APB to procure fire engine for the fire-fighters of Formentera
05/10/2016The APB (Port Authority of the Balearic Islands) has called for bids for the purchase of a fire engine in accordance with the collaboration agreement on fire prevention and extinction, and rescue and civil protection for the Port of La Savina, formalised with the Inland Council of Formentera in December 2014. In line with this agreement, the APB agrees to procure a fire engine with turntable ladder to be used by the Fire Department of the Inland Council of Formentera to guarantee safety at the Port of La Savina facilities. The APB will also make a contribution of 20,000 euros each year to cover the cost of specific training for fire-fighters in Formentera and a one-off payment of 10,000 euros to purchase various emergency equipment. For its side of the bargain, the Inland Council of Formentera undertakes to provide a specialised service for the prevention and extinction of fires, civil protection, rescue and emergency control in and around the port, preferably allocating a fire-fighting team, at least, to the port area and the essential material resources to ensure safety at the port. The efforts by two entities help raise safety levels in the port's service area and harness available resources and synergies to avoid the duplication of services. For more information on the tender process of the supply contract, you can access the contractors profile on the APB website or directly consult the public sector contracting platform.