The APB participates in the first green hydrogen project in a Mediterranean country

The APB participates in the first green hydrogen project in a Mediterranean country


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will be converting the No. 4 Passenger Terminal in the Port of Palma into a building with almost zero energy consumption, in which all the energy used (solar and geothermal) will be generated in the terminal itself and will be complemented with green hydrogen. Hence, once fully converted, the building will be powered solely by renewable energy. The investment initially planned by the Port Authority to convert the terminal will be supplemented by an additional €800,000 from the EU (Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) which has chosen to finance the initiative through the Green Hysland project. Specifically, €1 million of the €10 million that the European Commission has granted to the project has been allocated to use green hydrogen as a fuel in the terminal. The agreement with the consortium members is expected to be signed in December, thus marking the start of the project. Green Hysland will be the first strategic project in southern Europe and will create a green hydrogen ecosystem in the Balearic Islands. Thus, it will generate, distribute and use at least 300 tonnes of renewable hydrogen per year in Majorca, produced using solar energy. Majorca is ideally placed to develop the first renewable hydrogen hub in southern Europe, thus becoming the first European example of a green hydrogen-based island economy. The project will also include carrying out studies and developing business models to replicate the project on other islands inside and outside the European Union. Multiple applications Green hydrogen will have multiple applications on the island, prioritising the direct consumption of renewable hydrogen, for example, in the supply of fuel to bus and rental vehicle fleets, the generation of heat and power for commercial and public buildings, the supply of ancillary energy to ferries and port operations and the construction of a refuelling station. This project will help to ensure that Port Authority terminals are powered exclusively by renewable energy and will also serve to launch studies to enable ships berthed in port to use green hydrogen during their calls. The European project is coordinated by Enagás and supported by Acciona, Cemex and Redexis as part of a plan to reindustrialise the land used by Cemex in Lloseta. In view of the economic recession caused by the COVID-19 crisis in the tourism sector, this initiative will make a substantial contribution to boosting the diversification of Majorca's regional economy and creating new employment opportunities in the fields of green hydrogen and renewable energies. The Green Hysland project is scheduled to run from 2021 to 2025. GREEN HYSLAND project consortium Green Hysland is an association made up of the following organisations: Acciona, the municipality of Ameland, AMHYD, Aragon Hydrogen Foundation, AREAM Madeira, the Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH2), Balearia, CEA, the National Hydrogen Centre (CNH2), Cotenaval, DAFNI, EMEC, EMT Palma, Enagás, Energy Cooperatives Ireland, Enercy, Fedarene, Gasnam, H2 Chile, HyCologne, HyEnergy Transstore, the Balearic Islands Energy Agency, the municipality of Lloseta, New Energy Coalition, NUI Galway, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Redexis, the University of the Balearic Islands and the University of La Laguna (Tenerife).

The APB (Port Authority of the Balearic Islands) approves the terms and conditions of the public tender for the management of moorings in the docks for smaller vessels at the port of La Savina

The APB (Port Authority of the Balearic Islands) approves the terms and conditions of the public tender for the management of moorings in the docks for smaller vessels at the port of La Savina


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved the terms and conditions of the public tender for the development of the moorings in the docks for smaller vessels at the port of La Savina. Under this tender, the most advantageous solution will be chosen for the granting of an administrative authorization for the development of a total area of 12,510 square metres, comprising 412 metres of berthing line, service building A with uncovered surfaces plus an associated gas deposit area, Control Tower building (ground floor and first floor), and adjacent toilet building in the public area of the fishing dock at the port of La Savina. The annual occupancy rate to be improved by the bidder corresponds to €153,254.06 plus VAT. The duration of the authorization will be one year following the granting of same, extendable to a maximum of three, from year to year.

The terms and conditions governing the tender for the management of moorings at the d’en Reynés dry dock in the port of Maó were approved

The terms and conditions governing the tender for the management of moorings at the d’en Reynés dry dock in the port of Maó were approved


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved the terms and conditions that will govern the public tender for the management of moorings at the de'n Reynés dry dock in the Levante quay at the port of Maó. The purpose of this tender is to grant a temporary authorization for the management of a total area of 11,000 square metres of water and 247 metres of berthing line. The APB will choose the most advantageous solution to grant the successful bidder an administrative authorization for the development of this area for a period of two years, where the latter will manage about 48 moorings between eight and thirty metres long. The development will consist of the management of moorings for recreational vessels, water and electricity supply, telephone and data transmission, as well as other services to be proposed by the bidder. The annual occupancy rate to be improved by the bidder corresponds to €106,309.05 excluding VAT. The duration of the authorization will be two years, following the granting of same, with the possibility of a one-year extension.

Open call for tender for the construction of the Molinar de Levante marina building

Open call for tender for the construction of the Molinar de Levante marina building


The Balearic Port Authority (APB) opened the call for tender for the construction of the Molinar de Levante marina on Monday, which will end on 14 December. After the contract is awarded, the work will last 12 months with an initial budget of €1,145,185. The project is aimed at refurbishing the historic building of the Molinar de Levante marina in the city of Palma, taking into account the urban planning conditions of Palma’s Special Port Plan, the cultural interest of the building based on its history and its construction type, and equipping it with the functional conditions necessary for the general restoration of the ground floor and facilities for the members of the maritime club on the first floor. This work will be carried out within the general framework for remodelling Molinar port (Project for the Improvement of the Port-City Environment and operations at Molinar port), which involves reinforcing the maritime security equipment, creating a new sailing school facility, redeveloping the port in general with new spaces for public use and lengthening the promenade. Building built in 1927 The original building was built in 1927 and designed by the architect, Carles Garau. It has a square design with two floors, a tower and terraces. Its construction is regionalist with a Mares stone structure and timber roof truss. Over the years, different extensions have been made to the main section on the ground floor. These extensions made for restoration purposes consist of different construction methods not related to each other or to the original building.

The president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) emphasizes the importance of Majorca’s candidature as a Sustainable Tourism Observatory

The president of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) emphasizes the importance of Majorca’s candidature as a Sustainable Tourism Observatory


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) supports Majorca’s candidature as Sustainable Tourism Observatory, with a view to it becoming an important tool in positioning the island as a more sustainable, safe, modern, and quality destination. This was evident in today’s online event whose participants included the president of APB, Francesc Antich, the Tourism and Sports minister at the Council of Majorca, Andreu Serra, the CEO of AnySolution, Dolores Ordóñez, and the head of Quality, Environment, Innovation and CSR department at APB, Jorge Martín. The APB considers this step to be an important tool for focusing on a change of model, without neglecting tourism but rather turning it into a benchmark in terms of sustainability, since this Observatory would be the second in Spain, eighth in the European Union and 31st in the world. In this respect, the president of the APB, Francesc Antich, stressed the importance of promoting the candidature: "There is no doubt that Majorca’s experience and its high tourism carrying capacity, its great dependence on tourism and insular character, the uniqueness, richness and fragility of its landscape and its marine and land-based natural resources, make it a unique place, worthy of the benefits of the Observatory, its complicities and synergies, its rigorous and persistent perspective aimed at enriching and improving its tourism model and encouraging other destinations to do the same". The minister, Andreu Serra, valued the importance of having an Observatory that "will provide us with data for the future promotion of tourism, as well as an indication of our next move and our needs within the Sustainable Development Goals". In addition, Serra said that the Observatory will also "be a fundamental tool in consolidating the island as a safe destination in the entire tourism value chain." There are several requirements for Majorca to become part of the Sustainable Tourism Observatories network, which are mainly leadership, the value chain or cooperative work, as well as environmental values, such as acoustic pressure, CO2 levels, etc., enabling us to determine the reality of this region in comparison with others, through the different Observatories, contributing to the internationalisation of the destination. The candidature is managed by the Majorca Tourism Foundation, which is promoting other activities to ensure the island’s position. What is a Sustainable Tourism Observatory? It is a network promoted by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) to support the continuous improvement of sustainability and collaborate in the tourism sector’s ability to recover through the systematic and periodic monitoring of the results and the impact of tourism. Along these lines, observatories provide a better understanding of the use of resources at the destination and promote responsible tourism management.

The APB assigns a lightweight fire engine to the Palma Fire Brigade to be able to work in the Port of Palma

The APB assigns a lightweight fire engine to the Palma Fire Brigade to be able to work in the Port of Palma


This Tuesday, the Palma Fire Brigade received a new lightweight fire engine on loan from the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB). It is designed to operate in areas with very limited mobility such as the old districts of cities and the ports themselves. Thus, the vehicle can make sharp turns in narrow streets, given its small dimensions and lightweight design. The approximate cost of this fire engine is €200,000, which have been paid by the APB. The Palma City Council, in turn, has provided the equipment, amounting to €18,000. The APB Chairman, Francesc Antich the Mayor of Palma, José Hila the Councillor for Public Safety, Joana Maria Adrover and representatives of the Palma Fire Brigade attended the handover ceremony. With this new vehicle, the APB reinforces its fire-fighting resources in Palma. Both organisations have been working together for years in the areas of prevention, fire-fighting, rescue and civil protection so as to make the most of the resources and means available and to raise safety levels. The Port of Palma has an Internal Emergency Plan (PEI) drawn up by the APB in which the Palma Fire Brigade is considered as an intervention group, whose functions include emergency assistance, extinguishing fires on land and on boats, intervening in civil protection operations, evacuation tasks, land rescue operations and participating in drills. In return, the Palma Fire Brigade, as urban and industrial firefighters, will be able to use the vehicle in the city, thus improving the safety of citizens throughout the municipality. The first partnership agreement between the two organisation dates back to 2001. The last one, under which this vehicle has been delivered, was signed in 2012 and ended on 1 October this year. This agreement establishes that the APB will provide the Palma Fire Brigade with financial support for training, specific resources and a lightweight fire engine, in return for the commitment to deal with any emergencies that may arise in the port, as part of its Internal Emergency Plan.

The APB, present at the Balearic Yacht Show

The APB, present at the Balearic Yacht Show


Everything is now ready for the top players in the national and international sailing industry to come together at this innovative online meeting organised by the Majorca Chamber of Commerce and the Balearic Marine Cluster, with the support of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands. We invite you to navigate through the Balearic Yacht Show, the first virtual nautical show in the Balearics, where more than 80 national and international companies will be showcasing their products and services, as well as taking advantage of this meeting to generate synergies. This online yacht show is rounded off with a programme of talks, conferences and live events where major local and international speakers will be sharing their expertise and reviewing different topics that directly affect the industry. Environmental challenges, the evolution of the industry, and the impact of Brexit... are just some of the topics that will be addressed during the three days of the show. Click on to dive into a totally virtual yacht show, where you can go on virtual visits to yachts, attend live talks with exhibitors and participate in interesting conferences about the sector. Don't miss out on all the work being done by the nautical industry to ensure that this first virtual yacht show in the Balearic Islands is a resounding success. Remember to register at and interact with the main professionals in the sector. We look forward to seeing you from 18 to 20 November at the Balearic Yacht Show!

Signing of the fire prevention and firefighting, rescue and civil defence agreement between the Minorca Island Council and the APB

Signing of the fire prevention and firefighting, rescue and civil defence agreement between the Minorca Island Council and the APB


The cooperation between the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) and the Minorca Island Council has been further strengthened with the signing of an agreement on fire prevention, firefighting, rescue and civil defence, in order to optimise the resources and equipment available and to increase safety in the port area. According to this agreement, the APB will provide equipment and a specific training programme for the Minorca Island Council's firefighting brigades (SPEIS), with a budget of €218,000 for the next four years. The Port of Mahon has its own Emergency Plan drawn up by the APB in which the SPEIS is considered as an emergency response group whose functions include fighting fires on land and on ship, intervening in civil defence operations, evacuation tasks, land rescue operations, the loading and unloading of dangerous goods and participation in drills, among other activities. This reciprocal partnership dates back to 2001, when the first cooperation agreement was signed between the two organisations. Through this agreement, the APB provides assistance at all times in tasks carried out by the SPEIS as well as human resources for the development of surveillance activities in the service area at the Port of Mahon.

The APB presents a pioneering system for the collection of marine waste from the ports of Ibiza and La Savina

The APB presents a pioneering system for the collection of marine waste from the ports of Ibiza and La Savina


This morning a demonstration of the innovative system for cleaning the water surface and combating marine pollution in the ports of Ibiza and La Savina, which has been in service for three weeks, was given to the media. The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands' representative for the ports of Ibiza and La Savina, Ignacio Revilla Alonso, and Noelia Sosa Puig, an oceanographer and graduate in Marine Sciences from Patena, the joint venture that won the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands' service contract, presented the system at the Port of Ibiza. The system, which is unique in the world and on the Spanish coast due to the solutions it provides and the innovations it features, consists of an innovative solar-powered catamaran, a semi-rigid hybrid boat, and a modern electric drone to reach the most inaccessible areas. The three devices will be entrusted with removing solid waste and other floating and semi-submerged items from the waters around Ibiza and La Savina every day of the year with a maximum response time of 30 minutes when dealing with pollution situations, such as hydrocarbons or grey water, and providing assistance in other emergencies. The equipment The CatClean85 catamaran, created to clean the water surface and built with low environmental impact processes, is 100% electric, pluggable and solar-powered, without any type of petrol or diesel generator or alternator. The catamaran is 8.5 metres long and can sail in both directions. It has a battery life of two days (18 hours) when sailing at a speed of between 2.5 and 3 knots. However, it has unlimited autonomy sailing at an average speed of 1.5 knots, using the energy generated by its solar panels. The plastic and floating material collection system consists of a large shovel capable of lifting nearly a tonne of waste and collecting objects ranging from 10 millimetres to the size of a commercial metal drum. Its reduced draught (0.5m) enables it to work in shallow areas and even list without sand entering. It can also work in dirty water and with products or liquids that are potentially harmful to conventional engines. A skimmer-type endless suction device can be fitted for tasks requiring the collection of oil by-products and other substances. The water drone, which is also similar to a catamaran, is almost two metres long and 1.5 metres wide. It can collect up to 250 litres of marine waste and has an autonomy of 8 hours. Designed to be versatile and to reach the most difficult areas between the pontoons and the boats, the drone has, among other features, an LCD screen display, and 4G and 2.4G remote control. It can travel up to two kilometres from the control and operating area. Its deck is panelled with shock- and weather-resistant solar panels, and it has cameras and artificial intelligence systems for autonomous or semi-autonomous tracking and navigation. The 7.6m semi-rigid cleaning boat is suitable for high-risk areas thanks to its flexible and highly resistant sides. Its distinguishing feature is its hybrid design, with an electric motor for cleaning the water surface inside the ports, powered by two 48V batteries, which give it 18 hours of autonomy. Its bow is equipped with two large cleaning baskets, and all its instruments are powered by a solar panel located above the wheelhouse. Ibiza and La Savina The ports of Ibiza and La Savina receive more than 44,000 port calls a year and nearly five million passengers annually between the two ports (2019 data), with annual passenger traffic equivalent to that of the Port of Algeciras including the summer season operations to cross the Straits of Gibraltar.

The APB supports Majorca's candidacy as a Sustainable Tourism Observatory

The APB supports Majorca's candidacy as a Sustainable Tourism Observatory


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is supporting Majorca's candidacy as a Sustainable Tourism Observatory, using this as an important tool to position Majorca as a more sustainable, safe, modern, high-quality destination. The APB believes that this initiative is an important tool for changing its tourism model to make it more sustainable, and make Majorca a benchmark for sustainable tourism, given that this Observatory would be the only second in Spain, the eighth in the European Union and the 31st in the world. An online event has been organised to present this initiative to the port community on 17 November, with the participation of the APB Chairman, Francesc Antich the Majorca Island Council's Tourism and Sports Councillor, Andreu Serra the Managing Director of AnySolution, Dolores Ordóñez and the APB's Head of Quality, Environment, Innovation and CSR, Jorge Martín. Requirements There are several requirements that will be taken into account before Majorca can become part of the network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories. These include leadership, the value chain, cooperative work, and environmental values, such as sound pressure and CO2 levels. These will determine the reality of this region in comparison to the others through the different observatories, and will thus contribute to improve the international outreach of the destination. The candidacy is being organised by the Fundació Mallorca Turisme, which is promoting other actions to position the island. What is a Sustainable Tourism Observatory? It is a network promoted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) which aims to continuously improve sustainability and assist the tourism sector in its recovery through systemic, regular monitoring of the results and impact of tourism. In this way, the observatories provide a better understanding of the use of resources in the destinations and encourage responsible tourism management.

The APB Board of Directors agrees to put out to tender the management of the facilities administered by the Ibiza Yacht Club

The APB Board of Directors agrees to put out to tender the management of the facilities administered by the Ibiza Yacht Club


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) Board of Directors today agreed to tender the temporary occupancy permit for the management of the moorings for small and medium-sized boats administered by the Ibiza Yacht Club in the Port of Ibiza. The call for a public tender has been agreed on so that, on a transitional basis and for a period not exceeding three years, the services can continue to be provided to users while the appeal filed by the APB with the Spanish High Court against the ruling of the High Court of the Balearic Islands (TSJIB), which halted the process of awarding the concession to the Ibiza Yacht Club, is resolved. This agreement was reached after the company Doce Millas, in addition to the Ibiza Yacht Club, asked to be able to temporarily manage the marina facilities until a definitive tender can be put out. The decision of the APB's Board of Directors is backed by reports issued by the State Attorney's Office, the Balearic Islands State Attorney's Office and the State-owned Ports Body. Social function The tender terms and conditions include the management of the current moorings, as well as the social club building, the area for the repair and maintenance of boats and the area for recreational sailing. In order to determine the most advantageous bid, priority will be given to the reduced rates offered to mooring users. The reduced rates for the use of the moorings will have a 50% weighting in the assessment of the bids. The other 50% will be distributed as follows: 20% for the investment proposed to guarantee the safety of the facilities during this time, another 20% for the commitment to carry out social and cultural activities with a not-for-profit purpose, as well as the economic contribution that the operator will make to this type of activity, and the remaining 10% to improve the initial annual occupancy rate of €312,395.99. The duration of the authorisation and its termination will depend on how the appeal filed by the APB is resolved, and in any case may not exceed the maximum period of three years established for this type of permit. The APB Board of Directors has also agreed, as established in the Public Sector Procurement Law, to allow the Ibiza Yacht Club to continue providing the services it has been offering up until now, while the tender is being resolved, i.e. an estimated period of between two and four months, starting on 31 October, the date on which the current authorisation ends. Pending the courts' decision In June 2020, the APB agreed and petitioned the Balearic Islands State Attorney’s Office to file an appeal with the High Court against the May 2020 ruling issued by the TSJIB, which declared the agreement reached by the APB Board of Directors on 18th July 2018, ratifying the choice of the bid presented by the Ibiza Yacht Club as the best bid for the concession to manage this area of the Port of Ibiza, to be legally invalid. This appeal is pending before the High Court.

Approval of the by-law regulating traffic in the APB ports' service areas

Approval of the by-law regulating traffic in the APB ports' service areas


The new by-law regulating vehicle and passenger traffic in the service areas of the five ports managed by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) was published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on 29 October 2020. These regulations go into detail on certain issues that set out the scope of the APB's operations, differentiating between areas that are open to the public and limited access areas, and in the case of the latter, making a distinction between areas with controlled access and areas with restricted access. Specifically, it addresses situations involving pedestrian traffic, personal mobility vehicles, bicycles, scooters and skateboards, such as speed limits, special traffic measures, stops, parking and no stopping areas. The text includes guidelines on how to behave in the event of an accident or emergency in the port area, aimed at all those who may be involved in, witness or be party to these events. Finally, the car parking charges and times are specified, as well as the corresponding fines and penalties. The by-law was approved by the APB Board of Directors in a session held on 30 June 2020, by virtue of the provisions of article 33, section 2 b) and article 30, section 5 r) of the recast text of the Spanish Law on State-owned Ports and the Merchant Navy, passed by the Legislative Royal Decree 2/2011 of 5 September.