Approval of the by-law regulating traffic in the APB ports' service areas

Approval of the by-law regulating traffic in the APB ports' service areas


The new by-law regulating vehicle and passenger traffic in the service areas of the five ports managed by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) was published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on 29 October 2020. These regulations go into detail on certain issues that set out the scope of the APB's operations, differentiating between areas that are open to the public and limited access areas, and in the case of the latter, making a distinction between areas with controlled access and areas with restricted access. Specifically, it addresses situations involving pedestrian traffic, personal mobility vehicles, bicycles, scooters and skateboards, such as speed limits, special traffic measures, stops, parking and no stopping areas. The text includes guidelines on how to behave in the event of an accident or emergency in the port area, aimed at all those who may be involved in, witness or be party to these events. Finally, the car parking charges and times are specified, as well as the corresponding fines and penalties. The by-law was approved by the APB Board of Directors in a session held on 30 June 2020, by virtue of the provisions of article 33, section 2 b) and article 30, section 5 r) of the recast text of the Spanish Law on State-owned Ports and the Merchant Navy, passed by the Legislative Royal Decree 2/2011 of 5 September.

The APB puts out a tender for the management of large boat moorings on the Levante Dock at the Port of Ibiza

The APB puts out a tender for the management of large boat moorings on the Levante Dock at the Port of Ibiza


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has agreed to put out a public tender for the management of large boat moorings on the Levante dock at the Port of Ibiza. The tender decision was taken once the Spanish Council of State had ratified the expiry of the concession held by the company YSM Marinas y Puertos España S.L., under the name Sovren Marina, last August. The new feature of this tender is that boats over 20 metres in length will be allowed to moor if they are home port yachts, i.e. if they stay for at least six months a year, or if they are transit boats calling at the port in low season. This measure has been taken to guarantee a larger number of boats and thus boost economic activity in the marina throughout the season. This new concession, like the previous one, comprises the management of 42,152 square metres of surface area - 38,852 m2 of water and 2,745 m2 of land - and two berthing lines, one 240 metres long on the Levante Quay and the other 115 metres long on the Es Martell Quay. The concession also includes the ground floor of the Es Martell building, which has an area of some 600 square metres and can be used as commercial premises for activities authorised by the APB. The roof and stairs of the building will continue to be for public use, as in the previous concession, just like the quay surface, where the installation of barriers or partitions to prevent pedestrians from using the area is prohibited. Concession expiry The concession period will be for a maximum of twelve years and will have a minimum occupancy charge of €408,019.20 per year. The APB will hand over the facilities to the concessionaire in the state in which Sovren Ibiza left them on the date its concession expired, with some of the work being unfinished. The company YSM Marina y Puertos de España currently owes the port authority a total of €5.5 million.

Restoration work on the roof of the Alcanada lighthouse is completed

Restoration work on the roof of the Alcanada lighthouse is completed


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has completed the restoration work on the roof of the Alcanada lighthouse in Alcudia. The renovation consisted of rebuilding the roof's support structure which, due to its poor condition, was discharging all its weight on the perimeter walls, and the installation of new roof tiles. In addition, the façade was painted, the interiors were rendered and joinery items were replaced. The work, which lasted two and a half months, was tendered to the company Vip Property Integral Services. Alcanada Lighthouse The Alcanada lighthouse was officially opened on 15 May 1861. It was designed by Emili Pou and was established as a sixth order lighthouse, with a catadioptric optical system and fixed light. Its technology has been continuously updated and modernised. In 1960, the lamp was removed and another non-visitable one was put in its place. This meant the light was now activated automatically by means of a solar valve and was the reason why the resident lightkeeper left the facility in 1961. Its light characteristics then changed to regular white flashes. Subsequently, in the 1990s, solar panels were installed which enabled the use of gas apparatus to be removed. As in many other lighthouses, the Alcanada lighthouse keepers have taken an active role in helping the victims of several shipwrecks throughout history.

APB set to eliminate single-use plastics in its facilities

APB set to eliminate single-use plastics in its facilities


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has approved an internal document, drawn up by the Quality, Environment, Innovation and CSR Department, to eliminate single-use plastic from its facilities. The document describes the measures adopted and initiatives to be studied in order to make it easier for the APB's staff to replace single-use plastic in the workplace. This initiative seeks to change the corporate culture through daily actions which include eliminating plastic cups and bottles, and encouraging employees to bring their own cups if they want to have a coffee from the vending machines. In addition, in the APB facilities where there are resources to wash reusable kitchenware, no single-use plastic is made available to office staff. In specific cases where single-use items must be used for health and hygiene reasons, they are 100% compostable. Triage and recycling The APB currently has separate containers in its facilities for separating office waste such as paper, packaging and waste, as well as containers for toner cartridges and batteries. The APB ensures that each type of waste is properly handled by authorised waste managers. Light packaging, paper and other waste is collected and weighed every day, so as to correctly monitor how much of this waste is being produced. It is then placed separately in municipal containers to ensure that each type of waste can be properly handled, thus facilitating recycling or recovery.

The Chairman of the APB announces the start of the procedure to integrate the Avenida de Santa Eulària into the Port of Ibiza

The Chairman of the APB announces the start of the procedure to integrate the Avenida de Santa Eulària into the Port of Ibiza


The Chairman of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), Francesc Antich, has paid a first official visit to the Ibiza City Council where he met the Mayor of Ibiza, Rafa Ruiz. During the meeting, they reviewed various issues related to the Port of Ibiza and announced the start of the procedure to integrate the Avenida de Santa Eulària and the areas surrounding the APB's headquarters into the city in 2021. The procedure for this project, which runs from the current Formentera Passenger Terminal to the APB's headquarters will be carried out over the next year with the aim of starting work in October, after the tourist season. The initiative has a budget of approximately €1 million. The integration project for the Avenida de Santa Eulària includes widening the pavements, removing architectural barriers and building a bike lane that will connect with the current lane in the quay area at the Port of Ibiza. The project will continue with the integration of the port into the city and turn it into a leisure area for residents and visitors.

Passenger Terminal No. 2 at the Port of Palma will be hosting an exhibition on the endangered wildlife and flora in the Balearic Islands until 19 October

Passenger Terminal No. 2 at the Port of Palma will be hosting an exhibition on the endangered wildlife and flora in the Balearic Islands until 19 October


The Passenger Terminal No. 2 at the Port of Palma will be the setting for an exhibition on the endangered wildlife and flora in the Balearic Islands entitled "The Balearic Islands, urgent nature." The exhibition, which has already been held in other areas of the Balearic Islands, will be in the terminal until 19 October. It has been put together by SEO/BirdLife as part of the ARES project (Initiative for the Recovery of Wild Species), commissioned by the Balearic Islands Government's Regional Ministry of the Environment and Territory. The flora and wildlife analysed include marine invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, endangered flora, rural birds, birds of prey and a beetle native to Formentera.

The APB Chairman and the Mayor of Palma meet to discuss city-related projects

The APB Chairman and the Mayor of Palma meet to discuss city-related projects


Today, the Chairman of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) met the Mayor of Palma, José Hila, to share and discuss issues and projects relating to the Port of Palma. This is the APB Chairman's first official meeting since he took office on 26 September 2020. During the meeting, both representatives showed their willingness to continue working together and coordinate the different initiatives planned for Palma, including the project to redesign the seafront promenade, which is still being studied. For the Mayor, "this is a major initiative for Palma that will transform the seafront, break down the existing barriers and bring the city closer to the sea." The APB Chairman, Francesc Antich, has announced that the JAMLET-TYPSA joint venture has already completed the project for the building work, which will cover a surface area of 169,010 square metres. The estimated budget for this initiative is €43 million. Last May, the APB and the City Council reached an agreement on the management of the seafront promenade in Palma, which is pending signature, after approval by the Ministry of Finance. Once the agreement has been signed and the building project has been completed, the works, which are expected to start at the end of 2021, can be put out to tender.

The APB to modernise the bike lane at the Port of Palma

The APB to modernise the bike lane at the Port of Palma


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is to allocate €200,000 a year to improve the bike lane that runs through the Port of Palma. The bike lane is used by thousands of people each year to move around or do exercise. Thanks to this contract, for which the submission of bids ended the last week, the bike lane as well as other safety, urban planning, containment and drainage elements will be maintained and repaired, should this be necessary. This also ensures that any incidents affecting safety are dealt with as quickly as possible, as well as undertaking preventive maintenance to guarantee service levels. In 1984, the APB was a pioneer in the construction of a bike lane in Palma which, at that time, was shared by cyclists and runners. It is 5,619 m long and runs between the Club de Mar and Portitxol. ol.




The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will today be resuming work on the promenade at the Port of Alcudia, which will be pedestrianised right up to the passenger terminal. The work was interrupted in March, by mutual agreement with the Alcudia Town Council, due to the health emergency caused by COVID-19 and the start of the tourist season. This project includes urban improvements on the sections of the Teodor Canet and Gabriel Roca streets that are classed as port public land at a cost of €917,569 excluding VAT. The project consists of urban development improvements on the streets Teodor Canet and Gabriel Roca in the Port of Alcudia with the widening of pavements for pedestrians, improvements in street furniture, road signs, new garden areas and a new rainwater and lighting system. The number of lanes of traffic has also been reduced, making the road one way towards the commercial port, and a roundabout has been built that will direct vehicle traffic flows between the Commercial Quays and the Passenger Terminal. There are also plans to use the sea side of the road for parking. The total surface area of this urban improvement project is 4,800 square metres and the work is scheduled to be completed in five months. Joint initiative with the Town Council This APB initiative has been coordinated with the Alcudia Town Council, which has already completed the urban improvement of the stretch of the Teodor Canet street that falls under its jurisdiction. The measures to be carried out, which include reducing traffic speed in this area, improving street furniture and reducing vehicle noise, all aim to promote tourism and encourage pedestrians to walk along the promenade all year round.

Flying high in the Port of Palma

Flying high in the Port of Palma


Early in the morning, Sergio Cantón heads for the Port of Palma to carry out essential conservation work. He is one of the people responsible for looking after, feeding and training the falcons and Harris eagles that fly around the port and scare away wild birds such as seagulls, pigeons and wagtails. The importance of this surveillance service is paramount, as the corrosive effect of bird droppings deteriorates the port's facilities, electronic systems and boats. And not only that: they can also cause and spread diseases through the air conditioning systems. The presence of falcons flying over the area frightens the gulls and they do not return, although new ones come, so the work has to be ongoing. Best known for their work at airports, where falconers ensure that birds do not interfere with flights, this service was launched more than a decade ago at the Port of Palma. Since then, says Sergio Cantón, the results are clear: "Before, we had roosts where some 3,000 or 4,000 birds were grouped together in the Port of Palma alone. Thanks to this service, the population is kept under greater control". Each falconer has a group of birds under his care, mainly falcons and Harris eagles. They are in charge of weighing them, feeding them and controlling possible behavioural changes. Once the team is in place, two types of rounds are carried out: continuous dissuasive flights or those focused on a sensitive area where a problem is identified. The way of working shows the trust between the trainer and the bird. From food preparation to flight control: "Each bird is unique," explains Canton. "Some have innate talent, but they all require a lot of training. In many cases, the falconer has seen the birds being born and has accompanied them throughout their lives: "The relationship is very special. When they are very young they are afraid to fly, and are even a little clumsy. Little by little you see the progress in their training, and it is really rewarding". From dawn to dusk, the team of specialists from Natura Parc move around the Poniente Quay, the Commercial Quays and the West Breakwater, where the birds' flights are controlled. But, as the falconer mentions, the responsibility for keeping wildlife in check is a global one: "A simple, poorly closed chest is a hotbed for birds, or throwing bread to the seagulls from the boats". This is a task which is unfamiliar to a large part of the population and which, in an era marked by technology, shows us that the simplest solutions are the most sustainable over time.

Francesc Antich Oliver takes office as the APB Chairman

Francesc Antich Oliver takes office as the APB Chairman


Today the Official State Gazette (BOE) published the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda order appointing Francesc Antich Oliver as the new Chairman of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), replacing Joan Gual de Torrella Guasp. In accordance with the provisions of article 31.1 of the recast text of the State Ports and Merchant Navy Law (TRLPEMM), the Chairman of the Port Authority is appointed by the appropriate regional government body. Once it has been notified to the Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, the appointment is published in the corresponding Official Regional Gazette and in the Official State Gazette. Career A graduate in law from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), Antich was born in Caracas (Venezuela) on 28 November 1958. He has been a practicing lawyer since 1981. From 1986 to 1998, he was the manager of the Palma City Council’s Municipal Housing Board and later became the Urban Planning manager for the Palma City Council. He was the Mayor of his home town, Algaida, from 1991 to 1997. He has been a member of the Balearic Islands Parliament for four terms and was a councillor of the Majorca Island Council from 1992 to 1999. He was the President of the Balearic Islands Government on two occasions (1999-2003 and 2007-2011). From 2011 to 2019, he held a seat in the Spanish Senate and in 2019, he was appointed as Commissioner of the Balearic Islands Government in Madrid. He currently holds the position of lawyer for the Municipal Housing and District Refurbishment Board on the Palma City Council.

The energy efficiency improvements at the Port of Mahon will bring energy savings of over 60%

The energy efficiency improvements at the Port of Mahon will bring energy savings of over 60%


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has started work on improving the energy efficiency of the over six kilometres of public lighting at the Port of Mahon which, according to estimates, will bring energy savings of over 60%. The overhaul involves replacing 261 old lights with new LED technology fittings and the installation of 395 new lighting points in previously poorly lit areas, such as the access road to the north coast. The work consists of installing modern LED lights that are resistant to humidity, saline environments, atmospheric dust and mechanical and electrical effects, as well as introducing management systems with five different lighting levels. All of this will give the walkway a new, improved appearance and, above all, will increase the system's energy efficiency and facilitate preventive maintenance. The project has a budget of €1,054,428 and is scheduled to be completed in March 2021. In addition, the project has obtained a subsidy of €236,804.57, granted by the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE) In addition, part of the actions carried out, in particular those at the Levante wharf and Cós Nous wharf, will be co-financed with ERDF funds through the Aid Programme for Energy Renovation of Buildings and Infrastructures of the AGE, managed by the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE). The purpose of this aid programme is to encourage and promote the implementation of actions that reduce carbon dioxide emissions through energy saving and efficiency and renewable energy projects in existing buildings or infrastructures of the General State Administration, in compliance with the objectives set out in Spain's Multi-regional ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020. Thanks to the support of the European Union, the actions in the two docks mentioned above, with an eligible cost accepted for the resolution of same is €473,607.15, will receive a grant of €236,804.57. These actions will reduce energy consumption by about 73% in these areas, thus contributing to the reduction of the Carbon Footprint of the port of Maó.

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