The railway tunnel of Palma’s Port turns 85

The railway tunnel of Palma’s Port turns 85


The 5th of February 1931 the railway tunnel which connected Palma’s Port with the city was inaugurated. The Association Amics del Ferrocarril of the Balearic Islands has commemorated this anniversary of events with an exhibition of unpublished images of this railway line which became operational in 1877. The line to Palma’s Port was really important and it went through today’s Avenidas, Rambla and Born. However, its itinerary over the surface led to many problems, so it was moved underground and the tunnel in today’s Parc de la Mar was opened. Until 1881 the train carriages were drawn by mules. That year the first train engine arrived, although animal traction was not completely abandoned and it continued to be used in the city. Finally, in 1928, the works of the port’s tunnel started, and the tunnel was inaugurated the 9th of February 1931. It started in Palma’s train station and it arrived at Portella and Ses Voltes, in Parc de la Mar. The material from this excavation allowed for the construction of Parc de la Mar’s esplanade, where the station of classification of goods was built. The new track measured 2.046 metres in length, of which 1.252 were underground. Besides, in the port station there were 900 metres of secondary tracks and the dock tracks over Moll de la Riba. A total of 3.7 km of tracks. In the last operational years of the line, which ceased to operate in 1965, the main product leaving the dock was coal from Lloseta, which was shipped to Alicante.

The APB will move away the fences of the Santa Eulalia Avenue at Ibiza’s Port

The APB will move away the fences of the Santa Eulalia Avenue at Ibiza’s Port


Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) will move away the fences dividing the service area of Ibiza’s Port and Santa Eulalia Avenue, as it agreed to do with Ibiza’s council during the global agreement of measures to be undertaken during this term. 365 metres of galvanised steel fences will be moved away, which will reduce the visual impact of this area of the port. This action is prior to the remodelling of the area where an underground parking is planned to be built. The APB has already started the viability study of the project, which is expected to be tendered this year.

The APB reduces taxes on liquid fuel traffic arriving at the Balearic Islands

The APB reduces taxes on liquid fuel traffic arriving at the Balearic Islands


Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) will increase the bonus on bulk liquid fuel traffic in 2016 in order to reduce costs of fuel transport. A 23% discount will be applied to both the ship and goods taxes and it is estimated that this should lead to a saving of 200.000 euros for the shipping companies. On the other hand, the APB will apply the maximum bonus allowed by law to tourist cruise ships which call at Mahon, Alcúdia and La Savina’s ports, with the aim of stimulating these traffics and contributing to the economic and social development of their surroundings. In particular, cruise ships that call at these ports will enjoy a 40% bonus on both the ship and the passenger taxes. With this aim in mind, the APB keeps applying a bonus at Mahon’s Port to the regular transport of goods and passengers, with a reduction of the 20% of the ship, passenger and goods taxes. Palma and Ibiza’s ports will also apply in 2016 bonuses between the 10% and 40% to cruise ships, depending on the number of calls, the size of the ship and other specific conditions of application, such as the incentives for sighting land at different ports of the APB and the application of the maximum bonus value during low season. General interest The APB estimates a reduction of its income of approximately 16 million euros in 2016 due to the application of these discounts and to the reduction of taxes on inter-island maritime services. According to the president of the ports of general interest of the islands, Joan Gual Torrella, these measures contribute to the reduction of the costs of insularity. “These reductions and discounts of the port taxes allow us to provide greater liquidity to the firms and to the entire population”. These grants for 2016 add up to the reduction (downward adjustment) of the 30% that the APB has been applying for several tax years on the passage tax and of the 10% on the goods tax at the five ports of general interest managed by the APB, in order to contribute to the stimulation of the economic activity of the Islands. Besides, it is also worth recalling that the APB applies at its ports the maximum bonus allowed by law for insularity on the taxes of maritime services with other ports outside the archipelago. In particular, the 40% on ship and goods taxes, the 45% on passenger taxes and the 60% on goods vehicles.

Demolition works of different buildings acqui-red by the APB have begun in Maó’s port

Demolition works of different buildings acqui-red by the APB have begun in Maó’s port


Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) has begun the demolition works of different buildings in the Cós Nou, of Maó’s Port, with the aim of preparing this area for the future extension and improvement of the operational capacity at the freight and passengers terminal. Specifically, the buildings include a bar and a warehouse –acquired by the APB from its previous ow-ners- and a deck in the Naval Station’s dock, hence heavy machinery is being used. Prior to the demolition works, the buildings have been dismantled by disassembling doors, carpentry works, furniture and electrical appliances, among other equipment. Likewise, authorization from the Ministry of Labour of the Government of the Balearic Islands has been requested to decontaminate the buildings with asbestos roofs. Works in the area of Cala Figuera are expected to start next week, where six dwellings and five wa-rehouses acquired by the APB will be demolished. A future nautical facility is projected in this area in order to reactivate the sector in Maó’s port. For the time being, the area will be covered with gravel until the land is redistributed. The contract was tendered up to 725.000€ and it has been finally awarded at an amount of 424.534€ to the firm M. Polo SL. The duration of the works will be 10 months.

VI Painting and Photography contest has been suspended in both Maó and Ibiza

VI Painting and Photography contest has been suspended in both Maó and Ibiza


For non envisaged operational reasons, Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) has had to suspend the scheduled exhibitions of selected works in both Maó and Ibiza in the VI Painting and Photography contest of Balearic Islands’ ports and lighthouses. APB would like to thank the involvement of all participants. Some of the works can be seen at Facebook page of Ports de Balears. Non-awarded art works delivered in Maó can be collected from 9 to 14 h from January 27th on APB Registry (Moll de Llevant 1. Maó). Those interested may pick up their art works until February 19th. Non collected works will be considered abandoned after reaching the deadline. Withdraw of non-awarded works in Palma and la Savina will be informed soon. ID or passport must be submitted together with the art work receipt. Written authorisation is mandatory when the person withdrawing the art work is different from the original depository.

Demolition works at es Martell building (Ibiza) have began

Demolition works at es Martell building (Ibiza) have began


Demolition works of the old maritime station of Ibiza’s Port began last January 25th (Monday) as planned. Second phase of la Marina promenade’s remodelling begins with this works. Islux Corsán –company that have been awarded the works- operators have fenced the enclosure in order to guarantee demolition works safely. Works start disassembling all elements suitable to be recycled, from cables to glasses or indoor furniture. Next step is the creation of a very big public square at el Martillo area, where a port building that will work as a view point over the sea and Dalt Vila, will be integrated. It will allow cul-tural and recreational activities for all residents and tourists use and enjoyment. The aim is to finish all construction works before Summer season.

APB and Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca will collaborate to train nautical sector

APB and Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca will collaborate to train nautical sector


Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) and Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca, will work together for the nautical sector to acquire professional background with some actions included in the Convention signed by presidents of both institutions, Mr. Joan Gual de Torrella and Mr. José Luis Roses. It has to be emphasized that young people nautical professional training’s promotion, internationalization of nautical companies and preparation of future studies to deepen Mallorca’s economical structure and general interest ports’ relevancy, will be included in the Convention, among many others. Collaboration between APB and Chamber of Commerce seeks to encourage Balearic Islands’ nautical development, from both economic and professional point of view, and also seeks to promote Balearic Islands’ as a maritime benchmark on the Mediterranean.

A new fire truck for Maó Port provided by APB to Menorca Island Council

A new fire truck for Maó Port provided by APB to Menorca Island Council


As from today, Maó’s Port has another fire truck APB president, Mr. Joan Gual de Torrella, granted Mrs. Maite Salord, president of Menorca Insland Council. With this vehicle, APB reinforces Menorca Island Council fire-fighting facilities since both institutions collaborate in terms of fire protection and firefighting services, rescue and civil protection, with the aim to optimize resources within the means available to raise safety standards. It has to be taken into account that landside’s port service area is located in Maó and es Castell municipalities. Maó Port has an Internal Emergency Plan developed by APB where Menorca Island Council Fire Prevention and Extinction Service is considered as intervention group whose main functions are on-shore and vessels’ fire extinguishing, civil protection operations’ intervention, evacuation tasks, rescue operations and taking part in emergency drills, among many others. Current collaboration agreement between APB and Consell de Menorca was signed last 2012 and will run for 15 years.

Works of Es Martell building (Ibiza Port) will start next Monday

Works of Es Martell building (Ibiza Port) will start next Monday


Works of Es Martell building (Ibiza Port) will begin next Monday, January 25th. This has been confirmed by Mr. Joan Gual de Torrella, President of Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) after a meeting in Palma with Mr. Francisco Casilla, General Manager of Isolux Corsán, the awarded construction company. “It is a large and powerful company despite of cash shortages, small “treasure tensions” this big companies always sort out”, assured Gual. “General Manager of Isolux Corsán has met with us and reassured us regarding the economical situation they are facing. Works will begin next Monday”. Works of this very new building will be done simultaneously with the demolition of the disused and old maritime station, with a volume and design incompatible with the new seafront, willing to integrate both port and the city for the enjoyment of all residents and tourists, being compatible with port uses. This works are added to other works APB is performing by agreement with Vila council, such as a terminal to substitute the current Botafoc canopy, a comfortable terminal for goods and passengers’ traffic to Formentera and the union of different port areas with a promenade. “The aim is to have an image of the whole port in four or five years. it will be really important for Ibiza”, underlined Gual.

Increase of cruise ships’ arrival to Ibiza, Maó and Alcudia ports for this 2016

Increase of cruise ships’ arrival to Ibiza, Maó and Alcudia ports for this 2016


Ibiza, Maó and Alcudia ports will significantly increase the number of cruise ships’ calls arriving to these destinations as per Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) forecasts. Ibiza is the second largest port of Balearic Islands and the one increasing the number of stopovers in 2016, 28,3% up on the previous year, reaching 154 calls, compared to the 120 reached last year. Passengers also increase 27,7%, expecting the arrival of 252.636 compared to 197.877 passengers last 2015. Maó will also increase the number of calls this year. As per the forecast, will reach 93 calls this 2016 (85 last year), a 9,4% increase. These eight cruises will represent an almost 34,5% increase in the number of passengers. In detail, 79.783 passengers will offload in Menorca (59.332 last 2015). In Mallorca lauds the Alcudia case where a total amount of ten cruise ships will arrive (5 last year). This 100% increase involves up to 415% passengers’ increase reaching 7.032 passengers (1.365 last 2015). A small step backwards Palma port suffers a samll step backwards after its finest season ever (partly as a result of Tunisia cruises’ deviation). Last year, 569 cruises arrived to Palma. Forecast for 2016 is 524 cruises, this is to say, 6,5% less. Number of passengers also decrease 12% (from 1.736.294 to 1.525.000 passengers). With this small step backwards, Palma still surpasses the standard figures of 475 port calls last 2014 and 1.336.000 passengers. The city is consolidated as base port with 166 initial and final port calls forecasted 2016. La Savina port scales decrease (from 10 to 3) although it is remarkable that number of tourists at Formentera port will increase 5,3% (from 1.665 yo 1.754). Balearic Islands will still be one of the main cruise ships’ destinations this 2016, 784 port calls transporting 1.867.000 passengers to the Islands. Theses figures mean an increase of 0.4 % in number of port calls, together with a small step backwards up to 6,5% in number of passengers (789 and 1.996.533 respectively).

Withdraw of non-awarded art works of APB’s competition in Palma and Alcudia has began

Withdraw of non-awarded art works of APB’s competition in Palma and Alcudia has began


Collect of on-awarded works of APB “6th photographic and painting ports and lighthouses’ competition” in both Palma and Alcudia has began. They must be collected in the same place where they were delivered from 9 to 14 h: Carrer Moll Vell, 5 (Palma) Moll de Pescadors s/n (Port d’Alcudia) Those interested have just time left until February 19th, 2016. Non collected art works will be considered abandoned after reaching the deadline. ID or passport must be submitted together with the art work receipt. Written authorisation is mandatory when the person withdrawing the art work is different from the original depository. More than hundred works took part in this competition divided in three categories: watercolour, other painting techniques and photography.

The original polygonal dome of Punta de l’Avançada de Pollença lighthouse is on exhibition at PortopíPalma,

The original polygonal dome of Punta de l’Avançada de Pollença lighthouse is on exhibition at PortopíPalma,


Balearic Island’s Port Authority (APB) has refurbished the original polygonal dome of Punta de l’Avançada de Pollença lighthouse (Mallorca) which dates back to 1905 and can be visited from now on maritime signals exhibition, located at Portopi lighthouse (Palma). The Polygonal dome was done by Barbier Benard &amp Turenne (BBT) with 1,80 metres diameter, curved glasses and vertical upstands. It was the first one in Balearic Islands. The polygonal dome was mounted on an eight rolled iron metal plates’ donjon, fully lined inside with mahogany wood. In 1973 and due to the six metres lighthouse’s tower regrowth the polygonal dome was substituted by a 1,75 metres diameter dome done by Racional SA –a Spanish company-, curved glasses and inclined posts, still installed. Punta de l’Avançada lighthouse is located on Pollença bay (Formentor peninsula), a wonderful setting currently integrated in a military area. Projected by Eusebio Estada, was inaugurated on December 15th 1905 Portopí exhibition is opened Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 to 13:30 h. Visits can be arranged thr,