The judging panel awards the best ideas for the development of Cala Figuera at the Port of Mahon

The judging panel awards the best ideas for the development of Cala Figuera at the Port of Mahon


The judging panel of the competition regarding preliminary plans for the development of Cala Figuera has given awards to the three most interesting proposals of the six submitted, which set out ideas for actions in said area at the Port of Mahon. The first prize of €30,000 went to a proposal called Marina de Trast due to its urban and architectural suitability and the proposed availability of open spaces. The second prize of €20,000 went to Cala Viva, which stands out due to the flexible design put forward and to its simplicity and low impact. The third prize of €15,000 went to a proposal called Terrasses del port due to the infrastructure and installations that facilitate the provision of services that are inherent to a maritime facility and to the open free and public spaces it offers. The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), together with the councils of Mahon and Es Castell, will consider the ideas and solutions they deem most appropriate from all the proposals submitted in order to subsequently put out to tender the execution and management of a maritime facility at Cala Figuera. The facility is to serve small, medium and long-length moorings and it will be compatible with the city-port project underway at the Port of Mahon in collaboration with the two councils. The judging panel, formed by representatives of the APB, the councils of Mahon and Es Castell, the Island Council of Menorca, the Association of Architects and the Association of Civil Engineers of the Balearic Islands, wanted to globally evaluate the proposals before subsequently entering into the details of each one. Most of the evaluations have reflected the importance of seeking a balance between service needs and the integration of the port area into the city. Most of the proposals put forward consider one or two main refurbished buildings to house maritime services and, on some occasions, spaces for a dry dock and car parks. Furthermore, the judging panel wanted to place value on the flexibility of the projects. In this respect, it has largely considered that all the proposals offer interesting ideas.

The APB signs an agreement with State Ports to develop the SAMOA system

The APB signs an agreement with State Ports to develop the SAMOA system


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has joined the Samoa project, an initiative promoted by State Ports which already has agreements in place with another 24 Port Authorities. The project involves the implementation of a new and complex system for predicting oceanic and meteorological risk factors. These may help predict the path of possible accidental spillage of hydrocarbons in the interior of the ports and their anchorages. The Meteorological and Oceanographic Support System of the Port Authorities (SAMOA in Spanish), which is co-financed by State Ports and the ports of the state-owned port system, is the result of three years of development and multiple research projects carried out by State Ports and a team of institutions and companies. SAMOA works using three key features. The State Ports measuring networks, which are able to monitor in real-time the state of the sea the statistical prediction models, which aim to predict its evolution and finally, ways of accessing information and generating personalised alerts for each user within the Port Authorities themselves. The developments made involve a qualitative and quantitative leap in these three aspects, given that the existing networks have been improved, more than 40 statistical high-resolution models have been developed and put into operation (to predict currents, agitation and wind inside the ports), and new software has been created which allows us to see the results, configure reports and personalise alerts, as well as use tools of added value. Among these, it’s worth highlighting the systems to predict the path of possible accidental spillages of hydrocarbons inside the ports and their anchorages. The project has continued in a second phase, labelled as SAMOA-II, which has started in 2018 and in which additional products have been developed, such as warning systems for predicting overflow in the most exposed docks. Over the next few years, these modules will be developed with the support of specialised contracts. State Ports, as with the previous project, will finance 25% of the investment cost of SAMOA-II. Each port has selected, depending on its needs and priorities, the modules which are of most interest.

The APB orders the administrative eviction of Trapsayates

The APB orders the administrative eviction of Trapsayates


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) yesterday ordered the administrative eviction of Trapsayates SA in order for it to immediately cease occupancy of the public port domain at the Levante dock between the tip of Cala Figuera and the tip of Rellotge at the Port of Mahon. A space that is being unduly occupied and unlicensed since it was notified of the declaration of revocation agreed upon by the APS Board of Directors on 13 December 2017. The eviction must take place within three days of notification by APB to the company. The Board of Directors has conferred the power to request the intervention of State Security Forces and Agencies, if necessary, upon the President of the APB, and also to request authorisation to enter the Levante dock area before the Court for Contentious-Administrative Proceedings.

Activity at the Port of Palma alone does not explain the levels of noise and particles in the air, according to a study by the UIB

Activity at the Port of Palma alone does not explain the levels of noise and particles in the air, according to a study by the UIB


Ferry activity correlates with the evolution of PM10 particle concentrations over tome The APB intends to roll out this initiative at the other ports it manages Today, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) and the UIB (University of the Balearic Islands) presented the initial conclusions of the SmartSensPort-Palma projects, which aims to evaluate the feasibility of monitoring environmental pollution variables with low-cost devices. The data collected via the new network of sensors installed at the Port of Palma have been analysed and the correlation between port activity and the contribution to environmental pollution levels in the area has been assessed by temporarily monitoring the noise level, as well as the concentration of particulate matter and gases. Based on the noise and particulate matter data analysed between September 2017 and April 2018, it is safe to say that there is no clear correlation between all of the port activities and the levels of noise and particulate matter pollution measured. I.e., according to the UIB study, activity at the Port of Palma alone does not explain the noise and PM10 particle levels present in the air. Therefore, the behaviour of these variables does not correspond with the behaviour of all activity types identified, with this activity understood as the number of hours a vessel stays at the port. In terms of ship type, only ferry activity shows a relatively high correlation with the concentration of airborne PM10 particles. Researchers at the UIB highlight the need to also study other factors that provide better explanations of the correlation with environmental pollution, as well as to extend the study to gases and define a behavioural model that makes it possible to draw cause-effect conclusions. Taking this all into account, the main conclusions of this pilot project are: 1. Low-cost sensor networks, despite their low resolution, are a potentially solid alternative for monitoring ports and making data-based decisions. 2. No clear link has been found between port activity and the environmental pollution data collected. 3. It is necessary to continue monitoring the data to make the leap from correlation analysis to causal analysis. 1. An innovative project SmartSensPort-Palma is an innovative project in which the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, the University of the Balearic Islands and the company MallorcaWiFi collaborate to study and design a smart network of low-cost sensors to monitor environmental pollution at the port, with the ultimate aim of making knowledge-based decisions with the capacity to improve the quality of life of citizens. Characteristics: Smart technology. It is an innovative network based on the implementation of low-cost technology to assess the true effectiveness of these systems and to achieve a social return by transferring research findings to other networks. The main advantage of these technologies is that they can be incorporated into many other types, given their low cost however, they require more time to be spent in modelling the values attained. Integration into other networks. A network designed to be easily integrated into the current network of air quality measurement and weather stations of other institutions. Open data. The ultimate aim is to use the data collected by the network to make knowledge-based decisions. The openness of the data will provide a basis for assessing port activities and will contribute to the APB's transparency strategy. This project first came about in 2016 on the initiative of the APB, taking advantage of the collaboration framework agreement already in place to commission the UIB to define and implement a sensor network that would help identify main sources of pollution at the ports of the Balearic Islands. This monitoring activity would allow data to be obtained every few minutes, in turn helping to draw correlations with port activity. The project involves a multidisciplinary team of researchers: Dr. Bartomeu Alorda, member of the Electronic Systems group of the Physics Department Víctor Homar, member of the Meteorology group of the Physics Department and Mauricio Ruiz, director of the Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Service. The UIB focused on designing the network, commissioning a server to receive data for the independent study of the platform offered by the installation company, and drawing up several reports: on the quality of the data the correlation of the data with key stations of the Government of the Balearic Islands and an analysis of the data collected. 2. The first data Noise and particle data were collected between September 2017 and April 2018, while gas data had a more complex modelling process, and since June 2018, data have been obtained on an ongoing basis and are currently being studied. 2.1. Port activity data According to information collected during this period: ➔ The hours of peak activity at the port are: between 6 and 11 am ➔ The busiest days of the week are Saturday and Tuesday ➔ In terms of ship type, the largest group is ferry, both in relation to the total number of ships and to the number of hours/ship moored at the port: From 1 September 2017 to 30 June 2018, a total of 2,750 ships called at the Port of Palma, 435 of which were cruise ships, which represents 15.8% of the total number. Source: APB If the total number of hours / ship during the entire observation period is counted, cruise ships represent 25% of the total hours/ship for this period, ferries represent 44% of the total, and other types of vessels stand for 31%. 2.2. Particle and noise data The analysis of the first set of data provides an initial daily and weekly pattern of noise and particulate matter, as well as the daily evolution of particle and noise data collected between September 2017 and April 2018. In general, the evolution of PM10 and noise shows and increase during the day and a decrease at night, which does not correspond with the evolution of activity in hours/ship at the port. Therefore, the presence of ships at the port does not explain a significant part of the noise or particle impact measured, which requires other factors to be sought. This conclusion is evident in the case of noise, where the behaviour is more in line with the daily rhythm of the city than with the daily rhythm of port traffic. Similarly, a dependent relationship can be established between the typical pounding of waves at the Bay of Palma with the decrease in the concentration of particles in the port area. However, in the case of PM10 particles, if the activity by vessel type is studied, it can be observed by means of a weekly cycle analysis that the level of PM10 offers a strong correlation with ferry activity (0.72), while the correlation with cruise ships is much weaker (0.26) and non-existent for other vessels. The average evolution of PM10 shows some peaks, but stays at a daily average within the permitted limits in urban areas (50 g / m3 daily). 2.3. Gas data The monitored gas data correspond to the month of June 2018 and, although they help identify standardised trends and establish a daily cycle of the level of concentration of the pollutant, they are not yet sufficient to establish a reliable model for drawing cause-effect conclusions. 3. Future One of the conclusions of the data analysis is that data must continue to be monitored in order to make the leap from correlation analysis to causal analysis. Following this experience, the APB aims to consolidate and roll out this initiative at the other ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands, and to harness the large amount of data collected to further the analysis through doctoral programmes and new collaborations with the UIB. It should be noted that the competent body to monitor air quality is the Autonomous Community, which has shown interest in the data collected by these sensors for additional use in its precision stations. Since the installation was completed in September 2017, and after several calibration, correction and certification processes by the installation company, the sensor network measures the level of sound pressure and particle concentration, as well as the behavioural patterns of gases. This is important because the cost of the network of €44,925 helps obtain indicative data that until now were only obtained through stations that cost at least five times as much. The use of low-cost technology, following the philosophy of smart cities, will help widen the collection of air pollution warning data much more efficiently for public administrations, and will also involve a process of knowledge transfer from the University to society. PM10 particulate matter can be defined as solid or liquid particles of dust, ash, soot, metal particles, cement or pollen dispersed in the atmosphere with a diameter that varies between 2.5 and 10 microns (1 micron equates to one thousandth of a millimetre).

New edition of the APB Painting and Photography Competition

New edition of the APB Painting and Photography Competition


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has launched a new edition of its long-running Painting and Photography Competition, a popular contest open to anyone that gains more and more interest and attracts outstanding participation each year. The entries submitted must depict one of the ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands or one of their lighthouses, and are broken down into 3 categories: Watercolour, Other Painting Techniques and Photography. The prize for the Watercolour and Other Painting Techniques categories is €2,000 each, whilst the winner of the Photography category receives €800. As usual, once the artwork has been judged, selected entries will be exhibited in Palma over the Christmas period. At a later date, the winning pieces and those submitted at the Port of Mahon will be shown in the Menorcan capital and, similarly, those submitted at Ibiza and La Savina Ports, along with the winning artwork, will be exhibited on the island of Ibiza so that island locals and visitors alike can appreciate the talent of those taking part in the ninth edition of the APB Painting and Photography Contest. Cultural heritage For the ninth consecutive year, the APB has sponsored this competition dedicated to the lighthouses of the Balearic Islands and to the ports of general interest of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and La Savina, with the aim of capturing, by means of visual art, the popular interest that is aroused by places as ordinary and unique as ports and lighthouses and paying special tribute to them as parts of cultural heritage. Information and Terms and Conditions Those interested in taking part may submit their entries at the offices of any of the ports of general interest between 8 October and 2 November 2018 from 09:00 to 14:00. Further information and Terms and Conditions:

An amphibious aeroplane landing exercise undertaken at the Port of Palma

An amphibious aeroplane landing exercise undertaken at the Port of Palma


This morning, a landing operation of amphibious aeroplanes, used to fight forest fires, was launched as part of an exercise at the Port of Palma. It was part of an activity for using water at the Port of Palma in landing operations, which are only launched on exceptional occasions, such as when the planes cannot collect water from any other coastline of Mallorca. The landing activity at the Port of Palma entails precautionary measures so that when the water collection operations of the amphibious planes are launched, the safety of ships, users of sport vessel facilities and sailing clubs at the Port of Palma, as well as of the Fishermen's Guild, can be guaranteed. This morning's exercise was carried out under real conditions with the Canadair CL-415 plane of the Ministry of the Environment (MAPAMA). The plane is based at Pollença and has a maximum capacity of 5500 litres of water. Other participants in the exercise included the relevant parties from the General State Administration (AGE) and from the government of the Balearic Islands, including the Directorate-general of Emergencies and Internal Affairs-SEIB112, the Balearic Island Nature Institute (IBANAT) and the Civil Guard, along with those who practice at the Port of Palma, including the Real Club Náutico de Palma, Club de Mar, Spanish Maritime Safety Agency, Maritime Authority and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB). These exercises highlight how important the collaboration is of all the parties involved –not just public authorities, but also private companies and vessel users– in landing operations, so as to ensure that forest fires are put out as soon as possible.

The APB puts out to tender the beautification plan for la Savina Port

The APB puts out to tender the beautification plan for la Savina Port


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has put out to tender the works contract of the beautification plan for la Savina Port, which aims to install infrastructures that are better tailored to meet the port's current needs and more comfortable for its users. Specifically, work will be carried out to redevelop the sea front of the Formentera port in order to optimise the surroundings for the benefit of locals and visitors. This improvement project, which is currently in an open tender process and is expected to get under way after the peak tourist season, will focus on conditioning the roads and pedestrian areas around the port after completing the first phase of improving and adapting the car park area located at the north side of la Savina Port. The investment budgeted by the APB for the project covering the "Conditioning of roads and pedestrian areas" at la Savina Port is €6,769,988.46 and works are expected to last 10 months. The deadline to submit tenders is 23 July 2018. Those interested can submit their bids via the APB's Port for Electronic Tender. Complete renovation The completion of works at the new la Savina Maritime Station in 2006 and all these years of use highlighted that the gradual increase of users has called for action to optimise the flow of passengers and vehicles that access this station on a daily basis. In order to meet these needs, plans have been drawn up, firstly, to condition the car park area located at the north side of la Savina Port, creating two car park strips (cars and trucks) at the same level and rearranging internal traffic inside the car park. Secondly, and in order to enhance pedestrian areas, homogenise the whole area and provide Formentera's residents with an area at the port where they can enjoy spending time, the beautification plan includes the conditioning of roads and pedestrian access areas.




The consultation period in which to submit arguments and observations regarding the Delimitation of Port Spaces and Uses (DEUP) proposal of the Port of Alcudia, approved last May by the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), is now open. Interested parties can access the documentation on the website, at the offices of the APB in Palma (Moll Vell, 3- 5) and at the Port of Alcudia (Moll de Pescadors s/n), Monday to Friday from 9 am to 2 pm. They may also submit however many arguments and observations deemed appropriate within the period of 45 business days, starting from the day after its publication in the Official State Gazette on 12 June 2018. The Delimitation of Port Spaces and Uses proposals are instruments provided for under Article 69 of the Consolidated Text of Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy that aim to arrange port space according to the corresponding need. The Port of Alcudia generates annual traffic amounting to over 2 million tonnes of goods and approximately 400,000 cruise ship passengers pass through its modern terminal. The combination of mooring places for sports vessels, the need for the supply of goods for consumption on the island and the transportation to and from Menorca and some ports on the peninsula, make the port stand out. It has two very different areas: the commercial dock and the small-vessel dock, which is comprised by the fishing wharf and a sports port. Despite that, the port sees a lot of activity relating to the energy sector. At its facilities, coal, used to generate electricity, butane and propane are unloaded.

The APB is to construct a new walkway at the Port of Mahon that will connect Cala Corb and Moll d’en Pons

The APB is to construct a new walkway at the Port of Mahon that will connect Cala Corb and Moll d’en Pons


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has put the construction of a walkway at the Port of Mahon out to tender. The new infrastructure will connect Cala Corb and Moll d’en Pons, saving the cliff that currently impedes crossing from one side to the other along the coast. The project envisages the construction of a 2.5 m wide and 400 m long pontoon that will connect the two docks, located in the municipality of es Castell, at 1.2 m above sea level, which will be used for the mooring of small length sports vessels. Furthermore, it will also serve as a pedestrian path on which to go from one area to the other and it will be fitted out with wooden street furniture and a lighting system. The estimated construction deadline is eight months. The tender budget is €2,490,822.75 and the tender submission period ends on 17 July 2018.

The Maritime Signalling Exhibition at the Portopí Lighthouse extends its weekend opening hours

The Maritime Signalling Exhibition at the Portopí Lighthouse extends its weekend opening hours


The Porto Pí is one of the most charming and symbolic lighthouses in the Balearic Islands. Furthermore, inside the lighthouse, located at the Port of Palma, the most incredible treasure relating to maritime signalling and our history is safeguarded. The permanent Maritime Signalling Exhibition at the Porto Pí Lighthouse reopens its doors with new opening hours that include Saturdays so that Balearic Island residents and visitors can discover all the secrets amassed behind its priceless walls. After its temporary closure to undertake maintenance and air conditioning tasks, visitors can once again visit the permanent Porto Pí Lighthouse exhibition free of charge –with prior booking– from 10 am to 2 pm Monday to Saturday. Visits will take place in groups comprising a maximum of 20 people. Furthermore, individual visits may now be made without having to be part of a group. The visitor organisation will now be in charge of organising visitors. Associations, educational centres and other institutions will continue to function as they have done to date, that is, booking their visit in advance through the websites: or One of the first in the world to come into operation The Port Pí Lighthouse was the second lighthouse in Spain to come into operation and the third in the world. According to the information compiled through maritime signalling research, it was first mentioned in the will of King James II in 1300. In the will, the king entrusted the care of the lighthouse to his heirs. In any event, this central building, located at the end of Palma's seafront promenade, is a symbol of not only the city, but also the maritime communications of the Balearic Islands. A turning point in the history of the lighthouses and their keepers came in the 1980s, when technology intervened in the dynamics of this type of maritime signalling, changing their use and functioning. At that time, Rafael Soler Gayà was the director of the Port of Palma. He caringly and wisely took the initiative –with other lighthouse keepers– to rescue and preserve all the pieces that had been taken out of the coastal lighting service due to being obsolete: lens, rigging, photographs, records, maps, etc. That is how the Porto Pí Exhibition came about, which the APB decided to open up to and share with the public in 2004. Since then, many groups and schools have enjoyed experiencing this cultural treasure, the history of maritime signalling, our own past and the peculiar lives of lighthouse keepers. A complete and valuable collection The APB has received national and international acknowledgement for its meticulous care of the lighthouses, the work put into recovering the history of lighthouses and their legacy, and for having one of the most complete collections of materials used in maritime signalling since the mid-nineteenth century. This valuable collection is once again open to the residents of Mallorca and to the visitors who want to immerse themselves in the passionate and enigmatic world of lighthouses. Further information and bookings:

First contract agreed successfully through the APB's new electronic procurement system

First contract agreed successfully through the APB's new electronic procurement system


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has successfully completed the first electronic agreement through its procurement board. The port authority has put into operation the New Portal for Electronic Tender of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands. It will use this portal to process all its contractual proceedings, in accordance with the Law 9/2017, of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts. As of now, all the APB's contractual proceedings will be processed electronically from start to finish. For this, a tender module has been implemented which allows interaction with companies during the bidding process and has a contractual proceedings agent who internally looks after the entire cycle of these proceedings from start to finish. This cycle begins with the request for tender to the return of the guarantees, as well as any developments which arise in between. This new platform systematically integrates with all the services offered by the PLACSP (Platform for Public Sector Contracts). It also integrates with the rest of the applications used by the APB (Economic-Financial System, Content Manager, Electronic Signature Components, Signatures Folder, Electronic Communication and Notifications, Entry/Exit Records, Electronic Archives, etc.). The first electronic agreement of the procurement board was to hire ‘Technical assistance for works management, quality control, and environmental surveillance in varied and minor works of the APB’, with a tender budget of € 297,000. The following people participated in this opening: the head of the Management Area, Fernando Berenguer the head of Procurement and Management Control, Carlos Sánchez the head of Contractual Proceedings, Olga Peñalver the head of the Financial Department, Gabriel Cruelles and the State Lawyer, Ana Marín.

The project for new underground parking at the Port of Ibiza has been submitted

The project for new underground parking at the Port of Ibiza has been submitted


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has submitted the project for new underground parking at the Port of Ibiza. The new infrastructure will offer 700 parking spaces and will require an investment of 27 million euros. The parking facility, which will be located at the north bank of the Port of Ibiza to provide service to the port area, is part of the set of works that the APB and the Island Council of Ibiza agreed on at the beginning of the parliamentary term for the beautification of the Port of Ibiza. In order to make a decision on the future parking area, the APB studied three alternatives and finally settled on a single-storey model, covering a surface area of 18,272.55 m2, where there will be 691 parking spaces, 21 of which will be allocated to people with reduced mobility. The investment is estimated to reach €27,038,838.26, although this figure will be determined by the final design and the terms and conditions of the concession that will be granted by the APB for the works and future operation of this parking facility. The APB is currently processing a Delimitation of Port Spaces and Uses (DEUP) proposal that requires the approval of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport so that the locations of the new pending infrastructures are listed, including the new harbour station for traffic between Ibiza and Formentera, the new Fishermen's Guild Building, the future boat repair yard and this parking facility. Upon sealing the approval of this DEUP, the processing and bidding can get underway for each one of the works. Both the mayor and president of the APB have highlighted how important this parking area is in guaranteeing a necessary service at the Port of Ibiza, allowing not only local residents on the port's front line –whom will be allocated prime parking spaces– but also all other residents on the Pityusic Islands or tourists to park their car and take advantage of the other facilities on foot.