of the port into the urban environment, water sports activities and cruise ship tourism. The ATPYC, founded in 1998, is a scientific and technical association that works in close proximity with the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC), established in 1885, which Spain joined in 1907.