Approval of the by-law regulating traffic in the APB ports' service areas
03/11/2020The new by-law regulating vehicle and passenger traffic in the service areas of the five ports managed by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) was published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on 29 October 2020. These regulations go into detail on certain issues that set out the scope of the APB's operations, differentiating between areas that are open to the public and limited access areas, and in the case of the latter, making a distinction between areas with controlled access and areas with restricted access. Specifically, it addresses situations involving pedestrian traffic, personal mobility vehicles, bicycles, scooters and skateboards, such as speed limits, special traffic measures, stops, parking and no stopping areas. The text includes guidelines on how to behave in the event of an accident or emergency in the port area, aimed at all those who may be involved in, witness or be party to these events. Finally, the car parking charges and times are specified, as well as the corresponding fines and penalties. The by-law was approved by the APB Board of Directors in a session held on 30 June 2020, by virtue of the provisions of article 33, section 2 b) and article 30, section 5 r) of the recast text of the Spanish Law on State-owned Ports and the Merchant Navy, passed by the Legislative Royal Decree 2/2011 of 5 September.