New regulatory procedure for the APB's moorings direct management
The Balearic Islands' Port Authority (APB) has made public the new regulatory procedure governing, from now on, the provision of the direct management mooring service for non-professional recreational bots of a maximum of 8 metres long at the ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands. The change of procedure has been published in today's (28th of July) Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands (BOIB).
With this change, the APB aims at relieving the waiting list in view of the high demand of mooring requests and the limit of spaces available. At present, the waiting for a direct management mooring can be up to 7 or 8 years. In order to reduce this waiting time, the new procedure will not allow for a change of the boats' ownership. In addition, as a commitment to a transparent management, the waiting lists will be public from now on.
Public waiting lists
The waiting lists have been published by the Port Authority on its e-office. The lists will show the applications in submission order, together with the applicant's name and surname and the date of application.
These lists will be automatically updated with each application, and biannually at the end of the periods for application renewal, that is, on the 1st and 15th of January and on the 1st and 15th of July of each year. The regulatory procedure sets out the assessment criteria, as the application order number in the waiting list does not automatically imply the provision of the mooring service.
Non-transferrable ownership
The provision of the mooring service is personal and non-transferrable inter vivos for an owner and for a specific boat. The change of ownership or ship implies the annulation of the authorisation and the abandonment of the mooring.
The transfer will be exceptionally accepted in case of decease, within one year, prior certification of the right through the submission of the testament or last wills, and only when it is for the benefit of the mooring service management and provision.
These updates will not imply an increase of taxes beyond the usual annual adjustments.