The proposal of Puertos y Litorales Sostenibles has been selected as the best offer for the operation of the small craft dock in the port of La Savina

The proposal of Puertos y Litorales Sostenibles has been selected as the best offer for the operation of the small craft dock in the port of La Savina


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, in ordinary session on 22 December 2021, has selected the best offer in the tender for the operation of the small craft dock in the port of La Savina, which was awarded to the company Puertos y Litorales Sostenibles, S.L. Six bids had been submitted for the operating tender. The occupancy fee set out in the tender documents was 154,000 euros however, the winning bidder proposed an improved occupancy and activity fee of 830,000 euros. This covers both the body of water and the land. The permit will have a duration of one year - extendable up to three years - from the date it is granted. The operation consists of 12,510 square metres, with 412.3 metres of mooring line, a ground floor building of 1,066 square metres made up of premises and arcades, plus 330 square metres of uncovered terraces. The licence holder will manage the whole complex and the commercial premises will be made available to third parties. The occupancy permit will allow the mooring of 91 pleasure boats, from 8 to 24 metres in length.

Socio-economic development
Tests begin on the on-shore power connection system for ferries in the port of Palma

Tests begin on the on-shore power connection system for ferries in the port of Palma


Yesterday, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) carried out tests on a medium and low voltage electrical infrastructure in the port of Palma for the electrical connection of ships to land. The Balearia ferry Eleanor Roosevelt was respoinsible for collaborating in the technical tests prior to commissioning. This installation will enable ferries that dock at the Paraires quay to use the on-shore power grid while they are moored at the port in order to reduce the emission of gases and noise generated by them during waiting, disembarkation and embarkation operations. This technique is known ascold ironing. The installation will be prepared to connect to the electricity grid, although not simultaneously, a ferry-type vessel with a maximum power demand of 1,600 kW (medium voltage) and another fast ferry-type vessel with 800 kW (low voltage). For the electrical connection to land, the system has 275 metres of medium voltage underground lines, a transformation centre and a frequency elevating substation in the service area of the port of Palma. Reducing emissions When in port, ships use their auxiliary engines to produce electricity during loading, unloading and mooring operations. Although the amount of emissions produced during the berthing phase is less than during the maritime traffic phase itself, in this case the pollutants emitted directly affect the air quality of the population centres near the port, as well as the port itself. The use of electrical energy from the national grid means a reduction in the emissions produced by the ship, given that the emission factor per MWh of the grid’s generators is much lower than that of the ship's auxiliary engines.

Environment and CSR Next Generation UE Technology and innovation Transport and infrastructure
Im Hafen von Palma wurde eine Sprengstoffübung durchgeführt

Im Hafen von Palma wurde eine Sprengstoffübung durchgeführt


Die Hafenbehörde der Balearen (APB) organisierte gestern eine Übung zur Aufspürung eines Sprengsatzes, der neben einem Dieseltransport im Handelshafen von Palma platziert wurde. Während der Übung wurden der Schutzplan für den Hafen von Palma (PPP), der Interne Notfallplan (PEI) und der Interne Maritime Plan (PIM) aktiviert. Das Ziel der Übung ist die gleichzeitige Aktivierung der genannten Pläne, die Schulung der Feuerwehrleute von Palma in der Brandbekämpfung auf Freizeitbooten sowie die Überprüfung der Risiken im Hafen und der Notfallmaßnahmen und -verfahren. Koordinierte Übung An der Übung waren die Guardia Civil (Hundedienst und TEDAX), die Feuerwehr von Palma, Grimaldi Logística, die Generaldirektion für Notfälle der balearischen Regierung, die Regierungsdelegation, die Hafenpolizei, die Lotsen von Palma und die Zivilschutzmitarbeiter der APB beteiligt. Nach einem fiktiven Bombenwarnanruf bei einer Reederei wurden der Hundedienst und TEDAX der Guardia Civil aktiviert, die zwei Sprengsätze entdeckten, die an einem 30-Tonnen-Dieseltank im Handelshafen von Palma befestigt waren. Einer der Sprengsätze explodierte, ohne dass es Verletzte gab, und verursachte ein Austritt auf den Boden, ins Meer und einen Brand. Die Feuerwehr von Palma griff daraufhin ein, kontrollierte das Feuer und den ausgelaufenen Dieselkraftstoff am Boden und deckte den Bereich mit Schwerschaum ab. Sobald das Gebiet als sicher eingestuft wurde, kamen die Notfallteams von der APB zum Einsatz, die sich aus Zivilschutzmitarbeitern und der Lotsenvereinigung des Hafens von Palma zusammensetzten, die unter realen Umständen für die Verlegung der Barriere gegen Verschmutzung am Ende der Handelsdocks zuständig wären. Nach Abschluss der Übung wurde mit allen Teilnehmern ein Debreafing durchgeführt, um die Schlussfolgerungen und den Bericht über Verbesserungen zu erstellen.

Technology and innovation Environment and CSR
The Spanish Association of Civil Engineers awards the project to improve the environment around the Port of El Molinar

The Spanish Association of Civil Engineers awards the project to improve the environment around the Port of El Molinar


The Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) has received a special mention from the National Albert Serratosa City and Territory Award for its project to improve the Port-City environment and operations of the El Molinar Port in the Port of Palma. The award, granted by the Spanish Association of Civil Engineers and the Caminos Foundation, aims to publicise and raise awareness of city and territory projects whose design, planning and implementation contribute to the sustainable development of their surroundings. The awards ceremony, which took place yesterday in Madrid, was attended by Antoni Ginard, the head of the Planning and Infrastructure Department, and Víctor Darder, the head of the Infrastructure Development Department. Improvement project Efforts to improve the port-city relationship have been focused on maintaining the character of the "little port" and integrating it into the El Molinar neighbourhood and the promenade around it by removing the fences that separated, isolated and impeded interaction between the port and local residents. In regard to operational improvements, the size of the vessels it can accommodate has been restricted, and work has been undertaken to better shelter the marina, which has also improved wave conditions at the entry to the port. The contract to carry out the work was awarded to ACSA, Obras e Infraestructuras and provided employment for 20 people. Temporary joint venture Mc Valnera and Junquera Arquitectes managed the participatory process, overall concept and preliminary project, E3 Solinteg drew up the construction project, and TYPSA provided its technical assistance to the project managers.

The structural rehabilitation of the retaining wall on the access road to the lighthouse of Formentor goes out to tender

The structural rehabilitation of the retaining wall on the access road to the lighthouse of Formentor goes out to tender


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has put out to tender the structural rehabilitation of the retaining wall on the access road to the Formentor lighthouse, which has been closed since September due to the risk of landslides. At that time there was a local break in the wall, on which the MA-2210 road is located. The material broke off in the form of a 6-metre wedge in the longitudinal axis of the road, up to 3 metres crosswise and 6 metres in height. In 2013, a similar episode occurred, so it is suspected that more earth could be dislodged in the future, thus considering it appropriate to carry out a comprehensive improvement of the safety of the wall to prevent accidents from happening. The work will last four months and has an initial budget of 628,239 euros. The deadline for receiving bids is 20 December 2021. Interested parties may submit their applications through theAPB's e-tendering portal. Reconstruction process The masonry work will be carried out using the traditional construction technique of "pedra en sec". In the first stage, it is planned to demolish both the existing road surface and the retaining wall in that section. Next, the excavation of the earth on the outer face of the wall and the dismantling of the existing construction will be carried out. The area of intervention will be limited to the space occupied by the existing road and the retaining wall, avoiding any impact on the flora and fauna located in the surrounding areas. In fact, the works are located in a protected environment and, therefore, all the indications of the Natural Habitats service of the Government of the Balearic Islands (GOIB) will be taken into account. Subsequently, the land will be levelled and work will begin on the wall, which is expected to be 52.5 metres long and up to 6 metres high.

Transport and infrastructure
The APB thanks Open House Palma for promoting its architectural heritage

The APB thanks Open House Palma for promoting its architectural heritage


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) wanted to thank the Open House Palma Cultural Association for the initiative to promote the city's architectural heritage, enabling many citizens to visit the most prestigious buildings of the APB in Palma. Specifically, on Saturday 6 November, 287 people visited the APB's institutional headquarters, 166 went to the offices and 44 visited the Portopí lighthouse and the maritime signal exhibition. In fact, the institutional headquarters of the APB was the second most visited building on Saturday 6 November. With this in mind, the president and director of the APB, Francesc Antich and Jorge Nasarre, respectively, have awarded the representatives of Open House Palma, Biel Noguera, Laura Trias and Nuria Zuzama, with the commemorative plaque that is given to ships calling for the first time at Balearic ports. The president of the APB, Francesc Antich, highlighted the success of the event in terms of participation, and expressed his desire to repeat the experience in the next edition of the festival. Open House Palma Open House Palma is the largest architecture and open door festival in Palma. For one weekend a year, more than 70 buildings and spaces, usually closed or hidden from the public, are open to visitors free of charge, and all of them without exception are the best examples of architecture and design in Palma. The association is made up of different professionals with different profiles, including architecture, art history, cultural heritage management, design and communication.

Environment and CSR
The port of Eivissa hosts a marine pollution control exercise organised by Maritime Rescue

The port of Eivissa hosts a marine pollution control exercise organised by Maritime Rescue


The waters of the port of Eivissa were the scene of a new marine pollution control exercise by the Jovellanos Integral Maritime Safety Centre. The exercise was carried out in the midst of a supposed diesel oil spill, for which real-life anti-pollution barriers were deployed. Different units activated by the port of Eivissa, such as the pilots and the Port Police, took part in the exercise. Maritime Rescue The Jovellanos Integral Maritime Safety Centre, located in Gijón, is the Maritime Rescue training centre, whose objective is to provide comprehensive training in maritime, port and industrial safety, occupational risk prevention and pollution control. Its activity is primarily aimed at the personnel of the Rescue Society and professionals in the maritime sector, but also at groups with special needs in terms of safety and pollution control.

Environment and CSR Transport and infrastructure
Contracts awarded for the maintenance service for trees, palm trees, gardening and cliffs in the port of Maó

Contracts awarded for the maintenance service for trees, palm trees, gardening and cliffs in the port of Maó


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has recently awarded the maintenance service contracts for trees, palm trees, gardening and cliffs in the port of Maó. UTE Podas Puerto Maó (Conrado-Urbient) will be in charge of maintaining the trees, palm trees, planters and smaller plants for 370,000 euros per year, while UTE Menorca Subvertical will be responsible for the correct maintenance of the many cliffs along the port, for 138,000 euros per year. The service will be staffed by 10 workers from groups at risk of social exclusion. At present, occasional maintenance work is being carried out, which has proved to be insufficient, therefore this contract will guarantee healthy and well-preserved species and green areas. The contracts cover preventive and corrective maintenance and waste management in accordance with the regulations in force. Emergency incidents, which compromise the safety of people, will also be addressed within 10 minutes for trees and landscaping and 14 minutes for cliffs, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Non-urgent incidents will be resolved within 12 working hours. Scope of the service The actions include the entire APB management area, from the Naval Station to Cales Fonts, including the northern coastline as far as La Mola and the s'Hort d'en Murillo estate. Annual pruning, felling and stump removal for palm trees, elimination of shoots or branches that compromise people's safety, preventive phytosanitary treatments – such as red palm weevil treatment – as well as tree replacements, when required, will all be carried out. In terms of flower beds and smaller plants, the service includes the maintenance of grass lawns, irrigation nets, hedges and shrubs, as well as seasonal flower beds. Those responsible will be in charge of clearing and cleaning vegetation, fertilisation, mowing, regeneration, replacement of species and improvements and repair of faults in the irrigation system. Finally, the condition of the cliffs and anchorages will be reviewed and maintained, as well as the inventory of vegetation species living in the port. All this will be carried out by personnel specialising in rope access work.

Port-city Transport and infrastructure
The APB has begun the replacement of palm trees representing structural risks in the Port of Palma

The APB has begun the replacement of palm trees representing structural risks in the Port of Palma


The replacement of 20 palm trees showing signs of structural risk has begun this week in the Port of Palma. the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) thus guarantees, as far as possible, their stability. Several types of operations will be carried out: the uprooting of an existing palm tree and its subsequent replanting with the repair of the pavement, if necessary. The improvement project has been awarded to the Parkinsonia company for a value of 47,168 euros and it is expected to last six months. Due to a study on the palm tree management of the port of Palma, the points requiring intervention were identified, that focused on the gardens of the Longa dock and the Poniente dock and the breakwater path. Within the area of the Port of Palma’s public domain, the APB is responsible for just over half a thousand palm trees: 282 date palms, 58 Canary Island palms and 179 Washington palms. There are also European fan palm and the Chusan palm spread over various green areas with trees and other plants that form the landscaped areas.

Port-city Transport and infrastructure
The light of the Tramuntana lighthouse on the island of Dragonera has been replaced

The light of the Tramuntana lighthouse on the island of Dragonera has been replaced


Last week, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) completed the work to replace the light in the Tramuntana lighthouse, located on the island of Dragonera. Completed by the Mediterranean company Señales Marítimas, this improvement had a cost of 73,000 euros. Prior to the installation of the new lantern, several preparation work was required, such as the reconstruction of the supporting wall and the installation of new anchor bolts for the lantern's lower ring. The new light can be visited. It is 2 meters in diameter, with a glass area of 1.35 in height and a lower plinth of 20 cm in height. The metal part of the old lantern was in poor condition, which had caused the whole assembly to tilt. To stop this process and maintain the equipment in position before its replacement, a series of fixings were placed between the lantern and the civil works supporting the tower. The new lantern was installed from the air, with the help of a helicopter and specialized personnel. Second lighthouse of Dragonera This is the second lighthouse built as a result of the shutdown of the old Na Pòpia lighthouse. It was inaugurated on the 15 of November in 1910. As this lighthouse did not require much light range, nitially it used a simple Maris lamp with a wick, and the lighthouse was maintained by a single lighthouse keeper. The original optics were retired in 1960 to make way for an automatic acetylene lighting system. The lighthouse has not had a permanent technician on site since 1961. The Llebeig lighthouse keepers were responsible for its maintenance. The retired optic was later installed in 1965 at the Portocolom lighthouse, where it is still in service.

Transport and infrastructure
Students of the 10th Master's Degree in Port Management and Planning choose Eivissa and Formentera for their annual meeting

Students of the 10th Master's Degree in Port Management and Planning choose Eivissa and Formentera for their annual meeting


The ports of Eivissa and Formentera today, Friday 8 October, hosted the annual meeting of the 10th Master's Degree in Port Management and Planning and Intermodality of Puertos del Estado. The APB's delegate for the ports of Ibiza and Formentera, Ignacio Revilla, welcomed the participants and presented the ports of general interest of Eivissa and La Savina. The students themselves were able to get to know the ports in situ from land and from the sea. Alberto Camarero and José Manuel Montes then took stock of the activities carried out during the course, in the tenth edition, marked by the limitations imposed by the pandemic. Throughout the course, organised by the universities of Cadiz, A Coruña and Oviedo and by Puertos del Estado, the students carried out an in-depth study of the basic principles of planning, organisation and business management in the port area, with emphasis on aspects such as maritime transport and the role played by the ports within the logistics chain.

Environment and CSR
The APB begins the procedure for the sale of the Portixol terraces in the port of Palma to private individuals

The APB begins the procedure for the sale of the Portixol terraces in the port of Palma to private individuals


On 29 September of that same year, the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved in an ordinary session the proposal for the sale of 10 terraces to private owners of the adjoining dwellings in the Portixol area of the port of Palma. It so happens that many of the terraces of the houses in the area are the property of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, so this agreement establishes the conditions of sale of these spaces to the adjoining owners, as these are areas that are of no interest to the port. In the event that these neighbours wish to acquire them, they must pay the APB the market value calculated by an independent appraisal company, which amounts to €1,051 per square metre. If they are not interested in purchasing them, the APB reserves the right to process the transfer of use, which will require the user to pay a fee for occupation of APB property, or to request the removal of the boundary wall or fence. The total amount of the sale is about €452,526.00, for about 376 square metres. In June 2021, the affected parties were notified of the proposed sale, which was also agreed by the Board of Directors. Ten of them have already shown their firm intention to buy, some of them with an instalment payment plan.
