Work on the Cós Nou road at the Port of Maó starts today
Today, work starts on building the new access road to the Cós Nou Quay from the La Mola road at the Port of Maó. This road will provide access to the naval base and the future passenger and general cargo terminal.
The new access will be made up of a stretch of road around 300 metres long running from north to south. At the north end, a roundabout will be built to extend the existing road, which links the town of Maó to La Mola, whilst at the south end a second roundabout will be built to connect the naval base and the Cós Nou Quay to the planned road.
The new road will have two lanes in both directions, pavements, a bike lane, and street lighting. The construction of this new road will improve road access to the Port of Maó and the naval base, as well as adapting the port facility area that is open to traffic to basic security requirements and current port legislation.
The tender for the work has been awarded to the company Antonio Gomila, S.A. The project has a budget of €3.2 million and a maximum execution period of five months.