The APB is to accept a proposal by the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club to submit a new project in order to continue its concession

The APB is to accept a proposal by the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club to submit a new project in order to continue its concession



The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is to accept a proposal by the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club to present a project in order to continue operating at the Port of Palma.

Joan Gual de Torrella, president of the APB, this evening informed members of the maritime club in a meeting held at the Port of Palma that the project they intend to put forward should meet certain indispensable requirements. These include respecting current mooring numbers and sizes, and giving continuity to the seafront promenade. This new concession could last for a maximum of 50 years.

Gual de Torrella has asked the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club to work closely with the authority from today onwards to reach an agreement as regards the new project. As such, the APB seeks to meet the social demand of the club in two aspects: guaranteeing the continuity of the economical mooring plots and the club's sporting activity.

The current concession of the Molinar de Levante Maritime Club comes to an end in March 2018.