The Port of Ibiza tenders the management of the La Marina Quay for large yachts

The Port of Ibiza tenders the management of the La Marina Quay for large yachts


Today, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands’ Board of Directors approved the terms and conditions for the public tender to operate the Levante Quay for large yachts at the Port of Ibiza, more commonly known as the La Marina Quay. The management will be based on a twelve-month temporary occupancy authorisation. Subsequently, a new tender will be put out for an administrative concession with the same purpose. The APB thus aims to respond to the potential market for yachts over sixty metres long as the Port of Ibiza is not currently catering for existing demand in this niche. The scheduled transfer of commercial port operations to the new Botafoc quays this summer will enable the Levante Quay to be used for megayachts this season. The tender contemplates managing an area of over 24,000 m2, of which over 22,000 m2 correspond to water surface. The facilities installed for the operation will be removable. The minimum tender price has been set at €174,000.

The Port of La Savina tenders the management of the inner Poniente Quay for recreational and leisure craft moorings

The Port of La Savina tenders the management of the inner Poniente Quay for recreational and leisure craft moorings


Today, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands’ Board of Directors approved the terms and conditions for the public tender to manage the recreational and leisure craft moorings at the inner Poniente Quay at the Port of La Savina for a maximum period of twelve years. As a result of the High Court ruling which declared the nullity of several proceedings related to the selection of the best offer and granting of the concession to the company Marina de Formentera, S.A., a new tender is to be put out. The purpose of this new tender is the operation of over 17,000 m2 of public port land, of which over 5,000 m2 correspond to land and several buildings. The minimum annual tender price has been set at €607,500.

Official Reception for the Carnival Sunshine in the port of Palma

Official Reception for the Carnival Sunshine in the port of Palma


The APB gave an official reception today for the cruise ship Carnival Sunshine, coinciding with its first stopover in the port of Palma. The director of the APB, Jorge Nasarre López, presented the captain of the boat, Guiseppe Juisa ¸ with a plaque commemorating the event. Among those attending was shipping agents representative from the company, Baleares Consignatarios.

The MSC Simfonia visits the Port of Maó for the first time

The MSC Simfonia visits the Port of Maó for the first time


This morning and for the first time, the Port of Maó played host to the MSC Simfonia, the largest vessel ever to berth at the Minorcan port. To commemorate this historic event, a simple plaque-exchanging ceremony was held on board the ship which was attended by the Mayor of Maó, Àgueda Reynés the Minorcan Regional Tourism Minister, Salomé Cabrera the APB Chairman, José María Urrutia, and MSC’s General Manager in Spain, Emiliano González. The MSC Simfonia, which is 251 metres long and weighs 58,625 GT, arrived early this morning at the Port of Maó and set sail at around three p.m. The City Council organised a Minorcan horse dressage exhibition on the quayside in the vessel’s honour to the delight of the over 2,000 passengers on board. The MSC Simfonia is set to call at the Port of Maó on 27 occasions this season.

Official Reception for the Carnival Legend in the port of Palma

Official Reception for the Carnival Legend in the port of Palma


The APB gave an official reception today for the cruise ship Carnival Legend, coinciding with its first stopover in the port of Palma. The director of the APB, Jorge Nasarre López, presented the captain of the boat, Guiseppe Donato¸ with a plaque commemorating the event. Among those attending was shipping agents representative from the company, Baleares Consignatarios: José Sennacheribbo.

 The Provincial Court confirms Formentera Mar must pay the APB

The Provincial Court confirms Formentera Mar must pay the APB


The Palma de Majorca Provincial Court has sentenced the company Formentera Mar to pay the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) the amount of €26,000 in addition to the costs incurred at first instance, on the grounds that it has obtained “unjust enrichment” to the detriment of the port body. The ruling, which was made public on Monday 15th April, upholds the appeal lodged by the APB against the sentence issued on 28th September 2012 by the Court of First Instance No. 6 in Palma de Majorca. As a consequence, the Provincial Court thus reverses and annuls the initial ruling. The Provincial Court found that Formentera Mar had effectively occupied a building in the Port of La Savina without any authorisation to do so and had made “no payment of any kind”. The sum payable is based on the charges that the APB would have received during the years Formentera Mar occupied and used the premises, if a concession had been granted.

 The Port of Palma’s Poniente Quay extension for large cruise vessels comes into service

The Port of Palma’s Poniente Quay extension for large cruise vessels comes into service


This week, the extension of the Port of Palma’s Poniente Quays is due to come into service in response to the heavy demand for berths in the Mediterranean which can cater for large cruise vessels. The extension work was handed over yesterday, 15th April, and on Thursday 18th, the 292-metre long Costa Deliziosa, which has a capacity of 2,800 passengers, will be the first vessel to dock at the new facilities. The extension work on the Poniente Quays to add four new berthing lines of over 300 metres in length was started up in 2011 by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) in response to the interest of the main shipping lines in including Palma as a port of call on their routes. Two years later, these new facilities are about to come into service to complement the existing quays, and thus enable up to seven cruise vessels over 300 metres long to berth simultaneously at the Port of Palma. The Port of Palma is the second largest Spanish port in terms of number of cruise passengers, the fourth in the Mediterranean and twelfth in the world. Reception of the extension work Yesterday, a ceremony to hand over the extension work took place which was attended by the Development Ministry inspector, the Port Authority Chairman, José Mª Urrutia, and representatives of the CYES-SATO-OHL consortium. The total cost of the work on the new facility, which consisted of extending the Poniente Quays to create two new 30-metre wide berthing lines of approximately 360 metres in length, was €37.8 million. N.B.: The Costa Deliziosa is scheduled to call at the Port of Palma on 18th April from 7:00 to 14:00 and will berth on the North Poniente Quay’s second face. Any media that wish to take photos of the cruise vessel should contact the APB’s Press Office via the standard procedure for access to the Port of Palma. The APB shall not be held responsible for any changes in the call timetable.

The APB renews its cooperation agreement with the Ibiza Island Council for handling emergencies at the Port of Ibiza

The APB renews its cooperation agreement with the Ibiza Island Council for handling emergencies at the Port of Ibiza


The APB and the Ibiza Island Council have today renewed their cooperation agreement on occupational health and safety, firefighting, sea rescue and civil defence for the Port of Ibiza. This extends the agreement signed in 2001 for another fifteen years and aims to increase safety levels at the Port of Ibiza’s service area both on land and at sea. The agreement was ratified today with the signing of the document by the APB Chairman, José María Urrutia, and by the Council’s President, Vicent Serra. Under the agreement, the APB will pay €50,000 per year, will acquire consumables to the value of €51,000 and will defray the purchase of a fire engine valued at €199,000, net of VAT, which will be owned by the Port Authority but will be loaned to the Ibiza Fire Service. For its part, the Ibiza Island Council undertakes to contribute the necessary human capital and material resources to ensure safety at the port, and to train the APB staff. Both APB and Ibiza Island Council valued this agreement positively as it takes advantage of the resources and synergies available, and therefore prevents services being duplicated.

Official Reception for the Costa Favolosa in the port of Palma

Official Reception for the Costa Favolosa in the port of Palma


The APB gave an official reception today for the cruise ship Costa Favolosa, coinciding with its first stopover in the port of Palma. The president of the APB, José María Urrutia, presented the captain of the boat, Massimo Pennisi¸ with a plaque commemorating the event. Among those attending was shipping agents representative from the company, Baleares Consignatarios: José Sennacheribbo.

The Port of Maó dredging project provisionally suspended by the Prosecution Service

The Port of Maó dredging project provisionally suspended by the Prosecution Service


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has received a copy of the decree from the Balearic Islands’ High Court Prosecutor which immediately suspends the dredging project at the Port of Maó until “specific evidence is taken by the Environmental Prosecution Service”. Given this situation, the APB will not at present be starting the dredging work tendered to the company Sacyr. Restricted access Meanwhile, the APB is currently studying the need to limit port access to certain-sized vessels in case a lack of depth could cause difficulties in berthing and unberthing manoeuvres, especially in the area located between Cós Nou and the Passenger Quay. No decision has yet been made as to whether some scheduled cruise ship and other vessel calls may have to be suspended.

The APB to ask the TSJIB for an explanation of the judgment which requires a new appraisal of the bids to manage the moorings on the Levante Quay at the Port of Maó

The APB to ask the TSJIB for an explanation of the judgment which requires a new appraisal of the bids to manage the moorings on the Levante Quay at the Port of Maó


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is set to ask the Balearic Islands High Court of Justice (TSJIB) for an explanation of the judgment which orders a new appraisal of the most advantageous bid to manage the moorings on the Levante Quay between Punta de Cala Figuera and Punta des Rellotge at the Port of Maó. In this judgment, published on 19th March, the TSJIB considers that there is insufficient reasoning in the report drawn up by the tender appraisal committee which proposed the bid submitted by Trapsayates as the best offer. It has thus ordered the tender procedure to be returned to the point at which this committee makes a new properly reasoned appraisal of the most advantageous bid. Challenges dismissed The TSJIB furthermore dismisses the other challenges filed by the Maó Sailing Club and the Balearic Island Yacht Club Association (ACNB) disputing the resolution of the APB Board of Directors of 2nd October 2008 and the resolution of 22nd December 2008 of the APB Chairman in which Trapsayates was awarded the management of the moorings on the Levante Quay at the Port of Maó. The TSJIB specifically concludes that the Trapsayates project does not fail to comply with the conditions for the tender. Neither does the court consider it necessary for the bid submitted by this company to require an Environmental Impact Study since its proposal does not constitute any substantial alteration to the port facility. The judgment states that the appealing parties have not proved that the company which was awarded the contract finally executed a project that was different from the one approved. It finally endorses the APB by dismissing the allegations presented by the Maó Sailing Club.

The APB explains the Environmental Watch Plan for the dredging of the Port of Maó to the Sant Lluís Town Council

The APB explains the Environmental Watch Plan for the dredging of the Port of Maó to the Sant Lluís Town Council


This morning, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands explained the details of the Environmental Watch Plan for the dredging of the Port of Maó to the Sant Lluís Town Council. The Plan ensures that the town’s coastline and the Isla del Aire’s SCI (Site of Community Importance) will not be affected. A group of APB experts provided the Minorcan town council delegation, headed by its Mayor, Cristóbal Coll, with comprehensive information about the Environmental Watch Plan which is already being implemented in the areas to be dredged and the subsequent controlled discharge. The Plan includes supervising and monitoring water quality in the dredging areas and in the waters near the discharge area, ensures that the discharge will be carried out in the demarcated area in favourable weather conditions, and continuous monitoring of biological communities and the Posidonia oceanica meadows near the coast to guarantee they are not affected. The Environmental Watch Plan has three phases. A first pre-dredging phase, which is already underway, a second phase during the dredging and a third phase a year after the dredging and discharge have finished. During the second phase, water transparency will be monitored daily and its quality will be assessed weekly using water column analysis and the inspection of sensitive seabed areas at strategic points along the coastline. A specifically designed web site will enable regular monitoring of the results obtained in the environmental watch and supervision process. A warning plan has also been devised in order to take palliative measures or stop the dredging should this be necessary. Environmental Report In addition, the Directorate General of Fishery Resources and Aquaculture, which comes under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, has published a report which confirms its approval of the Port of Maó dredging project “as long as the Environmental Watch Plan is strictly complied with”. According to the Environment Ministry, the project has also been approved by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, the Balearic Islands Government’s Directorate General of Rural and Marine Affairs and the Maó Fishing Guild.