In 2015, the Port of Palma is scheduled to welcome 139,000 passengers on Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas, generating an economic impact of over €8 million for the city

In 2015, the Port of Palma is scheduled to welcome 139,000 passengers on Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas, generating an economic impact of over €8 million for the city


Next year, the world’s largest cruise ship, Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas, will be calling at Palma. The ship, which is 361 metres long, can carry a maximum total of 6,318 passengers. In 2015, the Oasis-class vessel will be making a total of 22 calls at the Port of Palma. It will be the first time the ship visits Europe as, up until now, it has only been used on Caribbean routes, with Fort Lauderdale (Miami) as its home port. According to the APB Chairman, Alberto Pons, “We are delighted that Palma has been chosen as a port of call for the world’s largest cruise ship as this endorses the investment and promotion efforts made by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands”. In a joint press conference, which was also attended by Mateo Isern, the Mayor of Palma de Majorca, and Belén Wangüemert, Royal Caribbean’s General Manager for Spain and France, Pons highlighted the huge impact that the arrival of a ship of this kind has on the tourism industry and on cruise-based businesses. Belén Wangüemert pointed out that the 139,000 passengers that are set to call at the Port of Palma will spend over €8 million in the city, whilst the ship’s crew will spend another €500,000. Royal Caribbean’s General Manager for Spain stated the Allure of the Seas stands out from other ships not only because of its size (the equivalent of three football pitches), but also because of its innovative features, and the wide range of activities and facilities it includes, such as a park with over 12,000 plants, an open-air aquatheatre, and a beach-pool. A reference point in the Mediterranean In the press conference, Mateo Isern, the Mayor of Palma de Majorca, pointed out that “thanks to the Port of Palma’s infrastructure, and to the changes the city has undergone, Palma has become a highly attractive destination for cruise tourism, and is now a reference point in the Mediterranean, a fact which is borne out by Royal Caribbean´s strategic decision to choose our city”. Isern added that “Palma has it all. It offers a wide range of different, high-quality activities and facilities that are available all year round, and this is what makes it special”. The Allure of the Seas is scheduled to arrive in Palma in May 2015, and will call at the port until mid-October. During this time, 22 seven-night cruises are scheduled from Barcelona, taking in Marseilles, La Spezia (Florence and Pisa), Civitavecchia (Rome), and Naples, as well as Palma de Majorca.

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands exhibits the entries submitted to the 4th Port and Lighthouse Painting and Photography Competition

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands exhibits the entries submitted to the 4th Port and Lighthouse Painting and Photography Competition


From 21st February to 8th March, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will be exhibiting the entries submitted to the 4th Painting and Photography Competition on the Islands’ public-interest ports and lighthouses, at the Carme Cloister in Mahon. Over 300 entries from all the islands were submitted to the competition in October 2013. These entries were divided into three categories: watercolour, other painting techniques and photography. Around one hundred of these works were shortlisted for an exhibition in Palma de Majorca, which was visited by over 12,000 people during the Christmas period. Some of these works were also recently shown to the public at the Coves Blanques lighthouse exhibition hall in Sant Antoni de Portmany, on the island of Ibiza. The 12 winning entries, and the competition entries presented in Mahon, will now be exhibited at the Carme Cloister. One of the winning entries, entitled Cap de Favàritx, features a Minorcan landscape, painted by Diana Bustamente, the winner of the other painting technique category. The exhibition runs from 21st February to 8th March, at the Carme Cloister exhibition hall in Mahon. It is open from 10.00-13.00 and 18.00-21.00, from Tuesday to Friday, and from 10.00-13.00, on Saturday. Art in ports This is the fourth consecutive year that the APB has sponsored this competition on Balearic Island lighthouses and the public-interest ports of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and La Savina. The aim of the competition is to reflect general interest in these everyday, yet unique, places through art.

 Balearic Island public-interest ports registered over 5.8 million passengers in 2013

Balearic Island public-interest ports registered over 5.8 million passengers in 2013


In 2013, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) registered an 18% gain in cruise passengers, and an 11% rise in ferry passengers. This increased the total number of passengers calling at Balearic Island public-interest ports last year to over 5.8 million. A closer look at these figures reveals an 11% rise over 2012, with over 1.5 million cruise passengers visiting the APB’s ports on 699 calls, thus consolidating the ports’ leading position in the world cruise market. In terms of individual ports, the Port of Palma was visited by over 1.2 million passengers, which represented a 27% increase compared to 2012. However, it was the Port of Mahon, with a 78% rise, and almost 96,000 visitors, that accounted for the largest rise in cruise traffic. With regard to ferry traffic, the Port of Ibiza was the most visited in 2013, with over 1.8 million passengers, representing a 12% increase compared to the previous year. However, it should be remembered that the ferry service to and from the Formentera port of La Savina accounted for 1.3 million of these passengers, representing a 9% rise over 2012. In fact, La Savina was the port with the highest number of domestic ferry passengers in the Balearic Islands. More general cargo In terms of general cargo, that is, consumer goods, the slight growth registered over the past two years continued, with an increase of 3% and 8.7 million tonnes. The Port of Alcudia led this growth with a 9% rise in tonnes compared to 2012. Conversely, the total amount of goods traffic handled at APB-managed public-interest ports dropped slightly by 1%, to 11.4 million tonnes. For further statistical information, visit

The Institutional Forum for Quality in the Public Sector in the Balearic Islands visits the Port Authority headquarters

The Institutional Forum for Quality in the Public Sector in the Balearic Islands visits the Port Authority headquarters


This morning, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) presented its human resource management experience, and the energy-saving policies it has implemented in its new offices at the Port of Palma, to a delegation from the Institutional Forum for Quality in the Public Sector in the Balearic Islands. The workshop was organised by the APB, which has been a member of the Forum since 2013, and centred on port authority managers providing the Institutional Forum for Quality with an insight into their experience of competence-based management as part of the APB’s human resource policy, as well as a presentation on energy efficiency at the port authority offices, including a visit to its new headquarters. The meeting finished with a guided tour around the Port of Palma in which the most relevant aspects of port infrastructure were explained. Institutional Forum for Quality The Institutional Forum for Quality in the Public Sector in the Balearic Islands was founded in 2005, and comprises public-sector bodies and companies from the Islands which aim to promote the exchange of quality management experiences across institutions, in order to make these bodies more efficient. Other members of the Forum for Quality include the Palma City Council, the Calvià Town Council, the Majorcan and Minorcan Island Councils, several regional government ministries, the Balearic Islands’ University (UIB), and the Central Government Office in the region, amongst other official companies and organisations.

The Port of Palma set to register its best ever winter cruise season.

The Port of Palma set to register its best ever winter cruise season.


This winter, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is set to register its best ever low season in cruise traffic, with an 80% increase in calls from November 2013 to March 2014. This constitutes an excellent measure to counteract the seasonal nature of tourism. A total of 61 cruise calls are scheduled during the low season, i.e. 15th November 2013 to 15th March 2014, compared to the 34 calls registered during the previous year. The most significant increase has come in the number of home port calls, due in part to the fact that the ships AIDAmar and AIDAsol have chosen the Port of Palma to start and end their cruises, and to the constant efforts of the APB to promote the Balearic Islands as an attractive destination on the international tourism market. A monthly analysis of cruise activity at the Port of Palma reveals that February, which has traditionally been very quiet, is now on a par with the other winter months. The month of December is set to register 14 calls compared to 8 in 2012. Fifteen calls are scheduled for January 2014 compared to 7 in 2013. Calls in February are set to rise from 4 in 2013 to 13 in 2014, whilst figures for the last two weeks of November and the first week of March remain stable. Back to a million In addition, the Port of Palma has returned to the million mark in a single season with figures hitting 1.2 million cruise passengers during the current year, i.e. a 25% increase over 2012. As a whole, the five public interest ports managed by the APB have recorded a total of 1.5 million passengers, an increase of 15% for the year. The number of calls has risen to 703, a 11% rise over 2012. A moderate increase in the number of calls and passengers is also expected for 2014.

The APB headquarters plays host to the official presentation of the 63rd Ciutat de Palma Dinghy Class Trophy

The APB headquarters plays host to the official presentation of the 63rd Ciutat de Palma Dinghy Class Trophy


The APB headquarters played host to the official press presentation of the 63rd Ciutat de Palma Dinghy Class Trophy. The event will be held from 5th to 8th December. The regatta, which has been organised by the Palma Royal Yacht Club, has 493 participants from 14 different countries. The fleet is made up of 383 Optimist, 22 Laser Radial, 24 Laser 4.7 and 32 420 dinghy boats. The Ciutat de Palma is the most important youth sailing competition in the Balearics and the oldest sporting contest held on the Islands. The large numbers of participants means two regatta courses need to be drawn up and the Optimist fleet has to be divided into several different groups. Over 50 staff are needed to organise the event. The APB contributes to the organisation of this prestigious sporting event by providing public port land, APB staff, and logistics. It also awards the prize for the winning Balearic Island sailor in the Optimist category. The APB Chairman, Alberto Pons, highlighted the sailing promotion efforts made by Ports de Balears in the organisation of this and other sporting events that are held at its State-owned public-interest ports.

The Unimarina Experts’ Committee visits the APB’s facilities

The Unimarina Experts’ Committee visits the APB’s facilities


Today, Alberto Pons, the Chairman of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), and representatives of the Balearic Islands marina industry held a meeting at the APB offices in the Port of Palma with the executive members of the Unimarina Experts’ Committee who are currently visiting Palma to finalise the details for the official launch of this global distribution platform for marinas at the next Palma Boat Show. Unimarina (GDS-Marinas) is the name given to this tool aimed at carrying out online marina transactions, which is just as revolutionary as the first Global Distribution Systems (GDS) were for airports and airlines in the 1970s. Unimarina has been jointly developed by Portbooker and Travelport with the support and active participation of the State Agency for Innovation Management and Tourism Technology (Segittur) which is dependent on the Secretary of State for Tourism. The main stakeholders in the region’s pleasure boat industry coincided that the GDS for marinas developed by the Majorcan company, Portbooker, together with Travelport will constitute a landmark in the business management of marinas around the world, as it will bring all online marina service operations together under one umbrella. In addition to highlighting the important existing market in the Balearic Islands in terms of the implementation of new technologies for marinas, the APB Chairman, Alberto Pons, also pointed out to the Unimarina Experts’ Committee “the sector’s huge development potential on the islands of Majorca, Minorca and Ibiza” . For further information, go to

Alberto Pons meets Trasmediterránea

Alberto Pons meets Trasmediterránea


Today, the APB Chairman, Alberto Pons, met up with the Chairman of Trasmediterránea, Jorge Vega-Penichet, as part of the round of contacts he has initiated since he took up the position. The meeting between the two chairmen took place at the APB’s offices at the Port of Palma, and was also attended by the APB Director, Juan Carlos Plaza the Trasmediterránea General Manager, Ignacio Aguilera, and the shipping company’s manager in the Balearic Islands, Antonio Mercant. Trasmediterránea, which belongs to the Acciona group, is one of the APB’s main clients, and has an important presence in the public-interest ports the APB manages on the islands.

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands exhibits the entries submitted to the 4th Balearic Island port and lighthouse painting and photography competition

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands exhibits the entries submitted to the 4th Balearic Island port and lighthouse painting and photography competition


From 29th November to 10th January 2014, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will be exhibiting the entries submitted to the 4th Painting and Photography Competition at the Palma Military Culture and History Centre. The event has been organised in conjunction with the Palma de Majorca Fine Arts Society. The competition has received over 300 entries by artists from all the islands. These entries have been divided into three categories: watercolour, other painting techniques and photography. Around one hundred works have been pre-selected and will be exhibited from Friday in the Santa Margarita cloister on the Calle San Miguel de Palma. The competition awards, which include prize money of over €8,000, will be presented to the winners on Friday evening by the APB Chairman, Alberto Pons, and the Chairman of the Fine Arts Society, Gaspar Sabater. The exhibition will subsequently be moved to Mahon, and then to San Antonio on the island of Ibiza. Likewise, the idea of exhibiting some of the entries in Alcudia next June is also being studied. This is the fourth consecutive year that the APB has sponsored this competition on the Balearic Island lighthouses and the public-interest ports of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and La Savina. The aim of the competition is to reflect the general interest in these everyday yet unique places through art.

The Port of Maó tenders the management of the moorings at the D’en Reynés dry dock area

The Port of Maó tenders the management of the moorings at the D’en Reynés dry dock area


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is to tender the authorisation for managing the moorings at the D’en Reynés dry dock area on the Levante Quay at the Port of Maó, after accepting the company Menorca Moorings, S.L.’s withdrawal from the concession. The authorisation will be given for a period of one year. During this time, the APB aims to approve new tender conditions to award a new concession for the management of these moorings. If the concession tender has not been awarded by the end of this period, the authorisation may be extended for a further year. The aim of this first tender is to award a temporary authorisation for the management of 48 moorings for boats between 8 and 30 metres long on a total water surface of almost 11,000 square metres with 224 metres of quayside. The minimum annual charge threshold is €130,844.57. On 31st October, the APB’s Board of Directors accepted Menorca Moorings, S.L.’s withdrawal from the concession to manage the moorings at the D’en Reynés dry dock area. At the same meeting, the Board approved the terms and conditions governing the public tender for the authorisation to manage these moorings.

Alberto Pons visits the Port of Alcudia with its Mayor, Coloma Terrasa

Alberto Pons visits the Port of Alcudia with its Mayor, Coloma Terrasa


Today, the APB Chairman, Alberto Pons, visited the Port of Alcudia alongside the town’s Mayor, Coloma Terrasa, with whom he discussed the main issues affecting this port. The visit was part of the round of contacts the Chairman has undertaken to the five public interest ports in the Balearic Islands since he took up the post in October. The APB Director, Juan Carlos Plaza, and the Port of Alcudia’s Director, Joan Gili, also took part in the visit. Both Pons and Terrasa coincide in the potential of this port, which has modern, user-friendly facilities, both in attracting more cruise ships as well as other types of regular or non-regular traffic. Pons also met representatives of the Port of Alcudia’s port community, and visited the Alcudiamar Marina’s facilities.

Alberto Pons makes his first official visit to the Port of Ibiza

Alberto Pons makes his first official visit to the Port of Ibiza


Today, the APB Chairman, Alberto Pons, visited the Port of Ibiza to get first-hand information from the port community on the main issues affecting this public-interest port. In a series of industry encounters, Pons met the Harbourmaster’s Office, port pilots, the fishing guild, Trasmediterránea, ANADE, APEAM, Transcoma, Baleària, the Tourism Promotion Association, the Chamber of Commerce, the Residents Association, the Engineers Association, CAEB and PIMEEF, amongst other organisations. Pons also met the Chairman of the Formentera Island Council, Jaume Ferrer, and the Spanish Central Government representative in Ibiza and Formentera, Rafael García. The meeting with the President of the Ibiza Island Council and the Mayor of Ibiza had to be postponed as it clashed with other official engagements. At midday, Alberto Pons and an APB delegation also met the Ibiza Yacht Club Chairman, Juan Marí, to get an insight into the Club’s current situation. The APB Chairman also took advantage of the trip to visit the port’s facilities and meet the staff, on the day the new boarding walkways at the Botafoc Quays came into operation.