The APB launches a networking campaign to obtain maximum consensus on a new direction for the redevelopment of the Port of Palma

The APB launches a networking campaign to obtain maximum consensus on a new direction for the redevelopment of the Port of Palma

This participative process includes the port community and social, institutional and economic stakeholders on the islands


Port-city Transport and infrastructure Socio-economic development

The Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) has begun a networking campaign involving representatives of the port community and other social, institutional and economic stakeholders so as to obtain maximum consensus on the redevelopment of the Port of Palma. This participatory process will gather opinions and any specific requirements that are considered appropriate to draft a new proposal that adapts to the needs and expectations of all stakeholders, with the general public interest prevailing.


The President of the APB, Javier Sanz, will participate in these meetings with his technical team in which a new direction for the port will be considered, emanating from a broad consensus between all the participating stakeholders. “We are not talking about budgets or square footage. We are talking about current needs and future solutions. This is about defining uses, spaces and essential port activities, as well as guaranteeing supplies for the population,” Sanz explained. “The future restructuring of the Port of Palma will be fully compatible with the economic, environmental and social sustainability of both the city of Palma and the islands,” added Sanz.


The APB has already held meetings with representatives from the nautical sector such as the Balearic Marine Cluster, business associations such as ADNEA and APEAM, boat repair companies such as STP and Astilleros de Mallorca, concessionaires of marinas in the Port of Palma such as Club de Mar, Naviera Balear, Pantalán del Mediterráneo, Marina Port de Mallorca, Marina Cuarentena and the Lonja Marina Chárter.


It has also held meetings with PIMECO, CAEB, the Chamber of Commerce and social and cultural associations such as the Amics del Museu Marítim de Mallorca (Friends of the Maritime Museum of Mallorca), the Associació Ran de Mar, the Associació Alzinaires and the Confraria de Pescadors de Palma (Palma Fishermen's Guild), among more than twenty other institutions, groups and associations. Meetings are still pending with ARCA, FANMED, ACOIPAM, the Associació de Veïns del Passeig Marítim (Seafront Promenade Neighbours' Association) and the Fòrum de la Societat Civil (Civil Society Forum), although these contacts may be extended to other entities, administrations and political groups.


Service guarantee

The APB's Board of Directors recently abandoned the restructuring plan approved in 2020, and the Port of Palma is now taking on the task of promoting a new approach to guarantee maritime connectivity and the operability of the Balearic Islands' logistics chain at all times. In addition, it is also intended to redistribute the industrial ship repair areas and rebuild Palma's maritime façade, giving space to port-city integration projects that include initiatives such as the creation of a municipal sailing school, the relocation of the building dedicated to the nautical-fishing FP or the development of an interactive museum that will also house the fishermen's box and the fishermen's guild.