The APB offers three business options at the port of Palma

The APB offers three business options at the port of Palma


The APB is currently offering three opportunities with favorable conditions for entrepreneurs who wish to start restaurant and catering businesses in the port of Palma. These three sites, suitable for cafes, are located at the Can Barbarà dock, used for local traffic and tourist boats at the fort of San Carlos Castle. At the Can Barbarà dock the available location has about 200 square meters and was the former port bathhouse. The fees are established at about 23,600 euros, plus VAT, under the concept of a public port and an operating license. The holding period for the new concession is a maximum of ten years. At the old military battery of San Carlos, located at the Dique del Oeste dock, a new tender is expected, due out shortly. The proposal seeks to provide a cafeteria and a tourist information desk in the old advanced battery of San Carlos, recently restored by the APB. This competition, which will offer between 10 and 15 years of operation, aims to provide a new urban space, open to both citizens and passengers of cruise ships, to admire the view of the bay of Palma, from an area which has been until now inaccessible to the public. Regarding the existing cafeteria and parking at the dock known as the Golondrina Dock, the APB has announced another contest in which the annual operating fee has been reduced by 68% from that of former operator. The new manager will have to pay something in excess of 109,000 euros. Besides the bar with terrace that faces the moorings of the tourist boats, the concessionaire may also exploit the 90 parking spaces and existing payment system.

European legislation improving air quality in the port of Palma

European legislation improving air quality in the port of Palma


The sulfur dioxide levels in the port of Palma have been reduced by 66% as a result of European policies aimed at improving the quality of the air we breathe in Europe. Sulfur dioxide is a major air pollutant that causes acid rain and generates fine dust. This dust is dangerous to human health as it causes respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. A team of EU-funded researchers has shown that the observed reduction is a direct result of the application of Directive 1999/32/EC of the European Union, which imposes limits on the sulfur content of fuels used by ships at berth or anchored at ports of its territory and which came into effect in January 2010. The four Mediterranean ports that were investigated were Civitavecchia, Savona, Palma de Mallorca and Tunisia.

General cargo traffic recovers after five years of decline

General cargo traffic recovers after five years of decline


Total traffic in ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands has increased for the first time since 2007, thanks largely to the rise in general cargo transport. In the first six months of this year the total freight traffic has seen an increase of five percent, 5.8 million tonnes compared to 5.6 recorded in the same period of 2011. For ports, Palma is the fastest-rising, as freight is up 10 percent. The port of La Savina in Formentera has also registered an increase of one per cent, while that of Eivissa is down one percent and Mahon has dropped 23 percent. The significant drop registered in the Mahon port is due to competition following the launch of the new Ciutadella dock Ander PortsIB. It is the first semester since 2007 that growth has been recorded in this section, although in 2011 it was positive throughout the year with a slight increase of 0.99%.

Apertura al paso de peatones y al tráfico rodado del vial de acceso al dique y al faro del Botafoc

Apertura al paso de peatones y al tráfico rodado del vial de acceso al dique y al faro del Botafoc


El puerto de Eivissa anuncia la apertura del vial de acceso al dique y al faro del Botafoc al paso de peatones y al tráfico rodado de vehículos, restringido desde principio de este año, a consecuencia de las tareas de construcción de los nuevos muelles del Botafoc.El vial remodelado está formado por dos calzadas de dos carriles cada una, una acera para peatones de seis metros de anchura y un carril bici de dos. No obstante, de forma temporal y a consecuencia también de las obras, se pondrá en servicio sólo el carril bici, la acera y la calzada más alejada del mar, que funcionará con un carril de sentido entrada y otro de salida.Para la construcción de la calzada se han empleado adoquines anti-ruido que generan unas emisiones sonoras mínimas al paso de los vehículos. El vial contará con elementos apropiados de iluminación e incorporará mobiliario urbano acorde con la estética del entorno.Además, se desarrollará un detallado programa de revegetación en aquellos espacios no dedicados al tráfico de vehículos y peatones, con la finalidad de lograr la máxima integración paisajística de las obras efectuadas y proteger el suelo de fenómenos erosivos.

@PortsdeBalears, the new port information channel on Twitter

@PortsdeBalears, the new port information channel on Twitter


The APB has launched its official Twitter account as a direct channel of information through which the user can catch up on current events and the most salient information generated by the ports of general interest of the State in the Balearic Islands. The twitter account @PortsdeBalears provides statistical information regarding passenger and freight traffic, official announcements, the presence of cruise ships and unique vessels, interesting facts about the Balearic ports and information of all kinds related to the labor of the APB.

The port of Maó participates in the installation of Portmô Mariner’s Market

The port of Maó participates in the installation of Portmô Mariner’s Market


The port of Maó will participate in the celebration of the Portmô Mariner’s Market in honor of the Virgin Del Carmen. The initiative, promoted by the city of Maó, offers the public during the13th, 14th and 15th of July, a series of shows in the area of the craft market, which is installed on the passenger pier in the port. Sales of handicrafts and gastronomic products, musical acts, theater, circus performances, etc, will provide an enjoyable experience and promote the port as a center of commercial activation, with the collaboration of the port of Maó.

The APB installs three pergolas to provide shade for cruise passengers who visit the center of Palma

The APB installs three pergolas to provide shade for cruise passengers who visit the center of Palma


The APB and the city of Palma, through the Palma de Mallorca 365 Tourism Foundation, have worked together in implementing various projects for the improvement of the seawall road in the port of Palma and the access from there to city center with the objective of renovating one of the major focal points for cruise ship tourists. This initiative responds to a request made to the APB by the municipal area of tourism on the basis of a contribution of one hundred thousand euros that the managing body of the port of Palma is required to make annually. The work involved the installation of three modules of pergolas in the pedestrian zone of the seawall road, giving the tourists protection from the sun when they get off the bus to start their tour of the city or while they wait. These works were executed by the APB in fulfillment of its commitment with the Palma City Council as of the time it initiated its function as employer of Palma de Mallorca 365 Tourism Foundation. This initiative is the first of the annual contributions from APB to the Foundation. The pergolas are formed by structures made of wooden slats and modular galvanized steel frames which incorporate night lighting along the route.

The port of Maó allows recreational fishing for licensed fishermen

The port of Maó allows recreational fishing for licensed fishermen


The port of Maó has decided to delimit the areas where recreational fishing is allowed for fishermen licensed by the Regional Department of Economics the Department of Environment and Hunting of the Insular Council of Minorca, with the following requirements: Fishing from the docks It is prohibited to fish from the docks of Cós Nou, Colársega, -including the slipway area- on the Poniente Docks (except for the walls of the jetties in front of the Casa del Mar and the Levant and Commercial Docks (ferry terminal and passenger pier ). It prohibits casting of lines when using rod and reel which could cause harm to others. Fishermen may not leave traces of their activity on the dock or undertake any action which will disturb the occupants of nearby boats. The placement of the rods may not affect the docked boats or users who walk through the pedestrian zones. Also fishing is prohibited, except with a fixed pole, in those areas of the docks where there are groups of boats moored, to prevent the remains of hooks from getting entangled in mooring components and doing possible damage to people on the boats. Fishing boats It is prohibited to fish from boats in the transit zone area between Punta de Cala Rata, Punta de Cala Figuera and Colársega. Nor is fishing permitted from boats anchored in the access channels or where anchoring is prohibited. In any case, it is mandatory at all times to follow the instructions given by staff of the Balearic Port Authority and other agencies. Attached is a map of the different affected areas.

Good response to Open House Day at the Porto Colom lighthouse organized by the APB on Facebook

Good response to Open House Day at the Porto Colom lighthouse organized by the APB on Facebook


The APB successfully organized last Saturday, the first lighthouse open house, through a Facebook page that is linked to the web portal The lighthouse chosen for this initiative was at Porto Colom in the Majorcan municipality of Felanitx and the response from lighthouse enthusiasts was excellent. About one hundred people took the opportunity to climb up to the lighthouse beacon of Portocolom, where the technician responsible maritime signals for this installation, Paco Montanes, told visitors stories and intriguing anecdotes about this particular lighthouse. Because of the interest lighthouses arouse among the general public all around the world and the existent demand to satisfy this interest, the APB decided to share this precious heritage, in both a material and human documentary that revolves around the world of lighthouses in the Balearic Islands with the creation of the web portal

First docking of a ship at the north quay of the Botafoc docks in the port of Ibiza

First docking of a ship at the north quay of the Botafoc docks in the port of Ibiza


This evening the port of Ibiza will carry out a test trail for docking ships at the new north quay of the Botafoc docks after the reception of the partial stage of the construction which has been regarded as completed. However, this does not mean that the new facility will be put into service to the public at this time. The ship Federico Garcia Lorca, from the company Balearia and coming from the port of Denia, will be responsible for inaugurating the north quay, at approximately seven o´clock. Construction work on the port of Ibiza is on schedule. Work on the development of the esplanade is progressing well and is forecast to be completed in autumn, once the high season is finished. Once the Botafoc docks start to function, existing deficiencies in security, space and comfort in the port will be resolved and heavy, disturbing port operations will be moved away from the urban center.

La Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares convoca el III Concurso de Pintura y Fotografía sobre los faros y puertos de Baleares

La Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares convoca el III Concurso de Pintura y Fotografía sobre los faros y puertos de Baleares


La Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares (APB) ha convocado el III Concurso de Pintura y Fotografía, dedicado en esta edición a los puertos de interés general de Baleares. En el certamen colaboran el Círculo de Bellas Artes de Palma de Mallorca y el Centro de Historia y Cultura Militar de Palma.En el concurso pueden participar todos los pintores y fotógrafos que lo deseen, con la condición de que el tema de las obras presentadas estén relacionadas con los faros de las Islas Baleares y los puertos de Palma, Alcúdia, Maó, Eivissa y la Savina, gestionados todos por la APB.La APB aporta una dotación económica en premios de seis mil cuatro cientos euros repartidos en tres categorías: acuarela, otras técnicas pictóricas y fotografía. Las obras deberán depositarse del 15 al 30 de octubre en los resgistros de la APB de los puertos de Palma, Maó y Eivissa. El Jurado de Selección y Calificación estará formado por representantes de la APB, del Círculo de Bellas Artes de Palma de Mallorca y diversas personas de reconocido prestigio del mundo del arte que serán nombrados por la APB a propuesta del Círculo de Bellas Artes de Palma de Mallorca. Las obras premiadas serán objeto de una exposición que se organizará a final de año en el Centro de Historia y Cultura Militar de Palma (claustro de Santa Margalida).Las bases del concurso pueden consultarse en

The port of Palma grants the NPC new premises in Ferry Terminal 3 in the port of Palma

The port of Palma grants the NPC new premises in Ferry Terminal 3 in the port of Palma


The president of the Balearic Islands Port Authority, José María Urrutia, and the chief of the National Police Headquarters in the Balearic Islands, Antonio Emilio Jarabo, today presented to the media the new location that the port of Palma has granted to the National Police in Ferry Terminal 3. The president of the APB stressed that this cession responds to the request made by the Police for premises in the port to ensure better security in embarking and disembarking and alien control, given the forecast increase in passengers for the coming years. Meanwhile, the chief of police in the Balearic Islands has pointed out the synergy between the two administrations to provide better service to citizens. These new facilities will house a group of the UPR, as well as a motorcycle unit with a force of about ninety. The National Police already has two locations provided by the port of Palma in Ferry Terminal 2.