General cargo rises by five percent at the Balearic Islands’ ports

General cargo rises by five percent at the Balearic Islands’ ports


In 2012, general cargo handled at the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) increased by 5% to 8.4 million tonnes compared to 8 million tonnes in 2011. Traffic at the Port of Palma went up by 11% to 5.9 million tonnes, compared to 5.3 million in the previous year. Total goods traffic in the five public interest ports in the Balearic Islands rose by 3%. 11.5 million tonnes were handled in 2012 compared to 11.2 million tonnes in 2011. The Port of Palma was the only public interest port in the Balearic Islands whose volumes rose in this area whilst figures were down at the rest of the archipelago´s ports which recorded decreases of less than 10%. In 2012, traffic at the Port of Mahon fell by 9% to 729,472 tonnes, goods handled at the Port of Ibiza dropped by 8% to 1.8 million tonnes, figures at Alcudia went down by 3% to 1.5 million tonnes and La Savina fell by 1% to 268,311 tonnes. Other traffic The Port of Palma was also the only port to grow in terms of general cargo traffic in 2012 although figures for the Port of La Savina remained unchanged at 252,873 tonnes. These decreases were also less than 10%: 9% at Ibiza (1.4 million tonnes) and Mahon (537,724 tonnes), and 7% at the Port of Alcudia (250,045 tonnes). The Port of Palma registered an increase in solid bulk traffic, basically thanks to cement exports. This represented a rise of 28% to 243,717 tonnes, whilst figures were down at the other ports: Mahon -57%, Ibiza -29%, La Savina -9% and Alcudia -2%. Finally, liquid bulk (basically fuel) traffic rose in 2012 at the ports of Ibiza and Mahon, by 3% and 1% respectively, and fell at the Majorcan ports of Alcudia (-11%) and Palma (-5%). For further statistical information, visit

The APB discloses the IEO report on the dredging of the Port of Maó following its release

The APB discloses the IEO report on the dredging of the Port of Maó following its release


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has informed the competent authorities about the report compiled by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) on the dredging project for the Port of Maó, as its contents became available. This took place on 16th January when the APB received a copy of the report from the Directorate General of Fishery Resources and Aquaculture, after expressly requesting it when it became aware of its existence. In the light of the IEO report, the APB has carried out further studies which have been sent to this public research body in order to resolve the issues which have arisen. More specifically, a new marine currents study has been carried out to ensure the protected environment of the Isla del Aire is not affected. In addition, more information on the dredging discharge point has been provided which has led to the introduction of additional precautions in the Environmental Watch Plan, including a new survey of the benthic floor in the dredging’s preoperational phase. The conclusions of these new studies were made public during the month of January at the 2nd Technical Open Day on the dredging of the Port of Maó which concluded that the material to be dredged is category II, which means that it can be discharged in a controlled manner into the sea. It should be mentioned that the environmental management of this dredging has been planned in line with CEDEX Recommendations for the Management of Dredged Material in Spanish Ports which were adopted to coordinate the environmental management of dredging operations in Spain according to the guidelines developed in international marine environment conventions.

La APB organiza la II Jornada Técnica de puertas abiertas sobre el “Dragado de la zona próxima a la estación naval y el Cós Nou del puerto de Maó”

La APB organiza la II Jornada Técnica de puertas abiertas sobre el “Dragado de la zona próxima a la estación naval y el Cós Nou del puerto de Maó”


Con el objeto de continuar manteniendo informada la sociedad menorquina en relación al proyecto “Dragado de la zona próxima a la Estación Naval y el Cós Nou del puerto de Maó”, la Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares celebra el martes, 22 de enero de 2013, en la Estación Marítima del puerto de Maó (Moll de Ponent s/n) a las 12:30h, una nueva jornada técnica de puertas abiertas para explicar los detalles de la actuación.La jornada contará con la participación de: -Jorge Martín. Explotación, Servicios y Territorio de la Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares Experiencia de la APB en los dragados de los puertos de interés general de las Islas Baleares-Francisco Mir. Centre Balear de Biologia Aplicada (CBBA)Aclaraciones sobre el estudio de caracterización del sedimento del puerto de Maó-Técnico representante del Departamento de Calidad Ambiental del Organismo Público Puertos del EstadoExperiencia en la gestión del material procedente de los dragados en los puertos españoles- Benjamí Reviriego. Centre Balear de Biologia Aplicada (CBBA)Características del sedimento a dragar en el puerto de Maó y afección al medio ambiente-Antonio Ginard. Proyectos y Obras de la Autoridad Portuaria de BalearesTramitación para la ejecución de las obras y primeras actuaciones del Plan de Vigilancia Ambiental del dragado del puerto de Maó

La Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares está recogiendo los testimonios directos de los últimos fareros de las Islas

La Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares está recogiendo los testimonios directos de los últimos fareros de las Islas


La Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares (APB) está recogiendo los testimonios de los últimos fareros de las Islas con la realización de una serie de entrevistas en vídeo a personas que tienen o han tenido una relación directa con este tradicional oficio. Con la puesta en marcha, hace unos años, del portal web, la APB expone al público, a través de la red, varias entrevistas a ex fareros o familiares que cuentan en primera persona sus vivencias directas con los faros.En la última entrega de estas entrevistas, el director del Jardín Botánico de Sóller, Josep Lluís Gradaille, explica como su infancia y adolescencia en el faro del sa Creu del Puerto de Sóller -donde su padre ejerció de farero-, marcó su madurez y su relación directa con la naturaleza y su forma de entenderla. En su blog personal, el presidente de la APB, José Mª Urrutia, afirma que esta iniciativa de recoger los testimonios de los último fareros de las Baleares persigue “el firme propósito de preservar para generaciones venideras la memoria viva de sus protagonistas y sus experiencias” a consecuencia de que en la Ley de Puertos y de la Marina Mercante de 1992 se declaró a extinguir el Cuerpo de Técnicos Mecánicos de Señales Marítimas.Entre otros testimonios que han sido recogidos por la APB figura el de Pere Bonet, el último farero de Portopí, el tercer faro en funcionamiento más antiguo del mundo, la historia de Santi Ribas, que heredó el oficio de su padre Jaume, farero del Botafoc, en el puerto de Eivissa o las calamidades por las que pasaban los fareros aislados en la Isla del Aire, en Menorca.Otros testimonios que están en producción y serán publicados en breve en son el regreso al faro de n’Ensiola, en la isla de Cabrera, del ibicenco Mariano Juan, veinte años después de su jubilación y las anécdotas de Bernat Reus en sa Dragonera, la isla de los tres faros.

Staff at the Port of Palma help out with “Operation Kilo”

Staff at the Port of Palma help out with “Operation Kilo”


Thanks to an initiative proposed by a group of workers at the Port of Palma, staff from the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) have been busy collecting foodstuffs to be donated to the “Operation Kilo” campaign, organised by the Majorca Food Bank (, which will then be distributed to people in need. The initiative centred on collecting non-perishable foodstuffs packed in one kilo or litre units so as to facilitate their subsequent distribution. In addition, the APB has voluntarily donated a stock of disused clothes to the Food Bank so they can be reutilised.

Demolition of the former Old Quay buildings gets underway at the Port of Palma

Demolition of the former Old Quay buildings gets underway at the Port of Palma


This morning saw the first excavators move into the former Old Quay buildings at the Port of Palma. Clearing this site will provide the space for the construction of a new service building for a new large yacht marina. Demolition work started on the emblematic La Lubina Restaurant building which for years was one of the port’s centrepoints and was renowned for its traditional fish and seafood-based cuisine. Amarres Deportivos, S.L., a company which is part of the Banco Pastor group, is set to take over the management of the new premises, offices and berths scheduled to be built on the Old Quay at the Port of Palma. The project aims to transform and modernise an already existing nautical and recreational area and will have a surface area of 15,000 square metres on port land managed by the APB. The project will involve opening up the quay to the city thus providing citizens with access to the waterfront and the extension of the Borne and Antoni Maura promenades. A new building will play host to a variety of businesses, including different types of premises and offices, as well as a café and a restaurant. The building’s roof will be transformed into a spacious public mirador and seating area which will be accessed via a wide stairway that will act as the extension of the Antoni Maura and Sagrera promenades. The concessionaire will also be in charge of managing a total of 26 berths for craft and yachts between 15 and 40 metres long. The concession fee paid by the recipient will bring over €1 million to the public coffers every year. In addition to this fee, the concessionaire has committed to investing over €8 million in the modernisation and transformation of the current nautical and recreational facilities. The concession for managing the Old Quay facilities has been set at 16 years and 9 months, a period which is slightly shorter than the 17 years stipulated in the tender conditions.

The PAB renews its cooperation agreement with the Menorca Island Council for handling emergencies at the Port of Maó

The PAB renews its cooperation agreement with the Menorca Island Council for handling emergencies at the Port of Maó


The APB and the Menorca Island Council have today renewed their cooperation agreement on occupational health and safety, firefighting, sea rescue and civil defence for the Port of Maó. This extends the agreement signed in 2001 for another fifteen years and aims to increase safety levels at the Port of Maó’s service area both on land and at sea. The agreement was ratified with the signing of the document by the APB Chairman, José María Urrutia, and by the Council’s President, Santiago Tadeo, at the island government’s headquarters today. Under the agreement, the APB will pay €50,000 per year, will acquire consumables to the value of €51,000 and will defray the purchase of a fire engine valued at €199,000, net of VAT, which will be owned by the Port Authority but will be loaned to the Menorca Fire Service. For its part, the Menorca Island Council undertakes to contribute the necessary human capital and material resources to ensure safety at the port, and to train the APB staff. Both Santiago Tadeo and José María Urrutia valued this agreement positively as it takes advantage of the resources and synergies available, and therefore prevents services being duplicated.

Marina Deportiva de Menorca, S.L. chosen to manage berths on the north bank of the Port of Maó

Marina Deportiva de Menorca, S.L. chosen to manage berths on the north bank of the Port of Maó


The APB’s Board of Directors has chosen the company Marina Deportiva de Menorca, S.L. as the best candidate to manage the berths on the north bank of the Port of Maó. At the board meeting held on 31st October, the Board of Directors also agreed to process the corresponding concession for the service.The APB put out the call for the management of berths on the north bank of the Port of Maó in the month of February following the decision by the company Ocibar to stop providing the service. The concession offered to Marina Deportiva de Menorca, S.L. is for a period of nine years and eleven months. The annual concession fee is €210,000 and the investment budget is set at €1.9 million.

The APB moves to its new offices in the Port of Palma

The APB moves to its new offices in the Port of Palma


Today the APB moved into its new office building at the Port of Palma. Practically all the Port Authority’s administrative staff are now installed under the same roof instead of being in different buildings as they have been up until now. This means that all the customer services, which were previously located in different places, are now centralised in the new headquarters. This will make administrative management more efficient as users will be attended to in the same building. The new building has three main features. On one hand, it preserves the symbolic elements of the Old Quay as the façade of the former Trasmediterránea building has been maintained. Secondly, the building is environmentally sustainable as it has been adapted to take advantage of natural resources. And finally, it has been constructed to ensure coherent urban planning between the port and the city by avoiding overground vehicle parking as far as possible with the construction of an underground car park. The investment for this project totalled around €16.3 million and was financed entirely with the APB’s own funds. The construction of the new building provided direct employment to an average of 35 people over a period of 24 months, although at certain peak periods there were 96 people working on the project.

Cruise companies with small and medium length ships visit the Balearic and ports on a fam trip

Cruise companies with small and medium length ships visit the Balearic and ports on a fam trip


The APB has organized, in coordination with the Spanish Tourist Office in Miami, a familiarization trip (fam trip) of the Balearic Islands in order to expose them as tourist destinations to the major, internationally known cruise lines of small and median length ships. Representatives from a total of three cruise companies will visit the islands this week and make contacts with different institutions concerned with tourism. Collaborating with the organization of this fam trip are the Tourism Agency of the Balearic Islands (ATB), the Ministry of Tourism of the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Council of Formentera, the municipal governments of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon and Ibiza, the Fundació Destí Menorca, the Palma 365 Foundation and other companies active in this sector of the industry. Besides getting to know the port facilities and projects that APB has launched to boost cruise traffic in each of its ports, the delegation will make trips to the different islands. Thus, representatives of Paul Gauguin Cruises, Crystal Cruises and Silversea Cruises will visit the ports of Alcudia and Palma and the island of Majorca on the 17th and 20th of September, the port and the island of Ibiza on the 18th, the port of La Savina and the island of Formentera on the 19th, and finally conclude their tour with a visit to the port of Mahon and Minorca on the 21st. This initiative is in response to the permanent contact the APB maintains as a promoter of the Balearic Islands as an international tourist destination for cruise ships. In fact, the plan for this expedition was finalized at the latest edition of the Cruise Shipping Miami Convention, the international fair of the world´s largest cruise companies, which is celebrated in this American city every March. Companies from the tourism sector which took part in this initiative were: Intercruises, Iberoservice, BC Tours, Baleària, Trasmapi, Meliá Hotels, Hotel Ushuaia Beach, Grupo Pacha, Cova d´en Xoroi, Son Martorellet, Cipriani restaurants, Nàutic and BLD de es Baluard, the Fort of San Felipe in es Castell and the Majorca Cathedral.

Several Duty Free locations up for tender at the port of Palma

Several Duty Free locations up for tender at the port of Palma


The port of Palma has tendered the operation of several public premises located at Ferry Terminals 1 and 4, and at the existing building on the platform attached to the Dique del Oeste dock, for the installation of duty free shops, known as Duty Free. The total area to be tendered amounts to two hundred and ninety square meters distributed unevenly, to provide services for retail sales for a period of less than five years and a fee to improve of 155,246.75 euros. These stores are designed to respond to a million cruise tourists annually visiting the port of Palma.