The APB awards the contract for the drafting of the construction project for the new berths and esplanades for ferry traffic in the West dock of the port of Palma
It has been awarded to the GPO-TYPSA Dique del Oeste joint venture for the sum of 1.65 million euros.
The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has awarded the GPO-TYPSA Dique del Oeste joint venture the contract for the drafting of the basic project, the construction projects and the corresponding environmental processing of the new berths and esplanades for ferry traffic in the West dock of the port of Palma for the sum of 1.65 million euros.
At present, the ferries that operate in the port of Palma do so in three areas (Poniente quays, Commercial quays and the West dock). The land use planning of the Port of Palma is aimed at positioning the ferry transport terminals in a single area.
Therefore, in March 2018, the APB Board of Directors agreed to transfer all the ferries to the West dock and all cruise ships to the Paraires-Poniente docks, leaving the Commercial docks area to be shared between solid bulk ships and the ship repair industry.
This restructuring will entail a major investment of more than 240 million euros in the West dock, consisting of the creation of new esplanades and quays capable of berthing up to eight ferries simultaneously. It also contemplates the creation of new berths and esplanades for ferry traffic in the first and second line and the San Carlos quay of the West dock.
Parallel to the execution of the works, improvements to land accesses - in collaboration with the other administrations and organisations involved - are also envisaged, as well as the subsequent superstructures and installations for their operation and functioning with the maximum efficiency.
The current APB Investment Plan already contemplates the following actions:
- New berths and esplanades for ferry traffic in the first line and the San Carlos quay and platform on the West dock of the Port of Palma (Approximate budget: 135 million euros).
- New berths and esplanade for ferry traffic in the second line of the West dock of the port of Palma (50 million euros).
- New maritime stations and walkways for ferry traffic in the West dock (50 million euros).
- Planning of areas and roads for vehicle and passenger access to the West dock (3.1 million euros).
- Access to the Poniente motorway from the West dock of the port of Palma (3 million euros).