The Public Prosecution Office closes the file on the complaint by the GOB in relation to the expansion works on the Poniente Dock of the Port of Palma

The Public Prosecution Office closes the file on the complaint by the GOB in relation to the expansion works on the Poniente Dock of the Port of Palma


The Public Prosecution Office of the Balearic Islands has closed the file on the complaint by the Balearic Group of Ornithology (GOB) against the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) with regards to the dumping of building waste from the works on the Poniente (Western) Dock of the Port of Palma, as it considers that the facts reported do not constitute a criminal offence. The public prosecutor ruled that it had not been possible to state that as a result of "the use of eco-aggregate in the esplanade expansion works on the Poniente Dock of the Port of Palma, negative effects have been noticed regarding the quality of the water". The GOB filed the complaint against the APB last summer for dumping building waste from the expansion works on the Poniente Dock of the Port of Palma and requested that the Public Prosecution Office investigate the matter due to a potential environmental impact. The State Legal Service issued a report on 27 July in which it clearly stated that the APB had correctly processed this project, which is regulated by state-level legislation. Furthermore, it upheld that these works should not be subject to an environmental impact assessment, as this is not envisaged under the Environmental Assessment Act. The APB upheld that the environmental procedures followed were correct, the analyses show that eco-aggregate is not hazardous waste and that it cannot be stated that the use of this material in the esplanade expansion works on the Poniente Dock of the Port of Palma has led to negative effects on the quality of the water. Therefore, the Public Prosecution Office concludes by ruling in favour of the APB and proceeds to close the file on the proceedings as it considers that the facts do not constitute a criminal offence. Service improvement The mooring areas at the Poniente and Pelaires docks at the Port of Palma share cruise ship and ferry traffic and, therefore, it has become evident that the increase in traffic requires more land operational surface area than that currently available, especially given situations where regular cruise ships and ferries arrive at the same time. The need to design the esplanade expansion works on the Poniente Norte Dock of the Port of Palma arose in order to improve the effectiveness and service levels for cruise ships and ferries. The proposed solution led to the works getting underway in February 2017 to create a new esplanade surface area measuring 36,232 m2, awarded to the joint venture comprising FCC Construcción and Amer e Hijos for 21 million euros and with a completion term of 34 months.

The future Club de Mar enables fence-free Promenade in Palma

The future Club de Mar enables fence-free Promenade in Palma


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) today approved the extension of the Club de Mar concession in the port of Palma for a period of 24 years from 2019, when the current concession expires. This will entail capital investments of around €50 million by the Club de Mar, as well as an updated annual fee of around €10 million for use and exploitation of this port domain. The land area to be occupied by the marina will remain at the 21,000 square metres that it currently operates, although the water surface area will be increased slightly to 197,000 square metres, bringing the total occupation of public port domains to 218,000 square metres. Fence-free As a result of this approval, the future Club de Mar will provide a brand new appearance for the waterfront in Palma thanks to the fencing along the promenade being removed. That way, the area will become a more open space for the general public, thus enhancing the APB’s idea of integrating its ports into areas for citizens to enjoy. In addition, this project envisages the construction of a public indoor car park to improve accessibility for people who want to make use of this new area as it opens up to the city. The building work is expected to start in 2018.

The exhibition ''An eye in the sky 1939-1945. The strategic significance of Balearic Island Ports during World War II’ arrives at the UIB

The exhibition ''An eye in the sky 1939-1945. The strategic significance of Balearic Island Ports during World War II’ arrives at the UIB


Last stop for the exhibition ''An eye in the sky 1939-1945. The strategic significance of Balearic Island Ports during World War II", which is set up on the campus of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) until 17 November. Made up of 16 panels of untouched photographs taken from between 1941 and 1945, the exhibition examines the strategic role played by our ports during the years of conflict. The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) in conjunction with lecturers from the Department of Geography at the UIB have recovered the photographic and documentary material on operations carried out during World War II and have made it available to the public through this exhibition. It first opened its doors to the public last May in the old APB headquarters. It then moved around the ports of Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and La Savina before ending its journey at the UIB where it can be visited until 17 November in the hall of the Ramon Llull building of the university campus in Palma. The unveiling of the exhibition, which took place this morning, was attended by Dr. Joana Maria Petrus, professor and sub-director of the Department of Geography Jorge Martín, innovation and quality manager of the APB Dr. Miquel Deyà, dean of the School of Philosophy and Arts and Dr. Llorenç Huguet, dean of the UIB. More information:

New Harbour Station No.6 at the West Dock in partial operation as of today

New Harbour Station No.6 at the West Dock in partial operation as of today


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has partially commissioned the new Harbour Station No.6 today. Located at the West Dock, this facility is designed to improve the quality of service offered to passengers on cruise ships measuring more than 300 metres in length. The first ship to use the new facilities was the Mein Schiff 3,which was able to dock at 4 am with complete normality. It is a 3,000 m2 space that will operate provisionally until 31 March, at which point the new marine terminal is expected to fully enter into service. The OHL-VOPSA Joint Venture behind this project is working six days a week to meet commitments made to the APB and to guarantee the entry into service of safe and comfortable facilities at the Port of Palma during months in which there is a greater influx of cruise ships. The works on the new marine terminal no. 6 have a budget of 12 million euros and will provide jobs to between 50 and 60 people. The project includes the expansion of the harbour station, which will go from occupying 2,500 m2 to having an estimated surface area of 10,000 m2. Furthermore, with a view to maximise the safety conditions of embarking and disembarking, the APB is considering reorganising the uses of the esplanade annexed to this particular dock.

Gual announces that the first stage of the La Savina Port Beautification Plan will begin in November

Gual announces that the first stage of the La Savina Port Beautification Plan will begin in November


Today, the president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), Joan Gual de Torrella, met with the President of Formentera Island Council, Jaume Ferrer at the Casa del Mar building at the La Savina Port. The meeting was also attended by advisor to the President and regional councillor for infrastructure, Rafael González, among other authorities, as well as technical staff from both administrations. Gual de Torrella announced that the first stage of the La Savina Port Beautification Plan will get underway in November, and these works will be complete before the start of the season. The first stage comprises the upgrade and improvement of the parking area located to the north of the La Savina Port, and will optimise the flow of passengers and vehicles that access the Harbour Station. Furthermore, the works also entail improving the roads and pedestrian zones in the service area of the port. The tender budget is €599,811 (excluding VAT). The president of the port authority also added that the improvement works of the fisherman's wharf as well as the sea wall upgrade and paving of the wharf will begin on the same dates. Two projects with a tender budget of €457,154 and €137,187, respectively. Meanwhile, Gual announced that November 2018 will see the start of the second stage of the port's beautification plan, which includes works on the promenade. The President of Formentera Island Council expressed his satisfaction that works on the port will begin in November and will be ready in time for the next season, as requested by the Council. Jaume Ferrer also thanked the APB for reaching an agreement with the Council with regard to the works to be carried out at the port, "in turn supporting the vision that both the institution and locals have of La Savina as well as our own island model".

The APB begins works on Sant Antoni and Ses Figuerasses docks at the Port of Mahon

The APB begins works on Sant Antoni and Ses Figuerasses docks at the Port of Mahon


This week, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) starts the upgrading and improvement works on the Sant Antoni and Ses Figuerasses docks at the Port of Mahon. The works at the Sant Antoni dock will entail reconstructing the old site with the aim of putting it to use as a public loading dock. A dry dock ramp for small boats will be built alongside this dock. Meanwhile, works to be carried out at Ses Figuerasses will consist of demolishing the remains of the current dock and building another with similar characteristics in an attempt to continue offering mooring services before its collapse. The works are expected to begin this week upon approval of the health and safety plan. The budget is €175,674.99 and the company awarded the contract is Antonio y Diego, S.A. Works are expected to be completed in 5 months and between 7 and 10 people have been employed directly.

The Port of Mahon restricts the manoeuvring conditions of large cruise ships

The Port of Mahon restricts the manoeuvring conditions of large cruise ships


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has now received the findings of the viability study on large ships accessing the Port of Mahon. The study, entrusted to the Jovellanos Centre and Engineering, Resources&ampDevelopment, S.L. (ENRED), builds on the preliminary analysis performed in 2016, which only considered the maximum length of ships that could operate at this port. This study –much more extensive than the first analysis– looks at other aspects, such as transversal power at bow and stern, draught or prevailing winds, which are also key considerations for safe manoeuvres. The findings of these studies confirm the maximum acceptable length for ships with or without azimuth thrusters, which allow propulsion to be controlled on multiple axes. In addition, the findings optimise the thresholds of required power for manoeuvring propellers (bow and stern), according to the length of the ship. This optimisation was made possible by refining analysis of the human factor, bringing pilots from the Port of Mahon onto the control bridge to perform the manoeuvres. Safe operation The ships considered in this study are over 220 metres long. It has been decided that these ships will access the port through the North channel (Isla del Rey), advancing to the turning basin and passing the jetties at the Naval Station. As such, this is the strategy that must be followed for the manoeuvres. The manoeuvres were successful under all simulated conditions, even with winds of 30 knots. However, it is recommended that in winds of over 20 knots, ships over 220 metres long should not perform the manoeuvre, due to the increased requirements. The study also confirmed that the mains problems posed by large cruise ships entering the Port of Mahon refer to geometry and available space, rather than the difficulties created by local wind conditions. Another key conclusion concerns the availability of azimuth thrusters, which allow longer ships to access the port thanks to their enhanced manoeuvrability. Powerful transversal propellers at the bow are essential for turning in such a tight space. Finally, the study recommends restricting the ships' draught to 8 metres. As for manoeuvres in night-time conditions, the study highlights the excellent signalling at the Port of Mahon, which allows for these manoeuvres to be performed with the same safety as during the day. It is recommended that captains of ships over 235 metres long without azimuth thrusters or over 245 metres long with azimuth thrusters, which are scheduled to operate at this port, first complete a simulation workshop (certified at an official centre) to accredit their knowledge of the specific characteristics of the roadstead.

The APB initiates the first stage of the Beautification Plan for the Port of la Savina and the repairs to the fishing quay

The APB initiates the first stage of the Beautification Plan for the Port of la Savina and the repairs to the fishing quay


In the forthcoming days, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will launch the first stage of the Port of la Savina Beautification Plan. It is a commitment that Joan Gual de Torrella, the president of the APB, acquired with the Council of Formentera at the start of this parliamentary term. The first stage comprises the upgrade and improvement of the parking area located to the north of the Port of la Savina, which will optimise the flow of passengers and vehicles that access the Harbour Station. Furthermore, the works also entail improving the roads and pedestrian zones in the service area of the port. The works consist of creating two parking sections (cars and lorries) on the same level and of reorganising the internal traffic, providing greater moveability. The tender budget is 599,811 euros (excluding VAT). The works are expected to commence in November and to take around five months, creating seven direct jobs. Improvement of the fisherman's wharf The works on the fisherman's wharf, comprising two different actions, will also begin shortly. Over the years, the APB has undertaken, either directly or through concession companies, different projects modifying the sea wall and the fisherman's wharf. These formed part of a Port of la Savina expansion project undertaken in December 1992, which sought to rearrange ship traffic and to create a new mooring line for smaller vessels. In recent years, damage has been detected in the sea wall and on the fisherman's wharf, corresponding to works carried out under an administrative concession granted in June 1993, which require urgent action. The APB has asked the concession company, Formentera Mar, to repair the damage. However, after receiving no response from the company, the APB has decided to carry out the works. Therefore, the sea wall upgrade and the paving of the wharf are expected to commence this forthcoming October with a contract budget of 137,187 euros, creating three direct jobs. Furthermore, the upgrading and improvement works on the fisherman's wharf are also set to start in October. These works have a contract budget of 457,154 euros and will last five months, creating five direct jobs.

The APB and the Council of Mahon agree to reduce the water supply to cruise ships

The APB and the Council of Mahon agree to reduce the water supply to cruise ships


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) and the Council of Mahon have decided to restrict the water supply given to cruise ships that arrive at the Port of Mahon. The water supply, which the ships use as provisions, will be cut by approximately 40%. 37 out of the 85 cruise ships that docked at the city in 2016 requested a water supply, equating to an average consumption of 112 tonnes. This year, 19 out of the 75 cruise ships that docked at the Port of Mahon prior to 20 September requested a water supply. In recent months, therefore, the APB has only supplied water to cruise ships that really needed it and it has limited the supply to 60 tonnes. The agreement forms part of a set of measures that the council is implementing in order to address the issue of water shortage and quality, which affects the municipality of Mahon and the entire island of Menorca. Furthermore, the agreement is a sign that the APB fully understands the issue.

The APB approves changes to the la Savina indoor car park project and opens disciplinary proceedings against Solvalgaray

The APB approves changes to the la Savina indoor car park project and opens disciplinary proceedings against Solvalgaray


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved this afternoon changes to the projected indoor car park at the port of la Savina, and at the same time opened disciplinary proceedings against Solvalgaray, the building contractors responsible for the construction of the edifice. At its meeting held today in Palma, the Board of Directors of this public institution acknowledged that the contractor had committed a breach in the construction of the building. Nevertheless, it considers that it is still in the general interest to open the new infrastructure to the public to address the present lack of parking space at the port. At the same time, the Board of Directors resolved to open disciplinary proceedings against the company for failure to fulfil the project. In that respect, the next step at this point will be to appoint a supervisor to evaluate the amount of the penalty, taking into account the financial detriment that such breach has had for the APB. Following the approval of the project awarded today, the new building can now be delivered and the car park opened to the public in the near future.

The APB turns down Formentera Mar’s requested extension of term

The APB turns down Formentera Mar’s requested extension of term


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has turned down the application made by Formentera Mar for an extension of its concession term at the Port of la Savina, which will thus conclude on 24th June 2018. Formentera Mar, which today manages about ninety mooring spaces at the Port of Formentera marina, had applied for a 10-year extension of its current concession plus a second concession of 17½ years. The Board of Directors has decided to turn down this application on the basis that it does not constitute a public port concession but rather a public utility management contract. Formentera Mar presented its request for an extension of the term of concession for its facilities in 2015, pursuant to transitional provision ten of the revised text of the State Ports and Merchant Navy Act introduced by Law 18/2014, which provides for the possibility of concessions in public domains being altered.

Freight traffic the first half of the year increases by 7% against 2016 figures

Freight traffic the first half of the year increases by 7% against 2016 figures


The freight traffic statistics for the ports of General Interest in the Balearic Islands state that 7.8 million tonnes passed through the 5 ports managed by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) in the first 6 months of 2017: 7% more than the same period of 2016. All ports have experienced an increase in volume except Mahon, which saw traffic drop by 10% in comparison with data from June 2016. It is especially worth highlighting the growth experienced by the Port of Alcudia, with an increase in traffic of 29% and, in particular, solid bulk cargo, which rose by 35%. The figures reported relating to the general goods traffic (referring to consumer goods) that passed through the 5 ports of General Interest in the Balearic Islands in the first half of the year indicate 6.2 million tonnes, 7% more than the same period in 2016. Alcudia increased by 23%, La Savina 11%, Ibiza 8% and Palma 6%. Mahon is yet again the only port that did not see any growth, showing a 15% reduction in its traffic volume with regards to 2016. Referring to solid bulk cargo only (coal, grain, salt and construction materials), we can see how Mahon and Alcudia increased their traffic volume by 58% and 35%, while Ibiza, La Savina and Palma saw a 43%, 33% and 27% reduction in these materials in comparison with the previous year. Lastly, the traffic volume of liquid bulk cargo (fuel) rose in the Port of Palma by 11%, Alcudia by 11% and Ibiza by 3%, whilst the Ports of Mahon and La Savina remained stable in relation to the traffic volume of the previous year. Passenger traffic also sees an increase Regular and cruise passenger traffic has also experienced a growth of 8% and 4% respectively. Along these lines, it is worth highlighting the cruise liner activity at the Port of Mahon, which rose by 120% with 52,888 passengers from January to June this year, and the 4% drop at the Port of Palma. Further statistical information