Paving works notice at Camí de s’Escollera (Palma port).

Paving works notice at Camí de s’Escollera (Palma port).


Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) notifies vehicles’ restrictions on movement at Camí de s’Escollera (Palma Port) due to paving works from 8 am next Wednesday, January 13th until January 15th at 15 pm. During this period of time, access to parking located at Camí de s’Escollera will be closed. As soon as the forecasted works finish, access for vehicles will be provided. Paving works will be done at the parking area and also at the contiguous side street, from STP boatyard and until PINMAR shop

APB and Consell de Formentera will agree an improvement plan for la Savina

APB and Consell de Formentera will agree an improvement plan for la Savina


Balearic Islands’ Port Authority and Consell de Formentera will agree an improvement plan for la Savina Port. Joan Gual de Torrella, APB president has announced it after Consejo de Navegación y Puerto of la Savina port meeting, a consultative body where all port agents are and let APB to know first-hand needs and concerns. Jaume Ferrer, president of Consell de Formentera, also joined the meeting. This improvement plan will be conducted by APB with the consensus of involved institutions and could be finished between 2016 and 2017. “We’re posing an improvement for la Savina, together with Consell de Formentera –said Gual– and we are also willing to have an aesthetic harmony. to have a place to have a gentle walk”. La Savina Summer traffic is one of the elements bustling the most to port agents due to Ibiza connection, because there is a very limited space. Million and a half is the figure of passengers connecting both islands. “Traffic has increased and infrastructures’ needs are different”, has explained APB president, who also said next January 2016 will introduce APB proposals in Formentera, to solve it and to adapt maritime traffic to port space. On the other hand, Joan Gual de Torrella has explained that coffee-bar tendering at la Savina maritime station will be awarded next end-January or February and there are some bids. He has also announced that la Savina parking will be ready next June 2016 as per concessionaire’s compromise.

Es Martell building will be integrated into Port of Ibiza public square

Es Martell building will be integrated into Port of Ibiza public square


Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) and Vila town hall have agreed the refurbishment of Ibiza Port pier thus integrating it into a public square. Mr. Joan Gual de Torrella, president of APB and Mr. Rafael Ruiz, Vila Mayor, have launched the project to the municipality Board of Spokespersons’ with the intention to start integration works as soon as they get consistory’s general agreement. Es Martell refurbishment has been designed by Ibizan architects Calvo y Quesada. As per the architectural project, building will be totally integrated into the square. It is four metres high and a stair with a harrow shape for pedestrians to reach la Marina neighbourhood and Dalt Vila is contained. “It’s like a square at two heights”, Gual said. Vila’s consistory has taken on a commitment to avoid intending it for commercial use. “This build is a square and we gain a new space for the city”, said Ruiz, who has thanked work ambience and the spirit of constructive dialogue of APB President, Mr. Joan Gual de Torrella. “It is not a risk we would like to afford, and the old build could remain in bad conditions”, has add Ruiz. “We think there’s not a major opposition on the part of traders and neighbours and this place could be great for the town hall to enliven port area”. To carry out Es Martell refurbishment, the building of the old maritime station –not currently in use- will be demolished. It will be the start of a second phase of the coastline refurbishment, thus integrating both port and the city

Mr. Antoni Cirerol, former Secretary of the Board of Directors of Palma de Mallorca’s port, has passed away

Mr. Antoni Cirerol, former Secretary of the Board of Directors of Palma de Mallorca’s port, has passed away


Last December 11th, Mr. Antoni Cirerol, first President of Balearic Islands’ Parliament, passed away aged 89. Mr. Cirerol also had an outstanding relation with Puertos de Baleares, because he was Secretary of the Board of Director of Junta del Puerto de Palma, before the constitution of the current Port Authorities. in fact, he was national public servant of special unit of Secretaries of port authority. APB President, Mr. Joan Gual de Torrella, offered his condolences also on behalf of Port Authority workers to his relatives and friends.

Balearic Islands’ ports will receive €1,6 million from inter-port Compensation Fund

Balearic Islands’ ports will receive €1,6 million from inter-port Compensation Fund


Balearic Islands’ ports will receive almost EUR 1,6 million from inter-port compensation fund (FCI from its Spanish initials) next 2016, from a total of €37,8 million 28 different Port Authorities will share. Committee for Distribución del Fondo de Compensación Interportuario has informed after the unanimous agreement reached in Madrid yesterday. APB provides EUR 748.000 to Compensation Fund currently and received EUR 1.549.000 thus producing a net profit of €801.000 for Balearic Islands. One of the variants that has been taken into account for allocations’ distribution is insularity, that’s why APB if one of the greatest beneficiaries, together with Canary Islands’ Port Authority, also compensated as per being the outermost autonomous community. Concepts like maintenance of the identified aids to navigation, actions with respect to security, planning, coordination, Port traffic control, periodic and extraordinary repairs, unforeseen circumstances, non-commercial invests and recovery plans are proposals kept in mind. Compensation Fund is seen as an instrument to reorganise existing resources of the State port system, the purpose of which is to achieve system’s self-financing and also to potentiate a loyal competence between Spanish ports. Its application has allowed port enclosures such as Ceuta and Melilla, Balearic and Canary Islands, or those which have to face periodic or extraordinary repairs, can keen their activity and infrastructures.

Prize-winners of 6th APB painting and photography contest

Prize-winners of 6th APB painting and photography contest


Winners and honorific mentions of 6th Painting and Photography of Palma, Alcudia, Mahón, Ibiza and La Savina ports and lighthouses’ contest, organised by APB and Fine Arts Circle of Palma, have been chosen. Over a hundred works have been submitted, divided in three categories: watercolour, other painting techniques and photography. 70 works have been chosen to be exhibited from December 4th to January 8th at Centre d’Història I Cultura Militar, Sant Miquel street (Palma). This exhibition will perambulate the other Islands. Winners of this 6th APB contest have been: Watercolour: FISRT PRIZE: “Varats al far de la Riba” Anieszka Midera. EUR 2.500. SECOND PRIZE: “Far des Moscarter-Ibiza” Josep Plaja López. EUR 1.250. THIRD PRIZE: “Desembarcament a La Savina” Xavier G. Puiggrós. EUR 625 Honorific mention: “El Clipper stad Amsterdam en el Port d’Eivissa”. José Francisco Rams Lluch. Other painting techniques: FIRST PRIZE: “Far de la Creu Sóller” Josep Plaja López. EUR 2.500 SECOND PRIZE: “Reflexes daurats al Portitxol” Josep Suari Casabella. EUR 1.250 THIRD PRIZE: “Grilletes barco de salvamento marítimo” Agnies Midera. EUR 625 Honorific mention: “Faro de Penjats-Ibiza” Miguel Ángel Guerreiro Photography: FISRT PRIZE: “Turris Faraone” Miguel Morey Colomina. EUR 1.000 SECOND PRIZE: “Sa farola a les vuit” Lucas Toledo. EUR 500 THIRD PRIZE: “Luces que orientan” Miguel Ángel López Vico. EUR 375 Honorific Mention: “Resplandor en la tempestad” Xavier Durán I Herrera. APB sponsors this contest dedicated to Balearic Islands’ lighthouses and general interest ports of Palma, Alcudia, Mahón, Ibiza and la Savina for the sixth consecutive year to contribute to a better knowledge trough plastic arts.

Agreement for the future port of Ibiza

Agreement for the future port of Ibiza


APB and Eivissa Town Hall agreed the design of the future port of Ibiza after working together to achieve it. APB president, Mr. Joan Gual de Torrella, and Mr. Rafael Ruíz, Major of Vila, has submitted and agreement which includes the needs of the city, making them compatible with port uses. Planned investment reaches EUR 140.000.000 which EUR 83’6 million have been already invested. Port will be integrated with the city with this refurbishment. In a first phase, city busy areas such as la Marina promenade has been humanized, just regulating spaces, vehicle transit and executing new water and electricity supply. Second phase is for Es Martell area refurbishment, where both institutions have agreed building a large public square with a building for port services related to mooring concessions. Building will also be a venue with views of the sea and Dalt Vila, together with a place for cultural and playful activities. Works have been awarded and expected to be finished before next touristic season begins. Other important agreements of this global accordance, as announced by APB president have been: . Proceedings to disaffect land occupied by bar terraces and port space to be managed by Ibiza Town Hall. . Tender documents for the construction of a parking (partially outdoors) in Avinguda Santa Eulària, with a capacity up to 500 vehicles. . Consensual project for a passenger terminal with Formentera . Once transferred, a marina with social moorings will be created. . Architectural elements of Passeig de la Marina will be repaired and vegetation will be increased at free spaces.

The importance of the proper treatment of wastes into the sea

The importance of the proper treatment of wastes into the sea


An objective of APB regarding environmental protection is reducing wastes into the sea produced by vessels. Marine contamination caused by human use of the sea causes marine ecosystem alterations, thus returning to us in the shape of food contamination, coastal and marine alteration…etc. 11,3 million litres of oil residues were collected from vessels, 752.000 sewage litres and forty-thousand garbage cubic meters in 2014 as per the Sustainability report. APB dispose of a “Waste reception and handling plan coming from vessels from Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza and la Savina ports”, available to all users. The role of the Hazardous Waste Manager at Palma and Alcúdia ports was deployed last 2014. Besides that, Port Police have, among other functions, the environmental monitoring. Companies with ISO 14.001 already set up benefit from a bonus. Typical rubbish generated in ports is: 1.- Bilge water, sludge, used oil… 2.- Sewerage: from bathrooms, kitchens and washing machines 3.- Rubbish: food scraps, domestic leftovers, operational scrap, plastics, ashes, used kitchen oil, animal carcasses. 4.- Substances which seriously pollute atmosphere, such as wastes from cleaning tailpipes Fishing, recreational and sport boats also have a collection of waste points generated by them: •Oily wastes, 400 and 100 litres tanks in every port. •For waste water, Naviera Balear takes care of it on its facilities located at Palma’s Port (12 metres-long ships and beyond need to contact them –at least- with a minimum of 24 hours). •Solid residues, collected by municipal waste collection •Hazardous waste, at maintenance and repair installations. Customer service SAC Ports de Balears 971228487/ Twitter @PortsdeBalears

APB and Maó city council commit to improve port and city centre connection

APB and Maó city council commit to improve port and city centre connection


APB and Maó city council commit to accelerate the commissioning of procedures to improve port and city centre connection. Most conspicuously could be a lift installation to connect Costa de ses Voltes and Mirador de sa Plaça, but also Parc Rochina cliff consolidation and spatial planning of the closed area. APB president, Joan Gual de Torrella, met mayoress Conxa Juanola and Vicenç Tur, economical promotion deputy mayor. The objective of these two institutions is moving towards port and city integration thus solving mobility problems. APB will tender the works once municipal technicians define the project. Bidding is planned for next 2016 first quarter.

APB invites social, political and economic groups to acquaint the port

APB invites social, political and economic groups to acquaint the port


“Acquaint the port” is the name of an APB initiative for social, political and economic groups with the aim of raising awareness of general interest ports belonging to APB, its functioning and importance for Balearic Islands. Next Friday November 27th, members of the parliamentary group MÉS per Mallorca will be given a tour, visiting the port of Palma and beginning on board. Ports de Balears members and APB president –Mr. Joan Gual de Torrella– will also join the group. Other parliamentary groups have also been invited to know the port. For the time being, PSIB-PSOE, Pi and Podemos have confirmed a future visit, together with other entities such as Family Business Association and Círculo Mallorquín. Other entities like Cercle d’Economia de Mallorca did they visit last week. The initiative “Acquaint the port” begins now in Palma de Mallorca’s port, where the majority of port activity is located, but also intends to export the idea to the rest of general interest ports of the Balearic Islands. APB mission is, strictly, to facilitate port spaces to perform vital services to satisfy the needs of the population and social, economic and touristic activities of Balearic Islands. Balearic Islands’ ports want to be a reference of quality in port operations’ integration and provision of services for companies and persons.

The APB presents two new port surveillance craft

The APB presents two new port surveillance craft


Today, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) presented two new port surveillance craft which will be brought into service at the ports of Ibiza and Palma. This aims to complement the service already provided by the port police on land. The surveillance function of these craft aims to ensure compliance with port regulations, through the control and inspection of infrastructure and activities authorised at public ports, as well as to provide support for other APB departments. At an event held this morning at Marina Ibiza, the APB Chairman, Joan Gual de Torrella, presented these two new craft to the media. The new boat in service at the Port of Ibiza has been named Far de Tagomago, whilst the craft in use at the Port of Palma is has been named Far de Portopí. These two outboards were bought by the APB from the Ibiza firm, Motonáutica Ibiza, for around €100,000. The craft have two side entrances to the wheelhouse which makes it easier for the crew to access all areas of the boat, as well as for mooring and manoeuvring. The deck of the craft has a walkaround design so crew members can move around the entire boat from outside the wheelhouse.

APB incorporates new telematics procedures

APB incorporates new telematics procedures


Carrying out online formalities with Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) gradually become easier. APB has just incorporated three new telematics procedures at the website, with the same legal safeguards and guarantees submitting in-person at registration office offers. Incorporated procedures are: “generic instance”, “temporary occupation authorization request” and “commercial service provision request”. User authentication is a must through cl@ve, a system that allows using with APB same access credentials Spanish Tax Office (PIN24H) is using or at Social Security office (Clave Permanente) and also allows authentication with digital certificate. System allows filling the forms and attaching documentation, together with signing electronically the application and the submitted documentation. Once finished, a proof of the application is obtained. User can also retrieve information submitted and in the making through “Personal Zone” link. About processes Any natural or legal person shall be entitled to APB through “Generic Instance” process, about the aspect that person is willing to speak out and when no specific processes approved exist. Through “temporary occupation authorization request”, any natural or legal person will be able to ask for port occupation with personal property or detachable facilities or without them, for a period not to exceed three years, provided that these activities have to be compatible with port uses and maritime signalling. Finally, by means of “commercial service provision request” form, it is possible to obtain an authorization to provide commercial services for one year automatically renewable. Activity must be allowed in the Public Port Domain. All the formalities allow the end user to attach documents and a proof is given by the system, together with a Register number