PAB will build two new berths in the port of Palma for cruise ships of over 300 metres in length

PAB will build two new berths in the port of Palma for cruise ships of over 300 metres in length


PAB will build two new berths in the port of Palma for cruise ships of over 300 metres in length Palma de Mallorca, December 5, 2007. The Port Authority Balearic Islands (PAB) presented today, the project for the construction of a new pier at the western end of the existing docks of Poniente in the Port of Palma, which will provide dockage services for two large vessels, mainly cruise ships. The proposed construction will make it possible to dock four vessels of great length in this zone of the port. Specifically, the existing piers will be extended by about 50 meters and two new berths of 380 meters will be created. It is anticipated that this project will be completed during the current legislature with a budget of approximately 23 million euros. The port of Palma has received a total of 1,043,633 cruise ship passengers from January to November 2007, which represents an increase of 13 percent compared to the same time last year

Work finished on docks of Alcudia

Work finished on docks of Alcudia


Construction work on the Poniente docks in the Port of Alcudia has been completed. The project consisted of expanding the esplanade toward the northwest and gaining approximately 27,500 square meters of surface area over water. It will give the docks a new line of dockage, with five meters draught, for regular passenger and freight traffic, as well as a pier for local traffic and includes the necessary dredging operations of the new access channel. The project carried out by U.T.E. Dragados and Llabrés Feliu, contemplated the area of the esplanade, which in effect will become a functional extension of the existing one, to be considered for commercial use, intended primarily as a parking facility for semi- trailers and other ro-ro traffic. The dredging work included both the trench for the foundation of the docks, as well as the entry channel to them. On the dredging platforms, in the area of the docks, a supporting structure was installed in order to achieve a better distribution of tensions above ground. Above it, the concrete dock wall was constructed. The work was completed in the estimated time and the final budget came to approximately six million euros

Ferry Terminal nº 3 of the Port of Palma is now operational

Ferry Terminal nº 3 of the Port of Palma is now operational


This summer the new Ferry Terminal nº 3, located at the Partiers Wharfin the Port of Palma, became operational after finalizing theamplification and reforms of the facility. The reformation, carried out by UTEFerrovial Agroman SA and Centro de Montajes, included the constructionof a direct access to the ground floor of the terminal, which is thelocation of a new baggage distribution zone and departure lounge. Withthis reform, boarding and disembarking activities are separate for the firsttime, making passenger traffic more comfortable and more secure. Thisconstruction assumed an investment of 2,227,164.02 euros. This concludes the total reformation initiated months ago, with the remodelling of Ferry Terminal nº 2 of the Port of Palma, which was completed in the middle of January. This project consisted of the creation of a new baggage claim area. To achieve this the previously open area was closed off and a baggage conveyor belt and washroom facilities were installed. In addition, the area was connected to the Ferry Terminal with the installation of an elevator, two escalators and a stairway. The reforms of Ferry Terminal nº2 cost 2,452,329.54 euros. The primary target of both projects was to obtain more modern and uniform ferry terminals, whose main purpose is none other than to improve the sojourn of passengers and customers.

The traffic of passenger tourists grows in the Balearic Islands

The traffic of passenger tourists grows in the Balearic Islands


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (PAB) registered an increase of the 25 percent in the number of passenger tourists arriving to the islands in the first semester of 2007. In total, 446,647 passengers arrived to the Balearic Islands by cruise ship, up until the 30th of June, as opposed to 357,270 passengers who registered during the same period of the previous year. In relation to the ports, Mahon led in growth with an increase of 57 percent and a total of 36,656 passengers. This strong increase was due, in part, to the weekly scheduling of several of the ships during the high season, as is the case of the “Sea Princess“, which makes stops at the Port of Mahon every Sunday. The Port of Palma showed an increase of 23 percent, while Ibiza registered a rise of 18 percent, changing the negative tendency of last year’s decrease in cruise ship passengers. With respect to the number of ships arriving to the islands, the overall growth was 24 percent, and again, Mahon, with an increase of no less than the 73 percent, was the port with the most significant the ascent. As to passenger traffic on regular lines, the ports of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands registered, during the first six months of this year (2007), an overall increase of 7 percent

Public announcement of the Environmental Impact Study for cruise ship pier in Palma

Public announcement of the Environmental Impact Study for cruise ship pier in Palma


The PAB sent to be published today in the BOE, a public notice with information concerning the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of the proposed berthing facility for large ships at the Poniente piers in the port of Palma de Mallorca. The final draft of the study and of the project itself, are available to the public offices concerned, interested individuals and the general public, in the offices of the PAB in Palma. The new pier, with a budget of 24 million euros, will be built as a continuation the existing Poniente piers and will allow simultaneous berthing of up to six major cruise ships at the Paraires terminal.