The APB turns down Formentera Mar’s requested extension of term

The APB turns down Formentera Mar’s requested extension of term


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has turned down the application made by Formentera Mar for an extension of its concession term at the Port of la Savina, which will thus conclude on 24th June 2018. Formentera Mar, which today manages about ninety mooring spaces at the Port of Formentera marina, had applied for a 10-year extension of its current concession plus a second concession of 17½ years. The Board of Directors has decided to turn down this application on the basis that it does not constitute a public port concession but rather a public utility management contract. Formentera Mar presented its request for an extension of the term of concession for its facilities in 2015, pursuant to transitional provision ten of the revised text of the State Ports and Merchant Navy Act introduced by Law 18/2014, which provides for the possibility of concessions in public domains being altered.

Freight traffic the first half of the year increases by 7% against 2016 figures

Freight traffic the first half of the year increases by 7% against 2016 figures


The freight traffic statistics for the ports of General Interest in the Balearic Islands state that 7.8 million tonnes passed through the 5 ports managed by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) in the first 6 months of 2017: 7% more than the same period of 2016. All ports have experienced an increase in volume except Mahon, which saw traffic drop by 10% in comparison with data from June 2016. It is especially worth highlighting the growth experienced by the Port of Alcudia, with an increase in traffic of 29% and, in particular, solid bulk cargo, which rose by 35%. The figures reported relating to the general goods traffic (referring to consumer goods) that passed through the 5 ports of General Interest in the Balearic Islands in the first half of the year indicate 6.2 million tonnes, 7% more than the same period in 2016. Alcudia increased by 23%, La Savina 11%, Ibiza 8% and Palma 6%. Mahon is yet again the only port that did not see any growth, showing a 15% reduction in its traffic volume with regards to 2016. Referring to solid bulk cargo only (coal, grain, salt and construction materials), we can see how Mahon and Alcudia increased their traffic volume by 58% and 35%, while Ibiza, La Savina and Palma saw a 43%, 33% and 27% reduction in these materials in comparison with the previous year. Lastly, the traffic volume of liquid bulk cargo (fuel) rose in the Port of Palma by 11%, Alcudia by 11% and Ibiza by 3%, whilst the Ports of Mahon and La Savina remained stable in relation to the traffic volume of the previous year. Passenger traffic also sees an increase Regular and cruise passenger traffic has also experienced a growth of 8% and 4% respectively. Along these lines, it is worth highlighting the cruise liner activity at the Port of Mahon, which rose by 120% with 52,888 passengers from January to June this year, and the 4% drop at the Port of Palma. Further statistical information

State Ports and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands agree to finance the construction of a pontoon jetty linking Cala Corb and Moll d'en Pons

State Ports and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands agree to finance the construction of a pontoon jetty linking Cala Corb and Moll d'en Pons


Jose Llorca, president of State Ports, and his counterpart in the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, Joan Gual de Torrella, announced their agreement to finance a pedestrian jetty linking the sections of es Castell known as the Moll d'en Pons and Cala Corb. This new pontoon will enable these two areas of the Port of Mahon, currently separated by a cliff, to be connected over water and thus made accessible to pedestrians. The construction will be 420 metres long and 3 metres wide and will be kept separated from the cliff to prevent damage from possible land and stone slides and to preserve the cliff from the new structure. Furthermore, the jetty will provide berthing space for about a hundred mostly small boats up to 15 metres in length. The estimated cost is €2.5 million, split almost exactly 50/50 between the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, who will fund the project from its equity, and State Ports, who intends to make a direct contribution from the Inter-Ports Compensation Fund. The tender process to award the project is expected to be completed by the end of this year and actual construction to last about two years. Llorca pointed out that this is the first time the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands has received a contribution from the Inter-Ports Compensation Fund, which will be used to improve accessibility for citizens from Es Castell. Similarly, Lluis Camps, Mayor of the capital town of Minorca, expressed his satisfaction at this commitment to undertake what has been a longstanding demand to help develop the coastline and open access for Es Castell citizens to the sea. For Joan Gual, this project can be tied to the Port of Mahon Action Plan, which seeks to overturn the perception that the port is merely a passenger and goods traffic hub and embrace the idea of greater civic and tourist use of the area. “Mahon is slowly giving up its role as a cargo port that should not be interpreted as a weakness but rather as an opportunity to find other uses for the port, to provide alternative ways of enhancing economic recovery through the maritime world”.

The APB brings together local government, research centres and the private initiative in the 1st Innovation Session

The APB brings together local government, research centres and the private initiative in the 1st Innovation Session


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) held the first Innovation Session this morning in its headquarters at the Port of Palma. Under the title "Caminando Juntos Hacia el Puerto del Futuro" [Moving Together Towards the Port of the Future], the session brought together the islands' key stakeholders of economic development: the university, local authority, research centres and private companies. The event's opening committee had participation from the president of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol the president of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella the mayor of Palma, Antoni Noguera the dean of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), Llorenç Huguet, General Business Director of Baleària, Víctor Terricabras and the Director of Operations of Transmediterránea, Ramón Piñeiro. The president of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, expressed her desire to "encourage the private initiative to create business clusters and promote innovation, research and employee retention on the Balearic Islands". She also said that "our Government should help companies push these processes towards innovation". Meanwhile, the mayor of the city, Antoni Noguera, pointed out that the current wave of redevelopment and modernisation sweeping the city of Palma is undoubtedly connected to the evolution of the port as a unifying element of economic development. According to the mayor, it is crucial "to merge the public and private initiative to build a modern and equipped city that is designed to please its citizens". The president of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella, drew attention to the list of projects linked to the innovation of the public body. "Our aim is to continue moving towards innovation, which is why we have come to an agreement with the Secretary of State of Investigation, Development and Innovation to move the headquarters of the Oceanographic Centre of the Balearic Islands to the Muelle Viejo of Palma". Following the opening committee there was a series of talks on the transformation of the city model, or the innovative projects being implemented by the APB alongside other bodies and companies. The First Innovation Session came to a close with a round table discussion on the new challenges and opportunities that will need to be faced in forthcoming years to contribute to the economic growth of the Balearic Islands will also be debated at the event. Ramon Llull 2030 The initiative forms part of the project known as RamonLlull 2030, which is promoted by the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Chamber of Commerce, the Palma City Council, the Architect Association of the Balearic Islands (COAIB), Endesa and the APB. The project observes and analyses the evolution of the islands' economic model and concludes that the Balearic Islands need to undertake activities that complement the tourism activity, provide added value, contribute to deseasonalisation and, above all, that have zero impact whatsoever on the environment. The APB has long since participated on and undertaken research and innovation projects. The organising of this session reaffirms the commitment of this public organisation to the progress and to the economic and social future of the islands.

The APB set to take part in homage to Antoni Barceló this Sunday

The APB set to take part in homage to Antoni Barceló this Sunday


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is set to attend the events to be held this Sunday to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Antoni Barceló, Capità Toni, in the parish of Santa Creu of Palma. A mass service led by the Bishop of Mallorca, Sebastià Taltavull, will be held at 1pm. Afterwards, there will be the opening of the exhibition: Antoni Barceló i Pont de la Terra Capità Toni, which will be hosted by this parish in the old town of Palma to mark his birthday. The exhibition, promoted by the Rector of Santa Creu, Josep Jaume and a team made up of Miquel Deyà from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB, Jaume Ferrando (APB) and representatives from the Balearic Islands delegation of the Spanish Royal Naval League (RLNE), contains several objects and belongings that Capità Toni donated to this parish. President of the APB, Joan Gual de Torrella, alongside guest authorities at the event, will place a laurel wreath at the base of the bust of Antoni Barceló. To mark this 300th anniversary, and to get involved in the tribute being paid this year to this distinguished figure, the APB presented the bust of the captain to the parish of Santa Creu in August, which was moved from its regular spot at the Port of Palma to its surroundings where it is displayed today. This bust, which weighs several tonnes, was also presented to the APB by the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca to commemorate the work of Antoni Barceló, who was appointed by Carlos III as Lieutenant-General of the Spanish Royal Armada. Aboard his boat Correo de Mallorca, Barceló fought against pirates and corsairs controlling this part of the Mediterranean, and was promoted in the military rank on account of his accomplishments at sea.

Publication of the 2016 financial statements of the APB in the Official State Gazette

Publication of the 2016 financial statements of the APB in the Official State Gazette


The Official State Gazette (BOE) has today published a resolution for the publication of the 2016 financial statements and the audit report of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB). The 2016 financial year ended with a positive result of 19.7 million euros. The figure is down 10.45% on the previous financial year, which registered a profit of over 22 million euros. Furthermore, turnover in 2016 was close to 69 million euros, practically the same as in 2015, maintaining zero long-term debt and the healthy financial situation of the entity. The financial statements were drawn up based on the entity's accounting records ending 31 December 2016, which were produced pursuant to current legal accounting provisions and on the instructions issued by State Ports. The documents show a true and fair image of the assets, financial situation and the financial results, as well as the accuracy of the movements incorporated into the cash flow statement. The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the APB in a session held on 28 June 2017. According to the audit report of the Regional Audit body of the Balearic Islands on the financial statements corresponding to the 2016 financial year: 'the financial statements express, in all significant aspects, a true and fair image of the assets and financial situation of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands as of 31 December 2016, as well as its results and cash flows corresponding to said end date, pursuant to the applicable regulatory framework on financial information and, particularly, the accounting principles and criteria set out in it.' The full document is available on

The APB attends Seatrade Europe in Hamburg

The APB attends Seatrade Europe in Hamburg


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) is participating at Seatrade Europe, the biggest cruise industry fair on the continent, which travels to a different European capital city every two years. On this occasion, Hamburg was chosen to host this important congress, which starts today and ends on Friday 8 September. The main representatives of the sector, as well as the most important companies, will attend the event to finalise details ahead of the start of the 2018 season. The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, under the Blue Carpet campaign of State Ports, was determined not to miss this event, as it is the perfect place in which to gauge the sector, make contacts and to find out first-hand the latest trends in cruise tourism. Furthermore, the APB will make the most of the opportunity to promote its new route around the Mediterranean islands known as West Med, which will stop at the most charming and beautiful islands in the Mediterranean: Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and Menorca. Another event has also taken place this week, converting Hamburg into the cruise tourism capital: The Clia Summit, a networking session held yesterday to make the most of Seatrade Europe, brought together the main representatives of this economic activity. Several APB representatives attended the event to strengthen links with participants from other destinations.

The APB publishes its Annual and Sustainability Reports

The APB publishes its Annual and Sustainability Reports


Around this time each year the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) publishes two reports summarising the general status of the public body in the previous financial year. The Sustainability Report is a detailed guide offering an insight into many aspects of the Port Authority. Readers of the document can find out about the organisation's functioning, its governing bodies, the infrastructure constructed and under construction, and traffic data. They can also delve into the financial, social and environmental aspects of the public body. The Annual Report offers more specific data regarding the projects undertaken in 2016 and the economic and social progress of the ports it manages. Finding out about the current situation of a port authority, also entails finding out, to a large extent, about the economic situation of the area it is in. Therefore, each year the APB publishes both documents that compile all the financial data, traffic statistics, works undertaken and, ultimately, the evolution of Balearic port activity in the previous financial year. In general, the trend of economic recovery continues. Freight traffic continues, without change, the essential provider functions, supplying the goods and services that the Balearic Islands require. Cruise liner activity continues to strengthen, growing particularly well at the Port of Mahon. In this respect and in line with the principles established by the APB in recent years regarding environmental protection, a sensor system has been implemented that will evaluate the impact of maritime traffic (both commercial traffic and cruise liners). Finally, the Annual Report highlights that recreational sailing continues in good health and that it creates specialised employment on the islands year-on-year. With the publication of both documents, the APB continues to show the Balearic society its commitment to transparency, facilitating any information it may find useful whenever it is required. Both reports are available on:

The APB organises the first Innovation Session that is to be held on 15 September

The APB organises the first Innovation Session that is to be held on 15 September


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) launches the first Innovation Session. The session, called "Caminando Juntos Hacia el Puerto del Futuro" [Moving Together Towards the Port of the Future], which is to be held on 15 September, will bring together the islands' main actors of economic development: the university, local authority, research centres and private companies. The APB has long since participated on and undertaken research and innovation projects. The organising of this session reaffirms the commitment of this public organisation to the progress and to the economic and social future of the islands. The initiative forms part of the project known as RamonLlull 2030, which is promoted by the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Chamber of Commerce, the Palma City Council, the Architect Association of the Balearic Islands (COAIB), Endesa and the APB. The project observes and analyses the evolution of the islands' economic model and concludes that the Balearic Islands need to undertake activities that complement the tourism activity, provide added value, contribute to deseasonalisation and, above all, that have no impact whatsoever on the environment. "Moving Together Towards the Port of the Future" will take place on 15 September at the APB headquarters. Some of the innovative projects that the APB is carrying out with the promoters of the RamonLlull 2030 project will be revealed at the session. Furthermore, new challenges and opportunities that will need to be faced in forthcoming years to contribute to the economic growth of the Balearic Islands will also be debated at the event. "Moving Together Towards the Port of the Future" 15 September 2017 Headquarters of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands C/ Moll Vell 5 Limited capacity Information and bookings:

La Savina, the last stop of the exhibition 'An eye in the sky 1939-1945’

La Savina, the last stop of the exhibition 'An eye in the sky 1939-1945’


The smallest port managed by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) welcomes the exhibition 'An eye in the sky. 1939-1945: the strategic significance of Balearic Island Ports during World War II'. The exhibition comprises a collection of unseen aerial photographs of the island ports of general interest, showing how they became key surveillance points during World War II. The exhibition, located at the Port of La Savina's Harbour Station, will be open to visitors from this weekend onwards until 30 September. The exhibition's 16 panels, displaying unpublished photographs and detailed explanatory texts, demonstrate how valuable our ports were to intelligence services on both sides and how observed they were due to their geo-strategic interest. A study by the Department of Geography at the UIB retrieved this photographic material, taken between 1941 and 1945 by the British and American aerial surveillance reconnaissance, with the aim of making it available to Balearic Island residents. The exhibition, which started in May, has travelled around all the islands. The ports of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and, finally, La Savina have played host to the exhibition and all have seen an excellent turnout. The first snapshot of the La Savina concentration camp One of the features of the exhibition is the photographic material that gives us an insight into ‘Es Campament’, an important prison camp on Formentera, which was located to the south of La Savina during the post-war period (1939-1942). The exhibition, located at the Port of La Savina's Harbour Station, will be open all day to the public from this weekend onwards until 30 September.

APB hands over bust of Lieutenant General Antonio Barceló to Santa Creu parish church to mark third centenary of his birth

APB hands over bust of Lieutenant General Antonio Barceló to Santa Creu parish church to mark third centenary of his birth


The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has today moved the bust of Lieutenant General Antonio Barceló from its location on the promenade of the Port of Palma to the Santa Cruz parish church so that it is at the forefront of the acts that are to be held to mark the third centenary of his birth. The bust weighing several tonnes, which was given to the APB by the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce, is a reminder of the work of Antonio Barceló i Pont de la Terra, appointed Lieutenant General of the Spanish Royal Armada by Charles III, who was renowned for his involvement and bravery in combating the Algerine and Barbary pirates who besieged our coasts. “Captain Toni” or “Mariner Toni”, as he was colloquially known, was born and lived and died in Palma in the house adjacent to the Santa Cruz parish, where he was a parishioner. Now, after the various tributes paid to him by different institutions on our islands and the conferences on his life held in June by the Spanish Royal Navy League Association (RLNE), the Mallorca Island Council and the 'Diario de Mallorca' Club, the Santa Cruz parish, where his remains have been laid to rest, has organised an exhibition with the objects and belongings that Captain Toni donated to this parish. The exhibition, promoted by the Rector of Santa Cruz parish, Josep Jaume, and a team comprising Miquel Deyà from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), Jaume Ferrando (APB) and representatives of the RLNE delegation in the Balearic Islands, is due to open on 17 September in the museum of the parish. The temporary donation of the stone bust from the APB and the fact that it is to be placed in the main entrance of Santa Cruz parish honours this institution's wish to join in with the tributes being paid to this distinguished figure from the Balearic Islands, with the aim of spreading the word regarding the exhibition being held in his memory as far as possible.

The exhibition "An eye in the sky" arrives in Ibiza

The exhibition "An eye in the sky" arrives in Ibiza


This new travelling exhibition will open its doors today, Friday 4 August, as scheduled. This is the first time in Ibiza that visitors can see the 16 panels, displaying photographs and detailed explanatory texts, that comprise the exhibition. The exhibition, which started on 29 May at the Port of Palma and which has since visited the ports of Alcudia and Mahon with great success, can now be found at the Port of Ibiza, where it will remain until 29 August. The exhibition is located at Club Náutico de Ibiza and is open from 9 am to 9 pm. The exhibition is a visual testimony that demonstrates the strategic importance of the Balearic ports of general interest during World War II, as observed in detail by the intelligence services of both sides of the conflict. The exhibition that the APB offers its visitors has been made possible thanks to a study undertaken by the Geography Department of the University of the Balearic Islands, which compiled photographic material taken between 1941 and 1945 by the British and the North American air force. The arrival of the exhibition was largely timed to coincide with the Festes de la Terra, Ibiza's annual festival, to provide another attraction for the great influx of visitors that will no doubt be welcomed at the Port of Ibiza over the course of the popular celebration. The exhibition will end its journey at the Port of la Savina, where it will be located at the Harbour Station from 4 to 30 September.