The Port of Palma launches new electric car hire service for cruise passengers
Palma de Mallorca
This season, the Port of Palma has launched a new electric car hire service for cruise passengers visiting the city of Palma and the surrounding areas.
The Port Authority Chairman, José Mª Urrutia, presented this new service to the media today, which is offered by Hertz in the Pelaires gardens, located opposite the Passenger Terminal No. 2 at the Port of Palma. Urrutia explained that this initiative comes under the APB’s objective to promote public and private partnerships, and falls in line with its Green Port environmental policy, thus “contributing to sustainability and improving the environment in ports”.
In turn, José María Pastor, the Hertz representative on the Balearic Islands, highlighted the popularity of this type of vehicles among cruise passengers who “at the end of the day’s hire ask whether they will find the same [electric car hire] service at their next port of call”.
The Deputy Mayor of the Palma de Majorca Tourism Department, Álvaro Gijón, also pointed out the incentives and facilities offered by the City Council as part of its commitment to sustainable mobility, such as the parking fee exemption for electric vehicles in Palma’s controlled parking zones, and the battery charging stations that are being fitted throughout the city.
Finally, the Regional Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, Joaquín García, pointed to the service as “another step forward” in the “clear and wholehearted” commitment to working hand-in-hand with the different authorities on the sustainable mobility policies that are being implemented in the Balearic Islands.