PAB plans to improve access to Palma and Maó Ports

PAB plans to improve access to Palma and Maó Ports


The 28 Spanish Port Authorities have approved works for up to EUR 467 million investment in order to improve access to Palma and La Mola (Maó) Ports. Backing for these activities comes from the so-called “Fondo de Accesibilidad Portuarios” (´Port Accessibility Fund´) endowed with part of the profits of the 28 Port Authorities. This fund has been created to improve access to ports. good connectivity improves country´s export capacity and it is also an essential ingredient for ports to be competitive.

A Museum inside Cavalleria Lighthouse (Menorca)

A Museum inside Cavalleria Lighthouse (Menorca)


Cavalleria Lighthouse is the oldest in Menorca and one of the most photographed in the island. From now on it is also a knowledge and dissemination place thanks to the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands promotion. The Port Authority feels like recovering lighthouses all over Balearic Islands to guarantee building and maintenance activity and also to open them to visitors in collaboration with municipality where they are located. Fifteen years have passed since Port Authority and Es Mercadal city Council signed the agreement to open lighthouse building to the visitors, specially to Es Mercadal and Fornells neighbours. Last 2008 was partially opened and during 2015 this new usage for the lighthouse has been started, managed by Talaia Cultural company. 200 square meters are enough for the visitor to discover details all around Cavalleria lighthouse such as geology, biodiversity, fishing, landscape, heritage, architecture besides historical and technical aspects of lighthouses. Es Mercadal and Fornells neighbours are satisfied for this historical recover. In fact, volunteers from this municipality have created “Friends of Cavalleria Lighthouse association” to manage a small bar there and also cultural and dissemination activities. Cavalleria Lighhouse is 94 metres above sea level in the north part of Menorca Island and was built in 1857. It was first and foremost built to protect fishermen and sailors from Tramuntana gale, responsible of up to 700 wrecks in the XIV century. Cavalleria Lighthose, still in use, has a group of two light flashing every ten seconds. Opened Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 15 pm

Trainee students in Port Authority of Balearic Islands (PAB)

Trainee students in Port Authority of Balearic Islands (PAB)


Since July 1st, five students belonging to different Degrees and also different Spanish Universities are getting professional training at Port Authority of Balearic Islands’ headquarters and will remain until next August 11th 2015. Summer holidays time is the best in order to allow students to implement their acquired knowledge. In this case, the five trainee students belong to Architecture Degree, Construction Engineering Degree, Civil and Territorial Engineering Degree, Civil Engineering Degree and Roadways, Canals and Ports Engineering Degree deriving from Polytechnic Universities of Catalunya, Madrid, Valencia and Castilla La-Mancha University. During this very last academic year, PAB External Relations Department has also count on the support of a trainee student. A mentor (coming from PAB) has been assigned to each trainee student to help with the practices and to teach how a public Company operation is about.

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands announces the 6th Balearic Island port and lighthouse painting and photography competition

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands announces the 6th Balearic Island port and lighthouse painting and photography competition


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has announced the 6th Balearic Island public port and lighthouse painting and photography competition in conjunction with the Palma de Majorca Fine Arts Society. The competition is open to all artists and photographers. The subject matter must be related to Balearic Islands’ lighthouses and the ports of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and La Savina, which are all managed by the APB. There are three different categories – watercolour, other painting techniques and photography – to share out the prize money of almost €11,000, which has been put up by the APB. The entries must be presented from 13th-30th October at the APB ports of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza or La Savina. A shortlist will then be put together, based on artistic quality and presentation. The selected works will be exhibited in different places or rooms which are yet to be established. The competition rules are available at More information

The APB signs a cooperation agreement with the Formentera Island Council to handle emergencies at the Port of La Savina

The APB signs a cooperation agreement with the Formentera Island Council to handle emergencies at the Port of La Savina


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) and the Formentera Island Council have today signed a cooperation agreement on fire prevention, firefighting, sea rescue, and civil defence at the Port of La Savina. As a result, both organisations have committed to increasing safety levels in the port’s service area, both on land and in the water, over the next 15 years. Under this agreement, which was ratified by the APB Chairman, Alberto Pons, and the President of the Island Council, Jaume Ferrer, the APB undertakes to supply a small new or semi-new fire engine in a period of two years to improve the equipment available in the port area. The APB will also contribute €20,000 per year to acquire material resources and provide specific training for Formentera firefighters, and will make a one-off payment of €10,000 to purchase different kinds of emergency equipment. In turn, the Formentera Island Council undertakes to provide a specialist service in fire prevention, firefighting, civil defence, sea rescue, and emergency monitoring in the port’s service area, preferably assigning at least one fire brigade to the port area, along with the material resources required to ensure safety at the port. Both the APB and the Formentera Island Council value this agreement extremely positively as it takes advantage of the available resources and synergies, and therefore prevents services from being duplicated.

The APB presents a proposal for a new terminal at the Port of Ibiza to handle traffic between Ibiza and Formentera

The APB presents a proposal for a new terminal at the Port of Ibiza to handle traffic between Ibiza and Formentera


At a press conference held today, the APB put forward a proposal for a new terminal at the Port of Ibiza to handle traffic between the islands of Ibiza and Formentera. This project had previously been presented to the Ibiza and Formentera authorities, and to the shipping companies that run services between the Pityusic Islands. The APB aims to reach the maximum possible consensus on this project. The consolidation of this proposal is vital to be able to start the second phase of redesigning the seafront at the Port of Ibiza.

The proposal to build an underground car park raises major concerns in the APB

The proposal to build an underground car park raises major concerns in the APB


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) considers that the proposal to build an underground car park in the south area of the Port of Ibiza, presented by the company Urbex, raises major concerns, both in terms of its technical and economic feasibility. Similarly, the APB Chairman, Alberto Pons, informed the Majorca Island Council and the City Council this morning that it is a complex project to sustain. “I understand that the project is an ambitious one and is good for the city, but it has already been analysed and was unfortunately ruled out”. Technical issues The APB, in a letter signed by its Chairman and sent to the representative of Urbex, has stated that building a car park below the water table at the Port of Ibiza’s Inner Quay is extremely likely to affect the structures of the buildings in the area, as it may harm their foundations, either through ground vibrations or by reducing the effective stress of the land. The car park plans presented at the request of the Architects Association of Ibiza and Formentera do not include the underpass for the sewer system or the electrical installation that run through the area near the quayside. Their inclusion would mean having to build the car park further underground than initially planned, and thus generate an increase in the project’s cost. The proposal plans to raise the area near the sea by 50 centimetres compared to the promenade, thus breaking up the even horizontal surface. In the APB’s opinion, this implies going against one of the premises of the project, which is to prevent differences in floor levels between the quayside and the pavement next to the façades. To avoid this, the car park would have to be built much further underground. In addition, the idea is for cars to park underneath the quayside’s natural stone surface. This would involve the car park being built about 80 cm down, i.e. the thickness of the existing stones. This aspect has not been taken into account either in the plans.

The APB authorises Andratx to open a public observation point at the La Mola lighthouse

The APB authorises Andratx to open a public observation point at the La Mola lighthouse


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has awarded the Andratx Town Council a temporary occupancy authorisation to open an observation point at the La Mola lighthouse. The council had requested a surface area of 45 square metres for this observation point. As a result of this agreement, Andratx Town Council has to pay the APB annual occupancy and activity fees of €196. The council undertakes to carry out the work needed to fit out the balcony which looks over the cliff as a public observation point. Access to the La Mola lighthouse will be limited and will still only be available to the APB. As a result of the authorisation, Andratx Town Council will have to paint the La Mola lighthouse, and if the occupancy is renewed, it will have to paint it every two years to ensure it is kept in good condition. Similarly, it will be responsible for maintaining and cleaning the observation point and for removing any graffiti that may appear as a result of it being open to the public. It will be allowed to install suitable lighting in the facility, as long as this does not interfere with maritime signalling. Compatible uses This initiative is part of the APB’s policy to reach agreements with both public and private-sector investors to promote alternative uses for lighthouses that are compatible with their function as navigational aids, and thus contribute to their upkeep. Other examples of this include the Ses Salines lighthouse, where Imedea has a research centre the Llebeig and Tramuntana lighthouses, which the Majorcan Government uses to publicise the Sa Dragonera natural park, and the Cavalleria lighthouse, which has a maritime interpretation centre, and a project for a museum promoted by the Es Mercadal Town Council. Similarly, the private sector has set up restaurants inside the lighthouses of Formentor and Artrutx.

The APB’s Board of Directors awards the mooring management tender to Marina de Formentera at the Port of La Savina

The APB’s Board of Directors awards the mooring management tender to Marina de Formentera at the Port of La Savina


Yesterday afternoon, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands’ Board of Directors awarded the company Marina de Formentera, S.A., an administrative concession to manage the recreational craft moorings at the Port of La Savina’s Poniente Dock. The bid made by this company was the best offer in the public tender. Marina de Formentera offers a yearly fee of €930,000, investment of over €500,000, and a concession period of seven years, five years less than the maximum duration established in the tender conditions. The project envisages operations on an area of public port land at the Formentera port which has a total surface area of 17,235 square metres. The land surface area of 5,410 square metres includes several buildings which house the premises of different companies, such as car hire firms, sailing equipment retailers, restaurants, and a petrol station for supplying fuel to recreational craft.

The APB has informed the Palma City Council that the PGOU cannot interfere with or disturb port operations

The APB has informed the Palma City Council that the PGOU cannot interfere with or disturb port operations


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has informed the Palma City Council that "general plans and other general urban development instruments should classify the service area of state-owned ports as part of the general port system, and should not include decisions which mean interfering with or disturbing port operations”. In December 2013, coinciding with the public scrutiny stage of the basic planning guidelines for the review of the Palma General Urban Development Plan (PGOU), the APB sent the Palma City Council a letter claiming that the council´s guidelines "include decisions which interfere with and disturb port operations" as these state that the La Riba promenade, the Former Quay, and the Camino de la Escollera will be returned to the city. These areas cannot be returned to the city, continues the APB letter, as they never belonged to it. They were reclaimed from the sea and created by what is today the Port Authority, which at the time had a different name, and they have always been the Port of Majorca’s service area. The APB reminded the council that the port’s planning instruments are the Special Port Plan, passed definitively by the Palma City Council on 30th January 1997, the Port Area Usage Plan (PUEP), passed by the Spanish Ministry of Development in the Ministerial Order of 19th May 2005, and the Infrastructure Master Plan, which is currently being prepared and is pending processing.

The APB holds a meeting of the Institutional Forum for Quality in the Public Sector at Port Adriano

The APB holds a meeting of the Institutional Forum for Quality in the Public Sector at Port Adriano


Coinciding with World Quality Day, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) organised a conference for members of the Institutional Forum for Quality in the Public Sector in the Balearic Islands at the Port Adriano Marina, in the municipality of Calvià. The conference showcased the latest developments in quality and innovation implemented in this marina, which were explained by the Deputy Chairman of the Association of Marinas and Nautical Facilities in the Balearic Islands (ANADE), Isabel Teruel. During the meeting, a quality commitment declaration was signed by the Confederation of Businessowner Associations in the Balearic Islands (CAEB), and by AENOR, ASEPEYO, and the Association of Business Agents, which reflected their commitment to making quality an essential part of their organisation. The meeting also heralded the announcement of the imminent start-up of the Forum’s website, which will be hosted on the corporate web of the Balearic Islands’ Regional Government, and revealed details of the Forum’s 2015 meeting, which will kick off on board the MSC Preziosa cruise ship on 22nd April. World Quality Day was created by the United Nations in 1990 in order to raise worldwide awareness of the contribution quality makes towards the progress of nations. The APB, as the Forum’s coordinating body, has taken on the mission to act as a meeting point to promote and coordinate cooperation between public authorities and their staff in a culture of management excellence, and to drive continuous improvement in the public sector in the Balearic Islands. Today’s meeting was attended by the Calvià Town Councillor, Esperanza Català, and the Ministry of Defence representative in the Balearic Islands, Manuel Fernández-Roca, amongst other personalities.

The APB Chairman explains the project to redesign the seafront at the Port of Ibiza

The APB Chairman explains the project to redesign the seafront at the Port of Ibiza


In view of the information published yesterday about the start of the work to redesign and improve the South Quays at the Port of Ibiza, the Chairman of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) gave the following explanations: 1.- The project has been authorised by the Spanish Ministry of Development, the body which authorises work of public interest to be carried out on public port land. This type of work does not require a municipal licence. In addition to all the necessary procedures required to carry out this project, a consensus has been reached on the aspects proposed by the Ibiza Town Council and the Ibiza Island Council. In terms of environmental procedures, and after a report from the Spanish Ministry of Development, it has been concluded that the project does not require an environmental assessment procedure, as it is not included in appendices I and II, nor in the situations set out in article 7.2.c, of Spanish Law 21/2013, of 9th December, on Environmental Assessment. 2.- The APB has a report from the Central Government Attorney’s Office and from the Balearic Islands Attorney’s Office which show that the area affected by the project works does not come under the heritage jurisdiction of the Ibiza Island Council. To further clarify this issue for future initiatives in the area, although it is not necessary, the APB, through the Government Attorney’s Office in the Balearic Islands, has asked the Spanish Ministry of Culture to prepare a report on the issues put forward by the Heritage Department of the Ibiza Island Council. 3.-In previous meetings held between the APB and Heritage Technical Committee experts, no serious incompatibilities between the project and the area’s heritage requirements were brought up. 4.- The APB is ready to start the work in October 2014, so that it is finished before the month of June 2015, thus preventing the problems that a delay in the work would cause the local businesses in the area, as the work would hinder access to businesses in the south area of the Port of Vila in the high season.